Jennifer O Lambert, Olanrewaju O Falusi, Emilia Kaslow-Zieve, Samantha Crawley, Kofi Essel
Food insecurity, for which families are routinely screened at medical visits, has deleterious health consequences. This study sought to understand the lived experiences of families with lower incomes participating in food insecurity screening at two urban pediatric primary care clinics. Forty-three semi-structured interviews were performed in English and Spanish with families with public insurance after well visits where food insecurity screening was documented. Immersion-crystallization analysis was used to identify salient themes...
2024: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved
Baojing Wei, Xue Mao, Shuguang Liu, Maochou Liu, Zhao Wang, Peng Kang, Haiqiang Gao, Wenxi Tang, Shuailong Feng, Zhenzhen Pan
Ecological vulnerability and poverty are interrelated and must be addressed together. The resolution of this issue will help us to meet the challenges during the process of implementing concrete actions for realizing the 2030 UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). Ecological restoration projects (ERPs) can enhance ecosystem services (ESs) while providing policy support for improving people's livelihoods. However, processes and mechanisms of ERPs on the ecological environment and socioeconomic development in poverty-stricken and ecologically fragile areas have rarely been studied...
April 22, 2024: Journal of Environmental Management
Felicity Pike, Lars Lindström, Josefin Ekstedt, Narriman S Jiddawi, Maricela de la Torre-Castro
Livelihood initiatives are common within marine protected areas (MPAs) aiming for poverty alleviation or higher income opportunities. However, results can be mixed in reality, as well as change over time. Furthermore, who benefits is a key consideration, as results can vary based on inequalities, including gender. Here, the monetary outcomes of different livelihood strategies were investigated across three MPA regions in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Using a quantitative approach, the results show that livelihoods have shifted in a six-year period, with livelihood strategies differing in poverty incidence and income...
April 22, 2024: Ambio
Teresa Perry, Alexandra Bernasek
The characteristic features of 21st-century corporate capitalism - monopoly and financialization - are increasingly being recognized by public health scholars as undermining the foundations of human health. While the "vectors" through which this is occurring are well known - poverty, inequality, climate change among others - locating the root cause of this process in the nature and institutions of contemporary capitalism is relatively new. Researchers have been somewhat slow to study the relationship between contemporary capitalism and human health...
April 12, 2024: Social Science & Medicine
Vitriyanti, Nabilah Amalina Rozi, Sherly Saragih Turnip
Background: Psychotic symptoms are present in a wide range of both clinical and non-clinical populations. Psychotic symptoms in adolescents often take the form of psychotic-like experiences (PLEs), which are considered a risk factor for numerous serious mental illnesses. Socioeconomic disadvantages are across rural areas, and poverty is known as the third most important risk factor of PLEs. However, there have been limited studies on PLEs which focus on populations in rural areas. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of PLEs and investigate their predictors among early adolescents living in rural areas...
April 18, 2024: Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Atif Rahman
Over 1.8 billion people, about a quarter of the world's population live in the seven countries of South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The population is characterized by a significant demographic youth bulge, with over 40% under the age of 18. This young population poses challenges related to ensuring their well-being and development. Issues such as poverty, undernutrition, lack of early stimulation, limited access to quality education and health care, and gender disparities persist in large parts of South Asia, affecting the lives of many children and adolescents...
May 2024: Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Zina Fan, Minzhi Xu, Shanquan Chen, Jing Wang, Yanhong Gong, Xinglin Feng, Xiaoxv Yin
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of asthma is gradually increasing worldwide and there are socioeconomic inequalities in the risk of developing asthma. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate whether the lifestyle is associated with asthma in adults, as well as whether and to what extent healthy lifestyles may modify socioeconomic status (SES) inequities in asthma. METHODS: This study included a total of 223951 participants from the UK Biobank. Smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption, healthy diet patterns, sedentary time, and sleep duration items were used to construct the lifestyle score...
April 15, 2024: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Practice
Raphäel Rakotozandrindrainy, Rivo Andry Rakotoarivelo, Irina Kislaya, Valentina Marchese, Tahimandranto Rasamoelina, Jeannine Solonirina, Elveric Fesia Ratiaharison, Ravo Razafindrakoto, Nantenaina Matthieu Razafindralava, Njary Rakotozandrindrainy, Mickael Radomanana, Mala Rakoto Andrianarivelo, Philipp Klein, Eva Lorenz, Anna Jaeger, Pytsje T Hoekstra, Paul L A M Corstjens, Norbert Georg Schwarz, Govert J van Dam, Jürgen May, Daniela Fusco
INTRODUCTION: Schistosomiasis is a parasitic infection highly prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with Madagascar being among the countries with highest burden of the disease worldwide. Despite WHO recommendations, suggesting treatment of pregnant women after the first trimester, this group is still excluded from Mass Drug Administration programs. Our study, had the objective to measure the prevalence of schistosome infection among pregnant women in Madagascar in order to inform public health policies for treatment in this vulnerable population...
April 16, 2024: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Wendy Chu, Cheuk Chi Tam, Sayward Harrison
This study examined associations between perceived discrimination, treatment adherence self-efficacy, and depressive symptoms among people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the Southern United States. Cross-sectional survey data were collected from 402 PLHIV who self-reported on interpersonal discrimination experiences based on HIV status, sexuality, gender, income, and living condition. Participants also reported on adherence self-efficacy and depressive symptoms. We employed K-means clustering to identify groups based on discrimination experiences, and logistic regressions to examine group differences on adherence self-efficacy and depressive symptoms...
April 16, 2024: AIDS Care
Jennifer Cervantes, Jenna Wallace, Annie Kennelly Helms, Elizabeth A Diekroger, Jason Fogler
Layla is a 6.7-year-old girl diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-predominantly hyperactive/impulsive type-delayed adaptive skills, enuresis, unspecified malnutrition, and feeding difficulties. She presented to developmental-behavioral pediatrics (DBP) in January 2022 due to caregiver concerns for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).Layla lives in a polyamorous family with her biological mother and father, mother's partner whom Layla refers to as her uncle, and her 2 half-siblings. There is a maternal history of special education services, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, multiple sclerosis, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, and ADHD...
March 2024: Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics: JDBP
Bria Browne, Khalid Ali, Elizabeth Ford, Naji Tabet
INTRODUCTION: Over 50% of hospitalised older people with dementia have multimorbidity, and are at an increased risk of hospital readmissions within 30 days of their discharge. Between 20-40% of these readmissions may be preventable. Current research focuses on the physical causes of hospital readmissions. However, older people with dementia have additional psychosocial factors that are likely to increase their risk of readmissions. This narrative review aimed to identify psychosocial determinants of hospital readmissions, within the context of known physical factors...
April 12, 2024: BMC Geriatrics
Kayonda Hubert Ngamaba, Laddy Sedzo Lombo, Israël Kenda Makopa, Martin Webber, Jack M Liuta, Joule Ntwan Madinga, Samuel Ma Miezi Mampunza, Cheyann Heap
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the prevalence of mental health issues could be greater than in other low-income and middle-income countries because of major risk factors related to armed conflicts and poverty. Given that mental health is an essential component of health, it is surprising that no systematic evaluation of mental health in the DRC has yet been undertaken. This study aims to undertake the first systematic review of mental health literacy and service provision in the DRC, to bridge this gap and inform those who need to develop an evidence base...
March 6, 2024: Npj Ment Health Res
Meriah L DeJoseph, Monica E Ellwood-Lowe, Dana Miller-Cotto, David Silverman, Katherine Adams Shannon, Gabriel Reyes, Divyangana Rakesh, Willem E Frankenhuis
There has been significant progress in understanding the effects of childhood poverty on neurocognitive development. This progress has captured the attention of policymakers and promoted progressive policy reform. However, the prevailing emphasis on the harms associated with childhood poverty may have inadvertently perpetuated a deficit-based narrative, focused on the presumed shortcomings of children and families in poverty. This focus can have unintended consequences for policy (e.g., overlooking strengths) as well as public discourse (e...
April 10, 2024: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Sean Fox, Felix Agyemang, Laurence Hawker, Jeffrey Neal
High-resolution global flood risk maps are increasingly used to inform disaster risk planning and response, particularly in lower income countries with limited data or capacity. However, current approaches do not adequately account for spatial variation in social vulnerability, which is a key determinant of variation in outcomes for exposed populations. Here we integrate annual average exceedance probability estimates from a high-resolution fluvial flood model with gridded population and poverty data to create a global vulnerability-adjusted risk index for flooding (VARI Flood) at 90-meter resolution...
April 11, 2024: Nature Communications
Ryan Bogdan, Shelby D Leverett, Anna M Constantino-Petit, Nicole Lashley-Simms, David B Liss, Emma C Johnson, Shannon N Lenze, Rachel E Lean, Tara A Smyser, Ebony B Carter, Christopher D Smyser, Cynthia E Rogers, Arpana Agrawal
BACKGROUND: Increasing cannabis use among pregnant people and equivocal evidence linking prenatal cannabis exposure to adverse outcomes in offspring highlights the need to understand its potential impact on pregnancy and child outcomes. Assessing cannabis use during pregnancy remains a major challenge with potential influences of stigma on self-report as well as detection limitations of easily collected biological matrices. OBJECTIVE: This descriptive study examined the concordance between self-reported (SR) cannabis use and urine drug screen (UDS) detection of cannabis exposure during the first trimester of pregnancy and characterized concordant and discordant groups for sociodemographic factors, modes of use, secondhand exposure to cannabis and tobacco, and alcohol use and cotinine positivity...
April 9, 2024: Neurotoxicology and Teratology
Patrick Ho Lam Lai, Cal J Halvorsen, Kun Chang, Le Ha Tran Nguyen, Elizabeth P Howard, Karen S Lyons
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a U.S.-based job-training program that serves unemployed workers aged 55 and older with incomes at or below 125% of the federal poverty level. While federal funds are set aside to serve Asian workers in SCSEP, little is known about their characteristics and experiences. In response, this pilot study aimed to document the health, well-being, and experiences of older Asian SCSEP participants in Massachusetts through the completion of a survey. Respondents ( N  = 39) ranged in age from 58 to 73 and identified as either Chinese (72%) or Vietnamese (28%)...
April 10, 2024: Journal of Gerontological Social Work
Hanish P Kodali, Katarzyna E Wyka, Sergio A Costa, Kelly R Evenson, Lorna E Thorpe, Terry T-K Huang
IMPORTANCE: Equity-driven citywide park redesign and renovation, such as the Community Parks Initiative (CPI), has the potential to increase park use and opportunities for physical activity in underserved communities. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate changes in patterns of park use following park redesign and renovation in low-income New York City (NYC) neighborhoods. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: The Physical Activity and Redesigned Community Spaces study was a prospective quality improvement preintervention-postintervention study design with matched control parks...
April 1, 2024: JAMA Network Open
Heron Gezahegn Gebretsadik, Yenigat Abera
BACKGROUND: Noma, an infectious disease, mainly affects impoverished children. This study retrospectively assessed noma's prevalence in Ethiopia using data from the Facing Africa database and the 2022 United Nations Development Programme poverty index report. METHODS: A thorough review of medical records spanning 2007 to 2019 identified a total of 235 noma cases. A standardized data extraction template was employed to systematically gather pertinent clinical and demographic data for subsequent analysis...
April 9, 2024: Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Raghu Raman, Hiran H Lathabai, Anand Patwardhan, Sandhya Harikumar, Prema Nedungadi
The announcement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provided a fresh direction to sustainability research that spans different disciplines. Consequently, scholarly databases made available the mapping of research publications to different SDGs, unleashing many opportunities for analysis. In this work, the top 100 Highly Cited Sustainability Researchers (HCSRs) and information related to them, such as the institutions they belong to, the type of these institutions, the geographical diversity of these researchers, and gender representation patterns, are analyzed...
April 15, 2024: Heliyon
Thierry Adoukonou, Mendinatou Agbetou, Eric Dettin, Oyene Kossi, Andreas Husøy, Hallie Thomas, Dismand Houinato, Timothy J Steiner
BACKGROUND: The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study is increasingly well informed with regard to headache disorders, but sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remains one of the large regions of the world with limited data directly derived from population-based studies. The Global Campaign against Headache has conducted three studies in this region: Ethiopia in the east, Zambia in the south and Cameroon in Central SSA. Here we report a similar study in Benin, the first from West SSA. METHODS: We used the same methods and questionnaire, applying cluster-randomized sampling in three regions of the country, randomly selecting households in each region, visiting these unannounced and randomly selecting one adult member (aged 18-65 years) of each household...
April 5, 2024: Journal of Headache and Pain
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