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guideline,position,statement,task force
F Pacini, E Brianzoni, C Durante, R Elisei, M Ferdeghini, L Fugazzola, S Mariotti, G Pellegriti
UNLABELLED: Post-surgical ablation of thyroid remnant with radioactive iodine (RAI) in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) is aimed to destroy any thyroid remnant in the thyroid bed (remnant ablation) and any microscopic foci of cancer cells eventually present within the thyroid remnant (adjuvant therapy). The present text is an attempt to offer practice guidelines for the indication of thyroid ablation and the preparation of DTC patients considering the latest achievement in the field and the changing epidemiology of DTC observed in the last 10 years...
March 2016: Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
Tomy Y Perez, Matthew R Danzig, Rashed A Ghandour, Ketan K Badani, Mitchell C Benson, James M McKiernan
OBJECTIVE: To identify the effect of the 2012 United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) prostate-specific antigen (PSA) recommendation statement on primary care referral patterns and urologists' decision making. METHODS: Men referred to our institution for newly elevated PSA level from June 2011 to June 2013 were identified. Patients with a prior history of prostate cancer or biopsy were excluded. Clinical and management parameters were compared between those presenting in the year before vs the year after the USPSTF statement...
January 2015: Urology
Elizabeth Clark, Sue Ann Buswell, Judith Morgitan, Linda Compton, Georgene Westendorf, Elizabeth Chau
It is the position of the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) that the registered professional school nurse (hereinafter referred to as school nurse) has the educational and clinical background to coordinate the necessary school health services to provide students with the same health, nutrition, and safety needs while attending school-sponsored before, after, and extended school year programs as the students receive during the traditional school day/year. In 2010, the White House Task Force on Obesity called for an increase in access to safe supervised physical activities beyond the school day (White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity Report to the President, 2010), and as these programs have expanded, the necessity for providing quality, effective health care services during these hours has developed...
September 2014: NASN School Nurse
Matthew J Maurice, Robert Abouassaly
OBJECTIVE: To survey patient opinions on prostate cancer (PCa) screening in light of the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommendation against its use. METHODS: We conducted a survey of all-comers to urology and primary care clinics. Participants provided demographic information and responded to a 5-item questionnaire regarding their opinions on screening before and after reading opposing position statements. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 48%...
August 2014: Urology
Maria Luisa Bianchi, Mary B Leonard, Susanne Bechtold, Wolfgang Högler, M Zulf Mughal, Eckhart Schönau, Francisco A Sylvester, Maria Vogiatzi, Marry M van den Heuvel-Eibrink, Leanne Ward
The aim of this Task Force was to review the use of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in children and adolescents with underlying chronic diseases that pose risk factors for compromised bone health, such as inflammation, glucocorticoid therapy, or decreased mobility. The Task Force systematically analyzed more than 270 studies, with an emphasis on those published in the interval since the original 2007 Position Statements. Important developments over this period included prospective cohort studies demonstrating that DXA measures of areal bone mineral density (aBMD) predicted incident fractures and the development of robust reference data and strategies to adjust for bone size in children with growth impairment...
April 2014: Journal of Clinical Densitometry
Krista L Wilkins, Norma D'Agostino, Annette M Penney, Ronald D Barr, Paul C Nathan
OBJECTIVE: This position statement from the Canadian Task Force on Adolescents and Young Adults with cancer aims to (1) conceptualize the numerous transition experiences encountered by adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer; and (2) provide recommendations on how to help the AYA regain a sense of control over their lives as they adjust to these transition experiences. METHODS: We reviewed and synthesized a heterogeneous sample of studies and recommendations, ranging from well-designed case-controlled investigations to opinions of respected authorities based on clinical experience, and reports of expert committees...
October 2014: Journal of Pediatric Hematology/oncology
Marcello Giovannini, Enza D'Auria, Carlo Caffarelli, Elvira Verduci, Salvatore Barberi, Luciana Indinnimeo, Iride Dello Iacono, Alberto Martelli, Enrica Riva, Roberto Bernardini
Although the guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of food allergy recognize the role of nutrition, there is few literature on the practical issues concerning the nutritional management of children with food allergies. This Consensus Position Statement focuses on the nutritional management and follow-up of infants and children with food allergy.It provides practical advices for the management of children on exclusion diet and it represents an evidence-based consensus on nutritional intervention and follow-up of infants and children with food allergy...
January 3, 2014: Italian Journal of Pediatrics
Nadia A Khan, Robert J Herman, Robert R Quinn, Simon W Rabkin, Pietro Ravani, Sheldon W Tobe, Ross D Feldman, Harindra C Wijeysundera, Raj S Padwal
Renal denervation is a novel catheter-based, percutaneous procedure using radiofrequency energy to ablate nerves within the renal arteries. This procedure might help to significantly lower blood pressure (BP) in patients with resistant hypertension, defined as BP > 140/90 mm Hg (> 130/80 mm Hg for those with diabetes) despite use of ≥ 3 optimally dosed antihypertensive agents, ideally including 1 diuretic agent. The Canadian Hypertension Education Program Recommendations Task Force reviewed the current evidence on safety and efficacy of this procedure...
January 2014: Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Britta L Anderson, Renata R Urban, Mark Pearlman, Jay Schulkin
OBJECTIVE: Investigate the knowledge and opinions of obstetrician and gynecologists (ob-gyns) regarding the USPSTF committee and statement, and to assess their reactions to healthcare legislation. METHODS: A national cross-sectional survey study of ob-gyns was conducted six months after a controversial USPSTF recommendation statement was released in November 2009. Ob-gyns' opinions about the Women's Health Amendment (WHA) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) were also assessed...
February 2014: Preventive Medicine
John A Shepherd, Sanford Baim, John P Bilezikian, John T Schousboe
There have been many scientific advances in measurement of fat and lean body mass as determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) convened a Position Development Conference (PDC) on the use of DXA for body composition measurement. Previously, no guidelines to the use of DXA for body composition existed. The recommendations pertain to clinically relevant issues regarding DXA indications of use, acquisition, analysis, quality control, interpretation, and reporting were addressed...
October 2013: Journal of Clinical Densitometry
John T Schousboe, John A Shepherd, John P Bilezikian, Sanford Baim
The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) convenes a Position Development Conference (PDC) every 2-3 yr to make recommendations for guidelines and standards in the field of musculoskeletal measurement and assessment. The recommendations pertain to clinically relevant issues regarding the acquisition, quality control, interpretation, and reporting of various aspects of musculoskeletal health metrics. Topics for consideration are developed by the ISCD Board of Directors and the Scientific Advisory Committee...
2013: Journal of Clinical Densitometry
Federico Argüelles-Arias, Manuel Barreiro-de-Acosta, Fernando Carballo, Joaquín Hinojosa, Teresa Tejerina
Biological drugs or biopharmaceutical products, manufactured with or from living organisms using biotechnology, have represented a therapeutic revolution for the control of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). At present, in this indication and in our country, only two biological are approved, infliximab (IFX) and adalimumab (ADA), both of them monoclonal antibodies against tumor necrosis factor alpha. Effectiveness data are strong for both therapies, with maximum levels of scientific evidence.The upcoming expiry date for these biologicals´ patents has allowed the potential marketing of so-called biosimilar agents for the IBD indication...
January 2013: Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas
Brianne Kirkpatrick, Laura Hercher, Flavia Facio, Jill Fonda, Susan Hahn, Julie Sapp, Heather Zierhut
Stem cells' regenerative capabilities present a unique opportunity to treat human illness and injury. In 2003, the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) issued a position statement supporting stem cell use in research settings. Almost a decade later, in response to legislative and technological developments within the field of stem cell science, NSGC convened a task force to revisit and update its statement on stem cell research. In doing so, the Task Force developed a new statement reaffirming NSGC's support for stem cell research and endorsed continued stem cell therapy development...
August 2013: Journal of Genetic Counseling
Sheila Dunn, Édith Guilbert
OBJECTIVE: To review current knowledge about emergency contraception (EC), including available options, their modes of action, efficacy, safety, and the effective provision of EC within a practice setting. OPTIONS: The combined estradiol-levonorgestrel (Yuzpe regimen) and the levonorgestrel-only regimen, as well as post-coital use of copper intrauterine devices, are reviewed. OUTCOMES: Efficacy in terms of reduction in risk of pregnancy, safety, and side effects of methods for EC and the effect of the means of access to EC on its appropriate use and the use of consistent contraception...
September 2012: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada: JOGC
Girish P Joshi, Saravanan P Ankichetty, Tong J Gan, Frances Chung
The suitability of ambulatory surgery for a patient with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) remains controversial because of concerns of increased perioperative complications including postdischarge death. Therefore, a Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia task force on practice guidelines developed a consensus statement for the selection of patients with OSA scheduled for ambulatory surgery. A systematic review of the literature was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines...
November 2012: Anesthesia and Analgesia
Alan Sinclair, John E Morley, Leo Rodriguez-Mañas, Giuseppe Paolisso, Tony Bayer, Andrej Zeyfang, Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson, Ulrich Vischer, Jean Woo, Ian Chapman, Trisha Dunning, Graydon Meneilly, Joel Rodriguez-Saldana, Luis Miguel Gutierrez Robledo, Tali Cukierman-Yaffe, Roger Gadsby, Guntram Schernthaner, Kate Lorig
Diabetes mellitus is a highly prevalent metabolic condition in ageing societies associated with high levels of morbidity, multiple therapies, and functional deterioration that challenges even the best of health care systems to deliver high-quality, individualized care. Most international clinical guidelines have ignored the often-unique issues of frailty, functional limitation, changes in mental health, and increasing dependency that characterize many aged patients with diabetes. A collaborative Expert Group of the IAGG and EDWPOP and an International Task Force have explored the key issues that affect diabetes in older people using a robust method comprising a Delphi process and an evidence-based review of the literature...
July 2012: Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
William Byne, Susan J Bradley, Eli Coleman, A Evan Eyler, Richard Green, Edgardo J Menvielle, Heino F L Meyer-Bahlburg, Richard R Pleak, D Andrew Tompkins
Both the diagnosis and treatment of Gender Identity Disorder (GID) are controversial. Although linked, they are separate issues and the DSM does not evaluate treatments. The Board of Trustees (BOT) of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), therefore, formed a Task Force charged to perform a critical review of the literature on the treatment of GID at different ages, to assess the quality of evidence pertaining to treatment, and to prepare a report that included an opinion as to whether or not sufficient credible literature exists for development of treatment recommendations by the APA...
August 2012: Archives of Sexual Behavior
Timothy R Vollmer, Louis P Hagopian, Jon S Bailey, Michael F Dorsey, Gregory P Hanley, David Lennox, Mary M Riordan, Scott Spreat
A task force authorized by the Executive Council of the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) generated the statement below concerning the techniques called restraint and seclusion. Members of the task force independently reviewed the scientific literature concerning restraint and seclusion and agreed unanimously to the content of the statement. The Executive Council accepted the statement, and it was subsequently approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the general membership. It now constitutes official ABAI policy...
2011: Behavior Analyst
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March 2012: Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing
Jo-Ann Johnson, Suzanne Tough
OBJECTIVE: To provide an overview of delayed child-bearing and to describe the implications for women and health care providers. OPTIONS: Delayed child-bearing, which has increased greatly in recent decades, is associated with an increased risk of infertility, pregnancy complications, and adverse pregnancy outcome. This guideline provides information that will optimize the counselling and care of Canadian women with respect to their reproductive choices. OUTCOMES: Maternal age is the most important determinant of fertility, and obstetric and perinatal risks increase with maternal age...
January 2012: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada: JOGC
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