Layla Lavallee, Cristian Roman, Emily Brace, Lucy Mackillop, Yaling Yang, Alexandra Cairns, Samuel Dockree, Lionel Tarassenko, Richard J McManus, Hannah Wilson, Katherine Tucker
BACKGROUND: This service evaluation describes the rapid implementation of self-monitoring of blood pressure (SMBP) into maternity care at a tertiary referral centre during the COVID-19 pandemic. It summarises findings, identifies knowledge gaps and provides recommendations for further research and practice. INTERVENTION: Pregnant and postpartum women monitored their blood pressure (BP) at home, with instructions on actions to take if their BP exceeded pre-determined thresholds...
May 30, 2024: BMJ Open Quality
Prince Abdul-Salam, Charlotte Richardson, Hamde Nazar
OBJECTIVES: Authentic work-based learning is crucial to facilitate the development and preparedness for training healthcare professionals. Such experiences are challenging to design and secure within the clinical environment. One School of Pharmacy established a student-led clinic to provide undergraduate pharmacy students the opportunity to practise physical assessment and communication skills with members of the public. The aim of this study was to explore students' thoughts and perspectives on this experience...
May 30, 2024: International Journal of Pharmacy Practice
Jan Sören Eichhorn, Jim Petrik
Cancer is a significant global health issue that poses a considerable burden on both patients and healthcare systems. Many different types of cancers exist that often require unique treatment approaches and therapies. A hallmark of tumor progression is the creation of an immunosuppressive environment, which poses complex challenges for current treatments. Amongst the most explored characteristics is a hypoxic environment, high interstitial pressure, and immunosuppressive cells and cytokines. Traditional cancer treatments involve radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgical procedures...
May 27, 2024: Pathology, Research and Practice
Jiao Wei, Xinyu Yao, Suzhai Tian, Yanhui Qi, Xiangquan Song
OBJECTIVE: Nurses working in the operating room face high levels of work stress, leading to an increased prevalence of negative emotions and job burnout. These issues not only affect the well-being of nurses, but may also affect the quality of patient care. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of a special training method based on breathing meditation on negative emotions, job burnout, attention, and caring ability of operating room nurses. METHODS: Taking special training time based on breathing meditation training for nurses in the operating room (June 2022) as the dividing point, operating room nurses with routine training from March 2022 to May 2022 were taken as a pre-training group, and operating room nurses who underwent special training of breathing meditation training from June 2022 to August 2022 were enrolled as a post-training group, special training consisted of breathing meditation training for 8 weeks, once a day, 5 days a week...
May 24, 2024: Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine
Stelios Stylianidis
According to international experience, the conditions for the successful outcome of a psychiatric reform are the following: (a) Existence of political will (supporting a national plan with assessment, monitoring, and corrective intervention procedures for structural dysfunctions, etc.). (b) Strong mental health leadership (executive expertise and skills that advance the public health agenda). (c) Challenging the dominance of the biomedical model in therapeutic practice through the promotion of holistic care practices, evidence-based innovative actions, collaborative care, the promotion of recovery culture, and the and the use of innovative digital tools...
May 29, 2024: Psychiatrikē, Psychiatriki
Samuel Negash, Nichole Starr, Samuel Mesfin, Thomas G Weiser, Tihitena Mammo Negussie
BACKGROUND: The global surgery movement aims to provide equitable surgical care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and attempts to address a wide range of issues around the lack of access and poor-quality. In response, the Lifebox McCaskey Safe Surgery Fellowship was established in Ethiopia to train a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals. We conducted this study to evaluate the outcome of this training program. METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted to evaluate the implementations and outcomes of the first three cohorts of the McCaskey Fellowship...
May 30, 2024: World Journal of Surgery
Adrienne R Harvey, Elaine Meehan, Nicole Merrick, Anita L D'Aprano, Georgina R Cox, Katrina Williams, Susan M Gibb, Nicki J Mountford, Tom G Connell, Eyal Cohen
BACKGROUND: Children with medical complexity (CMC) represent a small, but growing, proportion of all children. Regardless of their underlying diagnosis, by definition, all CMC have similar functional limitations and high healthcare needs. It has been suggested that improving aspects of healthcare delivery for CMC improves health- and quality of life-related outcomes for children and their families and reduces healthcare-related expenditure. As a result, dedicated comprehensive care programmes have been established at many hospitals to meet the needs of CMC; however, it is unclear if such programmes are effective...
May 30, 2024: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Julia Wade, Nicola Farrar, Alba X Realpe, Jenny L Donovan, Laura Forsyth, Kirsty A Harkness, Peter J A Hutchinson, Neil Kitchen, Steff C Lewis, James J M Loan, Jacqueline Stephen, Rustam Al-Shahi Salman
BACKGROUND: It was anticipated that recruitment to the Cavernous malformations: A Randomised Effectiveness (CARE) pilot randomised trial would be challenging. The trial compared medical management and surgery (neurosurgical resection or stereotactic radiosurgery) with medical management alone, for people with symptomatic cerebral cavernous malformation (ISRCTN41647111). Previous trials comparing surgical and medical management for intracranial vascular malformations failed to recruit to target...
May 2024: EClinicalMedicine
Wendy A Booth, Mabrouka Abuhmida, Felix Anyanwu
This paper presents perspectives on the stigma and shame around mental health in conservative communities, and some of the issues faced by health systems in those communities. The various causes of stigma are explored, and how these are often more pronounced in culturally reserved, conservative communities. While health systems are supposed to provide support for mental health sufferers, this stigma sometimes even extends to healthcare workers, which can discourage patients from asking for assistance. Solutions and reforms are needed, for example education programs; addressing gender norms, and the consideration of culture and religion, to form effective solutions...
2024: Frontiers in Public Health
Weilong Wang, Kayla Blackburn, Rebekah Lantz
Healthcare costs in the United States (US) exceed those of comparable nations without yielding better outcomes. Factors contributing to this include lack of cost transparency, limited outpatient resources due to primary care provider shortages, and high patient volumes, where patients are not educated on differentials and the stepwise process of workup. Addressing these issues could curb unnecessary hospitalizations and expenses. A 31-year-old woman with hypertension, alcohol use, anemia, and obesity experienced paresthesias in September 2022...
April 2024: Curēus
Hosna Salmani, Somayeh Nasiri, Maryam Ahmadi
OBJECTIVE: Electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO) systems hold promise for revolutionizing communication between cancer patients and healthcare providers across various care settings. This systematic review explores the multifaceted landscape of ePROs in cancer care, encompassing their advantages, disadvantages, potential risks, and opportunities for improvement. METHODS: In our systematic review, we conducted a rigorous search in Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed, employing comprehensive medical subject heading terms for ePRO and cancer, with no date limitations up to 2024...
2024: Digital Health
Moninuola Ifayomi, Parveen Ali, Katie Ellis
Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a major social and public health issue that creates short- and long-lasting impacts on victims, families, and society. While global researchers have considered the topic of CSA since the 19th century, the Nigerian context has been largely ignored. Yet, without sufficient evidence and understanding, making changes to practices and policies becomes almost impossible. The review aimed to gain insights into the nature and extent of CSA and identify areas for improvement in practice and research in Nigeria...
May 29, 2024: Trauma, Violence & Abuse
Giulia Ottonello, Silvia Pesenti, Francesca Napolitano, Michela Calzolari, Nicola Pagnucci, Giuseppe Aleo, Milko Zanini, Gianluca Catania, Mark Hayter, Loredana Sasso, Annamaria Bagnasco
AIM: To explore the attitudes of healthcare workers towards COVID-19 vaccines. DESIGN: A qualitative descriptive design was used. METHODS: Five focus groups were conducted between October and November 2021, with a total of 30 nurses from different contexts in Northern Italy. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the transcripts. RESULTS: Three main themes were identified: 'favourable', 'unsure' and 'contrary to' COVID-19 vaccines...
May 29, 2024: Journal of Clinical Nursing
V Martínez-Borba, C Suso-Ribera, J Osma
Emotional disorders (EDs) are highly prevalent during the reproductive period, including pregnancy, postpartum, and women undergoing fertility treatments. International guidelines are increasingly suggesting the need to evaluate, prevent, and treat EDs in those women. The main aim of this narrative review is to summarize current practice in the field of EDs management during fertility treatments, pregnancy, and the postpartum and to propose a new technology-based model of care that helps to provide psychological care to all women who are in these periods...
May 29, 2024: Women & Health
Hai-Lian Chen, Chun-Hu Li, Pei-Yao Zhai, Xun Zhuang, Yu-Long Lian, Xue Qiao, Jian Feng, Zu-Shu Qian, Gang Qin
BACKGROUND: Pneumoconiosis, a chronic disease stemming from prolonged inhalation of dust particles, stands as a significant global burden of occupational diseases. This study aims to investigate the survival outcomes of pneumoconiosis patients in Huangshi city, China, while also evaluating the disease burden on afflicted patients. METHODS: Data for this study were sourced from the Huangshi Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Survival analyses of pneumoconiosis patients were conducted employing life tables and the Kaplan-Meier method...
May 29, 2024: BMC Public Health
Vito Terlizzi, Philip M Farrell
During the past quarter century, the diagnosis and treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) have been transformed by molecular sciences that initiated a new era with discovery of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. The knowledge gained from that breakthrough has had dramatic clinical impact. Although once a diagnostic dilemma with long delays, preventable deaths, and irreversible pathology, CF can now be routinely diagnosed shortly after birth through newborn screening programs. This strategy of pre-symptomatic identification has eliminated the common diagnostic "odyssey" that was a failure of the healthcare delivery system causing psychologically traumatic experiences for parents...
May 28, 2024: Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care
Per Olav Løvsletten, Birk Stokke Hunskaar, Anja Fog Heen, Geertruida Bekkering, Louise Vanden Poel, Dena Zeraatkar, Mieke Vermandere, Bert Aertgeerts, Nicolas Delvaux, Frankie Achille, Jason W Busse, Thomas Agoritsas, Per Olav Vandvik
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and improve MATCH-IT - a digital, interactive decision support tool displaying structured evidence summaries for multiple comparisons - to help physicians interpret and apply evidence from network meta-analysis (NMA) for their clinical decision-making. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We conducted a qualitative user-testing study, applying principles from user centred design in an iterative development process. We recruited a convenience sample of practicing physicians in Norway, Belgium and Canada, and asked them to interpret structured evidence summaries for multiple comparisons - linked to clinical guideline recommendations - displayed in MATCH-IT...
May 27, 2024: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Marthe Tulpin, Anne-Lore Scherrens, Anne Van Driessche, Lesley L Verhofstadt, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Liesbet Goubert, Kim Beernaert
PURPOSE: Parental cancer brings changes and challenges which affect the whole family. Evidence shows heightened psychosocial risk among the offspring. Research among adolescents and young adults (AYAs) facing parental cancer has mainly focused on these psychosocial problems. As a reaction, there has been an increase in research on the needs of this population, since this knowledge is crucial for developing appropriate support. Despite this increase, some AYAs are still underrepresented, namely those over eighteen years old and those who have a parent with incurable cancer...
April 30, 2024: European Journal of Oncology Nursing: the Official Journal of European Oncology Nursing Society
Fiona Jager, Sam Boyle, Amélie Peron
Most countries that provide for compulsory treatment for mental illness have a system by which this treatment is subject to independent legal oversight. Many countries use a special type of legal body for this purpose, called a mental health tribunal. Mental health tribunals have been subject to criticism from the points of view of both legal professionals and mental healthcare practitioners. Similar themes have manifested in these criticisms and have been consistent across several decades; legal professionals tend to focus on the tribunals being biased toward the medical opinion, and acting as a 'rubber stamp', whereas healthcare practitioners tend to focus on the adversarial nature of the trial, and the adverse effect that this can have on clients...
May 29, 2024: Issues in Mental Health Nursing
Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Zohre Arabi, Saqib Ali, Hong Min, Mazhar Hussain Malik
The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, especially for people with diabetes, allows for constant health monitoring. This means that doctors can watch over patients' health more closely, making sure they catch any issues early on. With this technology, healthcare workers can be more accurate and effective when keeping an eye on how patients are doing. This not only helps in keeping track of patients' health in real-time but also makes the whole process more reliable and efficient.By implementing appropriate routing techniques, the transmission of diabetic patients' data to medical centers will facilitate real-time and timely responses from healthcare professionals...
2024: PloS One
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