Yasmine Coovadia, Brittany K Schwende, Chloe E Taylor, Charlotte W Usselman
Recent studies have demonstrated that muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) responses to isometric exercise differs between active and inactive limbs. Whether limb-dependent responses are characteristic of responses to the cold pressor test (CPT) remains to be established. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that CPT-induced MSNA responses differ between affected and unaffected limbs such that MSNA in the affected lower limb is greater than MSNA responses in the contralateral lower limb and the upper limb...
February 2024: Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic & Clinical
Xiuxian Gu, Jinyue Ma, Junhui He
Although a wide variety of single-function coatings have been successfully developed, the integration of multiple functions onto a single coating has remained an immense challenge in the field. Here, we report a simple room-temperature fabrication of robust coatings with UV-shielding, light conversion, and antifogging functionalities. The addition of glutaraldehyde (GA) molecular cross-linker and carbon dot (CD) nanocross-linker with light conversion function to poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) resulted in the formation of robust spatial structures of coatings...
January 4, 2024: Langmuir: the ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids
Kelli E King, James J McCormick, Glen P Kenny
Autophagy is a crucial cytoprotective mechanism preventing the accumulation of cellular damage, especially during external stimuli such as cold exposure. Older adults poorly tolerate cold exposure and age-related impairments in autophagy may contribute to the associated reductions in cold tolerance. The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the effect of different intensities of in vivo cold-water immersion and in vitro cold exposure on autophagic and apoptotic signaling in young and older males. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are isolated at baseline, end-cold exposure, and after 3 h of thermoneutral recovery...
December 27, 2023: Advanced biology
Billie K Alba, Andrew M Greenfield, Beau R Yurkevicius, Myra L Jones, John W Castellani
PURPOSE: Cold-induced vasodilation (CIVD) is an oscillatory rise in blood flow to glabrous skin that occurs in cold-exposed extremities. Dietary flavanols increase bioavailable nitric oxide, a proposed mediator of CIVD through active vasodilation and/or withdrawal of sympathetic vascular smooth muscle tone. However, no studies have examined the effects of flavanol intake on extremity skin perfusion during cold exposure. We tested the hypothesis that acute and 8-day flavanol supplementation would augment CIVD during single-digit cold water immersion (CWI)...
December 27, 2023: European Journal of Applied Physiology
Jiří Baláš, Jan Kodejška, Adéla Procházková, Roman Knap, James J Tufano
Baláš, J, Kodejška, J, Procházková, A, Knap, R, and Tufano, JJ. Muscle cooling before and in the middle of a session: there are benefits on subsequent localized endurance performance in a warm environment. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2023-Localized cold-water immersion (CWI) has been shown to facilitate recovery in the middle of a session of exhaustive repeated forearm contractions. However, it has been suggested that these benefits may be attributed to "precooling" the muscle before an activity, as opposed to cooling a previously overheated muscle...
December 13, 2023: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Hayden W Hess, Zachary J Schlader, Blair D Johnson, Riana R Pryor, David Hostler
We tested the hypotheses that self-paced aerobic exercise performance is reduced following four hours of cold-water immersion when breathing air and further reduced when breathing 100% oxygen (O2). Nine healthy adults (four women; age 24 ± 3 years; body fat 17.9 ± 6.4%; VO2max 48±9 mL • kg • minute⁻¹) completed three visits: a no-immersion control trial and two experimental trials consisting of a four-hour cold-water immersion (20.1±0.3°C) either breathing air (FIO2 = 0...
2023: Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine: Journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc
Mladen Mihajlovic, Dimitrije Cabarkapa, Damjana V Cabarkapa, Nicolas M Philipp, Andrew C Fry
Although different strategies have been implemented to manage recovery-fatigue status in athletes, there is still a lack of consensus on which recovery protocols have the greatest impact and effectiveness when implemented with basketball players, including both physiological and psychological recovery methods. Thus, the purpose of this systematic review is to: (a) determine which recovery methods attain the greatest benefit in restoring the process of attenuating fatigue and (b) provide sports practitioners with guidelines on how some of the most effective recovery strategies can be used to optimize athletes' recovery and ultimately enhance their performance...
November 20, 2023: Sports
Matthew Driller, Alana Leabeater
The sport and athletic performance industry has seen a plethora of new recovery devices and technologies over recent years, and it has become somewhat difficult for athletes, coaches, and practitioners to navigate the efficacy of such devices or whether they are even required at all. With the increase in recovery devices and tools, it has also become commonplace for athletes to overlook more traditional, well-established recovery strategies. In this narrative review, we discuss recovery strategies in relation to the hierarchy of scientific evidence, classifying them based on the strength of the evidence, ranging from meta-analyses through to case studies and reports...
November 3, 2023: Sports
P Michaux, B Gaume, Y Cong, O Quéméner
This article presents the development of a digital twin model of a thigh portion subjected to various thermal treatments. Two scenarios are investigated: cold water immersion (CWI) and whole body cryotherapy (WBC), for which the comparison of numerical results with experimental measurements validates the consistency of the developed model. The use of real geometry on a first subject demonstrates the high heterogeneity of the temperature field and the need for accurate geometry. A second subject with thicker adipose tissue highlights the impact of the subject's actual morphology on the validity of the treatment and the necessity to work with real geometry in order to optimize cold modalities and develop personalized treatments...
November 8, 2023: Computers in Biology and Medicine
Nathália F Cerca, Juliana DePaula, Veronica M A Calado, Marco Antônio L Miguel, Adriana Farah
Coffee cold brews have been gaining prominence and popularity among consumers worldwide. However, only a few studies have systematically analyzed their chemical composition or evaluated microbiological safety aspects. This study aimed to evaluate the survival of Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli in cold brews prepared from roasted and ground Coffea arabica and C. canephora seeds using the following preparation methods: immersion without filter (INF), immersion in a cotton filter bag (ICF), vacuum (Vac.) and cold dripping (Drip...
December 2023: Food Research International
Carlos Yánez Benítez, Teófilo Lorente-Aznar, Idurre Labaka, Iñigo Soteras, Marta Baselga, Koji Morishita, Marcelo Ribeiro, Antonio Güemes
Search and rescue teams and Antarctic research groups use protective cold-water anti-exposure suits (AES) when cruising on Zodiacs. Extremity tourniquet (ET) self-application (SA) donned with AESs has not been previously studied. Our study assessed the SA of five commercial ETs (CAT, OMNA, RATS, RMT, and SWAT-T) among fifteen volunteers who donned these suits. Tourniquet's SA ability, ease of SA, tolerance, and tourniquet preference were measured. All ETs tested were self-applied to the upper extremity except for the SWAT, which was self-applied with the rest to the lower extremity...
November 8, 2023: Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
Leonardo Tomei, Francesca Saretta, Stefania Arasi, Lucrezia Sarti, Amelia Licari, Mattia Giovannini, Simona Barni, Giulia Liccioli, Valeria Tallarico, Alessandra Piccorossi, Carlo Caffarelli, Elio Novembre, Francesca Mori
Chronic urticaria (CU) is one of the most common skin disorders worldwide. Among the inducible subgroup of CU, cold urticaria (ColdU) can affect both children and adults and is the only type associated with the risk of anaphylaxis without cofactors. In the scientific literature, data about cold anaphylaxis (ColdA) are poor, especially at pediatric age, and little is known about risk factors associated with the onset of systemic reactions and about the criteria for prescribing adrenaline auto-injectors (AAIs) in these patients...
October 18, 2023: Diseases (Basel)
Emma L Reed, Christopher L Chapman, Emma K Whittman, Talia E Park, Emily A Larson, Brendan W Kaiser, Lindan N Comrada, Karen Wiedenfeld Needham, John R Halliwill, Christopher T Minson
Cold water immersion (CWI) may provide benefits for physical and mental health. Our purpose was to investigate the effects of an acute bout of CWI on vascular shear stress and affect (positive and negative). Sixteen healthy adults (age: 23 ± 4 y; (9 self-reported men and 7 self-reported women) completed one 15-min bout of CWI (10 °C). Self-reported affect (positive and negative) was assessed at pre-CWI (Pre), 30-min post-immersion, and 180-min post-immersion in all participants...
October 14, 2023: Journal of Thermal Biology
Rebecca S Weller, Hein A Daanen, Rebecca J McClintock, Nicholas A Roberts, Timothy L Dunn, Douglas M Jones
A common practice for those operating in cold environments includes repetitive glove doffing and donning to perform specific tasks, which creates a repetitive cycle of hand cooling and rewarming. This study aimed to determine the influence of intraday repeated hand cooling on cold-induced vasodilation (CIVD), sympathetic activation, and finger/hand temperature recovery. Eight males and two females (mean ± SD age: 28 ± 5 year; height: 181 ± 9 cm; weight: 79...
October 21, 2023: European Journal of Applied Physiology
C Aparna Rao, D Savitha
Background Pain perception, with inter-individual variability, is a challenge for both patients and clinicians. Distribution of pain sensitivity parameters being less explored in Indian population can vary with reports from outside India. Objective To describe distribution of pain sensitivity parameters using cold pressor test in healthy adults and to explore relationship of pain sensitivity with gender, vascular reactivity and parental history of hypertension. Method Pain was induced with non-dominant hand immersed in cold water (30 C to 50 C) in 150 subjects (75 males and 75 females) selected as per inclusion and exclusion criteria...
2023: Kathmandu University Medical Journal (KUMJ)
Sean R Notley, Duncan Mitchell, Nigel A S Taylor
In this third installment of our four-part historical series, we evaluate contributions that shaped our understanding of heat and cold stress during occupational and athletic pursuits. Our first topic concerns how we tolerate, and sometimes fail to tolerate, exercise-heat stress. By 1900, physical activity with clothing- and climate-induced evaporative impediments led to an extraordinarily high incidence of heat stroke within the military. Fortunately, deep-body temperatures > 40 °C were not always fatal...
January 2024: European Journal of Applied Physiology
Alexandra Roesch, Roland Windisch, Christian Wichmann, Willem F Wolkers, Gideon Kersten, Tim Menzen
To develop cryopreservation methods for cell-based medicinal products it is important to understand osmotic responses of cells upon immersion into solutions with cryoprotective agents (CPAs) and during freezing. The aim of this study was to assess the osmotic response of T cells by using flow imaging microscopy (FIM) as a novel cell-sizing technique, and to corroborate the findings with electrical impedance measurements conducted on a Coulter counter. Jurkat cells were used as a potential model cell line for primary T cells...
September 30, 2023: Cryobiology
Courtney E Wheelock, Elizabeth M Lavoie, Jocelyn Stooks, Jacqueline Schwob, Hayden W Hess, Riana R Pryor, David Hostler
INTRODUCTION: We tested the hypothesis that a carbohydrate (CHO: 6.5%) or carbohydrate-electrolyte (CHO + E: 6.5% + 50 mmol/L NaCl) drink would better recover plasma volume (PV) and exercise performance compared to water (H2O) after immersion diuresis. METHODS: Twelve men (24 ± 2 years; 82.4 ± 15.5 kg; and V̇O2max: 49.8 ± 5.1 mL · kg-1 · min-1) completed four experimental visits: a no-immersion control (CON) and three 4-h cold-water (18...
September 30, 2023: Military Medicine
Donghang Zhao, Feiyun Zhuang, Chenggang Ou, Xiangcun Yao, Chen Liang, Yifan Zhang, Xing Liu
China is the world's largest producer and exporter of carrot (Daucus carota L. var. sativa), a well-known and nutritious root vegetable. In the spring seasons of 2021-2023, dark brown lesions were observed on field-grown and cold-stored carrot roots in the Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China. Although just discovered in recent years, the disease has expanded from the initial point to the most planting area in there, and causing over 20% yield loss in the most severely affected fields. This disease symptom is consistent with black rot, a carrot disease found globally and caused by the fungal pathogen Alternaria radicina (Saude et al...
September 29, 2023: Plant Disease
Miho Yoshimura, Masatoshi Nakamura, Kazuki Kasahara, Riku Yoshida, Yuta Murakami, Tatsuya Hojo, Goichi Inoue, Naohisa Makihira, Yoshiyuki Fukuoka
BACKGROUND: The findings of previous studies support the efficacy of cold water immersion (CWI) with carbon dioxide (CO2 ) in enhancing muscle blood flow and maintaining aerobic performance efficiency. We hypothesize that the addition of hydrogen gas (H2 ), known for its antioxidant properties and role in inflammation regulation, to C-CWI can enhance recovery after eccentric exercise. SUBJECTS: and Methods: Thirty-four healthy subjects performed a knee-extensor eccentric exercise...
October 2023: Heliyon
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