Alexandra Grace Mitchell, Aimal Ahmad Khan, Helen Stocks, Rob McIntosh
Line bisection is a task widely used to assess lateral asymmetries of attention, in which participants are asked to mark the midpoint of a horizontal line. The Directional Bisection Error (DBE) from the objective midpoint of the line is the traditional measure of performance. However, an alternative method of studying bisection behaviour, the end-point weightings method, has been proposed. This method produces two measures of performance: end-point weightings bias (EWB) and end-point weightings sum (EWS). Whilst EWB measures attentional asymmetry, it has been suggested that EWS quantifies the total (non-lateralised) attention allocated to the task...
May 5, 2024: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: QJEP
Monika Halicka, Olivia Rose Cousins, Antonia F Ten Brink, Axel D Vittersø, Michael J Proulx, Janet H Bultitude
PURPOSE: Alterations in spatial attention have been reported in people with chronic pain and may be relevant to understanding its cortical mechanisms and developing novel treatments. There is conflicting evidence as to whether people with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) have reduced visuospatial attention to their affected limb and/or its surrounding space, with some evidence that these deficits may be greater in personal (bodily) space. We aimed to test the competing hypotheses of whether the visuospatial attentional bias is specific to the personal space of the affected limb or generalizes to the personal space of other parts of the affected side of the body...
2024: Journal of Pain Research
Christoph Strauch, Alex J Hoogerbrugge, Antonia F Ten Brink
Healthy individuals typically show more attention to the left than to the right (known as pseudoneglect), and to the upper than to the lower visual field (known as altitudinal pseudoneglect). These biases are thought to reflect asymmetries in neural processes. Attention biases have been used to investigate how these neural asymmetries change with age. However, inconsistent results have been reported regarding the presence and direction of age-related effects on horizontal and vertical attention biases. The observed inconsistencies may be due to insensitive measures and small sample sizes, that usually only feature extreme age groups...
March 31, 2024: Experimental Brain Research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation Cérébrale
Janet H Bultitude, Antonia F Ten Brink
People have a leftward bias when making visuospatial judgements about horizontally arranged stimuli ("pseudoneglect"), and a superior bias when making visuospatial judgements about vertically arranged stimuli. The leftward visuospatial bias in physical space seems to extend to the mental representation of space. However, whether any bias exists in mental representation of vertical space is unknown. We investigated whether people show a visuospatial bias in the mental representation of vertical space, and if any bias in mental representations of horizontal and vertical space related to the extent of bias in physical space...
January 15, 2024: Acta Psychologica
Austen K Smith, Rodrigo Vicencio-Moreira, Trista E Friedrich, Meghan E Flath, Carl Gutwin, Lorin J Elias
Whereas a rightward bump is more likely than a leftward bump when walking through a doorway, investigations into potential similar asymmetries for drivers are limited. The research presented here aims to determine the influence of innate lateral spatial biases when driving. Data from the Strategic Highway Research Program Naturalistic Driving Study (SHRP 2 NDS) and a driving simulation were used to address our research questions. Data points from SHRP 2 were aggregated within relevant variables (e.g., left/right obstacles)...
November 14, 2023: Laterality
Brandon Keehn, Girija Kadlaskar, Rebecca McNally Keehn
BACKGROUND: Autistic individuals excel at visual search, however, the neural mechanism(s) underlying this advantage remain unclear. The locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system, which plays a critical role in sensory perception and selective attention, has been shown to function in a persistently elevated state in individuals on the spectrum. However, the relationship between elevated tonic LC-NE activity and accelerated search in autism has not been explored. OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between visual search abilities and resting pupil diameter (an indirect measure of tonic LC-NE activation) in autistic and neurotypical children...
October 4, 2023: Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior
Giacomo Guidali, Chiara Bagattini, Matteo De Matola, Debora Brignani
Pseudoneglect is a set of visuospatial biases that entails a behavioral advantage for stimuli appearing in the left hemifield compared to the right one. Although right hemisphere dominance for visuospatial processing has been invoked to explain this phenomenon, its neurophysiological mechanisms are still debated, and the role of intra- and inter-hemispheric connectivity is yet to be defined. The present study explored the possibility of modulating pseudoneglect in healthy participants through a cortico-cortical paired associative stimulation protocol (ccPAS): a non-invasive brain stimulation protocol that manipulates the interplay between brain regions through the repeated, time-locked coupling of two transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) pulses...
December 2023: Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior
Antje Nuthmann, Christopher N L Clark
Pseudoneglect, that is the tendency to pay more attention to the left side of space, is typically assessed with paper-and-pencil tasks, particularly line bisection. In the present study, we used an everyday task with more complex stimuli. Subjects' task was to look for pre-specified objects in images of real-world scenes. In half of the scenes, the search object was located on the left side of the image (L-target); in the other half of the scenes, the target was on the right side (R-target). To control for left-right differences in the composition of the scenes, half of the scenes were mirrored horizontally...
September 2023: Experimental Brain Research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation Cérébrale
Matia Okubo
People tend to deviate to the right when walking through a narrow aperture (e.g., a doorway), resulting in a rightward bias in collisions. This study examines the effects of smartphone use on rightward collisions while walking. When pedestrians walk through a narrow aperture, they usually head straight to the perceived centre of the aperture, which is shifted slightly to the right, without updating the estimates. The rightward shift of the perceived centre is attributable to the rightward attentional shift in the extrapersonal space...
August 22, 2023: Laterality
Stefania Righi, Viola Benedetti, Fiorenza Giganti, Maria Teresa Turano, Greta Raduazzo, Maria Pia Viggiano
Pseudoneglect, the tendency to display a leftward perceptual bias, is consistently observed in line bisection tasks. Some studies have shown that pseudoneglect is sensitive to emotions. This emotion-related modulation is likely related to valence-dependent hemispheric lateralization, although the results do not converge. A possible explanation for these inconsistencies could be individual differences in emotional tone. Considering that negative and positive emotions produce different basic activations of the two hemispheres, emotional characteristics of the subjects, such as trait anxiety, could in fact modulate the pseudoneglect phenomenon...
2023: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
János Kállai, Tamás Páll, Kristóf Topa, András Norbert Zsidó
INTRODUCTION: To understand the nature of hemispatial attention allocation in virtual reality (VR), a line bisection task (LBT) was administered both in a real environment and a virtual environment to assess the rate of pseudoneglect. The mental construction of real and virtual environments was assumed to increase visuospatial activity in right hemisphere-related cognitive processes; an alteration in the activity that manifests in the direction and rate of line bisection lateral error...
2023: Frontiers in Psychology
Stefanie Klatt, Benjamin Noël, Robin Schrödter
Previous research on the use of peripheral vision to identify two spatially separated stimuli simultaneously has led to the conclusion that the focus of attention has the form of a symmetric ellipse with a broader expansion along the horizontal compared to the vertical meridian. However, research on pseudoneglect has indicated that attention is not symmetrically distributed to the whole visual field. Here, we test if the attention window is indeed symmetrical with regard to its shape and resolution during peripheral vision...
July 15, 2023: British Journal of Psychology
Giuditta Gambino, Lorenzo Pia, Giuseppe Ferraro, Filippo Brighina, Danila Di Majo, Fabrizio Di Giovanni, Tommaso Ciorli, Pierangelo Sardo, Giuseppe Giglia
Pseudoneglect phenomenon refers to a condition in which healthy subjects tend to perceive the left side of exactly bisected lines as being slightly longer than the right one. However, behavioural data showed that athletes practising an open-skill sport display less pseudoneglect than the general population. Given the fact that so-called exergames (also known as active video games) are platforms designed to fully mimic sport activity, this work intends to investigate whether and how a one-week training period of exergame open-skill sport can determine a similar decrease in pseudoneglect...
May 29, 2023: Brain Sciences
Helen Morse, Amy A Jolly, Hannah Browning, Allan Clark, Valerie Pomeroy, Stéphanie Rossit
Assessment of cognitive impairments is a vital part of clinical practice. Cancellation (visual search) and line bisection are commonly used tasks to assess visuospatial attention. Despite the fact visuospatial attention is engaged in both near (within reach) and far-space (out of reach), most studies have been conducted in near-space alone. Moreover, despite their use in clinical practice, it is unclear whether cancellation and bisection tasks are related. Here, we investigated the impact of aging on cancellation and line bisection performance in far-space in a large healthy sample...
June 14, 2023: Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition
Ladina Schlosser, Nadja Naef, Melanie Ehrler, Flavia Wehrle, Matthias Greutmann, Angela Oxenius, Ruth Tuura, Beatrice Latal, Peter Brugger
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is associated with various neurocognitive deficits, particularly targeting executive functions (EFs), of which random number generation (RNG) is one indicator. RNG has, however, never been investigated in CHD. We administered the Mental Dice Task (MDT) to 67 young adults with CHD and 55 healthy controls. This 1-minute-task requires the generation of numbers 1 to 6 in a random sequence. RNG performance was correlated with a global EF score. Participants underwent MRI to examine structural-volumetric correlates of RNG...
January 27, 2023: Brain and Cognition
Robert D McIntosh, Antonia F Ten Brink, Alexandra G Mitchell, Hannah Jones, Nan Peng, Melissa Thye, Janet H Bultitude
It has long been known that active adaptation to a shift of the visual field, caused by laterally-displacing prisms, induces short-term sensorimotor aftereffects. More recent evidence suggests that prism adaptation may also stimulate higher-level changes in spatial cognition, which can modify the spatial biases of healthy people. The first reported, and most replicated, higher-level aftereffect is a rightward shift in the point of subjective equality (PSE) for a perceptual bisection task (the landmark task), following adaptation to leftward prisms...
November 26, 2022: Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior
Tzu-Yu Hsu, Hsin-Yi Wang, Jui-Tai Chen, Chin-An Wang
The pupil constricts in response to an increase in global luminance level, commonly referred to as the pupil light reflex. Recent research has shown that these reflex responses are modulated by high-level cognition. There is larger pupil constriction evoked by a bright stimulus when the stimulus location spatially overlaps with the locus of attention, and these effects have been extended to saccade planning and working memory (here referred to as pupil local-luminance modulation). Although research in monkeys has further elucidated a central role of the frontal eye field (FEF) and superior colliculus in the pupil local-luminance modulation, their roles remain to be established in humans...
2022: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Antonia F Ten Brink, Rebecca de Haan, Daan R Amelink, Anniek N Holweg, Jie Sui, Janet H Bultitude
Previous research suggests that attention is drawn by self-related information. Three online experiments were conducted to investigate whether self-related stimuli alter visuospatial perceptual judgments. In a matching task, associations were learned between labels ('Yourself'/friend/stranger's name) paired with cues. Cues were coloured outlines (Experiment 1, N = 135), geometric shapes (Experiment 2, N = 102), or coloured gradients (Experiment 3, N = 110). Visuospatial perception bias was measured with a greyscales task...
December 1, 2022: Consciousness and Cognition
Sergio Della Sala, Robert D McIntosh
The symbolism of laterality in images implies that the virtuous figure is represented on the right of the scene whereas the sinful character is depicted on the left. In portraits of male and female characters this has reflected and reinforced stereotypes and inequalities down the ages. Given these premises, we hypothesized that the prototypical representations of Adam and Eve, as a man and a woman conflated with notions of virtue and vice, would show a non-random arrangement. We tested this hypothesis, sampling artistic depictions of the Garden of Eden, from the twelth century to the present day in three separately-collected series of 100, 99, and 142 images respectively...
November 30, 2022: Laterality
Danishta Kaul, Marietta Papadatou-Pastou, Gemma Learmonth
Meta-analyses have shown subtle, group-level asymmetries of spatial attention in adults favouring the left hemispace (pseudoneglect). However, no meta-analysis has synthesized data on children. We performed a random-effects meta-analysis of spatial biases in children aged ≤16 years. Databases (PsycINFO, Web of Science & Scopus) and pre-print servers (bioRxiv, medRxiv & PsyArXiv) were searched for studies involving typically developing children with a mean age of ≤16, who were tested using line bisection...
November 23, 2022: Laterality
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