Keywords sport AND recovery AND regener...

sport AND recovery AND regeneration
Chutimon Khemtong, Antonio Tessitore, Salvador J Jaime, Giuliana Gobbi, Jørgen Jensen, Ai-Lun Yang, Chia-Hua Kuo, Giancarlo Condello
BCAAs supplementation has been widely used for post-exercise recovery. However, no evidence is currently available to answer the question of whether BCAAs supplementation can attenuate muscle damage and ameliorate recovery after a bout of change of direction (COD) sprinting, which is an exercise motion frequently used during team sport actions. This study aimed to assess the effect of BCAAs supplementation on muscle damage markers, subjective muscle soreness, neuromuscular performance, and the vascular health of collegiate basketball players during a 72 h recovery period after a standardized COD protocol...
October 16, 2022: Nutrients
Luthfia Dewi, Yin-Chou Lin, Andrew Nicholls, Giancarlo Condello, Chih-Yang Huang, Chia-Hua Kuo
BACKGROUND: Skeletal muscle has extraordinary regenerative capabilities against challenge, mainly owing to its resident muscle stem cells, commonly identified by Pax7+ , which expediently donate nuclei to the regenerating multinucleated myofibers. This local reserve of stem cells in damaged muscle tissues is replenished by undifferentiated bone marrow stem cells (CD34+ ) permeating into the surrounding vascular system. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to provide a quantitative estimate for the changes in Pax7+ muscle stem cells (satellite cells) in humans following an acute bout of exercise until 96 h, in temporal relation to circulating CD34+ bone marrow stem cells...
October 20, 2022: Sports Medicine
Svenja A Höger, Lena V Gast, Benjamin Marty, Thilo Hotfiel, Sebastian Bickelhaupt, Michael Uder, Rafael Heiss, Armin M Nagel
OBJECTIVE: To assess sodium (23 Na) and quantitative proton (1 H) parameter changes in muscle tissue with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after eccentric exercise and in delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). METHODS: Fourteen participants (mean age: 25±4 years) underwent 23 Na/1 H MRI of the calf muscle on a 3 Tesla MRI system before exercise(t0), directly after eccentric exercise (t1) and 48 hours post-intervention (t2). In addition to tissue sodium concentration (TSC), intracellular-weighted sodium (ICwS) signal was acquired using a 3D density-adapted radial projection readout (DA-3DPR) with an additional inversion recovery (IR) preparation module...
October 4, 2022: NMR in Biomedicine
Lan Li, Peng Wang, Jing Jin, Chunmei Xie, Bin Xue, Jiancheng Lai, Liya Zhu, Qing Jiang
BACKGROUND: The meniscus injury is a common disease in the area of sports medicine. The main treatment for this disease is the pain relief, rather than the meniscal function recovery. It may lead to a poor prognosis and accelerate the progression of osteoarthritis. In this study, we designed a meniscal scaffold to achieve the purposes of meniscal function recovery and cartilage protection. METHODS: The meniscal scaffold was designed using the triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) method...
September 17, 2022: Biomaterials Research
Michael Tim-Yun Ong, Gene Chi-Wai Man, Lawrence Chun-Man Lau, Xin He, Jihong Qiu, Qianwen Wang, Matthew Chun-Sing Chow, Ben Chi-Yin Choi, Mingqian Yu, Patrick Shu-Hang Yung
BACKGROUND: The ultimate goal of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions (ACLR) is to fulfil the return-to-play (RTP) criteria. Quadriceps muscle strength is one of the key determinants for a patient's successful return-to-play after ACLR. Quadriceps muscle atrophy can persist beyond the completion of the rehabilitation program in almost half the patients and the reason behind this is still unknown. There are emerging evidences showing that pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) can modulate mitochondrial activities for muscle gain...
September 12, 2022: Trials
Ulrike D B Krammer, Sylvia Tschida, Julia Berner, Stephanie Lilja, Olivier J Switzeny, Berit Hippe, Petra Rust, Alexander G Haslberger
Background: Regular, especially sustained exercise plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of multiple chronic diseases. Some of the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms behind the adaptive response to physical activity are still unclear, but recent findings suggest a possible role of epigenetic mechanisms, especially miRNAs, in the progression and management of exercise-related changes. Due to the combination of the analysis of epigenetic biomarkers (miRNAs), the intake of food and supplements, and genetic dispositions, a "fitness score" was evaluated to assess the individual response to nutrition, exercise, and metabolic influence...
2022: Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
Hong-Bin Yu, Jing Xiong, Hui-Zhen Zhang, Qin Chen, Xu-Yong Xie
BACKGROUND: In aged people, tendon injuries frequently occur during sporting and daily activities. In clinical practice, typical physiotherapeutic, pharmacotherapeutic, and surgical techniques do not result in the full recovery of injured tendons, which may lead to chronic degenerative disease. METHODS: We first isolated tendon stem cells (TSCs) from rats and transfected them with the TGFβ1 gene, resulting in TGFβ1-TSCs. The proliferation of TSCs was detected using the Cell Counting Kit 8, and TSCs were identified by immunofluorescence analysis and differentiation capacity analysis...
July 21, 2022: Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
Shuai Chen, Yun Qian, Ziyang Sun, Weixuan Liu, Guixin Sun, Junjian Liu, Jian Wang, Wei Wang, Yuanyi Zheng, Cunyi Fan
INTRODUCTION: There has no consensus on optimal management of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), the most common compression neuropathy. Conservative therapy is generally accepted as first-line intervention. Therapeutic ultrasound has been widely reported to be treatment beneficial in nerve regeneration and conduction, and further accelerate compression recovery. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of therapeutic ultrasound for CTS treatment. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This study protocol entails a three-arm, prospective, multicentre, randomised controlled trial...
April 13, 2022: BMJ Open
Constanza Caceres-Ayala, Ricardo M Pautassi, María José Acuña, Waldo Cerpa, Daniela L Rebolledo
BACKGROUND: Chronic alcohol misuse is associated with alcoholic myopathy, characterized by skeletal muscle weakness and atrophy. Moreover, there is evidence that sports-related people seem to exhibit a greater prevalence of problematic alcohol consumption, especially binge drinking (BD), which might not cause alcoholic myopathy but can negatively impact muscle function and amateur and professional athletic performance. OBJECTIVE: To review the literature concerning the effects of alcohol consumption on skeletal muscle function and structure that can affect muscle performance...
April 7, 2022: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Rosamaria Militello, Gabriella Pinto, Anna Illiano, Simone Luti, Francesca Magherini, Angela Amoresano, Pietro Amedeo Modesti, Alessandra Modesti
Monitoring fatigue and recovery during training periods contributes to identifying the best training methods to achieve sports performance. To date, little is known about sex-related differences in sports adaptations. The aim of the present study is to identify sex-related sports adaptation proteins in female basketball players and male basketball players using proteomics approach on plasma samples withdrawn from athletes during in-season training period but far from a competition. A cohort of 20 professional basketball players, 10 female (BF) and 10 male (BM), and 20 sedentary male (10 CM) and female (10 CF) as control, of comparable age and BMI, were involved in this study...
2022: Frontiers in Physiology
Donny M Camera
Concurrent training incorporates dual exercise modalities, typically resistance and aerobic-based exercise, either in a single session or as part of a periodized training program, that can promote muscle strength, mass, power/force and aerobic capacity adaptations for the purposes of sports performance or general health/wellbeing. Despite multiple health and exercise performance-related benefits, diminished muscle hypertrophy, strength and power have been reported with concurrent training compared to resistance training in isolation...
March 2022: Sports Medicine
Martin Flück, Stephanie Kasper, Mario C Benn, Flurina Clement Frey, Brigitte von Rechenberg, Marie-Noëlle Giraud, Dominik C Meyer, Karl Wieser, Christian Gerber
BACKGROUND: The injection of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) mitigates fat accumulation in released rotator cuff muscle after tendon repair in rodents. PURPOSE: To investigate whether the injection of autologous MSCs halts muscle-to-fat conversion after tendon repair in a large animal model for rotator cuff tendon release via regional effects on extracellular fat tissue and muscle fiber regeneration. STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study...
October 29, 2021: American Journal of Sports Medicine
Giovanni Iolascon, Antimo Moretti, Marco Paoletta, Sara Liguori, Ombretta Di Munno
Muscle is one of the main targets for the biological effects of vitamin D. This hormone modulates several functions of skeletal muscles, from development to tissue repair after injury, through genomic and non-genomic mechanisms. Vitamin D deficiency and supplementation seem to significantly affect muscle strength in different populations, including athletes, although optimal serum 25(OH)D3 level for sport performance has not been defined so far. Additionally, vitamin D deficiency results in myopathy characterized by fast-twitch fiber atrophy, fatty infiltration, and fibrosis...
September 25, 2021: Medicina
Eduard Isenmann, Sebastian Veit, Lynn Starke, Ulrich Flenker, Patrick Diel
Cannabidiol supplements (CBD) are increasingly consumed by athletes to improve regeneration. However, the evidence for the pro-regenerative effects of CBD in sports is quite limited. Therefore, our aim was to investigate the effects of a single CBD supplementation in a six-arm placebo-controlled crossover study after resistance training on performance and muscle damage. Before and after the resistance training, one-repetition maximum in the back squat (1RM BS), countermovement jump (CMJ), and blood serum concentrations of creatine kinase (CK) and myoglobin (Myo) were measured in healthy, well-trained participants...
August 30, 2021: Nutrients
Petros G Botonis, Ilias Smilios, Argyris G Toubekis
We examined the association of heart rate variability assessed with the logarithm of the root mean square of successive differences (LnRMSSD) and perceived recovery status of nine elite water polo players with the fluctuations of the internal training load (ITL). ITL, post-wakening LnRMSSD, and measures of perceived recovery were obtained across one regeneration week, during two mesocycles of intensified preseason training (PR1, PR2) and during two mesocycles of in-season training (IN1, IN2). ITL at PR1 and PR2 was increased by 60-70% compared to regeneration week (p<0...
August 2021: Sports Medicine International Open
Marwa El Soury, Benedetta Elena Fornasari, Giacomo Carta, Federica Zen, Kirsten Haastert-Talini, Giulia Ronchi
Peripheral nerves are highly susceptible to injuries induced from everyday activities such as falling or work and sport accidents as well as more severe incidents such as car and motorcycle accidents. Many efforts have been made to improve nerve regeneration, but a satisfactory outcome is still unachieved, highlighting the need for easy to apply supportive strategies for stimulating nerve growth and functional recovery. Recent focus has been made on the effect of the consumed diet and its relation to healthy and well-functioning body systems...
July 10, 2021: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Tifanny Lim, Catalina Santiago, Helios Pareja-Galeano, Tamara Iturriaga, Alicia Sosa-Pedreschi, Noriyuki Fuku, Margarita Pérez-Ruiz, Thomas Yvert
INTRODUCTION: Non-contact muscle injuries (NCMI) account for a large proportion of sport injuries, affecting athletes' performance and career, team results and financial aspects. Recently, genetic factors have been attributed a role in the susceptibility of an athlete to sustain NCMI. However, data in this field are only just starting to emerge. OBJECTIVES: To review available knowledge of genetic variations associated with sport-related NCMI. METHODS: The databases Pubmed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched for relevant articles published until February 2021...
July 16, 2021: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Lee M Margolis, Marques A Wilson, Claire C Whitney, Christopher T Carrigan, Nancy E Murphy, Adrienne Hatch-McChesney, Stefan M Pasiakos
BACKGROUND: The effects of low muscle glycogen on molecular markers of protein synthesis and myogenesis before and during aerobic exercise with carbohydrate ingestion is unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of initiating aerobic exercise with low muscle glycogen on mTORC1 signaling and markers of myogenesis. METHODS: Eleven men completed two cycle ergometry glycogen depletion trials separated by 7-d, followed by randomized isocaloric refeeding for 24-h to elicit low (LOW; 1...
July 10, 2021: Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
Matthew Magruder, Scott A Rodeo
BACKGROUND: Antiplatelet therapies are often withheld before and after platelet-rich plasma product (PRPP) administration due to theoretical concerns that therapies that inhibit the function of platelets would inhibit the effects of PRPP. PURPOSE/HYPOTHESIS: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect that antiplatelet therapies have on the ability of PRPP to stimulate wound healing and tissue regeneration. Our hypothesis was that antiplatelet therapies would have highly heterogeneous effects on the biological activity of PRPP...
June 2021: Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Mounir Chennaoui, Théo Vanneau, Aurélie Trignol, Pierrick Arnal, Danielle Gomez-Merino, Christophe Baudot, Jesus Perez, Sebastiano Pochettino, Cristiano Eirale, Hakim Chalabi
OBJECTIVES: Athletes and military personnel may experience sleep disturbances due to conditions of training and competitions or military missions/field operations. The risk of muscle injuries is greater for them when sleep duration decreases, and training load increases simultaneously, which can be exacerbated by fatigue. Accumulating evidence demonstrates that sleep extension improved performance, pain sensitivity and GH/IGF-I anabolic responses, which may be beneficial in accelerating recovery from muscle injuries...
October 2021: Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
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