Daniela Willy, Ralf Schmitz, Mareike Möllers, Barbara Heitplatz, Anna Kuntze, Yvonne Stratis, Katrin Bahlke, Albrecht Röpke, Matthias Meyer-Wittkopf, Kathrin Oelmeier
Cases of hydatidiform moles with a coexisting fetus are sparse and patients are at high risk for severe complications. Patients and physicians often face the dilemma of the wish to continue pregnancy until viability of the fetus while the risk for maternal complications increases. We present an educational case of a twin pregnancy presenting with a hydatidiform mole and coexisting normal fetus with a placenta praevia. The patient developed severe, early onset preeclampsia with beginning HELLP-syndrome and was tested Covid-19 positive in the further course...
2024: Frontiers in Medicine
Giorgia Porrello, Roberto Cannella, Jacques Bernuau, Antoine Agman, Giuseppe Brancatelli, Marco Dioguardi Burgio, Valérie Vilgrain
Liver diseases in pregnancy can be specific to gestation or only coincidental. In the latter case, the diagnosis can be difficult. Rapid diagnosis of maternal-fetal emergencies and situations requiring specialized interventions are crucial to preserve the maternal liver and guarantee materno-fetal survival. While detailed questioning of the patient and a clinical examination are highly important, imaging is often essential to reach a diagnosis of these liver diseases and lesions. Three groups of liver diseases may be observed during pregnancy: (1) diseases related to pregnancy: intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome, and acute fatty liver of pregnancy; (2) liver diseases that are more frequent during or exacerbated by pregnancy: acute herpes simplex hepatitis, Budd-Chiari syndrome, hemorrhagic hereditary telangiectasia, hepatocellular adenoma, portal vein thrombosis, and cholelithiasis; (3) coincidental conditions, including acute hepatitis, incidental focal liver lesions, metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver abscesses and parasitosis, and liver transplantation...
February 27, 2024: Insights Into Imaging
Michael Che, Sarah M Moran, Richard J Smith, Kevin Y M Ren, Graeme N Smith, M Khaled Shamseddin, Carmen Avila-Casado, Jocelyn S Garland
Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is a complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA), caused by uncontrolled activation of the alternative complement pathway in the setting of autoantibodies to or rare pathogenic genetic variants in complement proteins. Pregnancy may serve as a trigger and unmask aHUS/complement-mediated TMA [aHUS/CM-TMA] which has severe, life-threatening consequences. It can be difficult to diagnose aHUS/CM-TMA in pregnancy due to overlapping clinical features with other TMA syndromes including hypertensive disorders of pregnancy...
February 24, 2024: Kidney International
Stefano Raffaele Giannubilo, Daniela Marzioni, Giovanni Tossetta, Andrea Ciavattini
Thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) comprise a distinct group of diseases with different manifestations that can occur in both pediatric and adult patients. They can be hereditary or acquired, with subtle onset or a rapidly progressive course, and they are particularly known for their morbidity and mortality. Pregnancy is a high-risk time for the development of several types of thrombotic microangiopathies. The three major syndromes are hemolysis, elevated liver function tests, and low platelets (HELLP); hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS); and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)...
February 6, 2024: Diagnostics
Alex Domínguez-Vargas, Fanny Ariño, Diana Silva, Henry J González-Tórres, Gustavo Aroca-Martinez, Eduardo Egea, Carlos G Musso
Pregnancy-associated atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (P-aHUS) is a rare condition characterized by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and kidney injury from thrombotic microangiopathy. P-aHUS occurs in approximately 1 in 25,000 pregnancies and is strongly related to complement dysregulation and pregnancy-related disorders, such as preeclampsia, eclampsia, and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet (HELLP) syndrome, resulting in adverse perinatal and fetal outcomes. Complement dysregulation in P-aHUS is commonly attributed to genetic mutations or autoantibodies affecting complement factors, including CFH , CFI , and MCP...
January 2024: American Journal of Perinatology Reports
Michel Dreyfus, Agnès Rigouzzo, Marie Jonard
Between 2016 and 2018, 13 maternal deaths were due to hypertensive disorders. During this period, the maternal mortality ratio was 0.6/100 000 live births. Hypertensive disorders were responsible for 4.8 % of maternal deaths during the first year, 5.1 % up to 42 days postpartum and for 13.5 % of direct maternal mortality. Maternal deaths due to hypertensive disorders increased close to signification (p = 0.09) compared to the last triennium (MMR = 0.2/100.000). Classification of the hypertensive disorders was : 5 severe preeclampsia, 3 eclampsia, 4 HELLP syndromes et 1 undefined hypertension...
February 17, 2024: Gynecologie, Obstetrique, Fertilite & Senologie
Nazish Butt, Sabir Ali, Haleema Yasmeen, Khalid Mumtaz
OBJECTIVE: To determine the etiologies and outcomes of liver disease in pregnancy in a developing country. METHOD: A total of 336 consecutive pregnant women with liver disease were included in this prospective cohort study conducted at the Department of Gastroenterology, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, Karachi from August 2019 to August 2021. Patients' baseline demographic, clinical, and laboratory data and outcomes were collected on a pre-designed questionnaire...
2024: Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Quarterly
Ceren Durmaz Engin, Omer Karti, Kutlay Kandemir
Subretinal drusenoid deposits (SDD) are findings that can be observed in age-related macular degeneration as well as in ischemic ocular diseases. These deposits are believed to be of prognostic importance, as they have been shown to be associated with choroidal neovascularization. HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet) syndrome is a condition linked with severe preeclampsia, and it presents ocular findings such as hypertensive retinopathy, serous retinal detachment, and cortical visual impairment...
January 2024: Curēus
Nur Baykara
BACKGROUND: Coronaviruses have been the cause of 3 major outbreaks during the last 2 decades. Information on coronavirus diseases in pregnant women is limited, and even less is known about seriously ill pregnant women. Data are also lacking regarding the real burden of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection in pregnant women from low/middle-income countries. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics and clinical course of COVID-19 in pregnant/puerperal women admitted to ICUs in Turkey...
February 6, 2024: Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
Nguyen Thi Huyen Anh, Nguyen Manh Thang, Truong Thanh Huong
INTRODUCTION: Hypertension is the common disorder encountered during pregnancy, complicating 5% to 10% of all pregnancies. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDP) are also a leading cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. The majority of feto-maternal complications due to HPD have occurred in the low- and middle-income countries. However, few studies have been done to assess the feto-maternal outcomes and the predictors of adverse perinatal outcome among women with HDP in these countries...
2024: PloS One
S Ainslie McBride, Rebecca Small, Kelle Hurd, Sunette Claassens
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 28, 2024: Canadian Medical Association Journal: CMAJ
Kenichi Takechi, Mayuko Fujimoto, Ichiro Shimizu
Stickler syndrome is a connective tissue disease with the pathogenic involvement of procollagen genes. It is characterized by ocular and joint abnormalities, hearing loss, and midfacial hypoplasia. In Stickler syndrome, the Pierre Robin sequence is a possible complication. A 30-year-old female was admitted at 33 weeks of gestation. She had a genetic diagnosis of Stickler syndrome type 1. The parturient was diagnosed with preeclampsia, and a decision was made to terminate the pregnancy via cesarean section. Combined spinal epidural anesthesia was planned...
December 2023: Curēus
Nikhil Pantbalekundri, Swapneel Mathurkar, Neema Acharya, Sunil Kumar, Sourya Acharya
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a rare syndrome characterized by convulsions, headache, fatigue, impaired mental status, and decreased vision. It is mainly accompanied by hypertension. Although the pathophysiology of PRES is unknown, some theories revolve around cerebral autoregulation, the ability to maintain cerebral blood flow, or the brain's ability to maintain steady cerebral blood flow over a varying range of blood pressures by cerebral vaso-constriction or dilation. The presence of subcortical vasogenic edema in the posterior brain and hyperintensity lesions in the occipital and parietal lobes on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain is diagnostic...
December 2023: Curēus
Fu-Sheng Chou, Reese H Clark, Hung-Wen Yeh
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between antenatal corticosteroids exposure and postnatal growth in infants born at 23-29 weeks' gestation. STUDY DESIGN: This retrospective study used data from the Pediatrix Clinical Data Warehouse. Maternal-infant dyads from 2018 to 2020 were included. Inverse propensity weighting (IPW) was applied to balance pre-treatment confounders. Primary outcomes included postnatal weight, length, and head circumference growth trajectory percentiles...
January 16, 2024: Journal of Perinatology: Official Journal of the California Perinatal Association
Salvador Gomez-Carro, Ruben R Lozano-Salazar, Kassandra Santos-Zaldívar, Victor Andres Villasuso-Alcocer, Nina Méndez-Domínguez
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
2024: World Journal of Emergency Medicine
Alejandro Aranda-Gutierrez, Ana S Ferrigno Guajardo, Bryan F Vaca-Cartagena, David G Gonzalez-Sanchez, Arantxa Ramirez-Cisneros, Andrea Becerril-Gaitan, Hatem A Azim, Cynthia Villarreal-Garza
BACKGROUND: The use of taxanes following the first trimester of pregnancy is endorsed by current clinical guidelines. However, evidence regarding their safety in terms of obstetric and neonatal outcomes is limited. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was performed using the MEDLINE, CENTRAL and Web of Sciences databases from their inception up to 12/16/2022. Eligibility criteria included gestational taxane use, presentation of original findings, and individual case data presented...
January 2, 2024: BMC Cancer
Ekaterina Proskuriakova, Shikha Upreti, Joshua Wortsman, Bashar Alkhaurri, Jacob Rosendale, Mohammed Kassem, Pam Khosla
Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) is a rare, life-threatening condition causing significant thrombocytopenia and bleeding with the risk of developing intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). It results from maternal immunizations against fetal platelet antigens. Here, we report a case of a pregnant patient at 30 weeks gestation who presented to the hospital with a low platelet count of 90 th/mm3 and was found to have anti-human platelet antigen (HPA) 1a, 2b antibodies. She was treated with a weekly infusion of IV immunoglobulins...
November 2023: Curēus
Maniyar Iqbal Anvar, Sidhant Talwar, Shashikanth Mallapur
Introduction Acute kidney injury (AKI) significantly contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality in developing nations. In a retrospective study conducted at our tertiary care center in collaboration between the Department of Nephrology and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, we investigated patients admitted with pregnancy-related acute kidney injury (PR-AKI) under the following parameters: incidence, etiology, and maternal outcomes. Methods We evaluated 70 patients admitted with PR-AKI from May 2016 to August 2020...
November 2023: Curēus
M V Alekseeva, N L Kozlovskaya, Y V Korotchaeva, K A Demyanova, A G Chegodaeva, S V Apresyan
Nephrotic syndrome (NS) during pregnancy is a fairly rare pathology and its descriptions in the literature are few. For a long time, NS was associated only with an exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis or de novo nephritis, however, the experience of recent years has shown that NS can be a manifestation of the classical obstetric pathology - preeclampsia (PE). The appearance of massive proteinuria with the development of NS is most typical for early PE, which, of course, makes diagnosis difficult, especially if PE develops at an unusually early time (up to 20 weeks)...
August 17, 2023: Terapevticheskiĭ Arkhiv
Jenny Y Mei, Yalda Afshar
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 2023: Clinical Liver Disease
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