Comparative Study
Journal Article
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Anserine bursitis in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.

BACKGROUND: We sought to determine the frequency of anserine bursitis (AB) in Koreans with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee and its relationship to age, sex, and radiographic severity of OA, and to evaluate its response to various forms of therapy.

METHODS: In a retrospective study, we reviewed the charts of patients with OA of the knee and graded the radiographic severity by the Kellgren-Lawrence grading scheme.

RESULTS: Of 62 patients, 29 had AB. No difference in age, sex, and radiographic severity was noticed between patients with AB and those without AB. Eleven of 12 patients who received a local injection of methylprednisolone plus lidocaine at the anserine bursa had relief, whereas 7 of 17 patients who received noninjection therapy for AB showed improvement.

CONCLUSIONS: Anserine bursitis is commonly found in Koreans with OA of the knee, and its presence is unrelated to age, sex, and radiographic severity. Local injection at the anserine bursa is more effective than noninjection therapy.

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