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ARMD--pilot (case series) environmental intervention data.

BACKGROUND: A description and justification for using a standardized clinical low-cost, "low-technology," ocular and systemic "ARMD work-up" protocol was presented in the methods paper (Part I).

METHODS: Fourteen male patients (70 +/- 9 years), receiving 0.73 +/- 0.45 portions of dark-green, leafy vegetables/day base intake, were placed on an additional portion of 5 ounces sauted spinach 4 to 7 times per week or lutein-based antioxidant (three patients). Detailed "ARMD work-up" data for six of these patients and summary pilot (case series) environmental intervention data are presented.

RESULTS: One, Patients demonstrated short-term positive effects in visual function in one or both eyes with this mild therapeutic approach: Amsler grid (87%); Snellen Acuity (71%); Contrast sensitivity (92%); SKILL (65%); Glare recovery (69%); and Activities of Daily Vision Subscale (60%); Two, There was no obvious correlation between ophthalmoscopic appearance of the retina and visual outcome; and Three, Patient symptoms did not necessarily correlate with observed changes in visual function.

CONCLUSIONS: The approach to atrophic ARMD presented here warrants informal practitioner replication and formal randomized prospective clinical case-control evaluation.

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