Raúl Teniente-Valente, Sergio Solorio, Enrique Vargas-Salado, Carlos Aguirre-Vázquez, Martha A Hernández-González, José Antonio Olvera-Lopez, Leticia Rodríguez-Mariscal, Miguel Angel Luna-Ruiz, José Manuel Guillén Contreras, Blanca Olivia Murillo Ortiz
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diastolic function after regression of left ventricular hypertrophy, in mild to moderate hypertension treated with angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitor and, if necessary, with a diuretic. METHODS: Ninety-eight hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and abnormal left ventricle diastolic function indexes received captopril (Capotena) 50 to 200 mg/day plus chlortalidone during 12 months to reach blood pressure control, defined as a diastolic blood pressure < or =90 and systolic blood pressure < or =140 mm Hg...
October 2008: Archivos de Cardiología de México
(no author information available yet)
(1) Reliable evidence supports the use of thiazide diuretics (chlortalidone or hydrochlorothiazide) as first-line treatment for uncomplicated arterial hypertension. (2) When patients fail to reach blood pressure targets with well-conducted treatment with thiazide diuretics, or this treatment is poorly tolerated, what are the best second-line options? To answer this question, we reviewed the available evidence, based on our standard in-house methodology. (3) We found no published trials specifically designed to evaluate second-line antihypertensive treatments in cardiovascular prevention...
June 2008: Prescrire International
Antonio Coca Payeras, Krzysztof Sladek, Giuseppe Lembo, Marco Alberici
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) affects 10-20% of the elderly population and is strongly related to the risk of cardiovascular events. Elevated systolic BP values are primarily caused by reduced large vessel compliance with a consequent increase in total peripheral resistance. Vasodilating drugs, such as calcium channel antagonists, have proven to be effective in controlling ISH in elderly patients. This study set out to compare the antihypertensive efficacy and safety of two different calcium channel antagonists, manidipine and amlodipine, administered once daily in elderly subjects with ISH...
2007: Clinical Drug Investigation
V Douville, E Keller, K Lambertz, A Lodi, J H M Miller
A reversed-phased liquid chromatographic method for the control of impurities of nine impurities in Chlortalidone drug substance is presented. The method is sufficiently sensitive to quantify down to the level of 0.0015 per cent equivalent to a concentration of 15 microg/ml.
August 2005: Pharmeuropa Scientific Notes
Claudio Brunelli, Carlo Bicchi, Antonella Di Stilo, Alberto Salomone, Marco Vincenti
In official doping controls, about 300 drugs and metabolites have to be screened for each sample. Moreover, the number of determinations to be routinely processed increases continuously as the number of both samples and potential illicit drugs keeps growing. As a consequence, increasingly specific, sensitive, and, above all, fast methods for doping controls are needed. The present study presents an efficient fast-GC/MS approach to the routine screening of two different classes of doping agents, namely beta-adrenoceptor ligands and diuretics (belonging to the S3, P2, and S5 groups of the WADA list of prohibited substances)...
December 2006: Journal of Separation Science
(no author information available yet)
(1) An unblinded trial called the ASCOT-BPLA study compared amlodipine (alone or in combination with perindopril) and atenolol (alone or in combination with a thiazide diuretic) in 19 257 hypertensive patients with other cardiovascular risk factors. The patients were followed for about 5.5 years. The doses chosen for this trial were biased in favour of amlodipine, in terms of expected effects on blood pressure, cardiovascular mortality and strokes. However, amlodipine was not associated with a reduction in overall mortality or with a lower frequency of the primary outcome (non fatal myocardial infarction or coronary death)...
June 2006: Prescrire International
(no author information available yet)
(1) Since our last review of treatments for arterial hypertension in 1999 (Prescrire International no.41), many new data have been published and new antihypertensive drugs have appeared on the market. (2) The working definition of hypertension is unchanged, namely blood pressure of at least 160/95 mm Hg in the general population, and at least 140/80 mm Hg in patients with diabetes and a history of stroke; these figures must be found on several occasions using a standardised method, with the patient at rest...
February 2005: Prescrire International
Andrea Mezzetti, Maria Fazia, Francesco Cipollone
Clinical trials have demonstrated that agents inhibiting the angiotensin II pathway confer benefit beyond the reduction of blood pressure alone. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this effect has yet to be investigated. Recently, we have demonstrated enhanced expression of inducible COX and PGE synthase (COX-2/mPGES-1) in human symptomatic plaques, and provided evidence that it is associated with plaque rupture induced by metalloproteinases (MMPs), proteolytic enzymes of matrix structural components...
December 2004: Recenti Progressi in Medicina
André J Scheen
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is becoming a major health problem associated with excess morbidity and mortality. As the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing, prevention of the disease should be considered as a key objective in the near future. Besides lifestyle changes, various pharmacological treatments have proven their efficacy in placebo-controlled clinical trials, including antidiabetic drugs such as metformin, acarbose and troglitazone, or antiobesity agents such as orlistat. Arterial hypertension, a clinical entity in which insulin resistance is common, is strongly associated with type 2 diabetes and may precede the disease by several years...
2004: Drugs
Roberto Fogari, Annalisa Zoppi
Management of hypertension in the elderly should take into account, in particular, the possible negative impact of antihypertensive drugs on the patient's quality of life, the deterioration of which may result in a loss of independence and reduced treatment compliance. Quality of life is recognised as a multifactorial variable and can be subdivided into different domains (symptomatic well-being, emotional, physical, work-social, cognitive and life satisfaction), which are generally explored by means of specific questionnaires or scales...
2004: Drugs & Aging
K Deventer, F T Delbeke, K Roels, P Van Eenoo
A fast and selective liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric (LC/MS/MS) method for the screening of 18 diuretics and probenecid in human urine is presented. Analyses were performed on a LCQ-Deca instrument equipped with ESI-interface using scan by scan polarity changing. All diuretics and probenecid were separated in less than 20 min after liquid-liquid extraction with ethyl acetate. The LOD for all substances was 100 ng/mL or better. The method was applied to detect diuretics after the oral administration of several drugs including hydrochlorothiazide, bumetanide, spironolactone, furosemide, amiloride, triamterene, chlortalidone and epithizide...
December 2002: Biomedical Chromatography: BMC
V K Serkova, N V Sheverda
Data are submitted concerning effects of atenol-H on indices for 24-hr monitoring of arterial pressure. As many as 34 patients were examined presenting with stage II hypertensive disease, in whom a 24-hr monitoring of AP was carried out in addition to a conventional measurement of AP as recommended by Korotkov before and after treatment with atenol-H, 1 tabletta per day (atenolol 100 mg, chlortolidon 25 mg). The course of treatment was on the average (26.8 +/- 1 to 4) days. As a result of treatment, values for 24-hr, day, and night AP have gotten decreased...
2002: Likars'ka Sprava
Giovanna Leoncini, Carlo Martinoli, Francesca Viazzi, Maura Ravera, Denise Parodi, Elena Ratto, Simone Vettoretti, Cinzia Tomolillo, Lorenzo E Derchi, Giacomo Deferrari, Roberto Pontremoli
INTRODUCTION: Increased renal vascular resistance and microalbuminuria are associated with hypertensive target organ damage and may be predictors of hypertensive nephrosclerosis. AIM: We investigated changes in renal resistive index (RI) and urinary albumin excretion (UAE) in a group of patients with primary hypertension before and during long-term antihypertensive treatment. METHODS: Thirty-two patients were randomized to receive antihypertensive treatment with either a calcium channel blocker (nifedipine GITS, up to 90 mg/day, n = 16) or an ACE inhibitor (lisinopril, up to 20 mg/day, n = 16), alone or in association with a diuretic (chlortalidone, 25 mg/day)...
February 2002: Nephron
F Zannad
More than 50% of hypertensive patients are aged above 65 years. Physiopathology of essential hypertension is different in the elderly as compared with the young adult. Furthermore, not only are concomitant diseases statistically more frequent in the elderly, but the aging process in itself produces several specific changes in target organs. Several trials have shown that treatment of hypertension in the elderly, including the 'old elderly', is highly beneficial in terms of reduced morbidity and mortality. The therapy used in all these major intervention trials consisted of diuretics and/or beta-blockers...
2000: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
G J Díaz Grávalos, G Palmeiro Fernández, I Casado Górriz, M J González Bouzo, J L Romero Limia, D Valiño López, X A Ricoy Lago
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the control degree and characteristics of arterial pressure (AP) obtained with monotherapy. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A sample was obtained of 277 hypertensive patients (83 men and 194 women) on monotherapy from cluster sampling. All included patients were older than 18 years and had essential hypertension (HBP). Both systolic and diastolic pressure values (mean of two measurements), prescribed drug, age and sex were recorded. RESULTS: Less than 30% of subjects had adequate control (< 140/90), mainly because of poor control of systolic BP...
August 2000: Revista Clínica Española
A Marzo, N C Monti, L Dal Bo, P Mazzucchelli, F Crivelli, R A Tettamanti, S Ismaili, M R Uhr, C Ronchi, E Porziotta
Atenolol (CAS 29122-68-7) and chlortalidone (CAS 77-36-1) are marketed associated in a 4:1 strength ratio (100/25 and 50/12.5 mg) for the treatment of hypertension. According to EU guidelines, the bioequivalence of one dosage strength can also cover additional strengths when the pharmacokinetics of a given drug is linearly related with the dose. The kinetics of atenolol is linearly correlated with the dose and chlortalidone has linear kinetics with doses < or = 100 mg. Thus this trial carried out on the 100/25 mg strength also covers the 50/12...
September 2000: Arzneimittel-Forschung
W Wehner
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
July 2000: Die Pharmazie
F Vargas, H Méndez
The photodegradation process of the phototoxic diuretic drug chlorthalidone was studied. The products of its photolysis under UV-B were isolated and identified. Chlorthalidone was found to be active when examined by photohemolysis on human erythrocytes, but not in the presence of the isolated photoproducts. Inhibition of the photohemolysis process induced by chlorthalidone on addition of reduced glutathione (GSH) or ascorbic acid suggests the involvement of radicals species. The inhibition with 1,4-diazabycyclo [2...
December 1999: Die Pharmazie
E Selvaag
The oral hypoglycemic drugs carbutamide, chlorpropamide, glibenclamide, glubornuride, gliclazide, glipizide, gliquidone, glisoxepide, glymidine, tolazamide and tolbutamide, and the diuretics acetazolamide, bemetizide, bendroflumethiazide, benzthiazide, benzylhydrochlorothiazide, bumetanide, butizide, chlorazanile, chlorothiazide, chlortalidone, clopamide, cyclopenthiazide, cyclothiazide, diazoxide, etozoline, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, hydroflumethiazide, indapamide, mefruside, metolazone, piretanide, polythiazide, trichlormethiazide, and xipamide were investigated for photohemolytic properties in vitro...
September 1997: Arzneimittel-Forschung
E Selvaag
The NHIK 3025 cell line (Norsk Hydro Institutt for Kreftforskning), a human in situ carcinoma of the cervix cell line, was used to investigate the thiazides bemetizide, bendroflumethiazide, benzylhydrochlorothiazide, bumetanide, butizide, chlortalidone, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, hydroflumethiazide, indapamide, piretanide, polythiazide, trichlormethiazide and xipamide for their potential phototoxic properties. Cell death following UVA irradiation and dependent on test substance concentration was observed in the presence of all the tested substances except chlortalidone, furosemide, indapamide and xipamide...
September 1997: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology
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