Jonathan J Szeto, Joshua K Radack, Sara B DeMauro, Erik A Jensen, Kathleen Gibbs, Nicolas P Novick, Kristan A Scott, Daria C Murosko, Heather H Burris, Timothy D Nelin
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association of components of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Environmental Justice Index (EJI) with respiratory health outcomes among infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) within one year after discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit. METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of a cohort of preterm infants with BPD. Multivariable logistic regression models estimated associations of EJI and its components with medically attended acute respiratory illness, defined as an ED visit or inpatient readmission, within one year of discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit...
May 20, 2024: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Chau-Kiu Cheung, Eileen Yuk-Ha Tsang
Homosexual (lesbian or gay) and bisexual (i.e., LGB) people tend to suffer from social exclusion and thus distress. To prevent or relieve distress, the people's assertiveness about justice and rights is an advocated means, but its effectiveness is uncertain, considering possible conflict with social exclusion. To clarify the effectiveness, this study analyzed data collected from 189 Chinese LGB adults in Hong Kong, which is a special administrative region of China generally Westernized and liberal to sexual orientation...
May 16, 2024: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Arjan S Walia, Abby C King, Maria I Campero, Dulce M Garcia, Rebecca E Lee, Astrid N Zamora
The built environment has been linked to physical activity (PA) behaviors, yet there is limited knowledge of this association among lower-income midlife and older adults who are insufficiently active. The present cross-sectional study utilized baseline data collected between October 2017 and November 2019 from a clustered randomized controlled trial to determine how built environment attributes were associated with PA behaviors among midlife and older adults (n = 255) residing in or near affordable housing sites (n = 10)...
May 9, 2024: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Robert K Browne, Qinghua Luo, Pei Wang, Nabil Mansour, Svetlana A Kaurova, Edith N Gakhova, Natalia V Shishova, Victor K Uteshev, Ludmila I Kramarova, Govindappa Venu, Somaye Vaissi, Zeynab Taheri-Khas, Pouria Heshmatzad, Mikhail F Bagaturov, Peter Janzen, Renato E Naranjo, Aleona Swegen, Julie Strand, Dale McGinnity, Ilze Dunce
Intergenerational justice entitles the maximum retention of Earth's biodiversity. The 2022 United Nations COP 15, "Ecological Civilisation: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth", is committed to protecting 30% of Earth's terrestrial environments and, through COP 28, to mitigate the effects of the climate catastrophe on the biosphere. We focused this review on three core themes: the need and potential of reproduction biotechnologies, biobanks, and conservation breeding programs (RBCs) to satisfy sustainability goals; the technical state and current application of RBCs; and how to achieve the future potentials of RBCs in a rapidly evolving environmental and cultural landscape...
May 14, 2024: Animals: An Open Access Journal From MDPI
Martina C Cornel, Karuna R M van der Meij, Carla G van El, Tessel Rigter, Lidewij Henneman
In many countries, some form of genetic screening is offered to all or part of the population, either in the form of well-organized screening programs or in a less formalized way. Screening can be offered at different phases of life, such as preconception, prenatal, neonatal and later in life. Screening should only be offered if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Technical innovations in testing and treatment are driving changes in the field of prenatal and neonatal screening, where many jurisdictions have organized population-based screening programs...
May 3, 2024: Genes
Alireza Nouri, Masoud Montazeri Namin, Ershad Oftadeh
Developing a suitable index for Waste Load Allocation (WLA) is essential for both industrial polluters and environmental organizations. Identifying the index that best describes the quality conditions of the river is the main concern of this study. To achieve this purpose, a novel framework incorporating a regret-based index and a bankruptcy-based approach to address the impacts of low water quality and pollutant locations within the WLA are introduced. The framework includes a simulation-optimization model to minimize river quality regret for environmental organizations and total treatment cost for industrial polluters, employing Nash bargaining theory for conflict resolution...
May 24, 2024: Environmental Science and Pollution Research International
Danielle Arlanda Harris, Michael Sheath, Ryan Shields
Crime prevention is typically presented in a tripartite model that includes primary, secondary, and tertiary domains. Almost every criminal justice intervention constitutes tertiary prevention and occurs reactively, in the aftermath of an offence. Child sexual abuse is no exception, and prevention science has long recommended we focus our intervention efforts further upstream. Such an approach would include earlier detection and disclosure (secondary prevention), or-even better-reducing the risks of early exposure to the environmental forces which facilitate sexual abuse in the first place (primary prevention)...
May 23, 2024: Child Abuse & Neglect
Evelyn Lankester, Tara D Justice, Aalia Sachedina, Daniel G Rosenbaum
Decidual cast is a little-known entity characterized by sloughing of the endometrium in several large pieces or in one cylindrical or membranous piece retaining the shape of the uterine cavity. Accounts of the diagnosis are sporadic and have not previously appeared in the pediatric imaging literature. We describe a case of a post-menarchal adolescent girl presenting with abnormal uterine bleeding, severe dysmenorrhea, and imaging features of genital tract obstruction, the cause of which was found to be a large decidual cast during examination under anesthesia...
May 24, 2024: Pediatric Radiology
Donna Claes, Kara B Markham, DonnaMaria E Cortezzo
Technological advancements before and after delivery have greatly altered the counseling of pregnant patients facing a fetal diagnosis of severe oligohydramnios or anhydramnios secondary to congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract. Once considered a nearly uniformly lethal abnormality, long-term survival may now be possible secondary to prenatal innovations aimed at restoring the amniotic fluid volume and the availability of more advanced neonatal dialysis techniques. However, these available therapies are far from perfect...
May 24, 2024: Pediatrics
Ting Qin, Pingqiang Wei, Chengyi Zhu
The subjective well-being of Chinese college students has always been a topic of concern. Subjective well-being is an overall evaluation of the quality of life according to the standards set by individuals, which is of great significance to the development of college students. Based on the data published in the past 5 years of China's comprehensive social survey, this study uses panel model and adversarial explanatory structure model to analyze the influencing factors of subjective well-being of Chinese college students from five dimensions: social equity attitude, parental education, use of network, social interaction and physical health...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Xue Zhang, Kai-Yi Qiu, Shao-Zhen Chen
BACKGROUND: The rehabilitation industry suffered in a terrible economic climate caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Healthcare resources and the labor force were directed towards epidemic prevention of post-pandemic, which exacerbated the issue. This study evaluated the professional identity (PI) of new graduates majoring in rehabilitation therapy during the final harsh phase of COVID-19 and explored the factors influencing PI. METHODS: A cross-sectional investigation with a questionnaire was used in this study...
September 2023: Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences
Manjeshwar S Baliga, Vijaya Marakala, Lal P Madathil, Thomas George, Russell F D'souza, Princy L Palatty
The medical sub-specialty of Oncology presents diverse ethical dilemmas, often challenging cancer healthcare workers with difficult-to-handle clinical scenarios that are tough from a personal and professional perspective. Making decisions on patient care in various circumstances is a defining obligation of an oncologist and those duty-based judgments entail more than just selecting the best treatment or solution. Ethics is an essential and inseparable aspect of clinical medicine and the oncologists as well as the allied health care workers are ethically committed to helping the patient, avoiding or minimizing harm, and respecting the patient's values and choices...
2024: Journal of Education and Health Promotion
Mary Bunn, Enryka Christopher, Chloe Polutnik-Smith, John McCoy, Rosie Hanneke, Michael King, B Heidi Ellis, Emma Cardeli, Stevan Weine
This rapid review used a systematic approach to examine the available literature on rehabilitation and reintegration (R&R) programs for women and children returning from contexts of violent extremism, examining common assumptions, inputs, activities and outcomes across diverse settings. Fifty-one documents including peer reviewed articles and grey literature were included in the analysis. The most common program activities identified included mental health services, community level social programs, promoting school and vocational enrollment, regular health services, and parenting training & education, though there was a lack of consensus around core program components...
2024: Terror Political Violence
B Heidi Ellis, Michael King, Emma Cardeli, Enryka Christopher, Seetha Davis, Sewit Yohannes, Mary Bunn, John McCoy, Stevan Weine
Women and children returning from areas formerly controlled by the Islamic State typically have experienced high levels of trauma and indoctrination, further complicating politically fraught efforts at reintegration and resettlement. Consequently, countries around the world are grappling with how best to manage the return of these women and children. To help better understand which types of programming can contribute to the successful, non-violent reintegration of these individuals, we incorporated ideas from existing Repatriation and Rehabilitation (R&R) literature, field practitioners, R&R subject matter experts, and literature from adjacent fields (e...
2024: Terror Political Violence
Rami M Major, Arlene M Davis, Gail E Henderson, Greg Inamine, John M Conley
Biomedical research in the US has long been conducted in a public-private (PP) "ecosystem." Today, especially with gene therapies and genome editing-based medicine, publicly funded researchers frequently hand off their research to the private sector for clinical development, often to small, venture capital-funded startups in which they have a financial interest. This trend raises ethical questions about conflicts of interest, effectiveness of regulatory oversight, and justice in therapy access, that we are addressing in a multi-year, multidisciplinary study of the evolving governance of genome editing...
June 21, 2024: IScience
John C Hayvon
Inequalities in health have long been recognized as interconnected with social, economic, and various other inequalities. The application of social justice and equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI) frameworks may help expand interdisciplinary perspectives in addressing inequalities. This review study conducted an environmental scan for existing syntheses of theories, models, and frameworks (TMFs) relevant to the social justice and EDI. Results from Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, CINAHL, PsychINFO, and MEDLINE retrieved an existing implementation science framework intently centered upon health inequalities, and draws from a synthesis of postcolonial theory, reflexivity, intersectionality, structural violence, and governance theory...
May 23, 2024: International Journal for Equity in Health
Lisa Brünig, Hannes Kahrass, Sabine Salloch
BACKGROUND: Intersectionality is a concept that originated in Black feminist movements in the US-American context of the 1970s and 1980s, particularly in the work of feminist scholar and lawyer Kimberlé W. Crenshaw. Intersectional approaches aim to highlight the interconnectedness of gender and sexuality with other social categories, such as race, class, age, and ability to look at how individuals are discriminated against and privileged in institutions and societal power structures...
May 23, 2024: BMC Medical Ethics
Zoe Lindenfeld, Diana Silver, José A Pagán, Donglan Stacy Zhang, Ji Eun Chang
INTRODUCTION: Despite being an important determinant of health outcomes, measures of structural racism are lacking in studies examining the relationship between the social determinants of health (SDOH) and overdose deaths. The aim of this study is to examine the association between per capita revenue generated from fines and forfeitures, a novel measure of structural racism, and other SDOH with county-level overdose deaths from 2017-2020. METHODS: This longitudinal analysis of 2,846 counties from 2017-2020 used bivariate and multivariate Generalized Estimating Equations models to estimate associations between county overdose mortality rates and SDOH characteristics, including the fines and forfeitures measure...
2024: PloS One
Leanne N S Torgersen, Stefan M Schulz, Ricardo G Lugo, Stefan Sütterlin
Advancements in digitalisation with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) allow patients opportunities for improved autonomy, quality of life, and a potential increase in life expectancy. However, with the digital and functional practicalities of CIEDs, there exists also cyber safety issues with transferring wireless information. If a digital network were to be hacked, a CIED patient could experience both the loss of sensitive data and the loss of functional control of the CIED due to an unwelcome party...
May 2024: PLOS Digit Health
Suet Voon Yu, Gerlese S Åkerlind
This study examined variation in medical practitioners' practice-based conceptions of what it means to be a doctor, based on interviews with 30 clinicians who were also medical educators. Participants included general practitioners, surgeons and physicians (non-surgical specialists). Participants were asked to draw a concept map of 'being a doctor', followed by semi-structured interviews using a phenomenographic research design. Three conceptions were identified, varyingly focused on (1) treating patients' medical problems; (2) maximising patients' well-being; and (3) maximising community health...
May 23, 2024: Health Care Analysis: HCA: Journal of Health Philosophy and Policy
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