Anna Ramos-Triguero, Elisabet Navarro-Tapia, Melina Vieiros, Afrooz Mirahi, Marta Astals Vizcaino, Lucas Almela, Leopoldo Martínez, Óscar García-Algar, Vicente Andreu-Fernández
INTRODUCTION: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders include a variety of physical and neurocognitive disorders caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. Although their overall prevalence is around 0.77%, FASD remains underdiagnosed and little known, partly due to the complexity of their diagnosis, which shares some symptoms with other pathologies such as autism spectrum, depression or hyperactivity disorders. METHODS: This study included 73 control and 158 patients diagnosed with FASD...
2024: Frontiers in Neuroscience
Min Xu, Jinhui Shu, Shenxian Qian, Jingming Guo, Yuping Gong, Ruibin Huang, Shuye Wang, Zeping Zhou, Guolin Yuan, Meijuan Huang, Li-E Lin, Shifeng Lou, Yanping Song, Qingchi Liu, Hu Zhou, Heng Mei, Yu Hu
BACKGROUND: Primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune disease, and rituximab (RTX) induces long-term effect as second-line treatments. Zuberitamab is an innovative anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, which was first developed in China and launched in diffuse large B lymphoma. This study aimed to investigate the safety, efficacy, and anticipated therapeutic dose of zuberitamab in Chinese ITP patients. METHODS: This randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 study was conducted at 26 hospitals in China...
June 2024: The Lancet Regional Health. Western Pacific
Xiaokang Li, Conghui Liao, Jiani Wu, Boyang Yi, Renyun Zha, Qiang Deng, Jianhua Xu, Cheng Guo, Jiahai Lu
BACKGROUND: In recent years, research on exosomal miRNAs has provided new insights into exploring the mechanism of viral infection and disease prevention. This study aimed to investigate the serum exosomal miRNA expression profile of dengue-infected individuals through a community survey of dengue virus (DENV) infection. METHODS: A seroprevalence study of 1253 healthy persons was first conducted to ascertain the DENV infection status in Baiyun District, Guangzhou...
May 30, 2024: Heliyon
Yongli Yang, Mingli Li, Yixuan Zhu, Xiaoyi Wang, Qiang Chen, Shaoxiong Lu
Backfat thickness (BT) and intramuscular fat (IMF) content are closely appertained to meat production and quality in pig production. Deposition in subcutaneous adipose (SA) and IMF concerns different genes and regulatory mechanisms. And larger studies with rigorous design should be carried to explore the molecular regulation of fat deposition in different tissues. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying differences in fat deposition among different tissues and identify tissue-specific genes involved in regulating fat deposition...
May 30, 2024: Heliyon
Carolina Quintero Arias, Melissa Rony, Erica Jensen, Rahi Patel, Stasha O'Callaghan, Christian A Koziatek, Kelly M Doran, Rebecca Anthopolos, Lorna E Thorpe, Brian Elbel, David C Lee
OBJECTIVE: To perform a geospatial analysis of food insecurity in a rural county known to have poor health outcomes and assess the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: In 2020, we mailed a comprehensive cross-sectional survey to all households in Sullivan County, a rural county with the second-worst health outcomes among all counties in New York State. Surveys of households included validated food insecurity screening questions. Questions were asked in reference to 2019, prior to the pandemic, and for 2020, in the first year of the pandemic...
May 30, 2024: Heliyon
V Chauhan, U Farooq, M Fahmi, Khan A, P K Tripathi
Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a significant global public health concern, particularly in regions where livestock rearing is prevalent. Despite its impact on morbidity and mortality, CE has received insufficient attention compared to other neglected tropical diseases. The complexities in CE management arise from challenges in early detection, effective treatment, and parasite eradication. The present study addresses this gap by exploring innovative therapeutic approaches using amide-based compounds. In recent years, computational approaches and in-vitro studies have become prominent in neglected tropical disease drug discovery...
May 30, 2024: Heliyon
Jane Shawcroft, Megan Gale, Sarah M Coyne, Jean M Twenge, Jason S Carroll, W Brad Wilcox, Spencer James
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09898.].
May 15, 2024: Heliyon
Deng Wang, Pedro J Benito, Jacobo Á Rubio-Arias, Domingo J Ramos-Campo, Miguel A Rojo-Tirado
Adherence is key for achieving the optimal benefits from a weight loss intervention. Despite the number of studies on factors that promote adherence, their findings suggest inconsistent and fragmented evidence. The aim of this study was to review the existing factors of adherence to weight loss interventions and to find factors that facilitate the design of effective intervention programs. Six databases were searched for this umbrella review; after the screening process, 21 studies were included. A total of 47 factors were identified in six groups as relevant for adherence: (i) sociodemographic (n = 7), (ii) physical activity (n = 2), (iii) dietary (n = 8), (iv) behavioral (n = 4), (v) pharmacological (n = 3), and (vi) multi-intervention (n = 23)...
May 28, 2024: Obesity Reviews
Asher Cohen, John Naslund, Erlend Lane, Anant Bhan, Abhijit Rozatkar, Urvakhsh Meherwan Mehta, Aditya Vaidyam, Andrew Jin Soo Byun, Ian Barnett, John Torous
INTRODUCTION: Clinical assessment of mood and anxiety change often relies on clinical assessment or self-reported scales. Using smartphone digital phenotyping data and resulting markers of behavior (e.g., sleep) to augment clinical symptom scores offers a scalable and potentially more valid method to understand changes in patients' state. This paper explores the potential of using a combination of active and passive sensors in the context of smartphone-based digital phenotyping to assess mood and anxiety changes in two distinct cohorts of patients to assess the preliminary reliability and validity of this digital phenotyping method...
May 28, 2024: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Doga Sevincok, Yigit Ozaydin, Borte Gurbuz Ozgur, Muhammed Mutlu Ozbek, Hatice Aksu, Levent Sevincok
Although the impact of parental obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) on children is well known, there is a still need to investigate additional psychopathological effects that parental OCD may have on children. To our knowledge, the relationship between Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome (CDS), previously referred to as Sluggish Cognitive Tempo CDS in children and parents' OCD has not been investigated to date. In this study, we examined the relationship between parental OCD and children's CDS, while adjusting for parental anxiety, depression, as well as symptoms of internalization, externalization, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in their children...
May 28, 2024: Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Jennifer Pillay, Samantha Guitard, Sholeh Rahman, Sabrina Saba, Ashiqur Rahman, Liza Bialy, Nicole Gehring, Maria Tan, Alex Melton, Lisa Hartling
BACKGROUND: Different guideline panels, and individuals, may make different decisions based in part on their preferences. Preferences for or against an intervention are viewed as a consequence of the relative importance people place on the expected or experienced health outcomes it incurs. These findings can then be considered as patient input when balancing effect estimates on benefits and harms reported by empirical evidence on the clinical effectiveness of screening programs. This systematic review update examined the relative importance placed by patients on the potential benefits and harms of mammography-based breast cancer screening to inform an update to the 2018 Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care's guideline on screening...
May 28, 2024: Systematic Reviews
Andrew Kwiringira, Richard Migisha, Lilian Bulage, Benon Kwesiga, Daniel Kadobera, George Upenytho, Paul Mbaka, Julie R Harris, Donald Hayes, Alex R Ario
BACKGROUND: Individuals living in communities with poor access to healthcare may be unaware of their high blood pressure (BP). While the use of community health workers (CHWs) can address gaps in human resources for health, CHWs in Uganda have not been used previously for BP screening and management. We report the results of an initiative to train CHWs to evaluate BP and to administer group-based education in Kalangala and Buvuma Island Districts of Lake Victoria, Uganda. METHODS: We randomly selected 42 of 212 villages...
May 28, 2024: BMC Prim Care
Alicia Kowalchuk, Tiffany G Ostovar-Kermani, Kylie Schaper, Larissa Grigoryan, Jacqueline M Hirth, Maria Carmenza Mejia, Kiara K Spooner, Roger J Zoorob
BACKGROUND: Substance use disorder (SUD) presents a range of public health challenges and consequences. Despite the prevention potential of screening and brief intervention (SBI) in the primary care setting, implementation is low. The purpose of this study was to assess associations of primary care clinicians' knowledge of SBI and SUD treatment, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control with intention to incorporate SBI and SUD treatment into regular clinical practice. METHODS: This online survey was administered to primary care clinicians who practice in Texas between March 1, 2021, and February 5, 2023...
May 28, 2024: BMC Prim Care
Kimberly H McManama O'Brien, Kristen Quinlan, Laura Humm, Andrea Cole, Makoto Hanita, Warren Jay Pires, Ariel Jacobs, Julie Goldstein Grumet
BACKGROUND: Health care providers have a critical opportunity to mitigate the public health problem of suicide. Virtual patient simulations (VPS) allow providers to learn and practice evidence-based suicide prevention practices in a realistic and risk-free environment. The purpose of this study was to test whether receiving VPS training increases the likelihood that providers will engage in effective suicide safer care practices. METHODS: Behavioral health and non-behavioral health providers (N = 19) at a Federally Qualified Health Center who work with patients at risk for suicide received the VPS training on risk assessment, safety planning, and motivation to engage in treatment...
May 28, 2024: Community Mental Health Journal
Catherine MacPhail, Kate Manlik, Hannah Dews, Limin Mao, Alison Rutherford
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) availability through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme provides real potential for the elimination of HIV transmission in Australia, as evidenced by a rapid decline in HIV incidence among gay and bisexual men (GBM). However, HIV elimination will not be possible without also extending PrEP to other populations, including cisgender women. We conducted a scoping review to examine the extent to which PrEP access for cisgender women has been considered in Australia. A comprehensive search across five databases, grey literature, and hand search of references was conducted...
May 28, 2024: AIDS and Behavior
Lauren E Hartstein, Gina Marie Mathew, David A Reichenberger, Isaac Rodriguez, Nicholas Allen, Anne-Marie Chang, Jean-Philippe Chaput, Dimitri A Christakis, Michelle Garrison, Joshua J Gooley, Jessica A Koos, Jan Van Den Bulck, Heather Woods, Jamie M Zeitzer, Joseph M Dzierzewski, Lauren Hale
OBJECTIVE: To achieve consensus on whether screen-based digital media (1) in general, (2) via prebedtime content, and (3) via prebedtime light impairs sleep health in (a) childhood, (b) adolescence, and (c) adulthood. Furthermore, to address whether employing behavioral strategies and interventions may reduce the potential negative effects of screens on sleep health. METHODS: The National Sleep Foundation convened a 16-person multidisciplinary expert panel ("Panel")...
May 25, 2024: Sleep Health
K Elaine Ritter, Adam D Durbin
The quest for effective cancer therapeutics has traditionally centered on targeting mutated or overexpressed oncogenic proteins. However, challenges arise in cancers with low mutational burden or when the mutated oncogene is not conventionally targetable, which are common situations in childhood cancers. This obstacle has sparked large-scale unbiased screens to identify collateral genetic dependencies crucial for cancer cell growth. These screens have revealed promising targets for therapeutic intervention in the form of lineage-selective dependency genes, which may have an expanded therapeutic window compared to pan-lethal dependencies...
May 28, 2024: Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine
Trevin E Glasgow, James B Burch, Chrisa Arcan, Bernard F Fuemmeler
BACKGROUND: Firefighters are at increased risk of developing cancer due to occupational exposures, but they may also face increased risk due to their lifestyle, such as the quality of their diet and physical activity. Cancer beliefs and screening behavior could also influence their cancer risk. The current study aimed to identify individual differences associated with lifestyle behaviors, cancer screening, and cancer beliefs among firefighters; to describe the strategies firefighters use to adapt to their work schedule; and to describe topics firefighters believe are the most important to address in their workplace...
May 28, 2024: Workplace Health & Safety
Sofia Fernandes, Armin von Gunten, Henk Verloo
BACKGROUND: The behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are common among people with dementia and have multiple negative consequences. Artificial intelligence-based technologies (AITs) have the potential to help nurses in the early prodromal detection of BPSD. Despite significant recent interest in the topic and the increasing number of available appropriate devices, little information is available on using AITs to help nurses striving to detect BPSD early. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to identify the number and characteristics of existing publications on introducing AITs to support nursing interventions to detect and manage BPSD early...
May 28, 2024: JMIR nursing
Songul Duran, Özlem Demirci, Filiz Akgenç
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between gambling behavior, self-confidence, and psychological resilience levels among university students. Additionally, the study aims to investigate the relationship between gambling behavior and socio-demographic variables. This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted between April and June 2023. The research employed a questionnaire, the Brief Psychological Resilience Scale, the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), and the Self-Confidence Scale...
May 28, 2024: Journal of Gambling Studies
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