Laura McRee, Pamela G Reed
An impending policy change in Medicare will provide reimbursement for the end-of-life conversation. The rise in numbers of older adults who face serious illness coupled with advances in healthcare technology are increasing the need for providers to address end of life issues in the acute care setting. Doctoral-level nurse practitioners who specialize in acute care of older adults are poised to be leaders and facilitators of this conversation in a particularly challenging context-the intensive care unit. The focus of this article is the new end-of-life policy in relation to the particular contributions that adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioners offer in the acute care setting...
January 2016: Nursing Science Quarterly
Norma Stephens Hannigan, Kristine Takamiya, Leonel Lerebours Nadal
BACKGROUND: Interprofessional education and global health are priorities in health professions education. Health organizations such as the Institute of Medicine and the World Health Organization recommend that education of health care providers be interdisciplinary and use technology. METHOD: A webinar took place between adult gerontology nurse practitioner (AGNP) students in the United States and the providers of a clinic in the Dominican Republic. The providers from the Dominican Republic presented a case typical of their practices but one with which AGNP students were not familiar...
December 2015: Journal of Nursing Education
Lisa M Echeverry, Karen V Lamb, Joanne Miller
By providing quality primary care in the home setting, nurse practitioners can treat homebound patients effectively and decrease the number of hospitalizations, 30-day readmissions, and emergency department visits. Forty patients with a diagnosis of Class III or IV heart failure who were homebound were chosen for this project. The project manager, an Adult-Gerontological nurse practitioner, made home visits to these patients on a monthly and as-needed basis throughout the 3-month project. The rate of hospital admissions, emergency department visits, and 30-day readmissions was reduced by 64%, 85%, and 95%, respectively...
November 2015: Home Healthcare Now
Adam G Golden, Michael A Silverman, S Barry Issenberg
Physicians' career interest in geriatric medicine continues to wane at a time when the health care needs of older adults are increasing. Nurse practitioners have helped fill the U.S. physician gap by delivering outpatient care to older adults and can practice with full autonomy in many states. Nursing graduate school programs are preparing adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioners to successfully deliver outpatient care services using a model of training with fewer requirements that is more flexible and of shorter duration compared with the training model for geriatricians...
September 2015: Academic Medicine
Beverly Middle, Margaret Miklancie
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this article is to discuss the role of the adult-gerontology clinical nurse specialist in addressing the problem of delirium in hospitalized older adults through strategies to improve nurse knowledge. BACKGROUND: Delirium is a significant issue in hospitalized older adults. This acute confusional state can adversely impact older adults in various ways. Delirium has been implicated in (1) poor physical, cognitive, and psychological outcomes, (2) prolonged hospitalizations, (3) increased costs of care, (4) need for continued postacute care, and (5) patient and provider stress...
July 2015: Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS
Christine Cutugno
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 2015: Geriatric Nursing
Geraldine M Budd, Andrea Wolf, Richard Eric Haas
Primary care is a growing area, and nurse practitioners (NPs) hold promise for meeting the need for additional providers. This article reports on the future plans of more than 300 primary care NP students in family, adult, and adult gerontology programs. The sample was obtained through NP faculty, and data were collected via an online survey. Results indicated that although these students chose primary care, only 48% anticipated working in primary care; 26% planned to practice in rural areas, and 16% planned to work in an inner city...
March 2015: Journal of Nursing Education
Hilaire J Thompson, Basia Belza, Margaret Baker, Phyllis Christianson, Ardith Doorenbos, Huong Nguyen
Enhancing existing curricula to meet newly published adult-gerontology advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) competencies in an efficient manner presents a challenge to nurse educators. Incorporating shared, published electronic learning resources (ELRs) in existing or new courses may be appropriate in order to assist students in achieving competencies. The purposes of this project were to (a) identify relevant available ELR for use in enhancing geriatric APRN education and (b) to evaluate the educational utility of identified ELRs based on established criteria...
March 2014: Journal of Professional Nursing: Official Journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Geraldine F Marrocco, Meredith Wallace Kazer, Leslie Neal-Boylan
AIM: To introduce faculty to podcasting, giving them opportunities for course integration in nursing. BACKGROUND: Faculty represented adult, gerontological, psychiatric, acute, and family health specialties interested in technology integration. METHOD: Faculty were invited to submit an abstract describing interest and experience with educational technology and intended use of podcasting. Each faculty received an iPod and sessions were held updating the required technical skills...
January 2014: Nursing Education Perspectives
Ibrahim Mahmoud Abumaria, Marie Hastings-Tolsma, Teresa J Sakraida
PURPOSE: Growing numbers of older adults place increased demands on already burdened healthcare systems. The cost of managing chronic illnesses mandates greater emphasis on management and prevention. This article explores the adaptation of Levine's Conservation Model as a structure for providing care to the older adult by the adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner (AGNP). CONCLUSION: The AGNP role, designed to provide quality care to adult and older adult populations, offers the opportunity to not only manage health care of the elderly, but to also advocate, lead in collaborative care efforts, conduct advanced planning, and manage and negotiate health delivery systems...
2015: Nursing Forum
Marcia Pencak Murphy, Joanne M Miller, Martha Zervopoulos Siomos, Lynne Braun, Barbara Hinch, Kathryn Swartwout
PURPOSE: Faculty members across the country are faced with integrating gerontological content and competencies across advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) programs that focus on the adult-gerontology population. The purpose of this initiative was to effectively and efficiently integrate gerontological content into the adult management courses for several APRN programs in acute and primary care at one university's college of nursing. DATA SOURCES: Current literature, resources for integrating adult-gerontology content, course evaluations, and end of program surveys were used in this project...
February 2014: Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Susan J Corbridge, Tom Corbridge, Jennifer Tiffen, Melissa Carlucci
Team-based learning (TBL) is an innovative, learner-centered teaching strategy that promotes active learning. The authors describe their experience with implementing TBL in an adult-gerontology acute and primary care course for nurse practitioners as well as their evaluation of student outcomes.
September 2013: Nurse Educator
Carolyn Auerhahn, Mathy Mezey, Joan Stanley, Laurie Dodge Wilson
PURPOSE: To present the findings from a needs assessment of adult primary care (ANP), gerontological (GNP), and adult acute care (ACNP) nurse practitioner faculty regarding the transition to adult-gerontology NP (A-GNP) programs. DATA SOURCES: Data were obtained from two sources: (a) an online survey to identify the faculty's primary needs in order to facilitate success in this transition and (b) telephone focus groups to explore survey responses in greater depth...
April 2012: Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Giyeon Kim, Jamie Decoster, Chao-Hui Huang, Patricia Parmelee
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The present study examined the characteristics of health disparities grants funded by National Institute on Aging (NIA) from 2000 to 2010. Objectives were (a) to examine longitudinal trends in health disparities-related grants funded by NIA and (b) to identify moderators of these trends. DESIGN AND METHODS: Our primary data source was the National Institutes of Health Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools Expenditures and Results (RePORTER) system...
December 2012: Gerontologist
Cathy J Thompson, Paula Nelson-Marten
PURPOSE: The purpose of this article was to show how sequenced educational strategies aid in the acquisition of systems leadership and change agent skills, as well as other essential skills for professional clinical nurse specialist (CNS) practice. BACKGROUND: Clinical nurse specialist education offers the graduate student both didactic and clinical experiences to help the student transition into the CNS role. Clinical nurse specialist faculty have a responsibility to prepare students for the realities of advanced practice...
May 2011: Clinical Nurse Specialist CNS
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