Geoffrey Soussi, Ausra Girdziusaite, Shalu Jhanwar, Victorio Palacio, Marco Notaro, Rushikesh Sheth, Rolf Zeller, Aimée Zuniga
During limb bud formation, axis polarities are established as evidenced by the spatially restricted expression of key regulator genes. In particular, the mutually antagonistic interaction between the GLI3 repressor and HAND2 results in distinct and non-overlapping anterior-distal Gli3 and posterior Hand2 expression domains. This is a hallmark of the establishment of antero-posterior limb axis polarity, together with spatially restricted expression of homeodomain and other transcriptional regulators. Here, we show that TBX3 is required for establishment of the posterior expression boundary of anterior genes in mouse limb buds...
June 1, 2024: Development
Paul A Trainor
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: Developmental Dynamics
Pei-Yi Pan, Chih-Chun Ke, Ya-Yun Wang, Yu-Hua Lin, Wei-Chi Ku, Chin-Fong Au, Chying-Chyuan Chan, Chia-Yen Huang, Ying-Hung Lin
BACKGROUND: Approximately 7% of the males exhibit reduced fertility; however, the regulatory genes and pathways involved remain largely unknown. TBC1 domain family member 21 (TBC1D21) contains a conserved RabGAP catalytic domain that induces GDP/GTP exchange to inactivate Rabs by interacting with microtubules. We previously reported that Tbc1d21-null mice exhibit severe sperm tail defects with a disrupted axoneme, and that TBC1D21 interacts with RAB10. However, the pathological mechanisms underlying the Tbc1d21 loss-induced sperm tail defects remain unknown...
June 1, 2024: Developmental Dynamics
Chris Q Doe, Stefan Thor
Drosophila nervous system development progresses through a series of well-characterized steps in which homeodomain transcription factors (HDTFs) play key roles during most, if not all, phases. Strikingly, although some HDTFs have only one role, many others are involved in multiple steps of the developmental process. Most Drosophila HDTFs engaged in nervous system development are conserved in vertebrates and often play similar roles during vertebrate development. In this Spotlight, we focus on the role of HDTFs during embryogenesis, where they were first characterized...
June 1, 2024: Development
John L Rubenstein, Alex S Nord, Marc Ekker
The vertebrate Dlx gene family encode homeobox transcription factors that are related to the Drosophila Distal-less (Dll) gene and are crucial for development. Over the last ∼35 years detailed information has accrued about the redundant and unique expression and function of the six mammalian Dlx family genes. DLX proteins interact with general transcriptional regulators, and co-bind with other transcription factors to enhancer elements with highly specific activity in the developing forebrain...
June 1, 2024: Development
Kalika Prasad, Dasaradhi Palakodeti
Regeneration involves a highly coordinated interplay of intricate cellular processes, enabling living organisms to renew and repair themselves, from individual cells to entire ecosystems. Further, regeneration offers profound insights into developmental biology, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Development and Regeneration (CMMDR) 2024 conference, which took place at the Shiv Nadar Institute of Eminence and University (India), gathered together an international array of researchers studying a wide variety of organisms across both plant and animal kingdoms...
June 1, 2024: Development
Eleni Kanata, Rachel Duffié, Edda G Schulz
This Review elucidates the regulatory principles of random monoallelic expression by focusing on two well-studied examples: the X-chromosome inactivation regulator Xist and the olfactory receptor gene family. Although the choice of a single X chromosome or olfactory receptor occurs in different developmental contexts, common gene regulatory principles guide monoallelic expression in both systems. In both cases, an event breaks the symmetry between genetically and epigenetically identical copies of the gene, leading to the expression of one single random allele, stabilized through negative feedback control...
May 15, 2024: Development
Lianne Polliane Fernandes Araujo, Diego Carvalho Viana, Ligia Tchaika, Juliana Maria Alves Caldas, Antônio Chaves Assis Neto, Maria Angélica Miglino, Alana Lislea de Sousa
BACKGROUND: The developmental biology of Kinosternon scorpioides is described, based on the phenotype. This species is important for the flora because they are excellent seed disseminators. In addition, basic embryological information is not yet fully clarified, and this research provides unprecedented information on the chelonian embryology of the Amazonian fauna. AIM: The present study aims to identify the embryology of K. scorpioides in captivity during different periods...
April 2024: Open Veterinary Journal
Sandeep Gupta, Eric Heinrichs, Bennett G Novitch, Samantha J Butler
Dorsal interneurons (dIs) in the spinal cord encode the perception of touch, pain, heat, itchiness and proprioception. Previous studies using genetic strategies in animal models have revealed important insights into dI development, but the molecular details of how dIs arise as distinct populations of neurons remain incomplete. We have developed a resource to investigate dI fate specification by combining a single-cell RNA-Seq atlas of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived dIs with pseudotime analyses. To validate this in silico resource as a useful tool, we used it to first identify genes that are candidates for directing the transition states that lead to distinct dI lineage trajectories, and then validated them using in situ hybridization analyses in the developing mouse spinal cord in vivo...
May 15, 2024: Development
Ellison J Goodrich, Michael R Deans
The planar polarized organization of hair cells in the vestibular maculae is unique because these sensory organs contain two groups of cells with oppositely oriented stereociliary bundles that meet at a line of polarity reversal (LPR). EMX2 is a transcription factor expressed by one hair cell group that reverses the orientation of their bundles, thereby forming the LPR. We generated Emx2-CreERt2 transgenic mice for genetic lineage tracing and demonstrate Emx2 expression before hair cell specification when the nascent utricle and saccule constitute a continuous prosensory domain...
May 15, 2024: Development
Charlotte L Manser, Ruben Perez-Carrasco
Embryo development is a dynamic process governed by the regulation of timing and sequences of gene expression, which control the proper growth of the organism. While many genetic programs coordinating these sequences are common across species, the timescales of gene expression can vary significantly among different organisms. Currently, substantial experimental efforts are focused on identifying molecular mechanisms that control these temporal aspects. In contrast, the capacity of established mathematical models to incorporate tempo control while maintaining the same dynamical landscape remains less understood...
May 23, 2024: Development
Valerie J Robert, Matthieu Caron, Loic Gely, Annie Adrait, Victoria Pakulska, Yohann Couté, Manon Chevalier, Christian G Riedel, Cecile Bedet, Francesca Palladino
The transcriptional co-regulator SIN3 influences gene expression through multiple interactions that include histone deacetylases. Haploinsufficiency and mutations in SIN3 are the underlying cause of Witteveen-Kolk syndrome and related intellectual disability and autism syndromes, emphasizing its key role in development. However, little is known about the diversity of its interactions and functions in developmental processes. Here, we show that loss of SIN-3, the single SIN3 homolog in Caenorhabditis elegans, results in maternal-effect sterility associated with de-regulation of the germline transcriptome, including de-silencing of X-linked genes...
November 1, 2023: Development
Ksenia Serdyukova, Alison R Swearingen, Mariel Coradin, Mika Nevo, Huong Tran, Emir Bajric, Justin Brumbaugh
Histone modifications are associated with regulation of gene expression that controls a vast array of biological processes. Often, these associations are drawn by correlating the genomic location of a particular histone modification with gene expression or phenotype; however, establishing a causal relationship between histone marks and biological processes remains challenging. Consequently, there is a strong need for experimental approaches to directly manipulate histone modifications. A class of mutations on the N-terminal tail of histone H3, lysine-to-methionine (K-to-M) mutations, was identified as dominant-negative inhibitors of histone methylation at their respective and specific residues...
November 1, 2023: Development
Patrick J Murphy, Frédéric Berger
We propose that several chromatin-mediated regulatory processes are dominated by source-sink relationships in which factors operate as 'sources' to produce or provide a resource and compete with each other to occupy separate 'sinks'. In this model, large portions of genomic DNA operate as 'sinks', which are filled by 'sources', such as available histone variants, covalent modifications to histones, the readers of these modifications and non-coding RNAs. Competing occupation for the sinks by different sources leads to distinct states of genomic equilibrium in differentiated cells...
November 1, 2023: Development
Lakshmi-Surekha Krishnapati, Surendra Ghaskadbi
Understanding the evolution of body plans has been one of the major areas of investigation in developmental and evolutionary biology. Cnidaria, the sister group to bilaterians, provides an opportunity to elucidate the origin and evolution of body axes. Hydra , a freshwater cnidarian, is a useful model to study signaling pathways governing pattern formation, which are conserved up to vertebrates including humans. The transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling pathway is one of the fundamental pathways that regulate axis formation and organogenesis during embryonic development...
May 21, 2024: International Journal of Developmental Biology
Verdiana Papagno, Ana-Marija Sulic, Jyoti P Satta, Aida Kaffash Hoshiar, Vinod Kumar, Jukka Jernvall, Marja L Mikkola
The development of skin appendages, including hair follicles, teeth and mammary glands is initiated through the formation of the placode, a local thickening of the epithelium. The Wnt/β-catenin signaling cascade is an evolutionary conserved pathway with an essential role in placode morphogenesis, but its downstream targets and their exact functions remain ill defined. In this study, we identify Achaete-scute complex-like 4 ( Ascl4 ) as a novel target of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and demonstrate its expression pattern in the signaling centers of developing hair follicles and teeth...
May 13, 2024: International Journal of Developmental Biology
Sonja Nykänen, Sanna Vuoristo
During the initial days of development, the embryo gradually shifts from reliance on maternally provided RNAs and proteins to regulation of its own development. This transition is marked by embryonic genome activation (EGA). While the factors driving human EGA remain poorly characterized, accumulating evidence suggests that double homeobox 4 (DUX4) is an important regulator of this process. Despite advances in single-cell methods which have allowed studies in early human embryos, fundamental questions regarding the function and regulation of DUX4 persist...
May 13, 2024: International Journal of Developmental Biology
Tingting Guo, Wanjuan Xiong, Chong Liu, Li Zhu, Ling Xie
BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence suggests that circular RNA (circRNA) plays a regulatory role in the progression of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). However, the precise function and underlying mechanism of circSCNN1A in RCC progression still remain unclear. METHODS: The expression levels of circSCNN1A, microRNA-590-5p (miR-590-5p), claudin 8 (CLDN8), cyclin D1, matrix metalloprotein 2 (MMP2), MMP9, E-cadherin, N-cadherin and vimentin were detected by a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting analysis...
June 2024: Genesis: the Journal of Genetics and Development
(no author information available yet)
Collective migration of caudal visceral mesoderm (CVM) cells in Drosophila embryos helps form the longitudinal muscles of the larval gut. In their study, Angelike Stathopoulos and colleagues reveal that cell division coordinates two gene expression programmes in migrating CVM cells. To know more about their work, we spoke to the first author, Jingjing Sun, and the corresponding author, Angelike Stathopoulos, Professor in the Division of Biology at the California Institute of Technology, USA.
May 15, 2024: Development
(no author information available yet)
The patterning of somites is coordinated by presomitic mesoderm cells through synchronised oscillations of Notch signalling, creating sequential waves of gene expression that propagate from the posterior to the anterior end of the tissue. In a new study, Klepstad and Marcon propose a new theoretical framework that recapitulates the dynamics of mouse somitogenesis observed in vivo and in vitro. To learn more about the story behind the paper, we caught up with first author Julie Klepstad and corresponding author Luciano Marcon, Principal Investigator at the Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology...
May 15, 2024: Development
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