Onjira Huangsaksri, Thita Wonghanchao, Kanokpan Sanigavatee, Chanoknun Poochipakorn, Metha Chanda
Heart rate variability (HRV) is a frequently used indicator of autonomic responses to various stimuli in horses. This study aimed to investigate HRV variables in horses undergoing cold (n = 25) or hot (n = 26) shoeing. Multiple HRV variables were measured and compared between horses undergoing cold and hot shoeing, including the time domain, frequency domain, and nonlinear variables pre-shoeing, during shoeing, and at 30-minute intervals for 120 minutes post-shoeing. The shoeing method interacted with time to change the HRV variables standard deviation of RR intervals (SDNN), root mean square of successive RR interval differences (RMSSD), very-low-frequency band, low-frequency band (LF), the LF to high-frequency band ratio, respiratory rate, total power, standard deviation perpendicular to the line of identity (SD1), and standard deviation along the line of identity (SD2)...
2024: PloS One
Xiaofan Feng, Nanping Deng, Wen Yu, Zhaozhao Peng, Dongyue Su, Weimin Kang, Bowen Cheng
Solid-state lithium metal batteries (SSLMBs) have gained significant attention in energy storage research due to their high energy density and significantly improved safety. But there are still certain problems with lithium dendrite growth, interface stability, and room-temperature practicality. Nature continually inspires human development and intricate design strategies to achieve optimal structural applications. Innovative solid-state electrolytes (SSEs), inspired by diverse natural species, have demonstrated exceptional physical, chemical, and mechanical properties...
June 6, 2024: ACS Nano
Nanxi Yi, Zhixian Liu, Xiaofang Yuan
One of the primary challenges for autonomous vehicle (AV) is planning a collision-free path in dynamic environment. It is a tricky task for achieving high-performance obstacle avoidance with velocity-varying obstacle. To solve this problem, a highly smooth and parameter independent obstacle avoidance method for autonomous vehicle with velocity-varying obstacle (HSPI-OAM) is presented in this work. The proposed method uses the virtual collision point model to accurately design the desired acceleration, which makes the obtained path highly smooth...
2024: PloS One
Giulia La Vecchia, Marco Giuseppe Del Buono, Tommaso Sanna, Pier Leopoldo Capecchi, Pietro Enea Lazzerini, Michele Golino, Jordana Kron, Paula Rodriguez-Miguelez, Gemma Pelargonio, Antonio Abbate
Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is a reversible form of acute myocardial injury due to a neurocardiogenic mechanism associated with a relevant risk for life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, occurring in up to 25% of all patients and including both ventricular arrhythmias (especially) in the context of QT prolongation and atrial tachy- or bradyarrhythmias. The pathogenetic mechanisms of TTS-related arrhythmic complications are not completely understood, and there are no randomized clinical trials addressing the pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic management in this specific setting...
May 22, 2024: JACC. Clinical Electrophysiology
Larissa Araújo Maia, Joelma Rodrigues de Souza, Larissa de Fátima Romão da Silva, Marciane Magnani, Evandro Leite de Souza, José Luiz de Brito Alves
Preclinical evidence suggests that probiotic administration may exert an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce autonomic dysfunction and blood pressure. This study evaluated the effects of probiotic therapy on inflammatory biomarkers and characterized the correlations between inflammation and cardiac autonomic function in women with arterial hypertension. Women were randomized into probiotics (n = 20) or placebo (n = 20). The probiotic group received 109  CFU/day of Lactobacillus (L...
June 6, 2024: Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
Erica C Dresselhaus, Kathryn P Harris, Cassandra R Blanchette, Kate Koles, Steven J Del Signore, Matthew F Pescosolido, Biljana Ermanoska, Mark Rozencwaig, Rebecca C Soslowsky, Michael J Parisi, Bryan A Stewart, Timothy J Mosca, Avital A Rodal
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are released by many cell types, including neurons, carrying cargoes involved in signaling and disease. It is unclear whether EVs promote intercellular signaling or serve primarily to dispose of unwanted materials. We show that loss of multivesicular endosome-generating endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery disrupts release of EV cargoes from Drosophila motor neurons. Surprisingly, ESCRT depletion does not affect the signaling activities of the EV cargo Synaptotagmin-4 (Syt4) and disrupts only some signaling activities of the EV cargo evenness interrupted (Evi)...
September 2, 2024: Journal of Cell Biology
Jeremy A Bigalke, Ian M Greenlund, Jennifer R Bigalke, Jason R Carter
Short and insufficient sleep are prevalent and associated with cardiovascular disease, with the sympathetic nervous system as a suspected mediator. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the association between objective, actigraphy-based total sleep time (TST), sleep efficiency (SE) and cardiovascular and sympathetic regulation in healthy adults. We hypothesized that short TST and low SE would be associated with elevated resting blood pressure, heart rate (HR), and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA)...
June 6, 2024: American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Sachin D Nagar, Sarah J Nagar, Vanessa Jordan, Jennifer Dawson
BACKGROUND: Persistent visceral pain is an unpleasant sensation coming from one or more organs within the body. Visceral pain is a common symptom in those with advanced cancer. Interventional procedures, such as neurolytic sympathetic nerve blocks, have been suggested as additional treatments that may play a part in optimising pain management for individuals with this condition. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the benefits and harms of neurolytic sympathetic nerve blocks for persistent visceral pain in adults with inoperable abdominopelvic cancer compared to standard care or placebo and comparing single blocks to combination blocks...
June 6, 2024: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Anakshi Gayen, Avik Mukherjee, Krishna Kumar, Shubhra Majumder, Saikat Chakrabarti, Chandrama Mukherjee
The model of RNA stability has undergone a transformative shift with the revelation of a cytoplasmic capping activity that means a subset of transcripts are recapped autonomously of their nuclear counterparts. The present study demonstrates nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of the mRNA-capping enzyme (CE, also known as RNA guanylyltransferase and 5'-phosphatase; RNGTT), traditionally acknowledged for its nuclear localization and functions, elucidating its contribution to cytoplasmic capping activities. A unique nuclear export sequence in CE mediates XPO1-dependent nuclear export of CE...
June 1, 2024: Journal of Cell Science
Sankanika Roy, Man Y Lam, Ronney B Panerai, Thompson G Robinson, Jatinder S Minhas
INTRODUCTION: Patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) have elevated blood pressure (BP) variability (BPV) and reduced baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) at rest for several days after initial stroke symptoms. We aimed to assess BPV and BRS in AIS patients during pressor challenge maneuvers in the acute and subacute phases of stroke. Pressor challenge maneuvers simulate day-to-day activities and can predict the quality of life. METHODS: Continuous beat-to-beat BP and ECG in 15 AIS patients (mean age 69 ± 7...
June 4, 2024: Blood Pressure Monitoring
Eser Sendesen, Didem Turkyilmaz
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to control all hearing thresholds, including extended high frequencies (EHFs), presents stimuli of varying difficulty levels, and measures electroencephalography (EEG) and pupillometry responses to determine whether listening difficulty in tinnitus patients is effort or fatigue-related. METHODS: Twenty-one chronic tinnitus patients and 26 matched healthy controls having normal pure-tone averages with symmetrical hearing thresholds were included...
June 2024: Brain and Behavior
Peng-Fei Yang, Shao-Wen Qian
OBJECTIVE: Grounded in self-determination theory and the stimulus-organism-response framework, this study examines factors that affect college students' leisure-time physical activity by considering the basic psychological needs satisfaction (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness), self-determined motivation, emotional and cognitive involvement. METHODS: The sample included 526 students (47.8 % male; 57.2 % female) from four universities in central China...
June 15, 2024: Heliyon
Ioannis Polykretis, Andreea Danielescu
Navigation of mobile agents in unknown, unmapped environments is a critical task for achieving general autonomy. Recent advancements in combining Reinforcement Learning with Deep Neural Networks have shown promising results in addressing this challenge. However, the inherent complexity of these approaches, characterized by multi-layer networks and intricate reward objectives, limits their autonomy, increases memory footprint, and complicates adaptation to energy-efficient edge hardware. To overcome these challenges, we propose a brain-inspired method that employs a shallow architecture trained by a local learning rule for self-supervised navigation in uncharted environments...
2024: Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Suzanne Haeyen
Polyvagal theory advocates for working with the body, becoming aware of the body and connecting with the senses. Similarly, paying attention to and influencing one's physical and sensory experience is a core aspect of the creative arts and psychomotor therapies. Polyvagal theory offers opportunities for strengthening resilience by treating emotion-regulation problems, stress, and trauma, as well as restoring regulation of the autonomic nervous system. Paying attention to and influencing physical and sensory experiences are core aspects of creative arts and psychomotor therapies...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Shicheng Yang, Longjun Jing, Qianqian He, Huilin Wang
INTRODUCTION: Adolescence is considered a stress-sensitive developmental period, and the escalating and sustained pressure during this phase poses a significant threat to the mental and physical well-being of adolescents. Therefore, enhancing positive emotions in adolescents is crucial. This study aims to investigate the impact of physical activity on the emotional intelligence, interpersonal forgiveness, and positive emotions of adolescents. METHODS: Using a cluster sampling method, data were collected from 500 adolescents in four schools across the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province, China...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Weiguo Cui, Mengyu Liu, Tianyu Gu, Shuai Zhao, Guoan Yin
INTRODUCTION: Dehorning calves is necessary to minimize injury because intensive raising circumstances make horned cows more aggressive. However, acute pain is commonly perceived by farm animals when undergoing painful practices such as dehorning, affecting their health status and quality of life. By quantifying the magnitude of pain and discomfort associated with dehorning, we aim to contribute to a more humane and sustainable cattle farming industry. METHODS: The objective of this study was to evaluate the behavioral, physiological, and emotional effects of acute dehorning pain in calves using two methods: dehorning cream and dehorning hot-iron...
2024: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Xin Li, Aikebaier Aili, Aliyeguli Aipire, Pierdiwasi Maimaitiyusupu, Maimaitiaili Maimaitiming, Kelimu Abudureyimu
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy combined with fundoplication (LSGFD) can significantly control body weight and achieve effective anti-reflux effects. The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between the alteration in Ghrelin levels and weight loss following SGFD, and to compare Ghrelin levels, weight loss and metabolic improvements between SG and SGFD, with the objective of contributing to the existing body of knowledge on SGFD technique in the management of patients with obesity and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)...
June 5, 2024: BMC Surgery
Henry X Liu, Shuo Feng
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 5, 2024: Nature Communications
Boya Zhao, Weiyi Li, Mengran Liu, Lili Chen, Hongru Jiang, Fangyuan Li, Shaoshunzi Wang, Na Ding, Liusen Wang, Zhihong Wang
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the dietary patterns changes of young people aged 18-35 in 15 provinces(autonomous regions, municipalities) from 1989 to 2018. METHODS: Using the data of China Health and Nutrition Survey, a total of 25 400 young people aged 18-35 with complete dietary and sociodemographic information from 1989 to 2018 in 15 provinces(autonomous regions, municipalities) were selected as the research objects. Nutrition survey was carried out by using 3 consecutive days of 24-hour review method combined with weighing accounting method...
May 2024: Wei Sheng Yan Jiu, Journal of Hygiene Research
Reo Takahashi, Yusuke Shibuya, Michiko Tsuneoka, Tokihiro Ogawa
Skin conductance (SC) is one of the indices commonly used in the autonomic Concealed Information Test (CIT), but SC amplitude is sometimes difficult to quantify. This study investigated the applicability of SC area to the CIT as an unambiguous measure of SC. Secondary analyses of an existing dataset indicated that SC area could be used to classify examinees according to their knowledge status, although the equivalence of its performance with the SC amplitude was inconclusive. Classification performance was best when the SC signal was converted to the difference from question onset and summed over 10 s after question onset...
June 3, 2024: International Journal of Psychophysiology
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