Ryoko Uchida, Yasutaka Mukai, Taiju Amano, Kenji Sakimura, Keiichi Itoi, Akihiro Yamanaka, Masabumi Minami
We previously reported that enhanced corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) signaling in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) caused the aversive responses during acute pain and suppressed the brain reward system during chronic pain. However, it remains to be examined whether chronic pain alters the excitability of CRF neurons in the BNST. In this study we investigated the chronic pain-induced changes in excitability of CRF-expressing neurons in the oval part of the BNST (ovBNSTCRF neurons) by whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiology...
May 3, 2024: Molecular Brain
Jintao Wu, Yue Zhao
The ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST) plays a key role in cocaine addiction, especially relapse. However, the direct effects of cocaine on corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons in the vBNST remain unclear. Here, we identify that cocaine exposure can remarkably attenuate the intrinsic excitability of CRH neurons in the vBNST in vitro . Accumulating studies reveal the crucial role of Sigma-1 receptors (Sig-1Rs) in modulating cocaine addiction. However, to the authors' best knowledge no investigations have explored the role of Sig-1Rs in the vBNST, let alone CRH neurons...
January 1, 2024: Translational Neuroscience
O Yavuz, S Kurt, S Ozmen, E Bilen, A Akdöner
BACKGROUND: The preoperative prediction of intraperitoneal adhesion (IPA) before repeated cesarean deliveries (CD), which are becoming more prevalent, is crucial for maternal health. AIM: The aim of the study was to preoperatively predict IPA in repeated CD with the stria gravidarum (SG) scoring system. METHODS: A total of 167 patients with at least one previous CD at or beyond 37 weeks of gestation were analyzed. Preoperative SG was calculated according to the Davey scoring system: 0-2 score were defined as mild SG (Group 1; n: 94, 56...
April 1, 2024: Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice
Sina Sadeghzadeh, Akshay Swaminathan, Priya Bhanot, Samantha Steeman, Audrey Xu, Vaibhavi Shah, David A Purger, Vivek P Buch
BACKGROUND: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has shown individual promise in treating treatment resistant depression (TRD), but larger-scale trials have been less successful. Here, we create the largest meta-analysis with individual patient data (IPD) to date to explore if the use of tractography enhances the efficacy of DBS for TRD. METHODS: We systematically reviewed 1823 articles, selecting 32 that contributed data from 366 patients. We stratified the IPD based on stimulation target and use of tractography...
April 26, 2024: Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
Kristen E Pleil, Kathleen A Grant, Verginia C Cuzon Carlson, Thomas L Kash
Repeated alcohol drinking contributes to a number of neuropsychiatric diseases, including alcohol use disorder and co-expressed anxiety and mood disorders. Women are more susceptible to the development and expression of these diseases with the same history of alcohol exposure as men, suggesting they may be more sensitive to alcohol-induced plasticity in limbic brain regions controlling alcohol drinking, stress responsivity, and reward processing, among other behaviors. Using a translational model of alcohol drinking in rhesus monkeys, we examined sex differences in the basal function and plasticity of neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), a brain region in the extended amygdala shown to be a hub circuit node dysregulated in individuals with anxiety and alcohol use disorder...
April 15, 2024: bioRxiv
Marie A Doyle, Gregory J Salimando, Megan E Altemus, Justin K Badt, Michelle N Bedenbaugh, Alexander S Vardy, Danielle N Adank, Anika S Park, Danny G Winder
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a chronic, relapsing disease, highly comorbid with anxiety and depression. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and Crh + neurons in this region are thought to play a key role in chronic ethanol-induced increases in volitional ethanol intake. This role has been hypothesized to be driven by emergent BNST-dependent negative affective behaviors. Indeed, we report here that in female mice undergoing a home cage chronic drinking forced abstinence model (CDFA), excitatory transmission undergoes time-dependent upregulation in BNST Crh + cells...
April 21, 2024: bioRxiv
Ren-Wen Han, Zi-Yi Zhang, Chen Jiao, Ze-Yu Hu, Bing-Xing Pan
Understanding how distinct functional circuits are coordinated to fine-tune mood and behavior is of fundamental importance. Here, we observe that within the dense projections from basolateral amygdala (BLA) to bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST), there are two functionally opposing pathways orchestrated to enable contextually appropriate expression of anxiety-like behaviors in male mice. Specifically, the anterior BLA neurons predominantly innervate the anterodorsal BNST (adBNST), while their posterior counterparts send massive fibers to oval BNST (ovBNST) with moderate to adBNST...
April 24, 2024: Nature Communications
Fang Wang, Mei Xin, Xuefei Li, Lianghua Li, Cheng Wang, Lulin Dai, Chaojie Zheng, Kaiyi Cao, Xuefei Yang, Qi Ge, Bolun Li, Tao Wang, Shikun Zhan, Dianyou Li, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Halimureti Paerhati, Yun Zhou, Jianjun Liu, Bomin Sun
BACKGROUND: Depression is a chronic psychiatric disorder related to diminished dopaminergic neurotransmission. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has shown effectiveness in treating patients with treatment-refractory depression (TRD). This study aimed to evaluate the effect of DBS on dopamine D2 receptor binding in patients with TRD. METHODS: Six patients with TRD were treated with bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST)-nucleus accumbens (NAc) DBS were recruited. Ultra-high sensitivity [11 C]raclopride dynamic total-body positron emission tomography (PET) imaging was used to assess the brain D2 receptor binding...
April 22, 2024: Journal of Affective Disorders
Long Long Chen, Matilda Naesström, Matthew Halvorsen, Anders Fytagoridis, Stephanie B Crowley, David Mataix-Cols, Christian Rück, James J Crowley, Diana Pascal
Individuals with severe and treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder (trOCD) represent a small but severely disabled group of patients. Since trOCD cases eligible for deep brain stimulation (DBS) probably comprise the most severe end of the OCD spectrum, we hypothesize that they may be more likely to have a strong genetic contribution to their disorder. Therefore, while the worldwide population of DBS-treated cases may be small (~300), screening these individuals with modern genomic methods may accelerate gene discovery in OCD...
April 22, 2024: American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics
Caitlyn M Edwards, Inge Estefania Guerrero, Danielle Thompson, Tyla Dolezel, Linda Rinaman
BACKGROUND: Visceral feedback from the body is often subconscious, but plays an important role in guiding motivated behaviors. Vagal sensory neurons relay "gut feelings" to noradrenergic (NA) neurons in the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (cNTS), which in turn project to the anterior ventrolateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vlBNST) and other hypothalamic-limbic forebrain regions. Prior work supports a role for these circuits in modulating memory consolidation and extinction, but a potential role in retrieval of conditioned avoidance remains untested...
April 13, 2024: bioRxiv
Edward G Meloni, William A Carlezon, Vadim Y Bolshakov
The natural alignment of animals into social dominance hierarchies produces adaptive, and potentially maladaptive, changes in the brain that influence health and behavior. Aggressive and submissive behaviors assumed by animals through dominance interactions engage stress-dependent neural and hormonal systems that have been shown to correspond with social rank. Here, we examined the association between social dominance hierarchy status established within cages of group-housed mice and the expression of the stress peptide PACAP in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA)...
April 18, 2024: Scientific Reports
V Fuentes-Santamaría, Z Benítez-Maicán, J C Alvarado, I S Fernández Del Campo, M C Gabaldón-Ull, M A Merchán, J M Juiz
The auditory cortex is the source of descending connections providing contextual feedback for auditory signal processing at almost all levels of the lemniscal auditory pathway. Such feedback is essential for cognitive processing. It is likely that corticofugal pathways are degraded with aging, becoming important players in age-related hearing loss and, by extension, in cognitive decline. We are testing the hypothesis that surface, epidural stimulation of the auditory cortex during aging may regulate the activity of corticofugal pathways, resulting in modulation of central and peripheral traits of auditory aging...
April 12, 2024: Hearing Research
Sharon Kim, John Ollinger, Chihwa Song, Sorana Raiciulescu, Srija Seenivasan, Aaron Wolfgang, J Kent Werner, Ping-Hong Yeh
IMPORTANCE: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is the signature injury experienced by military service members and is associated with poor neuropsychiatric outcomes. Yet, there is a lack of reliable clinical tools for mTBI diagnosis and prognosis. OBJECTIVE: To examine the white matter microstructure and neuropsychiatric outcomes of service members with a remote history of mTBI (ie, mTBI that occurred over 2 years ago) using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI)...
April 1, 2024: JAMA Network Open
Eliza M Greiner, Gorica D Petrovich
It is adaptive to restrict eating under uncertainty, such as during habituation to novel foods and unfamiliar environments. However, sustained restrictive eating can become maladaptive. Currently, the neural substrates of restrictive eating are poorly understood. Using a model of feeding avoidance under novelty, our recent study identified forebrain activation patterns and found evidence that the central nucleus of the amygdala (CEA) is a core integrating node. The current study analyzed the activity of CEA inputs in male and female rats to determine if specific pathways are recruited during feeding under novelty...
April 16, 2024: Brain Structure & Function
Mark A Bauer, Parveen Bazard, Alejandro A Acosta, Nidhi Bangalore, Lina Elessaway, Mark Thivierge, Moksheta Chellani, Xiaoxia Zhu, Bo Ding, Joseph P Walton, Robert D Frisina
The naturally occurring amino acid, l-ergothioneine (EGT), has immense potential as a therapeutic, having shown promise in the treatment of other disease models, including neurological disorders. EGT is naturally uptaken into cells via its specific receptor, OCTN1, to be utilized by cells as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. In our current study, EGT was administered over a period of 6 months to 25-26-month-old CBA/CaJ mice as a possible treatment for age-related hearing loss (ARHL), since presbycusis has been linked to higher levels of cochlear oxidative stress, apoptosis, and chronic inflammation...
April 2, 2024: Hearing Research
Tianli Qin, Karl Kam Hei So, Chi-Chung Hui, Mai Har Sham
A common cause of deafness in humans is dysregulation of the endocochlear potential generated by the stria vascularis (SV). Thus, proper formation of the SV is critical for hearing. Using single-cell transcriptomics and a series of Shh signaling mutants, we discovered that the Shh receptor Patched1 (Ptch1) is essential for marginal cell (MC) differentiation and SV formation. Single-cell RNA sequencing analyses revealed that the cochlear roof epithelium is already specified into discrete domains with distinctive gene expression profiles at embryonic day 14, with Gsc as a marker gene of the MC lineage...
April 10, 2024: Cell Reports
Sumayyah I Alrefaie, Sarah B Aljoudi, Houriah Y Nukaly, Waseem K ALHawasawi, Jehad O Hariri
Striae distensae is a common cutaneous phenomenon that begins as reddish linear atrophic plaques (striae rubra) that over time progress to silvery-white coloration (stria alba). Striae distensae in rare occasions becomes edematous, ulcerative, emphysematous, or urticated. Bullous striae distensae is a sequela of conditions causing interstitial edema along with systemic glucocorticoids use. To our knowledge, only eight cases of bullous striae distensae have been reported in the literature. Herein, we report a 17-year-old female, known case of nephrotic syndrome, presented to our clinic with abdominal fluid-fill cutaneous lesions only for 5 days...
April 2024: Clinical Case Reports
D B Torres, A Lopes, A J Rodrigues, A P Ventura-Silva, N Sousa, J A R Gontijo, P A Boer, Marcelo Gustavo Lopes
BACKGROUND: The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is a structure with a peculiar neurochemical composition involved in modulating anxietylike behavior and fear. AIM: The present study investigated the effects on the BNST neurochemical composition and neuronal structure in critical moments of the postnatal period in gestational protein-restricted male rats' offspring. METHODS: Dams were maintained during the pregnancy on isocaloric rodent laboratory chow with standard protein content [NP, 17%] or low protein content [LP, 6%]...
April 5, 2024: Nutritional Neuroscience
Antonino Casile, Marilena Marraudino, Brigitta Bonaldo, Maria Vittoria Micioni Di Bonaventura, Sofia Nasini, Carlo Cifani, Stefano Gotti
RATIONALE: In 2018, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) classified Gaming Disorder (GD) as a mental disorder. GD mainly occurs among adolescents, who, after developing addiction, show psychopathological traits, such as social anxiety, depression, social isolation, and attention deficit. However, the different studies conducted in humans so far show several limitations, such as the lack of demographic heterogeneity and equal representation of age, differences in the type of game and in the follow-up period...
April 5, 2024: Psychopharmacology
Lang Li, Qun-Zhuan Nong, Chang-Ping Chen, Yu-Hang Li, Jun-Xiang Lai
Two new diatom species belonging to the genus Gomphonemopsis are described, Gomphonemopsisnana sp. nov. and Gomphonemopsisgaoi sp. nov. These two species were compared in detail with congeners. Gomphonemopsisnana is distinguished by its high stria density and small size. This species was found so far to be epiphytic only on the eelgrass collected from Qingdao Bay (Yellow Sea). Gomphonemopsisgaoi is characterized by its isopolar valves, simple proximal raphe endings and acutely rounded apices. This taxon was separated from the exoskeleton of marine copepods sampled from the Futian Mangrove Nature Reserve (South China Sea)...
2024: PhytoKeys
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