Ruben Martin-Payo, María Del Mar Fernandez-Alvarez, Xana Gonzalez-Mendez, Aránzazu Muñoz-Mancisidor, Olga Lopez-Dicastillo
Unwanted pregnancies are considered a public health problem that affects women's mental health and quality of life. The aim of this paper was to access university students' understanding and behaviours regarding unwanted pregnancies and identify their needs to prevent them. Qualitative descriptive design was used, and 13 semi-structured interviews were carried out. Women between 18 and 20 years old participated. They discussed a lack of training for themselves, their partners, and their families, their desire to have access to non-in-person health care resources, and their belief that contraception was expensive...
February 7, 2024: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
Lancinè Dramé, Delphin Kolié, Sidikiba Sidibé, Jean Faya Yombouno, Alexandre Delamou
INTRODUCTION: The low use of modern contraceptive methods by young girls is a real public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa, especially among young female students living in rural areas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with contraceptive use among young female students in rural Guinea. METHOD: This was an analytical cross-sectional study including 607 students from 10 secondary schools in the rural district of Kankan, Guinea. RESULTS: A total of 607 female students were interviewed and included in this study...
February 23, 2024: Santé Publique: Revue Multidisciplinaire Pour la Recherche et L'action
Bowen Xiao, Joyce Yan, Robin Z Hayeems
INTRODUCTION: Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) can be used to detect fetal chromosomal abnormalities early in pregnancy. As eligibility criteria broaden and screening targets expand, gauging public acceptability of NIPT becomes increasingly important. Leveraging social media as a rich source of public discourse, the purpose of this study was to understand public opinions and attitudes toward NIPT on the social media platform Reddit. METHODS: We applied content and natural language processing techniques (i...
February 21, 2024: Public Health Genomics
Pisake Lumbiganon, Paradee Tungtang, Nampet Jampathong
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 20, 2024: BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Michael U Anyanwu, Imelda Tamwesigire
BACKGROUND: Adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa are at a greater risk of experiencing the adverse consequences of risky sexual behavior such as unwanted pregnancy and school drop-out than adolescents from other regions. OBJECTIVES: This study determined the prevalence and identified the demographic, school and social factors associated with risky sexual behavior among secondary school students in Uganda. METHODS: This was a quantitative cross-sectional study conducted in 12 secondary schools in Mbarara Municipality, Uganda...
September 2023: African Health Sciences
Maria Iliadou, Evangelia Stavraki, Triantafillia Hina, Eirini Orovou, Maria Tzitiridou-Chatzopoulou, Panagiotis Eskitzis, Evangelia Antoniou
Objective: A sizable fraction of young people with active sex lives do not utilize contraceptives and engage in high-risk sexual activity. School-based programs can prevent sexual activity, encourage birth control and reduce high-risk behavior. A survey was conducted to assess the key sources of knowledge on sexual education and document attitudes and methods of contraception used by Greek students, providing valuable information for expanding contraceptive services. Material and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted by using an online questionnaire which was distributed to 206 digital student groups on social media platforms from May 20 to June 5, 2021...
December 2023: Mædica
Gaurav Dubey, Somya Srivastava, Anant Kumar Jayswal, Mala Saraswat, Pooja Singh, Minakshi Memoria
Accurately segmenting the structure of the fetal head (FH) and performing biometry measurements, including head circumference (HC) estimation, stands as a vital requirement for addressing abnormal fetal growth during pregnancy under the expertise of experienced radiologists using ultrasound (US) images. However, accurate segmentation and measurement is a challenging task due to image artifact, incomplete ellipse fitting, and fluctuations due to FH dimensions over different trimesters. Also, it is highly time-consuming due to the absence of specialized features, which leads to low segmentation accuracy...
January 12, 2024: J Imaging Inform Med
Natalie DiPietro Mager, Michelle Menegay, Connie Bish, Reena Oza-Frank
To determine whether geographic differences in preconception health indicators exist among Ohio women with live births, we analyzed 9 indicators from the 2019-2021 Ohio Pregnancy Assessment Survey (N = 14,377) by county type. Appalachian women reported lower rates of folic acid intake and higher rates of depression than women in other counties. Appalachian and rural non-Appalachian women most often reported cigarette use. Suburban women reported lower rates of diabetes, hypertension, and unwanted pregnancy than women in other counties...
February 8, 2024: Preventing Chronic Disease
Daniel Asrat, Andrew Copas, Adesina Olubukola
BACKGROUND: Unintended pregnancy and unmet contraceptive needs pose significant public health challenges, particularly in developing nations, where they contribute to maternal health risks. While previous research has explored determinants of unintended pregnancies, there remains a gap in understanding the association between unplanned pregnancies and unmet contraceptive needs among Ugandan women of reproductive age. This study aimed to assess unmet contraceptive needs and their correlation with unintended pregnancies and other factors in Uganda, utilizing a nationally representative sample...
February 8, 2024: BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Diane Parker, April A Braswell, Matthew J Peterson
Screening for adolescent sexual activity is a vital aspect of comprehensive pediatric care. Adolescents engage in risky sexual behaviors. Thus, a complete and accurate sexual health history can assist in the prevention and treatment of disease, prevention of unwanted pregnancy, treatment of existing diseases, and optimal planning of future healthcare for adolescents. Current evidence shows that provider-focused strategies improve the delivery of preventive services, including sexual health screenings. In this initiative, we assessed and examined pre- and post-screening rates for sexual activity among adolescents by advanced practice providers...
February 7, 2024: Clinical Nursing Research
Franca Fruzzetti, Rogerio Bonassi Machado, Iñaki Lete, Amisha Patel, Mitra Boolell
Selecting an appropriate oral contraceptive can be challenging for healthcare professionals due to the abundance of marketed contraceptive options with different clinical and real-world effectiveness and safety profiles. Nomegestrol acetate + 17β-estradiol (NOMAC/E2) is a combined oral contraceptive (COC) that inhibits ovulation by suppressing ovarian function by a 17-hydroxy-progesterone derivative and an estrogen identical to that endogenously produced by the ovaries. This narrative review examines clinical and real-world studies of NOMAC/E2 based on a background literature search using PubMed and Google Scholar...
March 2024: European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology: X
Jenny Parkes, Simone Datzberger, Rehema Nagawa, Junior Brian Musenze, Joan Ritar Kasidi, Amiya Bhatia, Dipak Naker, Karen Devries
Using a feminist narrative approach, this article explores how unintended pregnancy can rupture young lives, and how young people respond to and navigate these ruptures. We analyse qualitative data from a longitudinal cohort study in Luwero, Uganda, focusing on narratives of a girl and a boy about their recent experiences of unintended and unwanted pregnancy during COVID-19 school closures. We argue that laws, policies and norms relating to education, sexual and reproductive health, and the family in Uganda position young people in complex and contradictory ways, that create the conditions for unintended pregnancies, and restrict the choices open to them...
February 5, 2024: Culture, Health & Sexuality
Md Nuruzzaman Khan, Shimlin Jahan Khanam, Md Badsha Alam
BACKGROUND: The low utilization of antenatal healthcare services among Rohingya refugee women contributes to high maternal and child mortality rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of antenatal healthcare services utilization and the impacts of preconception care and pregnancy intention on accessing these services among Rohingya refugee women in Bangladesh. METHODS: We analyzed data from 708 women collected through a multistage cross-sectional survey conducted in April 2023...
2024: Journal of migration and health
Godfrey Patrick Amodoi, Ivan Mugisha Taremwa, Joan Nakakande, Pardon Akugizibwe, Samuel Mugambe, Miisa Nanyingi
Intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV) during pregnancy is of key reproductive health concern as it is associated with various risks linked to severe intrapartum complications. This study assessed the prevalence and the correlates of intimate partner sexual violence among pregnant women in Napak district, Northeastern Uganda. This was an analytical cross-sectional study conducted among 284 pregnant women who were obtained by systematic sampling in Napak district between November and December 2020. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data, and this was analyzed using STATA version 15...
2024: PLOS Glob Public Health
Daniel Niguse Mamo, Yosef Haile Gebremariam, Jibril Beshir Adem, Shimels Derso Kebede, Agmasie Damtew Walle
BACKGROUND: An unintended pregnancy is a pregnancy that is either unwanted or mistimed, such as when it occurs earlier than desired. It is one of the most important issues the public health system is currently facing, and it comes at a significant cost to society both economically and socially. The burden of an undesired pregnancy still weighs heavily on Ethiopia. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in predicting unintended pregnancy in Ethiopia and to identify the key predictors...
January 23, 2024: BMC Women's Health
Otobo I Ujah, Biodun N Olagbuji, Chukwuemeka E Ogbu, Innocent A O Ujah, Russell S Kirby
This study examined the associations between pregnancy intention and motivational readiness for postpartum contraceptive use. Data for this cross-sectional analysis were derived from nationally representative surveys of the Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 (PMA2020) project conducted in eight sub-Saharan African countries. Participants included 9488 nonpregnant women of reproductive age (15-49 years) who had given birth in the last 2 years. Weighted multinomial logistic regression analyses were performed to estimate the odds ratios (OR) and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of the associations of motivational readiness for contraceptive adoption categorized as precontemplation, contemplation, and post-action with pregnancy intention...
December 29, 2023: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Elizabeth Nkabane-Nkholongo, Mathildah Mokgatle, Timothy Bickmore, Clevanne Julce, David Thompson, Brian JAck
Background. Young women worldwide face problems like unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Providing sexual and reproductive health education to this population remains a priority. It is unknown if using digital health interventions to deliver health education in human resource-constrained settings is effective. Methods. We conducted a clinical trial of the Nthabi intervention to determine participant's knowledge before and after discussion of family planning, folic acid and healthy eating among young women aged 18-28 years in two rural districts of Lesotho who used the Nthabi conversational agent system on either smartphones or tablets for up to six weeks...
December 28, 2023: Research Square
Kelemu Abebe Gelaw, Yibeletal Assefa Atalay, Adisu Yeshambel, Getachew Asmare Adella, Belete Gelaw Walle, Liknaw Bewket Zeleke, Natnael Atnafu Gebeyehu
INTRODUCTION: Postpartum sexual health is indicated by a resumption of sexual activity as well as arousal, desire, orgasm, and sexual satisfaction. The issue of resuming sexual intercourse after childbirth has received limited attention because healthcare professionals rarely provide adequate care to postnatal women. The present study aimed to ascertain the overall prevalence of early resumption of sexual intercourse among most women. METHODS: Searches were conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct, Google Scholar, African Journals Online, and the Cochrane Library...
2024: PloS One
Mahlet A Woldetsadik, Yeshihareg Yoseph, Mekonnen Degu
BACKGROUND: Unsafe abortion is a major medical and public health problem in Ethiopia and contributes significantly to abortion-related morbidity and mortality in the country. We explored women's experiences with modern contraceptives and identified barriers to accessing safe abortion care and other sexual and reproductive health services. METHODS: We recruited participants from six health clinics and a public hospital in southern Ethiopia. We conducted one-on-one interviews with 34 women aged 18-49 years who sought abortion care within the past twelve months of the study...
January 16, 2024: BMC Women's Health
Richa Sharma, Pratima Agarwal, Vaishali Jain, Haritha Sagili, Sonali Sarkar, Anuradha Panda, Kruti Deliwala, Krupa Shah
BACKGROUND: During the Covid-19 pandemic, reproductive health of women was disproportionately affected due to difficult access to safe abortion and contraceptive services. This study aims to assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the prevalence of MTP cases and to find out the clinicodemographic profiles of women undergoing MTP during three Covid-waves in different hospitals-Government and private sectors in India. METHODS: This retrospective multicentric cohort study was conducted during three Covid-19 pandemic waves...
December 2023: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India
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