Case Reports
Journal Article
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A case of localized follicular hamartoma: an ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study.

We report the case of a 22-year-old woman with a nevoid plaque that we termed localized follicular hamartoma. The plaque was noticed at puberty on a unilateral site of the face and scalp. Clinically, it revealed numerous, skin-colored to light brown papules alone and in groups, occasionally bearing a single hair. Histologically, branched epithelial nests of squamoid and/or basaloid cells were revealed in connection with the interfollicular epidermis and the upper portions of hair follicles, of which the lower portions showed normal structures. Immunohistochemically, the epithelial nests showed the keratin expression consisted with that of the infundibular epithelium. S-100-positive cells were found in the epithelial nests and the stroma. Factor XIIIa-positive dendritic cells were numerous in adjacent to the epithelial nests. Ultrastructurally, immature melanocytes with a small number of premelanosomes and Merkel cells were found in the nests. Stromal dendritic cells showed the adherent features of the cytoplasmic processes to anchoring fibrils or basal lamina of the epithelial nests. From these findings, our case is a hamartoma, which seems to be an abortive growth of secondary hair germs with a limited differentiation to the upper follicular portion.

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