Clinical Trial
Journal Article
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Continuous antegrade infusion of adriamycin as adjuvant therapy for upper tract urothelial malignancies.

Urology 2000 August 1
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the feasibility, efficacy, and toxicity of antegrade chemotherapy delivered continuously as adjuvant treatment for patients with upper tract transitional cell carcinoma.

METHODS: During a 6-year interval, 12 patients with upper tract transitional cell malignancies underwent continuous antegrade intraluminal infusion chemotherapy (CAIIC) with adriamycin. After placement of percutaneous access and surgical treatment of the primary lesion, patients received 5-day cycles of CAIIC. Patients received between two and four treatment cycles at 2-week intervals. After therapy, patients with no evidence of residual disease were then monitored long-term with retrograde pyelography and upper tract cytology.

RESULTS: Twelve patients underwent a total of 35 5-day cycles of CAIIC. No patient experienced hematologic and/or local/regional toxicity during or after drug infusion. Three patients were treated for upper tract carcinoma in situ, and 9 patients had discrete exophytic tumors. Two patients died (treatment unrelated) before a final assessment of therapeutic outcome, leaving 10 patients available for evaluation of the therapeutic response. One patient with carcinoma in situ and 5 of 7 patients with discrete upper tract tumors remained disease free after surgery and adjuvant therapy. Both patients with discrete tumors in whom therapy failed had residual gross disease after primary surgical treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: CAIIC using adriamycin was well tolerated for periods of up to 5 days over multiple cycles. Early data suggest a limited efficacy in treating patients with gross residual disease. The efficacy of this approach in preventing the recurrence of upper tract disease after surgical ablation awaits further assessment.

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