Rebecca C Harlow, Grace A Pea, Sarah E Broyhill, Advaya Patro, Karen H Bromert, Randolph H Stewart, Cristine L Heaps, Jorge A Castorena-Gonzalez, Ranjeet M Dongaonkar, Scott D Zawieja
Ca2+ signalling plays a crucial role in determining lymphatic muscle cell excitability and contractility through its interaction with the Ca2+ -activated Cl- channel anoctamin 1 (ANO1). In contrast, the large-conductance (BK) Ca2+ -activated K+ channel (KCa) and other KCa channels have prominent vasodilatory actions by hyperpolarizing vascular smooth muscle cells. Here, we assessed the expression and contribution of the KCa family to mouse and rat lymphatic collecting vessel contractile function. The BK channel was the only KCa channel consistently expressed in fluorescence-activated cell sorting-purified mouse lymphatic muscle cell lymphatic muscle cells...
May 5, 2024: Journal of Physiology
Felipe Echeverría, Naileth Gonzalez-Sanabria, Rosangelina Alvarado-Sanchez, Miguel Fernández, Karen Castillo, Ramon Latorre
Large Conductance Voltage- and Calcium-activated K+ (BK) channels are transmembrane pore-forming proteins that regulate cell excitability and are also expressed in non-excitable cells. They play a role in regulating vascular tone, neuronal excitability, neurotransmitter release, and muscle contraction. Dysfunction of the BK channel can lead to arterial hypertension, hearing disorders, epilepsy, and ataxia. Here, we provide an overview of BK channel functioning and the implications of its abnormal functioning in various diseases...
2024: Frontiers in Pharmacology
Paul G Morris, Joseph D Taylor, Julian F R Paton, Alain Nogaret
The dysfunction of ion channels is a causative factor in a variety of neurological diseases, thereby defining the implicated channels as key drug targets. The detection of functional changes in multiple specific ionic currents currently presents a challenge, particularly when the neurological causes are either a priori unknown, or are unexpected. Traditional patch clamp electrophysiology is a powerful tool in this regard but is low throughput. Here, we introduce a single-shot method for detecting alterations amongst a range of ion channel types from subtle changes in membrane voltage in response to a short chaotically driven current clamp protocol...
March 12, 2024: Scientific Reports
Yihe Chen, Nikita Markov, Lea Gigon, Aref Hosseini, Shida Yousefi, Darko Stojkov, Hans-Uwe Simon
Macrophages play a crucial role in the innate immune response, serving as key effector cells in the defense against pathogens. Although the role of the large-conductance voltage and calcium-activated potassium channel, also known as the KCa 1.1 or BK channel, in regulating neurotransmitter release and smooth muscle contraction is well known, its potential involvement in immune regulation remains unclear. We employed BK-knockout macrophages and noted that the absence of a BK channel promotes the polarization of macrophages towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype known as M1 macrophages...
February 9, 2024: Cells
Agbonlahor Okhuarobo, Max Kreifeldt, Pauravi J Gandhi, Catherine Lopez, Briana Martinez, Kiera Fleck, Michal Bajo, Pushpita Bhattacharyya, Alex M Dopico, Marisa Roberto, Amanda J Roberts, Gregg E Homanics, Candice Contet
Large conductance potassium (BK) channels are among the most sensitive molecular targets of ethanol and genetic variations in the channel-forming α subunit have been nominally associated with alcohol use disorders. However, whether the action of ethanol at BK α influences the motivation to drink alcohol remains to be determined. To address this question, we first tested the effect of systemically administered BK channel modulators on voluntary alcohol consumption in C57BL/6J males. Penitrem A (blocker) exerted dose-dependent effects on moderate alcohol intake, while paxilline (blocker) and BMS-204352 (opener) were ineffective...
December 22, 2023: Molecular Psychiatry
Elena G Varlamova, Ekaterina V Borisova, Yuliya A Evstratova, Andrew G Newman, Vera P Kuldaeva, Maria S Gavrish, Elena V Kondakova, Victor S Tarabykin, Alexey A Babaev, Egor A Turovsky
Epilepsy is one of the common neurological diseases that affects not only adults but also infants and children. Because epilepsy has been studied for a long time, there are several pharmacologically effective anticonvulsants, which, however, are not suitable as therapy for all patients. The genesis of epilepsy has been extensively investigated in terms of its occurrence after injury and as a concomitant disease with various brain diseases, such as tumors, ischemic events, etc. However, in the last decades, there are multiple reports that both genetic and epigenetic factors play an important role in epileptogenesis...
December 4, 2023: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Anne Taylor, Danielle N Adank, Phoebe A Young, Yizhen Quan, Brett P Nabit, Danny G Winder
The insular cortex (IC) integrates sensory and interoceptive cues to inform downstream circuitry executing adaptive behavioral responses. The IC communicates with areas involved canonically in stress and motivation. IC projections govern stress and ethanol recruitment of bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) activity necessary for the emergence of negative affective behaviors during alcohol abstinence. Here, we assess the impact of the chronic drinking forced abstinence (CDFA) volitional home cage ethanol intake paradigm on synaptic and excitable properties of IC neurons that project to the BNST (IC→BNST )...
November 22, 2023: Journal of Neuroscience
Hans J Moldenhauer, Kelly Tammen, Andrea L Meredith
KCNMA1-linked channelopathy is a neurological disorder characterized by seizures, motor abnormalities, and neurodevelopmental disabilities. The disease mechanisms are predicted to result from alterations in KCNMA1-encoded BK K+ channel activity; however, only a subset of the patient-associated variants have been functionally studied. The localization of these variants within the tertiary structure or evaluation by pathogenicity algorithms has not been systematically assessed. In this study, 82 nonsynonymous patient-associated KCNMA1 variants were mapped within the BK channel protein...
December 1, 2023: Biophysical Journal
Sara A Aldossary, Mohammad Alsalem, Blair D Grubb
Transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (TRPV1) channels play key roles in chronic pain conditions and are modulated by different inflammatory mediators to elicit heat sensitisation. Bradykinin is a 9-amino acid peptide chain that promotes inflammation. The aim of present study is to investigate how bradykinin and prostaglandin receptors (EP3 and EP4 ) modulate the sensitisation of TRPV1-mediated responses. Calcium imaging studies of rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were employed to investigate the desensitizing responses of TRPV1 ion channels by capsaicin, and the re-sensitization of TRPV1 by bradykinin, then to explore the role EP3 and EP4 receptors in mediating these bradykinin-dependent effects...
November 27, 2023: Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
Thomas Pham, Tamara Hussein, Dila Calis, Helmut Bischof, David Skrabak, Melanie Cruz Santos, Selina Maier, David Spähn, Daniel Kalina, Stefanie Simonsig, Rebekka Ehinger, Bernhard Groschup, Marlies Knipper, Nikolaus Plesnila, Peter Ruth, Robert Lukowski, Lucas Matt
Mutations of large conductance Ca2+ - and voltage-activated K+ channels (BK) are associated with cognitive impairment. Here we report that CA1 pyramidal neuron-specific conditional BK knock-out (cKO) mice display normal locomotor and anxiety behavior. They do, however, exhibit impaired memory acquisition and retrieval in the Morris Water Maze (MWM) when compared to littermate controls (CTRL). In line with cognitive impairment in vivo, electrical and chemical long-term potentiation (LTP) in cKO brain slices were impaired in vitro...
November 21, 2023: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences: CMLS
Kodai Yajima, Takeshi Akiyoshi, Kazuho Sakamoto, Yoshiaki Suzuki, Takayuki Oka, Ayuko Imaoka, Hisao Yamamura, Junko Kurokawa, Hisakazu Ohtani
Transporter-mediated clearance is determined by two factors, its single-molecule clearance, and expression level. However, no reliable method has been developed to evaluate them separately. This study aimed to develop a reliable method for evaluating the single-molecule activity of membrane transporters, such as organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP) 2B1. HEK293 cells that co-expressed large conductance calcium-activated potassium (BK) channel and OATP2B1 were established and used for the following experiments...
November 2023: Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
Aravind Kshatri, Belinda Rivero-Pérez, Teresa Giraldez
Piperine is the principal alkaloid present in black pepper and is well-known for its diverse pharmacological effects, including inhibition of different ion channels. Large conductance Ca2+ -activated K+ channels (BK) are widely expressed across several tissues and play a vital role in many physiological functions. In this study, we have investigated the pharmacological effects of piperine on various BK channel subunit compositions (BKα, BKαβ1,4 , BKαγ1,3 ) expressed in HEK293T cells...
September 11, 2023: Biophysical Journal
Yunduan Song, Yusen Gou, Jiameng Gao, Dongxin Chen, Haibo Zhang, Wenjuan Zhao, Feng Qian, Ajing Xu, Yao Shen
Acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are life-threatening lung diseases with high mortality rates, predominantly attributable to acute and severe pulmonary inflammation. Lomerizine (LMZ) is a calcium channel blocker previously used in preventing and treating migraine. Here, we found that LMZ inhibited inflammatory responses and lung pathological injury by reducing pulmonary edema, neutrophil infiltration and pro-inflammatory cytokine production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced ALI mice...
2023: Frontiers in Pharmacology
Masashi Ishida, Aya Yamamura, Moe Fujiwara, Taiki Amano, Mina Ota, Yukari Hikawa, Rubii Kondo, Yoshiaki Suzuki, Yuji Imaizumi, Hisao Yamamura
Pulmonary vessels play a pivotal role in oxygen circulation. We previously demonstrated that pimaric acid (PiMA) activated large-conductance Ca2+ -activated K+ (BKCa ) channels and inhibited voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs). In the present study, PiMA attenuated vasoconstriction induced by high K+ or endothelin-1 in rat pulmonary arterial smooth muscles (PASMs). PiMA also reduced high K+ -induced cytosolic [Ca2+ ] increase in PASM cells. PiMA increased BKCa currents and decreased VDCC currents. BKCa channels and VDCCs were formed by the α/β1 and α1C /α1D /β2 /β3 subunits, respectively...
October 2023: Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
Hans J Moldenhauer, Kelly Tammen, Andrea L Meredith
KCNMA1 -linked channelopathy is a neurological disorder produced by malfunctioning of the BK channel, characterized by seizure, motor abnormalities, and neurodevelopmental disability. Twenty-one KCNMA1 patient-associated variants have been classified as gain-of-function (GOF) or loss-of-function (LOF) in BK channel activity, and the remaining ∼40% are variants of uncertain significance (VUS). To address the physical relationships, this study analyzed KCNMA1 missense variants within the context of BK channel cryoEM structures...
July 28, 2023: bioRxiv
Chu Tong, Peng-Xiang Min, Qian Zhang, Ru-Xin Gu, Yao-Hai Wen, Yi Shi, Yu-Huan Bao, Xiang Chen, Yi-Xuan Zhang, Xing-Feng Mao, Hao-Yang Yuan, Xiu-Xiu Liu, Takuya Sasaki, Li Zhang, Feng Han, Ying-Mei Lu
Disturbance of the cholinergic system plays a crucial role in the pathological progression of neurological diseases that cause dyskinesia-like behaviors. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this disturbance remain elusive. Here, we showed that cyclin-dependent kinase 5 ( Cdk5 ) was reduced in cholinergic neurons of midbrain according to the single-nucleus RNA sequencing analysis. Serum levels of CDK5 also decreased in patients with Parkinson's disease accompanied by motor symptoms. Moreover, Cdk5 deficiency in cholinergic neurons triggered paw tremors, abnormal motor coordination, and motor balance deficits in mice...
2023: Research: a science partner journal
Zhihui Fong, Anshika Lall, Nicolas D Mullins, L Fernando Santana, Mark A Hollywood, Keith D Thornbury, Gerard P Sergeant
Purinergic contractions of the detrusor are reduced by cAMP, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. We examined the effects of BK and Kv7 channel modulators on purinergic contractions of the detrusor and tested if the inhibitory effects of activators of the cAMP effectors, PKA and EPAC, were reduced by blockade of BK or Kv7 channels. Purinergic contractions of the murine detrusor were induced by electric field stimulation (EFS) or application of the P2X receptor agonist α,β-MeATP. EFS-responses were inhibited by the L-type Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine, but not by the SERCA inhibitor CPA or the SOCE blocker GSK7975A...
May 1, 2023: Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
Maria Fernanda Pessano Fialho, Evelyne Silva Brum, Gabriela Becker, Indiara Brusco, Sara Marchesan Oliveira
Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) cause symptoms of musculoskeletal pain, and some mechanisms have been proposed to explain them. However, signaling pathways downstream from kinin B2 (B2 R) and B1 (B1 R) receptor activation and their possible sensitizing of the Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) remain unknown. The interaction between the kinin receptor and the TRPA1 channel in male C57BL/6 mice treated with anastrozole (an AI) was evaluated. PLC/PKC and PKA inhibitors were used to evaluate the signaling pathways downstream from B2 R and B1 R activation and their effect on TRPA1 sensitization...
April 3, 2023: Pharmaceutics
Xueyan Li, Xiaojiao Yin, Jiazhuang Pang, Zhiwu Chen, Jiyue Wen
The effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-based neuroinflammation following cerebral ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) on the genotypic transformation of reactive astrocytes and its relationship with endogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) were investigated in present study. We found that LPS promoted the cerebral I/R-induced A1 astrocytes proliferation in mouse hippocampal tissues and deteriorated the reduction of hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) content in mouse sera, H2 S donor NaHS could inhibitA1 astrocytes proliferation. Similarly, knockout of cystathionine γ-lyase (CSE), one of endogenous H2 S synthases, likewise up-regulated the cerebral I/R-induced A1 astrocytes proliferation, which could also be blocked by NaHS...
April 19, 2023: European Journal of Pharmacology
Jie Xu, Yan-Tian Lv, Xiao-Yun Zhao, Jing-Jing Wang, Zhong-Shan Shen, Jian Li, Fei-Fei Zhang, Jing Liu, Xiao-Hui Wang, Yun Xu, Qi Geng, Yi-Tong Ding, Jing-Jing Xu, Meng-Jiao Tan, Zhi-Xiao Li, Ran Wang, Jian Chen, Wen Sun, Meng Cui, Diomedes E Logothetis, Jun-Li Cao, Qiong-Yao Tang, Zhe Zhang
The Slack channel (KCNT1, Slo2.2) is a sodium and chloride-activated potassium channel that regulates heart rate and maintains the normal excitability of the nervous system. Despite intense interest in the sodium gating mechanism, a comprehensive investigation to identify the sodium-sensitive and chloride-sensitive sites has been missing. In the present study, we identified two potential sodium-binding sites in the C-terminal domain of the rat Slack channel by conducting electrophysical recordings and systematic mutagenesis of cytosolic acidic residues in the rat Slack channel C-terminus...
March 9, 2023: Journal of Neuroscience
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