Derek T Sprunger, Scott R Lambert, Amra Hercinovic, Christie L Morse, Michael X Repka, Amy K Hutchinson, Oscar A Cruz, David K Wallace
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 2023: Ophthalmology
John R Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2022: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
E C Dutra, M C Akin, R Guyton, M C Hawkins, B M La Lone, J Mance, R Tiangco, Z Wolff, E Rodriguez
Temperature is a complicated thermodynamic parameter to measure in dynamic compression experiments. Optical pyrometry is a general-purpose "work-horse" technique for measuring temperature from a radiant surface on these experimental platforms. The optical pyrometry channels are commonly held to the visible or Near-Infrared spectrum, which provides high fidelity temperature measurement for shock temperature above ∼1200-1500 K. However, low temperature (T < 1200 K) dynamic material experiments, including low pressure or quasi-isentropic studies, as well as experiments with complex thermodynamic paths, require Mid-Infrared (Mid-IR) for high fidelity measurements...
November 1, 2022: Review of Scientific Instruments
John R Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2022: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
Kristina Irsch, David L Guyton, Robert B Geary, Jing Tian, Boris I Gramatikov, Howard S Ying
BACKGROUND: To investigate whether detection of disconjugacy of eye movements during attempted fixation, or interocular position instability, may serve as a single sensitive test for amblyopia. PATIENTS/METHODS AND MATERIAL: Binocular eye movements were recorded at 500 Hz using the EyeLink 1000 eye tracker (SR Research Ltd., Kanata, Ontario, Canada) and analyzed using EyeLink software and Matlab (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). Eight subjects (four amblyopes, one successfully treated amblyope, and three non-amblyopes: 7 - 44 years) were asked to fixate on a stationary cross subtending 0...
October 2022: Klinische Monatsblätter Für Augenheilkunde
Bruce A Warden, John R Guyton, Adrienne C Kovacs, Jessica A Durham, Laney K Jones, Dave L Dixon, Terry A Jacobson, P Barton Duell
Statin-associated muscle symptoms (SAMS) are the most common form of statin intolerance and are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events that manifest from statin underutilization and discontinuation. The reported frequencies of SAMS are divergent in the literature. The writing group estimates the prevalence of SAMS, namely all muscle symptoms temporally related to statin use but without regard to causality, to be about 10% (range 5% to 25%), and the prevalence of pharmacological SAMS, specifically muscle symptoms resulting from pharmacological properties of the statin, to be about 1-2% (range 0...
September 11, 2022: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
Johan Pansu, Matthew C Hutchinson, T Michael Anderson, Mariska Te Beest, Colleen M Begg, Keith S Begg, Aurelie Bonin, Lackson Chama, Simon Chamaillé-Jammes, Eric Coissac, Joris P G M Cromsigt, Margaret Y Demmel, Jason E Donaldson, Jennifer A Guyton, Christina B Hansen, Christopher I Imakando, Azwad Iqbal, Davis F Kalima, Graham I H Kerley, Samson Kurukura, Marietjie Landman, Ryan A Long, Isaack Norbert Munuo, Ciara M Nutter, Catherine L Parr, Arjun B Potter, Stanford Siachoono, Pierre Taberlet, Eusebio Waiti, Tyler R Kartzinel, Robert M Pringle
Ecological niche differences are necessary for stable species coexistence but are often difficult to discern. Models of dietary niche differentiation in large mammalian herbivores invoke the quality, quantity, and spatiotemporal distribution of plant tissues and growth forms but are agnostic toward food plant species identity. Empirical support for these models is variable, suggesting that additional mechanisms of resource partitioning may be important in sustaining large-herbivore diversity in African savannas...
August 30, 2022: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
John R Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2022: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
John R Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 2022: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
Bahira Shahim, Björn Redfors, Brian R Lindman, Shmuel Chen, Torsten Dahlen, Tamim Nazif, Samir Kapadia, Zachary M Gertz, Aaron C Crowley, Ditian Li, Vinod H Thourani, Susheel K Kodali, Alan Zajarias, Vasilis C Babaliaros, Robert A Guyton, Sammy Elmariah, Howard C Herrmann, David J Cohen, Michael J Mack, Craig R Smith, Martin B Leon, Isaac George
Background The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) as a marker of systemic inflammation has been associated with worse prognosis in several chronic disease states, including heart failure. However, few data exist on the prognostic impact of elevated baseline NLR or change in NLR levels during follow-up in patients undergoing transcatheter or surgical aortic valve replacement (TAVR or SAVR) for aortic stenosis. Methods and Results NLR was available in 5881 patients with severe aortic stenosis receiving TAVR or SAVR in PARTNER (Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valves) I, II, and S3 trials/registries (median [Q1, Q3] NLR, 3...
June 3, 2022: Journal of the American Heart Association
Heath P Gould, Stephen J Lostetter, Eric R Samuelson, Gregory P Guyton
BACKGROUND: No study has provided a comprehensive systematic review of sports injuries on artificial turf versus natural grass. PURPOSE: To comprehensively examine the risk of overall injuries and multiple types of lower extremity injuries across all sports, all levels of competition, and on both old-generation and new-generation artificial turf. STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review; Level of evidence, 3. METHODS: A systematic review of the English-language literature was performed according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines...
May 20, 2022: American Journal of Sports Medicine
Kathleen L Wyne, Sheldon E Litwin, Kenneth Cusi, John R Guyton
Metabolic risk for cardiovascular and other systems includes much more than just LDL cholesterol. This JCL Roundtable brings together 3 experts to address new opportunities to reduce the risks posed by obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver disease. Successful nutritional approaches to weight loss are diverse and need to be matched with individual preferences. Topiramate plus extended-release phentermine has been shown to promote meaningful weight loss in randomized trials, but the patented drug combination is expensive...
2022: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
John R Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
March 2022: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
Heath P Gould, Stephen J Lostetter, Eric R Samuelson, Gregory P Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2022: Foot & ankle orthopaedics
Bryan Bean, Devin R Mangold, Mostafa Abousayed, Michelle M Coleman, John Thompson, Gregory P Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2022: Foot & ankle orthopaedics
Joseph F Sabik, Faisal G Bakaeen, Marc Ruel, Marc R Moon, S Christopher Malaisrie, John H Calhoon, Leonard N Girardi, Robert Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 18, 2021: Annals of Thoracic Surgery
John R Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 2021: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
John R Guyton
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2021: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
Ipek Sapci, Kristina Guyton, James Church, David Liska, Emre Gorgun, Scott R Steele, Michael A Valente
BACKGROUND: Although the risk of colorectal cancer increases with advancing age, there remains a lack of guidelines for surveillance colonoscopy in the octogenarian and older population. Our objective is to document the diagnostic yield of surveillance colonoscopies, and to analyze adenoma characteristics, complications, and short-term survival in asymptomatic octogenarian and older patients undergoing adenoma surveillance colonoscopy. METHODS: Surveillance colonoscopies performed at a tertiary level hospital colorectal surgery department between January 2010 and September 2018 were queried from a prospectively maintained institutional colonoscopy database...
December 2, 2021: American Journal of Surgery
Anandita Agarwala, Anne C Goldberg, Christie M Ballantyne, John R Guyton
Clinical lipidology belongs par excellence to the preventive mode of medical practice. This Roundtable brings two long-time advocates of cardiometabolic prevention and a newly minted preventive cardiologist into a discussion that expands their recent JCL editorial on this topic. Atherosclerosis is a single disease process that leads to approximately 25% of deaths in economically advanced nations and a growing fraction of mortality and morbidity in nations with developing and emerging economies. Our discussants suggest that at least 75% of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease can be prevented...
July 2021: Journal of Clinical Lipidology
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