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Dynamics of nasopharyngitis in children.
PURPOSE: Our goal was to characterize the dynamics and bacterial interaction of the aerobic and anaerobic flora of nasal discharge of children at different stages of uncomplicated nasopharyngitis.
METHODS AND PATIENTS: Serial semiquantitative nasopharyngeal (NP) and quantitative nasal discharge (ND) cultures were taken every 3 to 5 days from 20 children in whom purulent discharge eventually developed (group 1), and a single culture was obtained from a group of 20 who had only clear discharge (group 2).
RESULTS: Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were isolated from all NP cultures. Bacterial growth was present in 8 (40%) NDs of group 2. Only 7 (35%) of the clear NDs of group 1 showed bacterial growth; the number increased to 14 (70%) at the mucoid stage and 20 (100%) at the purulent stage. It declined to 6 (30%) at the final clear stage. The number of species and total number of organisms increased in the NDs of group 1. Group 1 patients had higher recovery rates of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae in their NP cultures than group 2 patients (P < 0.05). During the purulent stage, Peptostreptococcus species were isolated in 15 (75%), Fusobacterium species in 10 (50%), Prevotella species in 9 (45%), H influenzae in 8 (40%), S pneumoniae in 6 (30%), and beta-hemolytic streptococci in 5 (25%) of group 1 NDs. This was higher than their recovery in the clear stages of both groups and the mucoid stage of group 1. A total of 8 organisms capable of interfering with the growth of potential pathogens were isolated from the NPs of group 1, as compared with 35 from group 2 (P < 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: The development of purulent nasopharyngitis is associated with the pre-existing presence of potential pathogens and the absence of interfering organisms.
METHODS AND PATIENTS: Serial semiquantitative nasopharyngeal (NP) and quantitative nasal discharge (ND) cultures were taken every 3 to 5 days from 20 children in whom purulent discharge eventually developed (group 1), and a single culture was obtained from a group of 20 who had only clear discharge (group 2).
RESULTS: Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were isolated from all NP cultures. Bacterial growth was present in 8 (40%) NDs of group 2. Only 7 (35%) of the clear NDs of group 1 showed bacterial growth; the number increased to 14 (70%) at the mucoid stage and 20 (100%) at the purulent stage. It declined to 6 (30%) at the final clear stage. The number of species and total number of organisms increased in the NDs of group 1. Group 1 patients had higher recovery rates of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae in their NP cultures than group 2 patients (P < 0.05). During the purulent stage, Peptostreptococcus species were isolated in 15 (75%), Fusobacterium species in 10 (50%), Prevotella species in 9 (45%), H influenzae in 8 (40%), S pneumoniae in 6 (30%), and beta-hemolytic streptococci in 5 (25%) of group 1 NDs. This was higher than their recovery in the clear stages of both groups and the mucoid stage of group 1. A total of 8 organisms capable of interfering with the growth of potential pathogens were isolated from the NPs of group 1, as compared with 35 from group 2 (P < 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: The development of purulent nasopharyngitis is associated with the pre-existing presence of potential pathogens and the absence of interfering organisms.
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