Xiayi Gu, Han Yu, Hiroyuki Ito, Tama Kanematsu
Reverspectives and hollow masks cause a reversal of perceived depth when observed from a position beyond certain critical distances, even if viewed binocularly. Their 3D structures or images invariably contain a linear perspective, shading, or familiarity cue to depth. Using a concave screen, we demonstrate a novel type of perceived depth reversal in binocular viewing with a variety of depth cues.
2024: I-Perception
Jiahui Pan, Lizhang Xu, En Lu, Buwang Dai, Tiaotiao Chen, Weiming Sun, Zhihong Cui, Jinpeng Hu
In order to enhance crop harvesting efficiency, an automatic-driving tracked grain vehicle system was designed. Based on the harvester chassis, we designed the mechanical structure of a tracked grain vehicle with a loading capacity of 4.5 m3 and a grain unloading hydraulic system. Using the BODAS hydraulic controller, we implemented the design of an electronic control system that combines the manual and automatic operation of the chassis walking mechanism and grain unloading mechanism. We utilized a hybrid A* algorithm to plan the traveling path of the tracked grain vehicle, and the path-tracking controller of the tracked grain vehicle was designed by combining fuzzy control and pure pursuit algorithms...
April 24, 2024: Sensors
Zhuotong Li, Dongxue Wang, Lei Liu, Xiaodong Zhang
Flatness is a critical parameter in the manufacturing industry, directly impacting the fit and overall product performance. As the efficiency of manufacturing continues to advance, there is an increasing demand for more accurate and efficient measurement techniques. Existing methods often struggle to strike a balance between precision and efficiency. In response, this article introduces a novel approach that is capable of achieving high-precision and rapid measurements concerning multiple surfaces. By enhancing the traditional phase measuring deflectometry (PMD) method, employing a matching technique based on polar lines and normal vector constraints to address discrete surface measurement challenges, and implementing a plane pre-positioning method to tackle low efficiency in binocular matching and solving, we successfully performed swift and synchronized measurements for a large batch of specular surfaces and obtained the three-dimensional surface profile of each measured surface...
April 24, 2024: Sensors
Jose Miguel Ambat, Steffani Krista Someda, Hirohiko Kakizaki, Yasuhiro Takahashi
The aim of this study was to present the demographic and clinical characteristics of sports-related pure (rim-sparing) orbital blowout fractures and to analyze these differences by type of sport. Ten years of sports-related orbital fracture data were accumulated. Patients were classified into similar sports (i.e., soccer and futsal) wherein orbital blowout fractures were obtained, producing 14 groups. This study included 377 sides from 374 patients. The majority of patients were male (83.4%), and the mean population age was 20...
April 27, 2024: Diagnostics
Johannes Burge, Lawrence K Cormack
Image differences between the eyes can cause interocular discrepancies in the speed of visual processing. Millisecond-scale differences in visual processing speed can cause dramatic misperceptions of the depth and three-dimensional direction of moving objects. Here, we develop a monocular and binocular continuous target-tracking psychophysics paradigm that can quantify such tiny differences in visual processing speed. Human observers continuously tracked a target undergoing Brownian motion with a range of luminance levels in each eye...
May 1, 2024: Journal of Vision
Jun Zhang, Jie Shao, Xinfang Cao, Yonggang Zhang, Li Zheng
PURPOSE: To assess and compare the visual acuity and refractive outcomes of topography-guided laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) based on the fitting-shape-based refractive compensated and Phorcides software strategies. METHODS: Consecutive patients who underwent topography-guided LASIK were included in this study. Through double-masked simple randomization, patients were assigned to the Zhang & Zheng Auto-compensate Refraction (ZZ AR) group (the fitting-shape-based refractive compensated strategy using the ZZ AR calculator was used) or the Phorcides group (the topography analysis algorithm in Phorcides software [Phorcides LLC] was used)...
May 2024: Journal of Refractive Surgery
Mengxin Wang, Paul V McGraw, Timothy Ledgeway
Binocular visual plasticity can be initiated via either bottom-up or top-down mechanisms, but it is unknown if these two forms of adult plasticity can be independently combined. In seven participants with normal binocular vision, sensory eye dominance was assessed using a binocular rivalry task, before and after a period of monocular deprivation and with and without selective attention directed towards one eye. On each trial, participants reported the dominant monocular target and the inter-ocular contrast difference between the stimuli was systematically altered to obtain estimates of ocular dominance...
May 7, 2024: Scientific Reports
Steven J Dell, Stephen J Hannan, Jan A Venter, David Teenan, Noelle C Hannan, Dasi Raju, Colin W Berry, Huba J Kiss, Julie M Schallhorn
PURPOSE: To compare the outcomes of the Tecnis Eyhance ICB00 IOL, designed to enhance intermediate vision, to a conventional Tecnis Monofocal ZCB00 IOL. METHODS: This retrospective analysis compared two cohorts of patients undergoing lens replacement surgery with bilateral implantation of the Tecnis ICB00 or the Tecnis ZCB00 IOL (383 patients in each group). Monocular and binocular uncorrected distance (UDVA), intermediate (UIVA; 66cm), and near (UNVA; 40cm) visual acuities, refractive predictability, and patient-reported outcomes were compared...
2024: Clinical Ophthalmology
Xiangjun Wang, Binbin Zhu, Licheng Fu, Shiyu Tang, Jianhua Yan
PURPOSE: Isolated acquired superior rectus palsy (ASRP) is extremely rare. The goal of this report is to describe the clinical manifestations and surgical protocols for treatment of isolated traumatic ASRP. DESIGN: Retrospective observational case series. METHOD: Records of patients presenting with traumatic isolated ASRP from 2011 to 2020 were retrospectively reviewed. Variables analyzed included nature of the damage, ocular alignment, ocular motility, binocular vision, fundus photography, imaging and surgical treatment...
May 5, 2024: European Journal of Ophthalmology
J Hong, J Fu, L Li
Objective: To explore the differences in clinical characteristics and interocular interactions between patients with anisometropic amblyopia and ametropic amblyopia. Methods: Cross-sectional study. The newly diagnosed anisometropic (the binocular difference in spherical equivalent≥1.00 D) amblyopia patients and ametropic amblyopia patients (aged 4 to 6 years) in Beijing Tongren Hospital from January 2020 to December 2022 were involved. Patients were further categorized by the refractive status after cycloplegia, including hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia with astigmatism, myopia with astigmatism, mild anisometropia and severe anisometropia...
May 11, 2024: [Zhonghua Yan Ke za Zhi] Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology
Zhuoyue Yang, Ju Dai, Junjun Pan
Three-dimensional reconstruction of images acquired through endoscopes is playing a vital role in an increasing number of medical applications. Endoscopes used in the clinic are commonly classified as monocular endoscopes and binocular endoscopes. We have reviewed the classification of methods for depth estimation according to the type of endoscope. Basically, depth estimation relies on feature matching of images and multi-view geometry theory. However, these traditional techniques have many problems in the endoscopic environment...
April 30, 2024: Computers in Biology and Medicine
İzel D Sarı, Samuel Recht, Claudia Lunghi
Helmholtz asked whether one could discriminate which eye is the origin of one's perception merely based on the retinal signals. Studies to date showed that participants' ability to tell the eye-of-origin most likely depends on contextual cues. Nevertheless, it has been shown that exogenous attention can enhance performance for monocularly presented stimuli. We questioned whether adults can be trained to discriminate the eye-of-origin of their perceptions and if this ability depends on the strength of the monocular channels...
May 4, 2024: European Journal of Neuroscience
José J Castro-Torres, Miriam Casares-López, Sonia Ortiz-Peregrina, Francesco Martino, Luis Gómez-Robledo, José R Jiménez
The perception of halos and other night vision disturbances is a common complaint in clinical practice. Such visual disturbances must be assessed in order to fully characterize each patient's visual performance, which is particularly relevant when carrying out a range of daily tasks. Visual problems are usually assessed using achromatic stimuli, yet the stimuli encountered in daily life have very different chromaticities. Hence, it is important to assess the effect of the chromaticity of visual stimuli on night vision disturbances...
May 3, 2024: Scientific Reports
Weizhen He, Bingshuai Zhao, Yongjin Zhou, Ruodai Wu, Guangyao Wu, Ye Li, Minhua Lu, Liangjia Zhu, Yi Gao
OBJECTIVES: Freehand three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound (US) is of great significance for clinical diagnosis and treatment, it is often achieved with the aid of external devices (optical and/or electromagnetic, etc.) that monitor the location and orientation of the US probe. However, this external monitoring is often impacted by imaging environment such as optical occlusions and/or electromagnetic (EM) interference. METHODS: To address the above issues, we integrated a binocular camera and an inertial measurement unit (IMU) on a US probe...
May 2, 2024: Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Young Gi Min, Woohee Ju, Jung-Joon Sung
Autoimmune nodopathy (AN) is a group of peripheral neuropathies caused by antibodies targeting the nodes of Ranvier or paranodes. It typically presents with sensory ataxia, distal limb weakness, and tremor, and often has a subacute onset, with limited response to immunoglobulin or corticosteroids. We report a case of anti-contactin-1 neuropathy initially manifesting as isolated superior oblique palsy, aiming to broaden the clinical spectrum of the disease. A 68-year-old male with well-controlled diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia developed acute binocular vertical diplopia, progressing over two months to include distal paresthesia, sensory ataxia, ageusia, and dysarthria...
April 22, 2024: Journal of Neuroimmunology
Claudia Fossataro, Pia Clara Pafundi, Roberta Mattei, Valentina Cima, Francesca De Rossi, Gustavo Savino
SIGNIFICANCE: This multicenter study assessed clinical and psychological aspects of infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS) focusing on its management and nonsurgical treatment. PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess clinical features, management, relationship life, and psychological impact in a group of patients with nystagmus onset in pediatric age. METHODS: This observational study included patients diagnosed with INS referred to two Italian centers from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2020...
April 1, 2024: Optometry and Vision Science: Official Publication of the American Academy of Optometry
Charles Malleson, Jean-Yves Guillemaut
SIGNIFICANCE: A wearable optical apparatus that compensates for eye misalignment (strabismus) to correct for double vision (diplopia) is proposed. In contrast to prism lenses, commonly used to compensate for horizontal and/or vertical misalignment, the proposed approach is able to compensate for any combination of horizontal, vertical, and torsional misalignment. PURPOSE: If the action of the extraocular muscles is compromised (e.g., by nerve damage), a patient may lose their ability to maintain visual alignment, negatively affecting their binocular fusion and stereo depth perception capability...
April 1, 2024: Optometry and Vision Science: Official Publication of the American Academy of Optometry
Cathleen Fedtke, Daniel Tilia, Klaus Ehrmann, Jennie Diec, Karen Lahav-Yacouel, Darrin Falk, Ravi C Bakaraju
SIGNIFICANCE: Spatio-Temporal Optical Phase technology utilizes film pairs containing optical elements applied to standard single-vision spectacle lenses. This technology provides a dynamic optical cue that may have efficacy in reducing the rate of myopia progression, but the visual performance of this technology is unknown. PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess the visual performance of film pairs containing optical elements (tests) and a film pair with no optical elements (control)...
April 1, 2024: Optometry and Vision Science: Official Publication of the American Academy of Optometry
Frederick A A Kingdom, Yoel Yakobi, Xingao Clara Wang
The perceived slant of a stereoscopic surface is altered by the presence of a surrounding surface, a phenomenon termed stereo slant contrast. Previous studies have shown that a slanted surround causes a fronto-parallel surface to appear slanted in the opposite direction, an instance of "bidirectional" contrast. A few studies have examined slant contrast using slanted as opposed to fronto-parallel test surfaces, and these also have shown slant contrast. Here, we use a matching method to examine slant contrast over a wide range of combinations of surround and test slants, one aim being to determine whether stereo slant contrast transfers across opposite directions of test and surround slant...
April 1, 2024: Journal of Vision
Gemma Arblaster, David Buckley, Sarah Barnes, Helen Davis
INTRODUCTION: Strabismus surgery may be undertaken for visual benefit, to improve or eliminate diplopia symptoms, or to restore or improve binocular single vision (BSV). In patients without visual symptoms or expected visual benefit, strabismus surgery may still be undertaken if the presence of strabismus causes the patient psychosocial symptoms. To evaluate strabismus surgery undertaken for psychosocial reasons, evidence of postoperative outcomes in this specific cohort is needed. METHODS: A systematic search of the literature was conducted (1946-2023) to identify evidence where postoperative outcomes were reported for adult patients (age 18 years and above) who had undergone strabismus surgery for psychosocial reasons...
2024: British and Irish Orthoptic Journal
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