D L C de Jong, J A Wegdam, S Van der Wolk, S W Nienhuijs, T S de Vries Reilingh
AIM: To facilitate midline fascial closure in complex abdominal wall surgery, component separation techniques (CST) are usually required. However, CST is associated with an enlarged morbidity. Prehabilitation could increase the compliance of the abdominal wall and thereby decrease the necessity of myofascial release. This can be accomplished by administration of botulinum toxin type A (BTA) in the lateral abdominal wall musculature. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of BTA on the subsequent necessity to perform CST in patients with complex abdominal wall hernias...
January 3, 2024: Hernia: the Journal of Hernias and Abdominal Wall Surgery
Miguel Ángel Garcia Ureña, Javier López-Monclús, Luis Alberto Blázquez Hernando, Joaquín Munoz-Rodriguez, Laura Roman García de León, Adriana Avilés Oliveros, Manuel Medina Pedrique, Marcelo de Luca, Alvaro Robin Valle de Lersundi
The treatment of complex midline hernias remains a particular challenge. The currently refined knowledge of the anatomy in the cadaver laboratory and advancing clinical experience have changed our present approach. The aim of this review is to present a description of the updated surgical procedures and outcomes. We favor the retromuscular or preperitoneal layer for mesh implantation, including the Rives-Stoppa procedure (sublay mesh) and posterior component separation with the Madrid modification...
December 29, 2023: Chirurgie (Heidelb)
Jesse Manunga, Larissa I Stanberry, Nedaa Skeik, Hamza Hanif, Muhammad Ali Rana
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate outcomes and performance of inverted limbs (ILs) when used in conjunction with Zenith fenestrated stent grafts (Zfens) to treat patients with short distance between the lowest renal artery (RA) and aortic or graft bifurcation (A/GB). METHODS: This study was a multicenter, retrospective review of prospectively maintained database of patients with complex aortic aneurysms, failed endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), or open surgical repair (OSR) with short distance between LRA and A/GB treated using a combination of Zfen and an IL between 2013 and 2023...
December 14, 2023: Journal of Vascular Surgery
Alaaeddin Alrohaibani, Yun Yu, Lina Gao, Kimberly M McLean, Jonathon Hetts, Ozlen Saglam
Carcinosarcoma (CS) is an aggressive form of gynecologic malignancy that accounts for ~5% of carcinomas in the endometrium and ovaries. There has been no significant improvement in survival over the last decades despite additional treatment options. PReferentially Expressed Antigen in MElanoma (PRAME) is an immunotherapy target used for the treatment of several solid tumors. We explored the PRAME protein expression levels in ovarian and uterine CS (n = 29). The expression levels were recorded by H-score (percentage of positively stained cells multiplied by staining intensity) in carcinomatous and sarcomatous components separately and compared by paired t-test...
November 13, 2023: International Journal of Gynecological Pathology
D Eucker, R Rosenberg
BACKGROUND: Abdominal wall reconstruction in large incisional hernia/laparostoma poses a particular challenge. A loss of domain is the extreme form of intestinal volume displacement. The challenge lies in overcoming retraction of the lateral abdominal muscles. OBJECTIVE: Experienced surgeons have access to a variety of techniques aimed at gaining lateral length along the abdominal wall or reducing suture tension at the midline. These techniques are intended to facilitate reconstruction even in complex cases and are outlined in this article from a practical perspective...
December 12, 2023: Chirurgie (Heidelb)
Mateo Moreno, Luigi Lombardo, Alice Crespi, Peter James Zellner, Volkmar Mair, Massimiliano Pittore, Cees van Westen, Stefan Steger
Shallow landslides represent potentially damaging processes in mountain areas worldwide. These geomorphic processes are usually caused by an interplay of predisposing, preparatory, and triggering environmental factors. At regional scales, data-driven methods have been used to model shallow landslides by addressing the spatial and temporal components separately. So far, few studies have explored the integration of space and time for landslide prediction. This research leverages generalized additive mixed models to develop an integrated approach to model shallow landslides in space and time...
December 8, 2023: Science of the Total Environment
Benoît Romain
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 8, 2023: Journal of Visceral Surgery
Malke Asaad, David Mitchell, Cedar Slovacek, Abbas M Hassan, Aashish Rajesh, Jun Liu, Sahil Kapur, Donald Baumann, Charles E Butler
BACKGROUND: The vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous (VRAM) flap has emerged as the workhorse flap for perineal and pelvic reconstruction. We aimed to evaluate outcomes of VRAM flap over a 20-year period and the role of mesh abdominal wall reinforcement following VRAM flap-based reconstruction. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of all consecutive patients who underwent pelvic reconstruction with a VRAM flap between January 2001 and March 2021. Our primary outcome measure included recipient and donor surgical site occurrences (SSOs)...
December 4, 2023: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Alvaro Robin Valle de Lersundi, Javier López-Monclús, Luis Alberto Blázquez Hernando, Joaquin Muñoz Rodriguez, Manuel Medina Pedrique, Adriana Avilés Oliveros, Sara Morejón Ruiz, Miguel-Angel García-Ureña
Abdominal wall hernias are common entities that represent important issues. Retromuscular repair and component separation for complex abdominal wall defects are considered useful treatments according to both short and long-term outcomes. However, failure of surgical techniques may occur. The aim of this study is to analyze results of surgical treatment for hernia recurrence after prior retromuscular or posterior components separation. We have retrospectively reviewed patient charts from a prospectively maintained database...
May 2023: Cirugia española
Michael Wesley Love, Alfredo M Carbonell
Abdominal wall reconstruction techniques have evolved significantly over the last fifty years and continue to do so at an increasing pace. Beginning with open incisional hernia repair with bilateral rectus myofascial release, multiple techniques to offset tension at the midline by exploring options of layered myofascial release have been described. This article reviews the history, technique, advancements, and future of myofascial release in abdominal wall reconstruction leading from the open Rives-Stoppa repair to the robotic-assisted iteration of the transversus abdominis release...
May 2023: Cirugia española
José Luis Serafio-Gómez, César Aragón-Quintana, Melanie Bustillos-Ponce, Omar Varela-Barraza, Beatriz Silva
Introduction  Giant ventral hernias are a surgical challenge due to their size and the need for a specialized approach during repair. Over the decades, abdominal wall surgery has evolved into a sophisticated field with a wide range of techniques aimed at improving patient outcomes. However, there is no universally accepted method suitable for repairing all giant ventral hernias. Surgeons must rely on a combination of techniques, choosing the approach that best matches their expertise, available resources, and the individual patient's specific needs...
November 2023: Curēus
Mihai Toma, Valentin Oprea, Ovidiu Grad, Harry Staines, Carmen E Bucuri, Octavian Andercou, Mircea Gherghinescu, Calin Molnar
BACKGROUND: Complex incisional hernia is still a debatable topic, with increasing incidence and an increased local and systemic postoperative morbidity and mortality. The size of the defect is a risk factor for both difficult closure and 30-day readmission due to complications. The main option for closure such defect is a mesh augmented component separation technique. The goal was to evaluate 30-day wound events and general complications including 90 days mortality. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We present a retrospective study that includes patients from two different university hospitals who underwent open incisional hernia repair with anterior component or posterior component separation between January 2015 and December 2021...
November 17, 2023: Hernia: the Journal of Hernias and Abdominal Wall Surgery
Dmitrii Tkachev, Yana Dubkova, Alexander Zhukov, Yanis Verkhoshanskiy, Alexander Vorozhtsov, Ilya Zhukov
Digital light processing (DLP) or stereolithography is the most promising method of additive manufacturing (3D printing) of products based on high-energy materials due to, first of all, the absence of a high-temperature impact on the material. This paper presents research results of an ultraviolet (UV)-cured urethane methacrylate polymer containing 70 wt.% of high-energy solid powder based on ammonium salts, which is intended for digital light processing. Polymerization of the initial slurry is studied herein...
October 28, 2023: Polymers
Karol Abratkiewicz
This paper presents a novel non-parametric technique for two-dimensional spectrum readability enhancement. The approach is based on relocating a windowed bivariate Fourier transform with regard to its frequency estimates computed using a moving analyzing window. To this aim, four spatial instantaneous frequency estimators are proposed. A strongly concentrated spectrum with improved component separability is obtained with the proposed technique. The method was intensively tested using simulated and real-life signals...
November 13, 2023: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing: a Publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Manuel López-Cano, Mireia Verdaguer Tremolosa, Pilar Hernández Granados, José Antonio Pereira
INTRODUCTION: Incisional hernia (IH) is a very common surgical procedure. Registries provide real world data. The objective is to analyze the open and minimally invasive (MIS) sublay technique (with or without associated components separation [CS]) in IH cases from the EVEREG registry and to evaluate the evolution over time of the techniques. METHODS: All patients in EVEREG from July 2012 to December 2021 were included. The characteristics of the patients, IH, surgical technique, complications and mortality in the first 30 days were collected...
November 9, 2023: Cirugia española
Mazen R Al-Mansour, Sabrina Drexel, Michael Reinhorn, William Hope
BACKGROUND: In January 2023, significant changes were implemented to ventral hernia repair Current Procedural Terminology codes, with new codes replacing previous codes. The new codes were assigned a 0-day global period. The impact of these changes on clinical productivity remains unclear. Our objective was to forecast the impact of Current Procedural Terminology changes on ventral hernia-related work relative value units using historical data. METHODS: Ventral hernia repairs performed between March 2021 and December 2022 on adults by a single surgeon with available 90-day follow-up were retrospectively retrieved from the Abdominal Core Health Quality Collaborative...
November 8, 2023: Surgery
Lihong Gao, Yitian Huang, Shupei Zhang, Yanjie Chen, Shanshan Yan, Hong Dai, Baoshan Zeng
A burgeoning diversified closed bipolar electrochemiluminescent (d-BPE-ECL) based on photothermal amplification biosensor via the thermophysical and photochemical properties of niobium carbide Mxene quantum dots (Nb2 C MQDs) has been proposed. The device consists of three components: separated intermediate recognition, cathodic catalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and anodic ECL response channel. Wherein, the recognition compartment was innovatively designed as a temperature-sensitive conductivity modulated interface, and the introduction of photothermal material PDA@Nb2 C MQDs through target mediated rolling circle amplification strategy increases the interface temperature under near-infrared light radiation, thereby enhancing the BPE current and leading to the amplification of the anode ECL signal of Nb2 C MQDs...
October 17, 2023: Talanta
C M Krueger, M Patrzyk, J Hipp, U Adam, F Köckerling, H Riediger
INTRODUCTION: For pancreatic procedures, transverse and midline or combined approaches are used. Having an increased morbidity after pancreatic surgery, these patients have an increased risk of developing an incisional hernia. In the following, we will analyze how the results of incisional hernia surgery after pancreatic surgery are presented in the Herniamed Registry. METHODS: Hospitals and surgeons from Germany, Austria and Switzerland can voluntarily enter all routinely performed hernia operations prospectively into the Herniamed Registry...
October 30, 2023: Hernia: the Journal of Hernias and Abdominal Wall Surgery
Prashant Nasa, Gunjan Chanchalani, Deven Juneja, Manu Lng Malbrain
Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) play a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and contribute to new-onset and persistent organ failure. The optimal management of ACS involves a multi-disciplinary approach, from its early recognition to measures aiming at an urgent reduction of intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). A targeted literature search from January 1, 2000, to November 30, 2022, revealed 20 studies and data was analyzed on the type and country of the study, patient demographics, IAP, type and timing of surgical procedure performed, post-operative wound management, and outcomes of patients with ACS...
September 27, 2023: World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Hongyan Zhang, Haji Akber Aisa, Yongqiang Liu, Zeynep Tohtahon, Xuelei Xin, Rahima Abdulla
INTRODUCTION: Fungal species are an attractive resource for physiologically functional food and drug precursor. Fomes officinalis Ames, a medicinal fungus, is traditionally used as a folk medicine in traditional Chinese medicine prescription for the therapy of cough and asthma. The water-soluble substances in Chinese herbal medicines are likely to play an important physiological function. However, information on probing and identifying chemical components of the aqueous extract of Fomes officinalis Ames (AFO) remains unknown...
October 19, 2023: Phytochemical Analysis: PCA
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