Kevin De Pauw, T Ampe, Y L Arenales Arauz, X Galloo, L Buyse, M Olieslagers, T Demuyser, H Corlùy, S Lamarti, S Provyn, A M Jones, R Meeusen, B Roelands
Ultrarunning is gaining in popularity but no information is available on the physiological and psychological responses during backyard ultrarunning events. The aim of this study was to determine changes in cognitive function, markers of physiological resilience, and running performance during a backyard-running event. Twelve male ultrarunners (38 ± 8 years old, BMI: 23.5 ± 1.6 kg/m2 , and VO2max : 60.8 ± 4.7 mL/min/kg) were monitored before, during, and after the event...
September 14, 2024: European Journal of Sport Science
Guangze Zhang, Michel Brink, Karen Aus der Fünten, Tobias Tröß, Peter Willeit, Tim Meyer, Koen Lemmink, Anne Hecksteden
BACKGROUND: Injury risk in professional football (soccer) is increased in the weeks following return-to-play (RTP). However, the time course of injury risk after RTP (the hazard curve) as well as its influencing factors are largely unknown. This knowledge gap, which is arguably due to the volatility of instantaneous risk when calculated for short time intervals, impedes on informed RTP decision making and post-RTP player management. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to characterize the hazard curve for non-contact time-loss injuries after RTP in male professional football and to investigate the influence of the severity of the index injury and playing position...
September 14, 2024: Sports Medicine
Sang-Jin Shin, Sanghyeon Lee
BACKGROUND: Graft failure is a common complication after superior capsule reconstruction (SCR). The graft in SCR is fixed on the greater tuberosity and superior glenoid, and graft failure has been reported on both sides. PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical manifestations of patients with graft failure after SCR and identify the clinical and radiological differences between medial and lateral graft failure. STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3...
September 2024: American Journal of Sports Medicine
Braden C Fleming
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2024: American Journal of Sports Medicine
Johannes Weishorn, Johanna Wiegand, Severin Zietzschmann, Kevin-Arno Koch, Christoph Rehnitz, Tobias Renkawitz, Tilman Walker, Yannic Bangert
BACKGROUND: Matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI), the third-generation of the technique, is an established procedure for the treatment of focal cartilage defects in the knee. However, the literature lacks long-term results of MACI with good statistical power. PURPOSE: To determine long-term survival and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in a representative cohort and to identify patient- and surgery-related parameters that may influence long-term clinical outcomes...
September 2024: American Journal of Sports Medicine
Renato De Donato, Natale Vincenzo Maiorana, Maurizio Vergari, Angelica De Sandi, Anisa Naci, Giada Aglieco, Tommaso Albizzati, Matteo Guidetti, Rosanna Ferrara, Tommaso Bocci, Sergio Barbieri, Roberta Ferrucci, Alberto Priori
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Boxing is associated with a high risk of head injuries and increases the likelihood of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. This study explores the effects of sub-concussive impacts on boxers by applying both linear and nonlinear analysis methods to electroencephalogram (EEG) data. METHODS: Twenty-one boxers were selected (mean ± SD, age 28.38 ± 5.5 years; weight 67.55 ± 8.90 kg; years of activity 6...
September 14, 2024: European Journal of Neurology
Jeremy P Loenneke, Akemi Abe, Sakiya Yamasaki, Ryoji Tahara, Takashi Abe
OBJECTIVES: Males, on average, are bigger and stronger than females. Hormonal differences during puberty are one reason given for this performance advantage. However, not all evidence supports that thesis. Our aim was to further this discussion by measuring early life changes between sexes (when hormones would be similar) in components of muscle function. METHODS: Fifty-one children (29 boys, 22 girls) completed this study. Forearm muscle size and strength were assessed three times with each time point being separated by approximately a year (2021-2023)...
September 14, 2024: American Journal of Human Biology: the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council
Franz Konstantin Fuss, Batdelger Doljin, René E D Ferdinands
This study investigates the determination of the centre of pressure (COP) on spherical sports objects such as cricket balls and footballs using gyroscope data from Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs). Conventional pressure sensors are not suitable for capturing the tangential forces responsible for torque generation. This research presents a novel method to calculate the COP solely from gyroscope data and avoids the complexity of isolating user-induced accelerations from IMU data. The COP is determined from the cross-product of consecutive torque vectors intersecting the surface of the sphere...
September 7, 2024: Sensors
Antonio Antúnez, Pablo López-Sierra, Helena Vila-Suárez, Sergio J Ibáñez
Handball is a team sport characterised by physical interaction with other opponents. This interaction produces a high load on the players that can manifest itself in various ways, from discomfort to prolonged injuries due to tears caused by excessive load. In order to establish correct protocols for application in women's teams, context- and gender-specific reference data must be available. For this reason, the present research aims to find out how women's teams in European competitions prepare for decisive matches during the match week, analysing the load in a segmented way and the level of specificity that should be achieved in training...
September 4, 2024: Sensors
Milos Poliak, Damian Frej, Marek Jaśkiewicz, Jacek Caban, Aleksander Górniak, Mirosław Gidlewski, Iwona Ewa Hajduk, Przemysław Kubiak, Dariusz Tarnapowicz
The aim of this study was to compare the head displacement of the KPSIT C50 dummy, representing a 50th percentile male, with the KPSIT C5 dummy, representing a 5th percentile female, during low-speed collisions. Low-speed collisions, such as those occurring in urban traffic jams, are increasingly common. The research was conducted on a dedicated educational workstation designed to measure forces in seat belts. This study is part of a comprehensive research project on crash tests involving both volunteers and physical KPSIT dummies...
September 2, 2024: Sensors
Raúl Martín Gómez, Enzo Allevard, Haye Kamstra, James Cotter, Peter Lamb
Low-cost, portable devices capable of accurate physiological measurements are attractive tools for coaches, athletes, and practitioners. The purpose of this study was primarily to establish the validity and reliability of Movesense HR+ ECG measurements compared to the criterion three-lead ECG, and secondarily, to test the industry leader Garmin HRM. Twenty-one healthy adults participated in running and cycling incremental test protocols to exhaustion, both with rest before and after. Movesense HR+ demonstrated consistent and accurate R-peak detection, with an overall sensitivity of 99...
September 2, 2024: Sensors
Esmaeel Saemi, Alireza Hasanvand, Mohammadreza Doustan, Ayoub Asadi, Kevin Becker
Standing long jump is known as one of the important skills in the success of athletes in most sports. In addition, one of the most effective factors that can affect standing long jump distance and kinematics is the focus of attention used by the athlete. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare the effect of internal, external, and holistic focus of attention instructions on standing long jump performance and kinematics. The participants were 30 novices (all males; mean age = 21.70 ± 2.21 years; mean height = 175...
August 29, 2024: Sensors
Charlie J Roberts, Lewis A Gough
Rugby union is an intermittent team sport with variability in body composition and match-play demands between positions which requires careful consideration for individual dietary requirements. While previous reviews have detailed the macronutrient intake in rugby players, none have discussed the further determinants of dietary intake in this population. Therefore, the purpose of the current review was to summarise the current evidence detailing dietary intake in rugby union players, report on contemporary nutritional research themes, and provide recommendations for athletes, nutritionists, and other stakeholders...
September 6, 2024: Nutrients
Francesca Felice, Roberta Moschini, Mario Cappiello, Gemma Sardelli, Rossella Mosca, Lucia Piazza, Francesco Balestri
It is well known that during prolonged, high-intensity physical training, athletes experience a state of immunosuppression and that balanced nutrition can help maintain immunity. This review summarizes the effects (amplified by virus infection) of high-intensity, long-term exercise on immunity, critically presenting key micronutrients and supplementation strategies that can influence athletes' performance and their immune system. The main conclusion is that micronutrient supplementation with diet could help to protect the immune system from the stress effects induced by intense physical activities...
September 5, 2024: Nutrients
Agustin Mora-Fernandez, Andrea Argüello-Arbe, Andrea Tojeiro-Iglesias, Jose Antonio Latorre, Javier Conde-Pipó, Miguel Mariscal-Arcas
Climbing is an Olympic discipline in full development and multidisciplinary in nature, where the influences of body composition and nutritional status on performance have not yet been clarified despite the quest for a low weight in anti-gravity disciplines such as climbing. The present cross-sectional study aimed to conduct nutritional (3-day dietary diaries) and body composition (ISAK profile) assessments on sport climbing athletes by gender and climbing level during the months of February and March 2024. The t -test for independent samples and the Mann-Whitney U-test, as well as an ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis H-test, were used to compare the distributions of two or more groups, respectively, and Pearson's and Spearman's correlation coefficients were used to estimate the correlations between the different variables...
September 3, 2024: Nutrients
Minghan Wang, Yonglin Chen, Ang-Xin Song, Xiquan Weng, Yan Meng, Jieru Lin, Yu-Heng Mao
Our previous studies have demonstrated that konjac glucomannan (KGM) can prevent dysbiosis induced by antibiotics. While exercise may also impact the gut microbiome, there are limited studies reporting its protective effect on antibiotic-induced dysbiosis. Therefore, this study investigated the preventive and regulatory effects of a combination of 6-week exercise and KGM intervention on antibiotic-induced dysbiosis in C57BL/6J mice compared with a single intervention. The results showed that combined exercise and KGM intervention could restore the changes in the relative abundance of Bacteroides (3...
September 2, 2024: Nutrients
Maher Souabni, Giovanna C Del Sordo, Freddy Maso, Paul Peyrel, Clément Maviel, Fabrice Vercruyssen, Pascale Duché, Oussama Saidi
Rugby players must develop excellent levels of conditioning during adolescence. However, this pivotal period of life is also characterized by a surge in biological growth, which further increases the energy and nutritional requirements of this population. This study examined within-individual differences in energy intake (EI) and energy balance (EB) of 46 young rugby players during a pre-season micro-cycle. Two clusters were identified with significantly different characteristics and EB states, suggesting that young rugby players adjust their EI to match their body composition goals...
August 27, 2024: Nutrients
Eduard Bezuglov, Evgeniy Achkasov, Elizaveta Rudiakova, Vladimir Shurygin, Georgiy Malyakin, Danila Svistunov, Mikhail Butovskiy, Aleksandra Fedorova, Elizaveta Kapralova
Athlete performance and post-load recovery can be considered one of the most important and actively discussed topics in professional sport. One substance aimed at improving performance is cannabidiol (CBD), which has been actively gaining popularity with several studies published in recent years. The PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane Library databases were searched from inception to April 2024 according to PRISMA recommendations to identify studies on the effects of CBD on exercise capacity and post-load recovery...
August 24, 2024: Nutrients
James J McGinley, Nolan D Hawkins, Taylor Morrison, Emily Stapleton, Emily Gale, Joseph Janosky, Henry B Ellis, Sophia Ulman
Given the psychological aspects of sports nutrition, understanding one's athletic identity (AI) may improve targeted nutrition education. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine nutrition habits and AI among uninjured youth athletes. Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS) and custom Sports Nutrition Assessment for Consultation (SNAC) scores collected prospectively at local sporting events were retrospectively assessed via Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, logistic regression, and ANCOVA tests (95% CI)...
August 23, 2024: Nutrients
Paweł Kaczyński, Mateusz Skwarski, Anna Dmitruk, Piotr Makuła, Joanna Ludwiczak
This article addresses manufacturing structures made via injection molding from biodegradable materials. The mentioned structures can be successfully used as energy-absorbing liners of all kinds of sports helmets, replacing the previously used expanded polystyrene. This paper is focused on injection technological tests and tensile tests (in quasi-static and dynamic conditions) of several composites based on a PLA matrix with the addition of other biodegradable softening agents, such as PBAT and TPS (the blends were prepared via melt blending using a screw extruder with mass compositions of 50:50, 30:70, and 15:85)...
September 6, 2024: Materials
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