María Florencia Salazar, María Jesús Leal-Witt, Valentina Parga, Carolina Arias, Verónica Cornejo
INTRODUCTION: Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome (GLUT1-DS) is a neurological disorder caused by mutations in the SLC2A1 gene. The main treatment is ketogenic diet therapy (KDT), which changes the brain's energy substrate from glucose to ketone bodies. The diet controls seizures, but there may be side effects such as dyslipidemia. This study aimed to describe the type of fats ingested by the Chilean cohort of patients with GLUT1-DS and analyze for alterations in the lipid profile...
2024: Frontiers in Nutrition
Paula O Cooper, Sarah S Kleb, Satish K Noonepalle, Veronica M Amuso, Rohan Varshney, Michael C Rudolph, Tanvir K Dhaliwal, Darlene V Nguyen, Miguel F Mazumder, Najuma S Babirye, Ruchi Gupta, Bao-Ngoc Nguyen, Brett A Shook
Lipids have emerged as potent regulators of immune cell function. In the skin, adipocyte lipolysis increases the local pool of free fatty acids and is essential for coordinating early macrophage inflammation following injury. Here, we investigate G-protein-coupled receptor 84 (GPR84), a medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) receptor, for its potential to propagate pro-inflammatory signaling after skin injury. GPR84 signaling was identified as a key component of regulating myeloid cell numbers and subsequent tissue repair through in vivo administration of a pharmacological antagonist and the MCFA decanoic acid...
May 29, 2024: Cell Reports
Miguel Antunes, Marta N Mota, Isabel Sá-Correia
BACKGROUND: The red oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula toruloides is a promising cell factory to produce microbial oils and carotenoids from lignocellulosic hydrolysates (LCH). A multi-stress tolerant strain towards four major inhibitory compounds present in LCH and methanol, was derived in our laboratory from strain IST536 (PYCC 5615) through adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) under methanol and high glycerol selective pressure. RESULTS: Comparative genomic analysis suggested the reduction of the original strain ploidy from triploid to diploid, the occurrence of 21,489 mutations, and 242 genes displaying copy number variants in the evolved strain...
May 28, 2024: Biotechnol Biofuels Bioprod
Jazmín Viteri-Echeverría, Ana Andrés, Joaquim Calvo-Lerma, Ana Heredia, Jorge García-Hernández, Andrea Asensio-Grau
Children with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) are more likely to have intestinal dysbiosis due to recurrent antibiotic therapy and the conventional hypercaloric diet administered to them. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of isolated prebiotic components and probiotic strains, and their combinations as potential synbiotics, on the intestinal microbiota of CF children. A static in vitro colonic fermentation model was used by colonizing vials with faecal inoculum, a culture medium, and the substrates to be tested...
May 28, 2024: Food & Function
Ben W Dulken, Dorukhan Bahceci, Loh-Shan Leung, Vinit B Mahajan, Won-Tak Choi, Serena Y Tan
Bietti crystalline dystrophy (BCD) is a rare heritable retinal disease characterized by crystal deposition primarily in the retina. It is associated with atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and is caused by variants in CYP4V2, which encodes a cytochrome P450 hemethiolate protein superfamily member. CYP4V2 is involved in the selective hydrolysis of saturated medium chain fatty acids, and patients with BCD demonstrate abnormalities in fatty acid metabolism, including abnormal lipid profiles and the accumulation of the pathogenic crystals within the RPE, which leads to the visual pathologies characteristic of BCD...
May 28, 2024: American Journal of Surgical Pathology
Hester Meeusen, Alessia Romagnolo, Sophie A C Holsink, Thijs J M van den Broek, Ardy van Helvoort, Jan A Gorter, Erwin A van Vliet, J Martin Verkuyl, Jose P Silva, Eleonora Aronica
The classic ketogenic diet is an effective treatment option for drug-resistant epilepsy, but its high fat content challenges patient compliance. Optimizing liver ketone production guided by a method comparing substrates for their ketogenic potential may help to reduce the fat content of the diet without loss in ketosis induction. Here, we present a liver cell assay measuring the β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB) yield from fatty acid substrates. Even chain albumin-conjugated fatty acids comprising between 4 and 18 carbon atoms showed a sigmoidal concentration-βHB response curve (CRC) whereas acetate and omega-3 PUFAs produced no CRC...
May 24, 2024: Scientific Reports
Chun-Shuang Zhou, Guang-Li Cao, Bing-Feng Liu, Wei Liu, Wan-Li Ma, Nan-Qi Ren
Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) production from waste activated sludge (WAS) by chain extension (CE) is a promising technology. However, the effects and mechanisms of CE process on the fate of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) remain unclear. In this study, the results showed that the removal efficiency of ARGs was 81.15 % in CE process, suggesting its efficacy in reducing environmental risks. Further, the observed decrease in mobile genetic elements (MGEs) indicated that CE process restricted the horizontal gene transfer (HGT)...
May 22, 2024: Journal of Hazardous Materials
Yi-Ke Qi, Jiang Pan, Zhi-Jun Zhang, Jian-He Xu
BACKGROUND: Dodecanedioic acid (DDA), a typical medium-chain dicarboxylic fatty acid with widespread applications, has a great synthetic value and a huge industrial market demand. Currently, a sustainable, eco-friendly and efficient process is desired for dodecanedioic acid production. RESULTS: Herein, a multi-enzymatic cascade was designed and constructed for the production of DDA from linoleic acid based on the lipoxygenase pathway in plants. The cascade is composed of lipoxygenase, hydroperoxide lyase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, and unidentified double-bond reductase in E...
May 23, 2024: Bioresources and Bioprocessing
Mengyu Yang, Junhui Zhang, Heng Yan, Ya Pan, Jie Zhou, Hao Zhong, Jing Wang, Haiying Cai, Fengqin Feng, Minjie Zhao
A large and growing body of literature has investigated the broad antibacterial spectrum and strong synergistic antimicrobial activity of medium chain monoglycerides (MCMs) have been widely investigated. Recently, more and more researches have focused on the regulation of MCMs on metabolic health and gut microbiota both in vivo and in vitro . The current review summarizes the digestion, absorption and metabolism of MCMs. Subsequently, it focuses on the functional and nutritional properties of MCMs, including the antibacterial and antiviral characteristics, the modulation of metabolic balance, the regulation of gut microbiota, and the improvement in intestinal health...
May 23, 2024: Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Noor-Afiqah Ahmad Zain, Prihardi Kahar, Kumar Sudesh, Chiaki Ogino, Akihiko Kondo
Only a few reports available about the assimilation of hydrophobic or oil-based feedstock as carbon sources by Lipomyces starkeyi. In this study, the ability of L. starkeyi to efficiently utilize free fatty acids (FFAs) and real biomass like palm acid oil (PAO) as well as crude palm kernel oil (CPKO) for growth and lipid production was investigated. PAO, CPKO, and FFAs were evaluated as sole carbon sources or in the mixed medium containing glucose. L. starkeyi was able to grow on the medium supplemented with PAO and FFAs, which contained long-chain length FAs and accumulated lipids up to 35% (w/w) of its dry cell weight...
May 21, 2024: Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
Yohann Chaudron, Constance Boyer, Corinne Marmonier, Mélanie Plourde, Annick Vachon, Bernadette Delplanque, Mohammed Taouis, Fabien Pifferi
Dairy fat has a unique lipid profile; it is rich in short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids that induce ketone production and has a balanced ω6/ω3 ratio that promotes cognitive development in early life. Moreover, the high consumption of vegetable oils in pregnant and lactating women raises concerns regarding the quality of lipids provided to offspring. Here, we investigate maternal dairy fat intake during gestation and lactation in a highly valuable primate model for infant nutritional studies, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus)...
May 20, 2024: Communications Biology
Weizhi Xu, Karin Borges
In glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome (Glut1DS), glucose transport into brain is reduced due to impaired Glut1 function in endothelial cells at the blood-brain barrier. This can lead to shortages of glucose in brain and is thought to contribute to seizures. Ketogenic diets are the first-line treatment and, among many beneficial effects, provide auxiliary fuel in the form of ketone bodies that are largely metabolized by neurons. However, Glut1 is also the main glucose transporter in astrocytes. Here, we review data indicating that glucose shortage may also impact astrocytes in addition to neurons and discuss the expected negative biochemical consequences of compromised astrocytic glucose transport for neurons...
May 20, 2024: Epilepsia
Wenting Shang, Xin Li, Jinyu Du, Yuxin Guo, Dekun Fu, Yanfu He, Fei Pan, Weimin Zhang, Zhongkai Zhou
Effect of complexation of three medium-chain fatty acids (octanoic, decylic and lauric acid, OA, DA and LA, respectively) on structural characteristics, physicochemical properties and digestion behaviors of cassava starch (CS) was investigated. Current study indicated that LA was more easily to combine with CS (complex index 88.9%), followed by DA (80.9%), which was also consistent with their corresponding complexed lipids content. Following the investigation of morphology, short-range ordered structure, helical structure, crystalline/amorphous region and fractal dimension of the various complexes, all cassava starch-fatty acids complexes (CS-FAs) were characterized with a flaked morphology rather than a round morphology in native starch (control CS)...
July 2024: Food Research International
Chenyang Jin, Shuangjie Wang, Xiangyu Sui, Qingyang Meng, Guohao Wu
BACKGROUND: Cancer-associated cachexia (CAC) arises from malignant tumors and leads to a debilitating wasting syndrome. In the pathophysiology of CAC, the depletion of fat plays an important role. The mechanisms of CAC-induced fat loss include the enhancement of lipolysis, inhibition of lipogenesis, and browning of white adipose tissue (WAT). However, few lipid-metabolic enzymes have been reported to be involved in CAC. This study hypothesized that ELOVL6, a critical enzyme for the elongation of fatty acids, may be involved in fat loss in CAC...
May 17, 2024: Lipids in Health and Disease
Junguo Li, Shenglin Ye, Xinyuan Huang, Guolong Yang, Yijin Wang, Jianghui Zeng, Chunhui Lai
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to discuss the distinctive features of the intestinal microbiota in neonates with hyperbilirubinemia and to comprehensively analyse the composition of the intestinal microbiota as well as the levels of free amino acids and acylcarnitines in the peripheral blood of neonates experiencing hyperbilirubinemia. RESULTS: At the phylum level, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Chloroflexi were the five predominant microbial groups identified in both the hyperbilirubinemia and control groups...
May 18, 2024: BMC Microbiology
Mengyuan Li, Xiangbing Kong, Xiaotong Jian, Yacong Bo, Xinyi Miao, Huaiyong Chen, Pingping Shang, Xiaolei Zhou, Ling Wang, Qiao Zhang, Qihong Deng, Yuan Xue, Feifei Feng
Ozone (O3 ) is a major air pollutant that directly threatens the respiratory system, lung fatty acid metabolism disorder is an important molecular event in pulmonary inflammatory diseases. Liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and nucleotide-binding domain leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome not only regulate inflammation, but also have close relationship with fatty acid metabolism. However, the role and mechanism of LKB1 and NLRP3 inflammasome in lung fatty acid metabolism, which may contribute to ozone-induced lung inflammation, remain unclear, and effective strategy for preventing O3 -induced pulmonary inflammatory injury is lacking...
May 13, 2024: Science of the Total Environment
Djuro Raskovic, Gloria Alvarado, Kelly M Hines, Libin Xu, Craig Gatto, Brian J Wilkinson, Antje Pokorny
Staphylococcus aureus readily adapts to various environments and quickly develops antibiotic resistance, which has led to an increase in multidrug-resistant infections. Hence, S. aureus presents a significant global health issue and its adaptations to the host environment are crucial for understanding pathogenesis and antibiotic susceptibility. When S. aureus is grown conventionally, its membrane lipids contain a mix of branched-chain and straight-chain saturated fatty acids. However, when unsaturated fatty acids are present in the growth medium, they become a major part of the total fatty acid composition...
May 5, 2024: bioRxiv
Can Yang, Jing Chen, Huifen Zhou, Di Zeng, Haitong Wan, Jiehong Yang
OBJECTIVE: In this study, we examined the therapeutic effects of Yinhuapinggan granules (YHPGs) in influenza-infected mice. We also examined how YHPGs affect the composition of the intestinal flora and associated metabolites. METHODS: We used the nasal drip method to administer the influenza A virus (IAV) H1N1 to ICR mice. Following successful model construction, the mice were injected with 0.9% sterile saline and low (5.5 g/kg), medium (11 g/kg), and high (22 g/kg) doses of YHPGs...
2024: Frontiers in Microbiology
Kathrin Halli, Sven König, Isabella J Giambra
The aim of this study was to associate single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNP ) of the bovine calcium-activated neutral protease µ-calpain, calpastatin, diacylglycerol- O -acyltransferase, adipose fatty acid binding protein, retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor C ( RORC ), and thyroglobulin ( TG ) gene with intramuscular fat content ( IMF ). Therefore, 542 animals of the cattle breed "Rotes Höhenvieh" ( RHV ) were phenotyped for IMF. Genotyping of the animals was performed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism tests for six SNP from candidate genes for meat quality traits...
2024: Translational Animal Science
Xiaoyu Xu, Chifang Cheng, Xu Qian, Ying Shi, Changqing Duan, Yibin Lan
Cluster thinning has been widely applied in yield management and its effect on green leaf volatiles (GLVs) in wines has seldom been studied. GLVs are important flavor compositions for grapes and wines. This work aimed to investigate the impact of cluster thinning on these volatiles and their precursors in grapes and wines. Severe cluster thinning (CT1) and medium cluster thinning (CT2) were performed on Cabernet Sauvignon ( Vitis vinifera L.) vines in two sites (G-farm and Y-farm) from Xinjiang province in the Northwest of China...
April 28, 2024: Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
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