Case Reports
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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Isolated angiitis of the CNS in children.

Neurology 2001 April 10
OBJECTIVE: To clarify the clinical features and pathologic manifestations of isolated angiitis of the CNS (IACNS) in children.

METHODS: The authors report two new cases and summarize the literature of childhood IACNS confirmed by pathology.

RESULTS: IACNS affecting small vessels (n = 5). Neurologic manifestations included headaches, focal seizures, and progressive, behavioral, or multifocal neurologic impairment. MRI showed multifocal, T2-hyperintense, cerebral lesions without mass effect or tumor-like lesions. CSF, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and cerebral angiograms were often normal.CNS biopsy disclosed a nongranulomatous vasculitis. Children were treated with prednisone alone or combined with cyclophosphamide. One child died. Four children had a favorable outcome. IACNS affecting large and medium arteries (n =5). Three children presented with acute ischemic stroke or TIA. Brain CT showed ischemic infarcts. Two children presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage. In this group, CSF, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and angiograms were often abnormal. No patient received immunosuppressive therapy. Five children died. Autopsy showed granulomatous IACNS (n =5).

CONCLUSIONS: Clinical and radiologic features correlate with the size of affected vessels. Prognosis differs between groups. Potential markers of poor outcome are acute stroke presentation secondary to large and medium-sized artery involvement, granulomatous angiitis, and delayed institution of immunosuppressive therapy.

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