Yonatan Kahn, Gordan Krnjaic, Bashi Mandava
Dark matter (DM) scattering with nuclei in solid-state systems may produce elastic nuclear recoil at high energies and single-phonon excitation at low energies. When the DM momentum is comparable to the momentum spread of nuclei bound in a lattice, q_{0}=sqrt[2m_{N}ω_{0}] where m_{N} is the mass of the nucleus and ω_{0} is the optical phonon energy, an intermediate scattering regime characterized by multiphonon excitations emerges. We study a greatly simplified model of a single nucleus in a harmonic potential and show that, while the mean energy deposited for a given momentum transfer q is equal to the elastic value q^{2}/(2m_{N}), the phonon occupation number follows a Poisson distribution and thus the energy spread is ΔE=qsqrt[ω_{0}/(2m_{N})]...
August 20, 2021: Physical Review Letters
Alois Loidl, Peter Lunkenheimer, Vladimir Tsurkan
This Topical Review provides an overview over recent thermodynamic, infrared, and THz results on the proximate Kitaev spin-liquid. Quantum-spin liquids are exotic phases characterized by the absence of magnetic ordering even at the lowest temperatures and by the occurrence of fractionalized spin excitations. Among those, Kitaev spin liquids are most fascinating as they belong to the rare class of model systems, that can be solved analytically by decomposing localized spins S = ½ into Majorana fermions. The main aim of this review is to summarize experimental evidence obtained by THz spectroscopy and utilizing heat-capacity experiments, which point to the existence of fractionalized excitations in the spin-liquid state, which in -RuCl3 exists at temperatures just above the onset of magnetic order or at in-plane magnetic fields just beyond the quantum-critical point where antiferromagnetic order becomes suppressed...
August 9, 2021: Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter: An Institute of Physics Journal
Alex Turzillo, Minyoung You
It has recently been demonstrated that protected supersymmetry emerges on the boundaries of one-dimensional intrinsically fermionic symmetry protected trivial (SPT) phases. Here we investigate the boundary supersymmetry of one-dimensional fermionic phases beyond SPT phases. Using the connection between Majorana edge modes and real supercharges, we compute, in terms of the bulk phase invariants, the number of protected boundary supercharges.
July 9, 2021: Physical Review Letters
Alexander Beach, Nadya Mason
Josephson junctions with topological insulators as their weak link (S-TI-S junctions) are predicted to host Majorana fermions, which are key to creating qubits for topologically protected quantum computing. But the details of the S-TI-S current-phase relation and its interplay with magnetic fields are not well understood. We fabricate a Bi2 Se3 junction with NbTi leads and measure the Fraunhofer patterns of the junction with applied in-plane fields. We observe that asymmetric Fraunhofer patterns appear in the resistance maps of Bz vs...
July 19, 2021: Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter: An Institute of Physics Journal
Lingyuan Kong, Lu Cao, Shiyu Zhu, Michał Papaj, Guangyang Dai, Geng Li, Peng Fan, Wenyao Liu, Fazhi Yang, Xiancheng Wang, Shixuan Du, Changqing Jin, Liang Fu, Hong-Jun Gao, Hong Ding
The iron-based superconductor is emerging as a promising platform for Majorana zero mode, which can be used to implement topological quantum computation. One of the most significant advances of this platform is the appearance of large vortex level spacing that strongly protects Majorana zero mode from other low-lying quasiparticles. Despite the advantages in the context of physics research, the inhomogeneity of various aspects hampers the practical construction of topological qubits in the compounds studied so far...
July 6, 2021: Nature Communications
James Jun He, Yukio Tanaka, Naoto Nagaosa
Majorana fermions exist on the boundaries of two-dimensional topological superconductors (TSCs) as charge-neutral quasiparticles. The neutrality makes the detection of such states challenging from both experimental and theoretical points of view. Current methods largely rely on transport measurements in which Majorana fermions manifest themselves by inducing electron-pair tunneling at the lead-contacting point. Here we show that chiral Majorana fermions in TSCs generate enhanced local optical response. The features of local optical conductivity distinguish them not only from trivial superconductors or insulators but also from normal fermion edge states such as those in quantum Hall systems...
June 11, 2021: Physical Review Letters
M J Pacholski, G Lemut, O Ovdat, I Adagideli, C W J Beenakker
A spatially oscillating pair potential Δ(r)=Δ_{0}e^{2iK·r} with momentum K>Δ_{0}/ℏv drives a deconfinement transition of the Majorana bound states in the vortex cores of a Fu-Kane heterostructure (a 3D topological insulator with Fermi velocity v, on a superconducting substrate with gap Δ_{0}, in a perpendicular magnetic field). In the deconfined phase at zero chemical potential the Majorana fermions form a dispersionless Landau level, protected by chiral symmetry against broadening due to vortex scattering...
June 4, 2021: Physical Review Letters
Haoxiang Li, T T Zhang, A Said, G Fabbris, D G Mazzone, J Q Yan, D Mandrus, Gábor B Halász, S Okamoto, S Murakami, M P M Dean, H N Lee, H Miao
The Kitaev quantum spin liquid epitomizes an entangled topological state, for which two flavors of fractionalized low-energy excitations are predicted: the itinerant Majorana fermion and the Z2 gauge flux. It was proposed recently that fingerprints of fractional excitations are encoded in the phonon spectra of Kitaev quantum spin liquids through a novel fractional-excitation-phonon coupling. Here, we detect anomalous phonon effects in α-RuCl3 using inelastic X-ray scattering with meV resolution. At high temperature, we discover interlaced optical phonons intercepting a transverse acoustic phonon between 3 and 7 meV...
June 10, 2021: Nature Communications
Chang-Tse Hsieh, Yu Nakayama, Yuji Tachikawa
We show that there is a fermionic minimal model, i.e., a 1+1D conformal field theory which contains operators of half-integral spins in its spectrum, for each c=1-6/m(m+1), m≥3. This generalizes the Majorana fermion for c=1/2, m=3 and the smallest N=1 supersymmetric minimal model for c=7/10, m=4. We provide explicit Hamiltonians on Majorana chains realizing these fermionic minimal models.
May 14, 2021: Physical Review Letters
Saquib Shamim, Wouter Beugeling, Pragya Shekhar, Kalle Bendias, Lukas Lunczer, Johannes Kleinlein, Hartmut Buhmann, Laurens W Molenkamp
Soon after the discovery of the quantum spin Hall effect, it has been predicted that a magnetic impurity in the presence of strong Coulomb interactions will destroy the quantum spin Hall effect. However, the fate of the quantum spin Hall effect in the presence of magnetic impurities has not yet been experimentally investigated. Here, we report the successful experimental demonstration of a quantized spin Hall resistance in HgTe quantum wells dilutely alloyed with magnetic Mn atoms. These quantum wells exhibit an inverted band structure that is very similar to that of the undoped material...
May 27, 2021: Nature Communications
J Herbrych, M Środa, G Alvarez, M Mierzejewski, E Dagotto
Topological phases of matter are among the most intriguing research directions in Condensed Matter Physics. It is known that superconductivity induced on a topological insulator's surface can lead to exotic Majorana modes, the main ingredient of many proposed quantum computation schemes. In this context, the iron-based high critical temperature superconductors are a promising platform to host such an exotic phenomenon in real condensed-matter compounds. The Coulomb interaction is commonly believed to be vital for the magnetic and superconducting properties of these systems...
May 19, 2021: Nature Communications
Kai Klocke, David Aasen, Roger S K Mong, Eugene A Demler, Jason Alicea
Motivated by recent experiments on the Kitaev honeycomb magnet α-RuCl_{3}, we introduce time-domain probes of the edge and quasiparticle content of non-Abelian spin liquids. Our scheme exploits ancillary quantum spins that communicate via time-dependent tunneling of energy into and out of the spin liquid's chiral Majorana edge state. We show that the ancillary-spin dynamics reveals the edge-state velocity and, in suitable geometries, detects individual non-Abelian anyons and emergent fermions via a time-domain counterpart of quantum-Hall anyon interferometry...
April 30, 2021: Physical Review Letters
Michael S Lodge, Shengyuan A Yang, Shantanu Mukherjee, Bent Weber
Atomically thin topological materials are attracting growing attention for their potential to radically transform classical and quantum electronic device concepts. Among them is the quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator-a 2D state of matter that arises from interplay of topological band inversion and strong spin-orbit coupling, with large tunable bulk bandgaps up to 800 meV and gapless, 1D edge states. Reviewing recent advances in materials science and engineering alongside theoretical description, the QSH materials library is surveyed with focus on the prospects for QSH-based device applications...
April 23, 2021: Advanced Materials
Rui-Xing Zhang, S Das Sarma
We establish quasi-two-dimensional thin films of iron-based superconductors (FeSCs) as a new high-temperature platform for hosting intrinsic time-reversal-invariant helical topological superconductivity (TSC). Based on the combination of Dirac surface state and bulk extended s-wave pairing, our theory should be directly applicable to a large class of experimentally established FeSCs, opening a new TSC paradigm. In particular, an applied electric field serves as a "topological switch" for helical Majorana edge modes in FeSC thin films, allowing for an experimentally feasible design of gate-controlled helical Majorana circuits...
April 2, 2021: Physical Review Letters
Sergey Frolov
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 2021: Nature
Michael Moskalets
Expressing currents and their fluctuations at the terminals of a multi-probe conductor in terms of the wave functions of carriers injected into the Fermi sea provides new insight into the physics of electric currents. This approach helps us to identify two physically different contributions to shot noise. In the quantum coherent regime, when current is carried by non-overlapping wave packets, the product of current fluctuations in different leads, the cross-correlation noise, is determined solely by the duration of the wave packet...
March 25, 2021: Entropy
Hao Ding, Yuwen Hu, Mallika T Randeria, Silas Hoffman, Oindrila Deb, Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss, Ali Yazdani
Novel many-body and topological electronic phases can be created in assemblies of interacting spins coupled to a superconductor, such as one-dimensional topological superconductors with Majorana zero modes (MZMs) at their ends. Understanding and controlling interactions between spins and the emergent band structure of the in-gap Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states they induce in a superconductor are fundamental for engineering such phases. Here, by precisely positioning magnetic adatoms with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM), we demonstrate both the tunability of exchange interaction between spins and precise control of the hybridization of YSR states they induce on the surface of a bismuth (Bi) thin film that is made superconducting with the proximity effect...
April 6, 2021: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
V Leeb, K Polyudov, S Mashhadi, S Biswas, Roser Valentí, M Burghard, J Knolle
The quasi-two-dimensional Mott insulator α-RuCl_{3} is proximate to the sought-after Kitaev quantum spin liquid (QSL). In a layer of α-RuCl_{3} on graphene, the dominant Kitaev exchange is further enhanced by strain. Recently, quantum oscillation (QO) measurements of such α-RuCl_{3} and graphene heterostructures showed an anomalous temperature dependence beyond the standard Lifshitz-Kosevich (LK) description. Here, we develop a theory of anomalous QO in an effective Kitaev-Kondo lattice model in which the itinerant electrons of the graphene layer interact with the correlated magnetic layer via spin interactions...
March 5, 2021: Physical Review Letters
Owen Bradley, Jaan Oitmaa, Diptiman Sen, Rajiv R P Singh
We study the thermodynamic behavior of modified spin-S Kitaev models introduced by Baskaran, Sen, and Shankar [Phys. Rev. B 78, 115116 (2008)PRBMDO1098-012110.1103/PhysRevB.78.115116]. These models have the property that for half-odd-integer spins their eigenstates map on to those of spin-1/2 Kitaev models, with well-known highly entangled quantum spin-liquid states and Majorana fermions. For integer spins, the Hamiltonian is made out of commuting local operators. Thus, the eigenstates can be chosen to be completely unentangled between different sites, though with a significant degeneracy for each eigenstate...
February 2021: Physical Review. E
Kang Yang, Siddhardh C Morampudi, Emil J Bergholtz
We establish the appearance of a qualitatively new type of spin liquid with emergent exceptional points when coupling to the environment. We consider an open system of the Kitaev honeycomb model generically coupled to an external environment. In extended parameter regimes, the Dirac points of the emergent Majorana fermions from the original model are split into exceptional points with Fermi arcs connecting them. In glaring contrast to the original gapless phase of the honeycomb model that requires time-reversal symmetry, this new phase is stable against all perturbations...
February 19, 2021: Physical Review Letters
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