Bryce A Ringwald, Stephen Auciello, Joseph Ginty, Melissa Jefferis, Stephen Stacey
BACKGROUND: Academic family medicine (FM) physicians aim to balance competing needs of providing clinical care with nonclinical duties of program administration, formal education, and scholarly activity. FM residency is unique in its scope of practice, clinical settings, and training priorities, which may differ between university-based and community-based programs. In both types of programs, these competing needs are a source of faculty dissatisfaction and burnout. We performed this study to explore the allocation of nonclinical administrative full-time equivalents (FTE) for FM residency core faculty members...
May 20, 2024: Family Medicine
Diva Guadalupe Sotomayor Terán, Irina Lazarevich, Rey Gutiérrez Tolentino, Gerardo Leija Alva, Jorge Armando Barriguete Meléndez, Claudia Cecilia Radilla Vázquez
INTRODUCTION: during the pandemic, an increase in symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as lifestyle changes in adolescents has been reported. OBJECTIVES: to evaluate anxiety and depression symptoms, risky eating behaviors (REB), eating habits and physical activity after the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexican adolescents; to associate the study variables with the development of REB. METHODS: a study was performed with a sample of 2,710 adolescents...
May 22, 2024: Nutrición Hospitalaria: Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral
Italo Sannicandro, Samuel Agostino, Massimiliano Abate Daga, Franco Veglio, Federico Abate Daga
Currently, research in youth soccer consists of methodological choices that can raise activity volumes and exercise intensity to promote proper training for youth soccer demands. Therefore, the present cluster randomised trial aims to evaluate the effects of the dynamic-ecological approach on the physical performance parameters compared with a traditional one in a group of sub-elite U13 players. Thirty-five male children (age 12.16 ± 0.55 years; weight 45.59 ± 7.15 kg; height 145.5 ± 4.2 cm; BMI 15...
May 3, 2024: Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
Masahiko Inoue
Self-injurious, stereotyped, and aggressive/destructive behaviors exhibited by individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders are called challenging behaviors (CBs). Severe CBs often require long-term treatment involving psychosocial approaches based on behavioral interventions and/or medication. A boy with severe CB enrolled in a special needs school, with diagnoses of autism and intellectual disability, was the client of the study. This case report describes the long-term outcomes of eight years of continuous school consultation...
May 2024: Yonago Acta Medica
Nicola Coppola, Loredana Alessio, Stefania De Pascalis, Margherita Macera, Giovanni Di Caprio, Vincenzo Messina, Lorenzo Onorato, Carmine Minichini, Maria Stanzione, Gianfranca Stornaiuolo, Mario Starace, Caterina Monari, Federica Calò, Caterina Sagnelli, Mariantonietta Pisaturo
BACKGROUND: Migrants, mainly undocumented and low-income refugees, are at high risk of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, but are a difficult-to-reach and to-treat population. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a test and treat model with direct-acting antiviral for HCV infection in these migrants coming from low-income and living in southern Italy. METHODS: A prospective, multicenter, collaborative study based on a four-phase-program (educational counseling, screening, linkage-to-care and treatment) was designed in southern Italy; the study started in June 2018, was stopped in February 2020 because of the outbreak of SARS-CoV2 infection in Italy and was resumed in February 2021 until November 2021...
May 28, 2024: Infectious Diseases of Poverty
Marcos E Dominguez-Viera, Margarita de Vries Mecheva, Trang Nguyen, Marrit van den Berg
Stress leads to unhealthy food choices since the school-age stage. Yet, there is limited evidence particularly in low- and middle-income countries regarding the impact of stress-reduction strategies on school-age children's food choices. Such aspects were crucial during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which exacerbated psychological distress and unhealthier food choices among children. Two years after the pandemic began, we conducted a field experiment in southern Mexico to assess the impact of stress-reduction strategies on the food choices of over 1,400 children aged 9-12...
May 25, 2024: Appetite
Sheri Thompson, Dennis Trinidad, Emily Woo, Steven Edland, Becky Marquez
Underrepresented minorities (URMs) are disproportionately affected with aging-related conditions and have inadequate representation in gerontology and geriatrics professions. The Mentorship for Advancing Undergraduate Research on Aging (MADURA) Program aims to increase inclusion of URMs by improving undergraduate retention and success, increasing rates of graduate/medical school applications, and increasing entry into aging research/clinical employment. MADURA provides cohorts with faculty and peer mentorship, research skills training, paid research lab experiences and professional development opportunities...
May 27, 2024: International Journal of Aging & Human Development
Adefunke Dadematthews, Melissa M Pangelinan, Anne E Bowen, Stacey L Simon, Jessica L Chandrasekhar, Rashelle Musci, Jill L Kaar
Disparities in mental health care and access to care disproportionately affect youth from minoritized and low-income communities. School-based prevention programs have the potential to offer a non-stigmatized approach to mental health care as well as the ability to reach many students simultaneously. Advocates 4 All Youth (ALLY) is a program developed for 5-6th grade students aimed at improving self-efficacy and resilience via individualized sessions with a trusted adult (ALLYs). The feasibility of delivering ALLY in a racially and minoritized low-income community is discussed and modifications required to implement the program documented...
May 27, 2024: Community Mental Health Journal
Noha O Frere, Al Zahraa M Soliman, Hussein M Salama, Mohamed O Wahba, Walaa S Fouad
BACKGROUND: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most prevalent functional gastrointestinal disorders. Medical students tend to report a higher prevalence of IBS since they are under constant stress. Many psychological difficulties are associated with IBS. To cope with IBS, individuals use various strategies which can impact the intensification or alleviation of IBS symptoms. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of IBS in medical students as well as psychological alarms and coping strategie employed by IBS sufferers...
2024: Journal of Family & Community Medicine
Vinathe Sharma-Brymer, Eric Brymer, Royce Willis, Matthew Leach
Research shows that the human-nature relationship positively impacts human well-being. Forest School (FS) practice offers young children a structured program of nature connection through activities, aiming to enhance their self-esteem and social skills. FS is now adapted in countries such as Australia, Canada and New Zealand where a unique cultural interface occurs between European settlers and Indigenous peoples. Responding to socio-cultural diversities, geographical contexts, and the traditional ecological knowledges, FS needs to go beyond play pedagogy and incorporate theoretical perspectives that promote human-nature relationship in local context-specific environments...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Yandé Thiaw, Elizabeth Nyothach, Garazi Zulaika, Anna Maria van Eijk, Eunice Fwaya, David Obor, Penelope Phillips-Howard, Linda Mason
INTODUCTION: Transactional sex (TS) is common in areas of sub-Saharan Africa, motivated by reasons beyond financial support. Through this qualitative study we sought to understand the motivation driving TS among adolescent schoolgirls in rural western Kenya where rates are reportedly high. Identifying and understanding drivers within the local context is necessary for implementation of successful public health policy and programming to reduce the associated harms impacting health and wellbeing...
2024: Front Reprod Health
Rihab A Ghanma, Rania Al-Asa'd, Abeer Mohammad, Mohannad Al Qararah, Abdullah Bani Issa
BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. Over time, it can lead to serious complications in the eyes, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and nerves, being the leading cause of blindness among working-age patients. AIM AND METHODS: This descriptive observational cross-sectional study aims to evaluate the factors affecting the awareness of the general adult diabetic population about their chronic disease and its complications...
April 2024: Curēus
Lauren Sugarman, Gary L Beck Dallaghan, Thomas Koonce
BACKGROUND:  Students considering the health profession as a career rarely have an opportunity to explore medical school experiences. Pathway programs and "mini-medical school" programs exist but rarely involve integrating participants into the medical school experience. A novel for-credit undergraduate course was developed to embed students into a clinical skills course for medical students beginning in 2013. To better understand the impact of these experiences, this study explored former students' perceptions and career trajectories...
April 2024: Curēus
Sateesh B Arja, Bobbie Ann White, Jabeen Fayyaz, Anne Thompson
BACKGROUND: Accreditation in medical education has existed for more than 100 years, yet the impact of accreditation remains inconclusive. Some studies have shown the effects of accreditation on student outcomes and educational processes at medical schools. However, evidence showing the impact of accreditation on continuous quality improvement of undergraduate medical education programs is still in its infancy. This scoping review explores the impact of accreditation on continuous quality improvement (CQI)...
2024: MedEdPublish (2016)
R Vishnuprasad, Vipul Dutt, Deepika Tandia, Atul Kotwal
BACKGROUND: Behavior Change Communication (BCC) is evidence-based, theoretically supported and utilizes all opportunities for communication. Evidence reports BCC as a relevant tool for averting and controlling many forms of public health challenges. Through schools, many countries have shown health improvements via students and the community's exposure to behavior change messages. The study was planned with an aim of evaluating the effectiveness of mosquito-borne disease control measures implementation through BCC to adolescent school students in a Cantonment area, in North India...
2024: Medical Journal, Armed Forces India
Kristel Jenniskens, Sanne Rasing, Arne Popma, Daan Creemers, Chaimae Ghalit, Leonie van Vuuren, Saskia Mérelle, Jan Spijker, Femke van Nassau
Strong Teens and Resilient Minds (STORM) is a multimodal, school-based approach for depression and suicide prevention in adolescents that is currently implemented in a region in the Netherlands. The STORM approach will be implemented in new regions in the coming years. This study used the implementation mapping protocol to report on the development of the STORM implementation plan. First, a needs assessment was conducted through semi-structured interviews with stakeholders and brainstorming sessions with regional programme leaders in the two regions that started implementing STORM in 2023...
2024: Frontiers in Public Health
Sharimawati Sharbini, Nur Aimi Diyana Awang Damit, Ted Maddess, Siti Nurliyana Abdullah
BACKGROUND: The preschool orthoptics visual screening program began in Brunei Darussalam in 2004 to detect amblyopia, a common cause of treatable visual disorders in children. Amblyopia can be asymptomatic, easily missed, and cause permanent adverse visual consequences; hence, it is necessary to be screened. The parental role in ensuring timely visual screening is pivotal to their child's visual well-being and educational success. This study explored parental awareness and reasons for their nonattendance...
2024: British and Irish Orthoptic Journal
Annie Dubeau, Yves Chochard
Initial vocational training (VT) in high school consists of short-term programs leading to employment in a skilled trade. To better align training with employment opportunities and to encourage students to stay in the programs until they graduate, most programs include traineeship. Since traineeships involve acquiring skills directly on the job, they require greater involvement of supervisors to guide the trainees. Given the importance of on-the-job guidance in achieving traineeship objectives, this study examines the potential influence of three dimensions of guidance provided by traineeship supervisors -planning, support, and training- on students' job perception (i...
2024: Vocat Learn
Adrianna D M Clapp, Mantavya Punj, Bryan Farford, Sarvam P TerKonda, R John Presutti, Wendy M Hattery, Michelle A Leak, Matthew K Austin, Joshua J Keith
OBJECTIVE: The COVID-19 pandemic led to many changes across medical organizations and graduate medical education programs nationwide including the rapid implementation of telemedicine as a modality for delivering health care. The purpose of this study was to investigate the telemedicine experiences of residents and fellows with their self-reported level of preparedness, impact on their education including precepting, skill development, and patient-physician relationships, and perceptions of telehealth platforms and curricula in the future...
2024: Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development
Maria C Crouch, Brittany D Miller-Roenigk, Shannon W Schrader, Frances Griffith, Sydney Simmons, Derrick M Gordon
Adult Basic Education (ABE) in the United States is an important tool for underrepresented and underserved communities to achieve the goal of high school graduation following noncompletion of K-12 education. Largely in urban settings, ABE centers serve millions of students annually, especially historically and contemporarily marginalized groups. ABE provides critical resources and skills to meet the educational needs of diverse peoples seeking to advance their station in life. ABE centers may serve students with potentially traumatic events (PTE), diagnosable trauma, and related poorer outcomes...
2024: Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
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