Kumi Tamura, Kazuhiko Nakaharai, Masaki Yoshida
INTRODUCTION: Fluconazole is commonly used to treat and prevent fungal infections caused by Candida and Cryptococcus species. Although there have been reports of fatal arrhythmias induced by fluconazole, such as torsades de pointes, there have been minimal reports of mild, non-fatal arrhythmias associated with it, which may have been overlooked in clinical practice. We encountered a case of frequent premature ventricular contractions induced by fluconazole during the treatment of HIV-related pulmonary cryptococcosis...
2024: IDCases
Ning Cui, Jingming Zhao
BACKGROUND: In recent years, the prevalence of respiratory fungal diseases has increased. Polyene antifungal drugs play a pivotal role in the treatment of these conditions, with amphotericin B (AmB) being the most representative drug. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of topical administration of AmB in the treatment of respiratory fungal infections. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study on hospitalized patients treated with topical administered AmB for respiratory fungal infections from January 2014 to June 2023...
April 24, 2024: BMC Infectious Diseases
Samuel M Gonçalves, Inês Pereira, Simon Feys, Cristina Cunha, Georgios Chamilos, Martin Hoenigl, Joost Wauters, Frank L van de Veerdonk, Agostinho Carvalho
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is a severe fungal infection primarily affecting immunocompromised patients. Individuals with severe viral infections have recently been identified as vulnerable to developing invasive fungal infections. Both influenza-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (IAPA) and COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) are linked to high mortality rates, emphasizing the urgent need for an improved understanding of disease pathogenesis to unveil new molecular targets with diagnostic and therapeutic potential...
April 23, 2024: MBio
Julio César Velasco, Ledmar Jovanny Vargas, Lorena García, Iván José Torres, Iván Camilo González
Mucormycosis is an invasive opportunistic fungal infection with high mortality, mainly detected in people with COVID-19, especially those with underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Mucormycosis prevalence is 0.005 to 1.7 cases per million inhabitants, and it has been increasing in countries like India and Pakistan. This mycosis can affect different organs, and clinical manifestations reflect the transmission mechanism. Frequent forms are rhino-orbital-cerebral and pulmonary. This disease should be suspected in patients with necrotic injuries on mucous membranes or skin...
March 31, 2024: Biomédica: Revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud
Prossy Kiconco, Beatrice Achan, Moses Sanya, Irene Najjingo, Alfred Okeng, Freddie Bwanga
INTRODUCTION: Dimorphic fungi cause infection following the inhalation of spores into the pulmonary system. In the lower respiratory tract, the conidia transform into yeasts, which are engulfed by alveolar macrophages and may be destroyed without disease manifestation. However, in some immunocompromised individuals, they may persist and cause active fungal disease characterized by formation of granulomas in the infected tissues, which may mimic Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of pulmonary dimorphic fungal infections among HIV/AIDS patients with non-TB chronic cough at Mulago National Referral and Teaching Hospital in Kampala, Uganda...
April 2024: Mycoses
Muhammad Rizwan Zafar, Thomas Whitfield, Sabeen Khurshid Zaidi, Sanjeewani Weerakoon, Joel Paul, Riina Rautemaa-Richardson
Fungal infections can be challenging to diagnose in returning travellers due to their non-specific clinical manifestations and changing epidemiology. We present a case of progressive disseminated histoplasmosis in a returning traveller from Bangladesh. The patient had a progressive and prolonged respiratory illness necessitating mechanical ventilatory support. The clue to potential fungal aetiology was provided by serum fungal markers - 1-3-β-D-glucan and Aspergillus galactomannan. Diagnosis was eventually made using panfungal PCR on bronchioalveolar lavage fluid...
June 2024: Medical Mycology Case Reports
Daniel T Atwood, Julia R Köhler, Sara O Vargas, Wai Wong, Timothy Klouda
BACKGROUND: Invasive fungal disease (IFD) is a frequent complication in pediatric lung transplant recipients, occurring in up to 12% of patients in the first year. Risk factors for infection include impaired lung defenses and intense immunosuppressive regimens. While most IFD occurs from Aspergillus, other fungal conidia are continuously inhaled, and infections with fungi on a spectrum of human pathogenicity can occur. CASE REPORT: We report a case of a 17-year-old lung transplant recipient in whom Irpex lacteus and Rhodotorula species were identified during surveillance bronchoscopy...
May 2024: Pediatric Transplantation
Akshay Krishna, Archana Keche, Ranganath Tg, Padma Das
Knowing the spectrum, prevalence, and modes of diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis (PA) will be beneficial to clinicians for its early diagnosis and management. This study aims to estimate the prevalence, spectrum, and role of serological tests and radiological findings in the diagnosis of PA. A total of 150 patients were suspected of having PA after obtaining relevant clinical history and radiological imaging. The patients were grouped into each spectrum of PA as invasive PA (IPA), chronic necrotizing PA (CNPA), aspergilloma, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) based on predisposing factors, clinical and radiological findings, and the guidelines of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Invasive Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG)...
March 2024: Curēus
Hyo Ju Na, Song Soo Kim, Shinhye Cheon, Jin Hwan Kim, Hyeyoung Kwon
Mucormycosis encompasses a range of fungal infections that can impact various organs. Although pulmonary mucormycosis is relatively rare, it poses a significant threat, particularly to individuals with compromised immune systems. Pulmonary mucormycosis presents with various radiological manifestations. Notably, the involvement of the angioinvasive pulmonary artery in pulmonary mucormycosis cases has seldom been documented. In this report, we showcase the radiological characteristics of angioinvasive mucormycosis, which can mimic pulmonary thromboembolism or a pulmonary artery tumor, in a patient diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome...
March 2024: J Korean Soc Radiol
Olga S Tatarinova, Caroline L Furness, Andrew M Borman, Joy Barber, Nagarajan Muthialu, Laura Ferreras-Antolin
Neosartorya udagawae is a known cause of fungal infection in humans and animals. It is found to be more refractory to antifungal treatment in comparison to other Aspergillus species. With this report we present a case of proven invasive infection with Neosartorya udagawae in a child with chronic myeloid leukaemia after haematopoietic stem cell transplant. The patient received several lines of antifungal therapy including dual therapy appropriate to the antifungal susceptibility profile with progression of the invasive fungal disease requiring left lung upper lobe lobectomy...
June 2024: Medical Mycology Case Reports
Álvaro Tamayo-Velasco, Rocío López-Herrero, Lara María Gómez-García, Laura Sánchez-de Prada, Gerardo Aguilar-Monserrate, Marta Martín-Fernández, Miguel Bardají-Carrillo, Alejandro Álvaro-Meca, Eduardo Tamayo, Salvador Resino, José Pablo Miramontes-González, María Jesús Peñarrubia-Ponce
BACKGROUND: COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) has emerged as a relatively common complication. Multiple studies described this relationship in critical patients, however its incidence and outcome in other risk groups such as immunosuppressed patients remains unknown. In this sense, we aimed to evaluate the rates and outcomes of CAPA in hematological patients and according to the different hematological malignances, comparing to invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) in non-COVID-19 ones...
April 10, 2024: Journal of Infection and Public Health
Akila Fathallah, Hamed Chouaieb, Moadh Ben Saief, Samar Ismaïl, Moncef Ben Said, David W Denning
With increasing concern about the negative health impact of fungal disease, there is a need to survey what is and is not known about the epidemiology of these infections in Tunisia. We have estimated the incidence and prevalence of the most serious fungal diseases in Tunisia for the first time. Using published literature from Tunisia, or if absent other countries, we have estimated the burden of life-threatening fungal infections and those causing significant morbidity, using deterministic modeling, based on populations at greatest risk...
April 5, 2024: Journal de Mycologie Médicale
Daria Hinkle, Christoph Mans
OBJECTIVE: To retrospectively evaluate the clinical use of voriconazole in psittacine patients for the treatment of suspected respiratory fungal infections. ANIMALS: 14 client-owned psittacine birds. METHODS: Medical records were searched from 2012 to 2023 for voriconazole use in psittacines. Species, age, clinical signs, physical examination findings, CT reports, bloodwork results, treatment, and outcome were obtained from the records or client follow-up...
April 10, 2024: Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Rajesh Kumar Yadav, Saurabh Karmakar, Abdul Raouf Wani, Vinay V
Pulmonary mucormycosis is a rare but highly lethal fungal infection, usually affecting immunocompromised patients. Pulmonary mucormycosis was also a critical problem that complicated the later part of the clinical course of COVID-19 in India. Early diagnosis of the disease, combined with aggressive treatment, is crucial for patient survival. Fibreoptic bronchoscopy is a useful procedure for diagnosis of pulmonary mucormycosis, but image-guided percutaneous biopsy efficiently samples lesions abutting the chest wall...
April 2024: Indian Journal of Tuberculosis
Juan José Bosch Fragueiro, María Macarena Iudica
UNLABELLED: Pulmonary cryptococcosis is a lung infection caused by the Cryptococcus yeast. It is rare in pediatrics, especially in immunocompetent children. The diagnosis of pulmonary cryptococcosis can be challenging due to the low specificity of symptoms, low index of suspicion, and limited diagnostic resources. OBJECTIVE: To describe a clinical case of pulmonary cryptococcosis in an immunocompetent adolescent, detailing the diagnostic approach. CLINICAL CASE: A 15-year-old patient, previously healthy, from a rural town, who consulted due to cough and a 1-month rib stitch pain, without fever or associated respiratory difficulty, with two images of condensation in the left lung on the chest x-ray...
February 2024: Andes pediatrica: revista Chilena de pediatría
Raffaele Natale, Clelia Nasti, Annadora Morena, Fabrizio Pasanisi, Lidia Santarpia
UNLABELLED: Kocuria kristinae is a Gram-positive commensal bacterium, rarely responsible for infection in immunocompromised patients. A 29-year-old woman affected by intestinal pseudo-obstruction and requiring home parenteral nutrition, was hospitalised for fever and shivering during the infusion through a long-term central venous catheter (CVC). Blood cultures were positive for K. kristinae infection. At a chest CT scan, two partially cavitated nodular lesions were evidenced. Meropenem antibiotic therapy was used locally and systemically, resulting in catheter use restoration...
2024: European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine
Adithap Hansakon, Pornpimon Angkasekwinai
Elevation of arginase enzyme activity in the lung contributes to the pathogenesis of various chronic inflammatory diseases and infections. Inhibition of arginase expression and activity is able to alleviate those effects. Here, we investigated the immunomodulatory effect of arginase inhibitor in C. neoformans infection. In the pulmonary cryptococcosis model that was shown to recapitulate human infection, we found arginase expression was excessively induced in the lung during the late stage of infection. To inhibit the activity of arginase, we administered a specific arginase inhibitor, nor-NOHA, during C...
April 5, 2024: International Immunopharmacology
Aishwarya K Kedar, Babaji Ghewade, Ulhas Jadhav, Pankaj Wagh, Vivek D Alone
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is a severe fungal infection primarily affecting immunocompromised individuals. However, rare cases of IPA in immunocompetent patients have been reported, presenting diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Here, we present a case of a 41-year-old immunocompetent male who presented with fever, cough with mucoid expectoration, and breathlessness. Despite the absence of traditional risk factors, imaging and laboratory findings led to the diagnosis of IPA. Prompt initiation of antifungal therapy resulted in clinical improvement...
March 2024: Curēus
Laura M Gonzalez, Raksha Venkatesan, Pablo Amador, Raghavendra R Sanivarapu, Barath Rangaswamy
Nocardia , a gram-positive bacterium found in soil and water, rarely causes infections in immunocompetent patients. Diagnosing and treating nocardiosis can be challenging due to its infrequency and the similarity of its symptoms to other diseases. We describe the case of a middle-aged male with a history of latent tuberculosis who presented with hemoptysis. Imaging revealed a persistent lung mass, and pathology and microbiology studies confirmed Nocardia infection. The patient was treated with antibiotics and discharged home...
March 2024: Curēus
Sunita Panda, Mahesh Chandra Sahu, Jyotirmayee Turuk, Sanghamitra Pati
Mucormycosis is the third most frequent invasive mycosis, following candidiasis and aspergillosis. It is frequently neglected due to its rare occurrence; but recently attend the status of notifiable disease due to its higher incidence in both developed and developing nations. India has received global notice since its estimated instances were greater than the global estimated figures. Mucormycosis has several clinical manifestations, including rhino-orbital-cerebral (ROCM), pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cutaneous, renal, and diffuse Mucormycosis...
April 1, 2024: Brazilian Journal of Microbiology: [publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology]
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