Yasmeen Mansoor, Tania Wong, Jeannette L Comeau
Canada is one of the most multicultural countries in the world, with growing numbers of families who do not speak English or French as a first language. However, providing language-concordant services for patients with non-official language preference (NOLP) is not a standardized or measured component of our healthcare system, reflecting the historical marginalization of minority groups in our society. Existing evidence from other countries demonstrates the importance of language as a social determinant of health, and illustrates improved healthcare outcomes for patients with NOLP with the use of medical interpretation...
June 2024: Paediatrics & Child Health
Saubhagya Joshi, Eunbin Ha, Yonaira Rivera, Vivek K Singh
ChatGPT is a popular information system (over 1 billion visits in August 2023) that can generate natural language responses to user queries. It is important to study the quality and equity of its responses on health-related topics, such as vaccination, as they may influence public health decision-making. We use the Vaccine Hesitancy Scale (VHS) proposed by Shapiro et al.1 to measure the hesitancy of ChatGPT responses in English, Spanish, and French. We find that: (a) ChatGPT responses indicate less hesitancy than those reported for human respondents in past literature; (b) ChatGPT responses vary significantly across languages, with English responses being the most hesitant on average and Spanish being the least; (c) ChatGPT responses are largely consistent across different model parameters but show some variations across the scale factors (vaccine competency, risk)...
2024: AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings
Pawel Borkowski, Natalia Borkowska, Shaunak Mangeshkar, Bisrat H Adal, Nikita Singh
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally. Their prevalence and mortality rates continue to rise. This narrative review explores well-known risk factors for CVDs such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and smoking, and their prevalence among different racial and ethnic groups. In addition, we expand the discussion to include the impact of socioeconomic status (SES) on cardiovascular outcomes. The data demonstrate that non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic populations not only exhibit higher rates of hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and smoking but also face systemic barriers linked to lower SES, which worsen their cardiovascular outcomes...
May 2024: Curēus
Maya Katenova, Hassan Qudrat-Ullah
The research seeks to find a relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and companies' performance. Studied variables were measured and analysed using a sample of companies listed on the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE). The study employed the regression model and least squares technique as the primary analytical tools. CSR is examined in conjunction with variables such as Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Market Value, and Net Profit Margin. As a result of the research, it was found that firm performance and CSR relate to each other in the studied companies...
May 30, 2024: Heliyon
Vipina K Keloth, Salih Selek, Qingyu Chen, Christopher Gilman, Sunyang Fu, Yifang Dang, Xinghan Chen, Xinyue Hu, Yujia Zhou, Huan He, Jungwei W Fan, Karen Wang, Cynthia Brandt, Cui Tao, Hongfang Liu, Hua Xu
The consistent and persuasive evidence illustrating the influence of social determinants on health has prompted a growing realization throughout the health care sector that enhancing health and health equity will likely depend, at least to some extent, on addressing detrimental social determinants. However, detailed social determinants of health (SDoH) information is often buried within clinical narrative text in electronic health records (EHRs), necessitating natural language processing (NLP) methods to automatically extract these details...
May 22, 2024: medRxiv
Katherine Theall, Jasmine Wallace, Amber Tucker, Kimberly Wu, Brigham Walker, Jeanette Gustat, Michelle Kondo, Christopher Morrison, Casius Pealer, Charles C Branas, Lisa Richardson
Changing built environment conditions to impact health mindsets and health equity may be a promising target for public health interventions. The present study was a cluster randomized controlled trial to test the impact of remediating vacant and abandoned properties on factors related to health mindset-including well-being, health interconnectedness, social capital markers, neighborhood disorder and worry-as well as direct and indirect violence experiences and the moderating role of racial and income segregation on outcomes...
May 23, 2024: Research Square
Mélanie Gréaux, Katie Chadd, Fatima Gheewala, Voon Pang, Napoleon Katsos, Jenny L Gibson
PURPOSE: To investigate the characteristics of studies that included underrepresented speech-language pathologists (SLPs) as research participants. METHOD: A scoping review was conducted using the principles of the transformative research paradigm, which promotes the meaningful involvement and empowerment of marginalised groups. Co-production with minority SLPs was facilitated. The search strategy was run in six databases, and the transformative checklist used for analysis...
June 3, 2024: International Journal of Speech-language Pathology
Alieu Sowe, Fredinah Namatovu, Bai Cham, Per E Gustafsson
OBJECTIVES: Six million children were under-vaccinated in 2022. Our study aimed to 1) quantify the magnitude of under-vaccination variation between health facilities, 2) assess to which extent individual and health center level factors contributed to the variation, 3) identify individual and health facility factors associated with under-vaccination, and 4), explore rural vs. urban health facility variations. METHODS: We used data from 61,839 children from The Gambia national routine vaccination register...
December 31, 2024: Global Health Action
James Gasperino, Flavie de Germay de Cirfontaine, Shanya Galbokke Hewage
Safety net hospitals (SNHs) are essential to our healthcare ecosystem, providing quality healthcare to underserved communities. These institutions offer specialized services and acute medical care to populations facing structural or systemic healthcare barriers. However, for decades, the NYS Medicaid program reimbursed hospitals less than the cost of care, resulting in several independent SNHs becoming financially distressed, with many facing closure. Recently, the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Service Innovation Center (CMSI) introduced the State All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) Model, which aims to support the financial needs of providers while also addressing the complex medical and social circumstances of underserved communities...
June 2, 2024: Community Health Equity Res Policy
Yousif Al-Naser
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 1, 2024: Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
Elie M Ferneini
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Derek M Griffith
United States' federal policy and infrastructure fail to explicitly consider the health of men, particularly the poor health of marginalized men. This inattention to men's health hinders the nation's ability to improve population health, to achieve gender health equity, and to achieve health equity more broadly. Expanding efforts to consider gender in federal policy and infrastructure to include men, naming men as a population whose poor health warrants policy attention, creating offices of men's health in federal agencies, and utilizing an intersectional lens to develop and analyze policies that affect health would likely yield critical improvements in population health and health equity in the United States...
June 2024: Social Science & Medicine
Sarah M Temkin, Arghavan Salles, Elizabeth Barr, Cecilia B Leggett, Jeffrey S Reznick, Melissa S Wong
Historically, the physician professional identity and the organizational structure of Western medicine have been defined by masculine norms such as authority and assertiveness. The past five decades have seen a rapid shift in the demographics of attendees as medical schools, with equal numbers of women and men matriculants for nearly twenty years. Gender as a social, cultural, and structural variable continues to influence the physician workforce. The entry of women into medicine, has had far reaching effects on the expectations of patients, the interactions of physicians with other members of the healthcare team, and the delivery of care...
June 2024: Social Science & Medicine
Goleen Samari, Heather M Wurtz, Tara F Abularrage, Mienah Z Sharif
RATIONALE: Immigrants represent a rapidly growing proportion of the population, yet the many ways in which structural inequities, including racism, xenophobia, and sexism, influence their health remains largely understudied. Perspectives from immigrant women can highlight intersectional dimensions of structural gendered racism and the ways in which racial and gender-based systems of structural oppression interact. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to show the multilevel manifestations of structural gendered racism in the health experiences of immigrant women living in New York City...
June 2024: Social Science & Medicine
Amaya Perez-Brumer, Natali Valdez, Ayden I Scheim
Anti-gender campaigns in the United States and globally have promoted policies and legislation that significantly limit bodily autonomy for women, transgender, and nonbinary people. This attack on the human rights of women and gender-diverse communities not only reflects implicit and explicit bias but also detrimentally impacts population health and well-being. We outline the domestic and global rise of anti-gender campaigns and their deep historical connections to broader forms of discrimination and inequality to argue that there is an ethical, democratic, and scientific imperative to more critically center and contextualize gender in health research...
June 2024: Social Science & Medicine
Aatekah Owais, Muhammad Islam, Anushka Ataullahjan, Zulfiqar A Bhutta
BACKGROUND: Since 2000, only a few countries have substantially reduced the burden of anemia among women 15-49 years of age. The Exemplars in Anemia Reduction among Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) studied the determinants of success among these countries. OBJECTIVE: To describe the methodology used to determine the factors associated with anemia reduction in high-performing countries, with the aim to guide policy and programmatic decisions in other countries with similar sociodemographic and health indices...
May 31, 2024: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Kerri Raven Cauldron, Natalea Suchy, Adriane N Irwin
BACKGROUND: Kratom is an herbal supplement that has drawn attention for its use in the self-treatment of opioid withdrawal, and its widespread availability with minimal restrictions. Past web-based research has attempted to determine patterns and trends of use, but generalizability to underserved populations is unclear. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to characterize behavior related to kratom, attitudes toward kratom, and knowledge of kratom in a rural, underserved population...
May 31, 2024: Journal of the American Pharmacists Association: JAPhA
Caitlin G Allen, Ashley Hatch, Elizabeth Hill, Suparna Qanungo, Marvella Ford, Sarah Tucker Price, LaQuisha Umemba
INTRODUCTION: Less than half of eligible Black women are assessed for genetic risk and only 28% engage in recommended HBOC risk-reducing interventions. CHWs are trusted members of the community that work as a liaison between health systems and the community to improve access to services and support cancer prevention efforts, though they are an overlooked to support genetic risk assessment. To address the need and training gaps for CHWs we developed and assessed an online training program called KEEP IT (Keeping Each other Engaged Program via IT)...
May 31, 2024: Public Health Genomics
Ling-Ying Wang, Zi-Yi Hu, Hong-Xiu Chen, Chun-Fen Zhou, Meng-Lin Tang, Xiu-Ying Hu
BACKGROUND: In 2009, China launched a new round of healthcare reform to provide households with secure, efficient, convenient, equitable and affordable healthcare services. Healthcare reform is underpinned by three critical pillars: the health workforce, funding, and infrastructure, with reform of the health workforce being particularly significant. OBJECTIVE: This study analyses the disparities in regional distribution and the inequity of healthcare workforce allocation across hospitals and primary health centers in China over twelve years...
May 21, 2024: International Journal of Nursing Studies
Vaidehi Pisolkar, Isabelle Dena, Kathryn L Green, Yolanda Palmer-Clarke, Tamara Hinz, Nazeem Muhajarine
PURPOSE: To examine the lived experiences of children and adolescents coping with mental health issues and seeking mental health services in Saskatchewan during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: In our descriptive phenomenological qualitative study, we interviewed forty-six individuals, including children aged 8-15 and their parents. Thematic analysis was applied to interpret the interview data. RESULTS: Our analysis identified three key themes: pyscho-behavioural impact, academic impact, and social impact...
December 2024: International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
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