S Lee, Y S Choi, S-H Do, W Lee, C H Lee, M Lee, M Vojta, C N Wang, H Luetkens, Z Guguchia, K-Y Choi
Kondo impurities provide a nontrivial probe to unravel the character of the excitations of a quantum spin liquid. In the S = 1/2 Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice, Kondo impurities embedded in the spin-liquid host can be screened by itinerant Majorana fermions via gauge-flux binding. Here, we report experimental signatures of metallic-like Kondo screening at intermediate temperatures in the Kitaev honeycomb material α-RuCl3 with dilute Cr3+ (S = 3/2) impurities. The static magnetic susceptibility, the muon Knight shift, and the muon spin-relaxation rate all feature logarithmic divergences, a hallmark of a metallic Kondo effect...
November 16, 2023: Nature Communications
Geng Li, Meng Li, Xingtai Zhou, Hong-Jun Gao
Majorana excitations are the quasiparticle analog of Majorana fermions in solid materials. Typical examples are the Majorana zero modes (MZMs) and the dispersing Majorana modes. When probed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy, the former manifest as a pronounced conductance peak locating precisely at zero-energy, while the latter behaves as constant or slowly varying density of states. The MZMs obey non-Abelian statistics and are believed to be building blocks for topological quantum computing, which is highly immune to the environmental noise...
November 14, 2023: Reports on Progress in Physics
Yu M Andreev, D Banerjee, B Banto Oberhauser, J Bernhard, P Bisio, A Celentano, N Charitonidis, A G Chumakov, D Cooke, P Crivelli, E Depero, A V Dermenev, S V Donskov, R R Dusaev, T Enik, V N Frolov, R B Galleguillos Silva, A Gardikiotis, S V Gertsenberger, S Girod, S N Gninenko, M Hösgen, V A Kachanov, Y Kambar, A E Karneyeu, E A Kasianova, G D Kekelidze, B Ketzer, D V Kirpichnikov, M M Kirsanov, V N Kolosov, V A Kramarenko, L V Kravchuk, N V Krasnikov, S V Kuleshov, V E Lyubovitskij, V Lysan, A Marini, L Marsicano, V A Matveev, R Mena Fredes, R G Mena Yanssen, L Molina Bueno, M Mongillo, D V Peshekhonov, V A Polyakov, B Radics, K M Salamatin, V D Samoylenko, H Sieber, D A Shchukin, O Soto, V O Tikhomirov, I V Tlisova, A N Toropin, M Tuzi, B I Vasilishin, P V Volkov, V Yu Volkov, I V Voronchikhin, J Zamora-Saá, A S Zhevlakov
Thermal dark matter models with particle χ masses below the electroweak scale can provide an explanation for the observed relic dark matter density. This would imply the existence of a new feeble interaction between the dark and ordinary matter. We report on a new search for the sub-GeV χ production through the interaction mediated by a new vector boson, called the dark photon A^{'}, in collisions of 100 GeV electrons with the active target of the NA64 experiment at the CERN SPS. With 9.37×10^{11} electrons on target collected during 2016-2022 runs NA64 probes for the first time the well-motivated region of parameter space of benchmark thermal scalar and fermionic dark matter models...
October 20, 2023: Physical Review Letters
Satyaki Kar
Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model is one of the simplest models to show topological end/edge
states and the existence of Majorana fermions. Here we consider a SSH like model both in one
and two dimensions where a nearest neighbor hopping features spatially periodic modulations. In
the 1D chain, we witness appearance of new in-gap end states apart from a pair of Majorana zero
modes (MZM) when the hopping periodicity go beyond two lattice spacings. The pair of MZMs, that
appear in the topological regime, characterize the end modes each existing in either end of the chain...
October 26, 2023: Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter: An Institute of Physics Journal
Jingwen Ma, Taojie Zhou, Mingchu Tang, Haochuan Li, Zhan Zhang, Xiang Xi, Mickael Martin, Thierry Baron, Huiyun Liu, Zhaoyu Zhang, Siming Chen, Xiankai Sun
Robust laser sources are a fundamental building block for contemporary information technologies. Originating from condensed-matter physics, the concept of topology has recently entered the realm of optics, offering fundamentally new design principles for lasers with enhanced robustness. In analogy to the well-known Majorana fermions in topological superconductors, Dirac-vortex states have recently been investigated in passive photonic systems and are now considered as a promising candidate for robust lasers...
October 24, 2023: Light, Science & Applications
Zahra Faraei, Seyed Akbar Jafari
We show that the most generic form of spin-singlet superconducting order parameter for chiral fermions in systems with broken time reversal symmetry and inversion symmetry is of the [Formula: see text] where [Formula: see text] is the usual order parameter and [Formula: see text] is the pseudo-scalar order parameter. After factoring out the U(1) phase [Formula: see text], this form of superconductivity admits yet additional complex structure in the plane of [Formula: see text]. The polar angle [Formula: see text] in this plane, which we call the chiral angle, can be controlled by the external flux bias...
October 20, 2023: Scientific Reports
Aritra Lahiri, Sang-Jun Choi, Björn Trauzettel
Josephson tunnel junctions exhibit a supercurrent typically proportional to the sine of the superconducting phase difference ϕ. In general, a term proportional to cos(ϕ) is also present, alongside microscopic electronic retardation effects. We show that voltage pulses sharply varying in time prompt a significant impact of the cos(ϕ) term. Its interplay with the sin(ϕ) term results in a nonequilibrium fractional Josephson effect (NFJE) ∼sin(ϕ/2) in the presence of bound states close to zero frequency...
September 22, 2023: Physical Review Letters
Averi Banerjee, Syeda Rafisa Rahaman, Nilanjan Bondyopadhaya
We study electrical, thermal and thermoelectric transport in a hybrid device consisting of a long-range Kitaev chain coupled to two metallic leads at two ends. Electrical and thermal currents are calculated in this device under both voltage and thermal bias conditions. We find that the transport characteristics of the long-range Kitaev chain are distinguishably different from its short-range counterpart, which is well known for hosting zero energy Majorana edge modes under some specific range of values of the model parameters...
September 25, 2023: Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter: An Institute of Physics Journal
Yumei Gao, Xiaoyan Zhang, Zichuan Yi, Liming Liu, Feng Chi
The dc Josephson current is generated from phase difference between two superconductors separated by a mesoscopic thin film (Josephson junction) without external bias voltage. In the presence of a temperature gradient across the superconductors, a thermal phase is induced under the condition of open circuit. This is very similar to the Seebeck effect in the usual thermoelectric effect, and the thermal phase is thus named as thermophase Seebeck coefficient (TPSC). Here we find obvious enhancement and sign change of the TPSC unique to the Josephson junction composing of two superconductors connected to a semiconductor quantum dot (QD), which is additionally side-coupled to a nanowire hosting Majorana bound states (MBSs), the system denoted by S-MQD-S...
September 4, 2023: Nanomaterials
Mahan Mohseni, Hassan Allami, Daniel Miravet, David J Gayowsky, Marek Korkusinski, Pawel Hawrylak
We present here a theory of Majorana excitons, photo-excited conduction electron-valence band hole pairs, interacting with Majorana Fermions in a Kitaev chain of semiconductor quantum dots embedded in a nanowire. Using analytical tools and exact diagonalization methods, we identify the presence of Majorana zero modes in the nanowire absorption spectra.
August 9, 2023: Nanomaterials
Florian Venn, Jan Behrends, Benjamin Béri
Statistical mechanics mappings provide key insights on quantum error correction. However, existing mappings assume incoherent noise, thus ignoring coherent errors due to, e.g., spurious gate rotations. We map the surface code with coherent errors, taken as X or Z rotations (replacing bit or phase flips), to a two-dimensional (2D) Ising model with complex couplings, and further to a 2D Majorana scattering network. Our mappings reveal both commonalities and qualitative differences in correcting coherent and incoherent errors...
August 11, 2023: Physical Review Letters
Anuva Aishwarya, Julian May-Mann, Arjun Raghavan, Laimei Nie, Marisa Romanelli, Sheng Ran, Shanta R Saha, Johnpierre Paglione, Nicholas P Butch, Eduardo Fradkin, Vidya Madhavan
The intense interest in triplet superconductivity partly stems from theoretical predictions of exotic excitations such as non-Abelian Majorana modes, chiral supercurrents and half-quantum vortices1-4 . However, fundamentally new and unexpected states may emerge when triplet superconductivity appears in a strongly correlated system. Here we use scanning tunnelling microscopy to reveal an unusual charge-density-wave (CDW) order in the heavy-fermion triplet superconductor UTe2 (refs. 5-8 ). Our high-resolution maps reveal a multi-component incommensurate CDW whose intensity gets weaker with increasing field, with the CDW eventually disappearing at the superconducting critical field Hc2 ...
June 2023: Nature
Ali Yazdani, Felix von Oppen, Bertrand I Halperin, Amir Yacoby
Over the past decade, there have been considerable efforts to observe non-abelian quasiparticles in novel quantum materials and devices. These efforts are motivated by the goals of demonstrating quantum statistics of quasiparticles beyond those of fermions and bosons and of establishing the underlying science for the creation of topologically protected quantum bits. In this Review, we focus on efforts to create topological superconducting phases that host Majorana zero modes. We consider the lessons learned from existing experimental efforts, which are motivating both improvements to present platforms and the exploration of new approaches...
June 23, 2023: Science
Jian-Feng Ge, Koen M Bastiaans, Damianos Chatzopoulos, Doohee Cho, Willem O Tromp, Tjerk Benschop, Jiasen Niu, Genda Gu, Milan P Allan
Majorana bound states are putative collective excitations in solids that exhibit the self-conjugate property of Majorana fermions-they are their own antiparticles. In iron-based superconductors, zero-energy states in vortices have been reported as potential Majorana bound states, but the evidence remains controversial. Here, we use scanning tunneling noise spectroscopy to study the tunneling process into vortex bound states in the conventional superconductor NbSe2 , and in the putative Majorana platform FeTe0...
June 8, 2023: Nature Communications
Kota Ishihara, Masaki Roppongi, Masayuki Kobayashi, Kumpei Imamura, Yuta Mizukami, Hironori Sakai, Petr Opletal, Yoshifumi Tokiwa, Yoshinori Haga, Kenichiro Hashimoto, Takasada Shibauchi
Chiral spin-triplet superconductivity is a topologically nontrivial pairing state with broken time-reversal symmetry, which can host Majorana quasiparticles. The heavy-fermion superconductor UTe2 exhibits peculiar properties of spin-triplet pairing, and the possible chiral state has been actively discussed. However, the symmetry and nodal structure of its order parameter in the bulk, which determine the Majorana surface states, remains controversial. Here we focus on the number and positions of superconducting gap nodes in the ground state of UTe2 ...
May 23, 2023: Nature Communications
Han Ma
The higher spin Kitaev model prominently features the extensive locally conserved quantities the same as the spin-1/2 Kitaev honeycomb model, although it is not exactly solvable. It remains an open question regarding the physical meaning of these conserved quantities in the higher spin model. In this Letter, by introducing a Majorana parton construction for a general spin-S we uncover that these conserved quantities are exactly the Z_{2} gauge fluxes in the general spin-S model, including the case of spin-1/2...
April 14, 2023: Physical Review Letters
Rauf Giwa, Pavan Hosur
Using semiclassics to surmount the hurdle of bulk-surface inseparability, we derive the superconductor vortex spectrum in nonmagnetic Weyl semimetals and show that it stems from the Berry phase of orbits made of Fermi arcs on opposite surfaces and bulk chiral modes. Tilting the vortex transmutes it between bosonic, fermionic, and supersymmetric, produces periodic peaks in the density of states that signify novel nonlocal Majorana modes, and yields a thickness-independent spectrum at magic "magic angles." We propose (Nb,Ta)P as candidate materials and tunneling spectroscopy as the ideal experiment...
April 14, 2023: Physical Review Letters
Nikhil Harle, Oles Shtanko, Ramis Movassagh
Electrons are indivisible elementary particles, yet paradoxically a collection of them can act as a fraction of a single electron, exhibiting exotic and useful properties. One such collective excitation, known as a topological Majorana mode, is naturally stable against perturbations, such as unwanted local noise, and can thereby robustly store quantum information. As such, Majorana modes serve as the basic primitive of topological quantum computing, providing resilience to errors. However, their demonstration on quantum hardware has remained elusive...
April 21, 2023: Nature Communications
Jae-Joon Kim, Min Seok Park, Kyoung Seok Lee, Sang Hyun Joo, Jung Hoon Yoo, Dilip Bhoi, Byeong Hun Min, Kee Hoon Kim, Jinho Lee
Ca1-x Lax FeAs2 (CLFA112) belongs to a new family of Fe-based superconductors (FeSCs) and has a unique crystal structure featuring an arsenic zigzag chain layer, which has been proposed to be a possible two-dimensional topological insulator. This suggests that CLFA112 is a potential topological superconductor-a platform to realize Majorana fermions. Up to now, even a clear superconducting (SC) gap in CLFA112 has never been observed, and the SC properties of CLFA112 remain largely elusive. In this letter, we report the results of an atomic-scale investigation of the electronic structure of CLFA112 crystals using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)...
February 4, 2023: Nanomaterials
Wei-Ke Zou, Qing Wang, Hong-Kang Zhao
Dynamic properties of Majorana fermion coupled double-quantum-dot (DQD) interferometer threaded with ac magnetic flux are investigated, and the time-averaged thermal current formulas are derived. Photon-assisted local and nonlocal Andreev reflections contribute efficiently to the charge and heat transports. The modifications of source-drain electric, electric-thermal, thermal conductances (G, ξ, κe), Seebeck coefficient (Sc), and thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT ) versus AB phase have been calculated numerically...
February 16, 2023: Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter: An Institute of Physics Journal
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