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Elbow injuries in the throwing athlete. Difficult diagnoses and surgical complications.

Elbow injuries in throwing athletes can be challenging from the diagnostic and management perspectives. The stress of repetitive throwing does predispose athletes to certain conditions with which treating clinicians need to be familiar. An understanding of the anatomy of the elbow and the biomechanics of throwing is essential to making the correct diagnosis and instituting proper care. Failure of nonoperative measures often requires surgical intervention. A thorough understanding of the anatomy and the spectrum of conditions that can occur is needed before decisions regarding surgical management can be made. The operative approach to elbow pathology, whether performed open or arthroscopically, should be completed by orthopedists who have experience with the clinical conditions and the appropriate technical facility to provide comprehensive care. This article has reviewed the anatomy, biomechanics, and spectrum of conditions that affect throwing athletes' elbows as well as the potential complications that can be associated with surgical management.

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