Hans Rosenberg, Shahbaz Syed, Paul Atkinson
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 9, 2024: CJEM
Toshiharu Mitsuhashi
BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak began in China in December 2019, with the World Health Organization declaring a state of emergency in January 2020. Worldwide implementation of lockdown measures to slow the spread of the virus led to reduced physical activity, disrupted eating habits, mental health issues, and sleep disturbances, which increased the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as metabolic syndrome (MetS). During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers, especially intensive care workers, experienced longer working hours and burnout, which further increased the risk of lifestyle-related diseases...
2024: PeerJ
Melissa Powell, Bryan Sexton, Kathryn C Adair
OBJECTIVE: This qualitative study aimed to identify categories within therapeutic self-compassion letters written by healthcare workers. Resulting categories were assessed for their relevance to the construct of self-compassion. DESIGN: This was a qualitative descriptive study that used summative content analysis and inductive coding. SETTING: A US-based academic healthcare system. PARTICIPANTS: Healthcare workers who attended a self-compassion webinar were recruited...
April 5, 2024: BMJ Open
Kun Li, Erin Mooney, Michelle McArthur, Evelyn Hall, Anne Quain
Occupational stressors are commonly encountered in small animal veterinary practice and have been associated with burnout. The working context of veterinarians differs by specialty, and this can potentially lead to variable exposures to risk factors for burnout. The aim of this study was to explore differences in demographic and working conditions of veterinary general practitioners (GPs) and emergency practitioners (EPs) to compare exposure to different potential stressors. An anonymous, online survey was administered to veterinary GPs and EPs practicing in metropolitan regions of Australia...
2024: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Reza Gharebaghi, Fatemeh Heidary, Ali Asghar Pourezzat
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine
Kaylie Toll, Joanna C Moullin, Stephen Andrew, Aled Williams, Richard Varhol, Timothy A Carey, Suzanne Robinson
BACKGROUND: Virtual healthcare solutions are proposed as a way to combat the inequity of access to healthcare in rural and remote areas, and to better support the front-line providers who work in these areas. Rural provider-to-provider telehealth (RPPT) connects rural and remote clinicians to a 'hub' of healthcare specialists who can increase access to emergency and specialised healthcare via an integrated model. Reported benefits for the place-based provider include enhanced knowledge, expanded professional development opportunities, improved scope of practice, and increased confidence in treating more complex cases...
2024: Digital Health
Abeer Alharbi, Mohammed Aljuaid
OBJECTIVE: This scoping review aims to identify and summarize existing evidence concerning the quality and capacity of PHC services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) with a focus on the patients and healthcare professionals' perceptions of PHC. METHODS: This review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The digital library, PubMed, and the search engine Google Scholar were searched to broaden our results for primary research involving patient and/or health professionals' perspectives on Primary Healthcare in KSA...
2024: International Journal of General Medicine
Jamaji C Nwanaji-Enwerem, Tori F Ehrhardt, Brittney Gordon, Hannah Meyer, Annemarie Cardell, Maurice Selby, Bradley A Wallace, Matthew Gittinger, Jeffrey N Siegelman
Few studies explore emergency medicine (EM) residency shift scheduling software as a mechanism to reduce administrative demands and broader resident burnout. A local needs assessment demonstrated a learning curve for chief resident schedulers and several areas for improvement. In an institutional quality improvement project, we utilized an external online cross-sectional convenience sampling pilot survey of United States EM residency programs to collect information on manual versus software-based resident shift scheduling practices and associated scheduler and scheduler-perceived resident satisfaction...
March 8, 2024: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
Arvin R Akhavan, Amy V Kontrick, Haley Egan, Stephanie A Balint, Bryan G Kane, Joseph B House, Charles S Graffeo, D Mark Courtney, Dave W Lu
INTRODUCTION: Emergency medicine (EM) has historically been among the most competitive specialties in the United States. However, in 2022 and 2023, 219 of 2921 and 554 of 3010 respective National Resident Matching Program positions were initially unfilled. Medical students' selection of a medical specialty is a complex process. To better understand recent trends in the EM residency match, this qualitative study explored through one-on-one interviews the rationale of senior medical students who seriously considered EM but ultimately pursued another specialty...
April 2024: AEM Education and Training
Jessica Korona-Bailey, Miranda Lynn Janvrin, Lisa Shaw, Tracey Perez Koehlmoos
BACKGROUND: Rates of physician burnout increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and are expected to continue to rise. Mid-career physicians, female physicians, and military physicians have all been identified as potentially vulnerable populations to experience burnout. We examine factors associated with physician burnout among this intersectional group through a qualitative key informant interview study. METHODS: We developed a semi-structured interview guide using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Improving Joy in Work Framework and recruited military, mid-career female physicians who worked in the Military Health System(MHS) during the COVID-19 pandemic, (March 2020 -December 2021)...
March 20, 2024: BMC Public Health
Patricia Garcia, Stephen P Ma, Shreya Shah, Margaret Smith, Yejin Jeong, Anna Devon-Sand, Ming Tai-Seale, Kevin Takazawa, Danyelle Clutter, Kyle Vogt, Carlene Lugtu, Matthew Rojo, Steven Lin, Tait Shanafelt, Michael A Pfeffer, Christopher Sharp
IMPORTANCE: The emergence and promise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) represent a turning point for health care. Rigorous evaluation of generative AI deployment in clinical practice is needed to inform strategic decision-making. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the implementation of a large language model used to draft responses to patient messages in the electronic inbox. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A 5-week, prospective, single-group quality improvement study was conducted from July 10 through August 13, 2023, at a single academic medical center (Stanford Health Care)...
March 4, 2024: JAMA Network Open
Earl J Reisdorff, Mary M Johnston, Michelle D Lall, Dave W Lu, Karl Y Bilimoria, Melissa A Barton
BACKGROUND: Prior research has provided retrospective validity evidence for an abbreviated Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) to measure burnout among emergency medicine (EM) residents. We sought to provide additional validity and reliability evidence for the two-factor, six-item abbreviated CBI. METHODS: This cross-sectional study used data from the abbreviated CBI that was administered following the 2022 American Board of Emergency Medicine In-training Examination...
March 17, 2024: Academic Emergency Medicine
Elizabeth Keller, Samantha Boch, Kermit G Davis, Gordon L Gillespie, Beverly M Hittle
BACKGROUND: The United States makes up 4.4% of the world's population but nearly a quarter of the world's incarcerated population. Despite caring for nearly 2 million incarcerated persons and managing their unique needs, little is known about how this work spills over and affects the nurses who work in correctional settings. STUDY OBJECTIVE: This descriptive study aimed to (a) examine write-in answers regarding correctional nurse perceptions of how their work impacts their health and their home lives and (b) explore correctional nurse responses for how to improve the work environment to better support their well-being...
March 15, 2024: Journal of Forensic Nursing
Luhuan Yang, Yunhong Lei, Dongmei Chu, Jiawei Jiang, Zifeng Li, Yanhua Tang, Abd Rahman Anita
INTRODUCTION: High levels of burnout are prevalent among Emergency Department staff due to chronic exposure to job stress. There is a lack of knowledge about anteceding factors and outcomes of burnout in this population. AIMS: To provide a comprehensive overview of burnout and identify its workplace antecedents and outcomes among Emergency Department staff. METHODS: The scoping study will follow the methodology outlined by the Joanna Briggs Institute...
2024: PloS One
Yuval Barak-Corren, Rebecca Wolf, Ronen Rozenblum, Jessica K Creedon, Susan C Lipsett, Todd W Lyons, Kenneth A Michelson, Kelsey A Miller, Daniel Shapiro, Ben Y Reis, Andrew M Fine
STUDY OBJECTIVE: The workload of clinical documentation contributes to health care costs and professional burnout. The advent of generative artificial intelligence language models presents a promising solution. The perspective of clinicians may contribute to effective and responsible implementation of such tools. This study sought to evaluate 3 uses for generative artificial intelligence for clinical documentation in pediatric emergency medicine, measuring time savings, effort reduction, and physician attitudes and identifying potential risks and barriers...
March 12, 2024: Annals of Emergency Medicine
Kun Li, Erin Mooney, Michelle McArthur, Evelyn Hall, Anne Quain
Burnout is reported to be common among veterinarians. However, there is limited research investigating the relationship between specific types of veterinary practice and burnout. A previous study found significant differences in work exposures between veterinary general practitioners (GPs) and emergency practitioners (EPs). The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether Australian veterinary EPs suffer from a higher level of burnout compared to veterinary GPs. The secondary aim of this study was to explore if the previously reported differences between GP and EP groups were positively associated with burnout...
2024: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Jinxia Jiang, Shuyang Liu, Chunwei Chi, Yi Liu, Peng Han, Li Sun, Yugang Zhuang
OBJECTIVE: To qualitatively explore the factors that enhance resilience among emergency nurses (ENs). DESIGN: This study is an exploratory qualitative investigation. Semistructured in-depth interviews were used for data collection, while qualitative content analysis was applied for data analysis. SETTING: A grade A tertiary hospital in Shanghai, China. PARTICIPANTS: The study subjects comprised 17 ENs, who were selected using a purposive sampling method...
March 12, 2024: BMJ Open
Emily J Tetzlaff, Casey Cassan, Nicholas Goulet, Melissa Gorman, Brooks Hogya, Glen P Kenny
BACKGROUND: During the summer of 2021, a deadly, unprecedented multiday Heat Dome engulfed western Canada. As a result of this extreme heat event (EHE), emergency dispatchers received an unparalleled increase in incoming 911 calls for ambulance, police, and fire (as first responders) services to attend to hundreds of heat-vulnerable community members succumbing to the heat. With 103 all-time heat records broken during this EHE and indoor temperatures of nearly 40°C, the first responders attending these calls faced extensive job demands and highly challenging operating conditions...
March 9, 2024: American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Laura Rodríguez-Labajos, Joanne Kinloch, Louise Nicol, Susan Grant, Geraldine O'Brien
OBJECTIVES: Mental health inpatient facilities are increasingly focusing on creating therapeutic, person-centred care environments. However, research shows that this focus may have unintended consequences for healthcare staff. Designs that do not pay attention to staff needs may risk contributing to stress, burnout, job dissatisfaction and mental exhaustion in the work environment. This systematic review aims to identify and synthesise current research on the design factors of adult mental health inpatient facilities that impact healthcare staff...
March 5, 2024: BMJ Open
Hiroto Shimizu
In recent years, there has been renewed interest in diversifying the understanding and discussion about the causes of depression to move beyond biomedical determinism-a view that biomedical factors are the ultimate cause of an individual's depression. There is increasing emphasis on diversity in how people seek to articulate the causes of depression to incorporate non-biomedical dimensions. Furthermore, the biomedical understanding of depression has been increasingly questioned due especially to emerging limitations in pharmacotherapy...
February 16, 2024: Social Science & Medicine
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