Georgios Kontorinis, Friedrich Goetz, Thomas Lenarz, Burkard Schwab
PURPOSE: Aim of this study was to examine any stapes fixation-related clinical, intraoperative and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings in children undergoing stapedotomy. PROCEDURES: Detailed diagnostic assessment was performed in 12 children (18 ears) who underwent stapedotomy within the period 2005-2008. RESULTS: Ear malformations such as malleus-incus anomalies, malleus-epitympanum fixation and absence of the stapedius tendon, small external auditory canal and auricle malformations were clinically and/or intraoperatively diagnosed...
2011: ORL; Journal for Oto-rhino-laryngology and its related Specialties
Francoise Denoyelle, Mary Daval, Nicolas Leboulanger, Alexandra Rousseau, Gilles Roger, Natalie Loundon, Isabelle Rouillon, Erea-Noel Garabedian
OBJECTIVES: To study children who had undergone stapedectomy at an age younger than 16 years to determine the causes (particularly frequency of congenital anomalies vs otosclerosis) and to analyze the functional results over the short-term, 1-year, and long-term postsurgery time course. DESIGN: Ten-year retrospective study covering 1998 to 2008. SETTING: Pediatric tertiary care centers. PATIENTS: A total of 33 patients (35 ears) underwent stapes surgery from October 1998 to October 2008...
October 2010: Archives of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery
Kenneth H Brookler
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
August 2009: Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal
Raquel Salomone, Paulo Emmanuel Riskalla, Andy de Oliveira Vicente, Maria Carmela Cundari Boccalini, Adriana Gonzaga Chaves, Renata Lopes, Gilberto Bolivar Felin Filho
Otospongiosis is an osteodystrophy of the temporal bone, characterized by disordered neoformation and deposition of bone, characterized by the presence of a progressive conductive, sensorineural or mixed hearing loss and tinnitus. Typically, otospongiosis presents as a slowly progressive conductive hearing loss in the third to fourth decade of life. Uncommonly children and adolescents may also have conductive or sensorineural hearing loss caused by otosclerosis. We describe a case of an 11-year-old patient, with progressive unilateral conductive hearing loss for 5 years...
March 2008: Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
Robert Vincent, Neil M Sperling, John Oates, Mudit Jindal
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate with a new otologic database the results of primary stapes surgery for otosclerosis with up to 14 years of follow-up in a consecutive series of 2,525 patients operated on by the same surgeon with the same technique (stapedotomy and vein graft interposition) and to provide online access to the complete data of this study for the reviewers. To study the effect of specific operative findings (obliterative otosclerosis and simultaneous malleus ankylosis) and age at the time of surgery on the long-term outcome...
December 2006: Otology & Neurotology
I Krzeska-Malinowska, K Niemczyk, R Bartoszewicz
Otosclerosis is generally considered as a disease of adults, but the onset of hearing loss can occur in childhood. The purpose of this presentation is to show the effectiveness of stapedectomy in children. Both, short and long-term results are presented. Material is based on 14 pediatric patients, age 7-14 y. 12 of them had bilateral, 2 unilateral hearing loss. Together 26 ears. The diagnostic pattern was as follow: general pediatric and ENT examination, tuning fork testing, pure-tone audiometry (2x), recognition score test, tympanogram and acoustic reflex test, CT scan of the temporal bone...
September 2005: Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski: Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego
Grzegorz Namysłowski, Wojciech Scierski, Grazyna Trybalska, Katarzyna Mrówka-Kata, Bogusława Orecka, Bogusław Gac
Between 1994 and 2004 in the ENT Department Silesian Medical University Zabrze 330 stapedotomy were performed in patients suffered from otosclerosis. In this group of patient's 16 stapedotomies in 13 children aged from 9 to 17 years were performed. 4.85% of all the patients with otosclerosis treated in our Department were children. The purpose of this study was to analyze the audiologic results of stapedotomies in children. The postoperative evaluations were performed in the period from 6 months to 8 years after the surgical treatment...
September 2005: Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski: Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego
Johanna Pekkola, Anne Pitkaranta, Alexandra Jappel, Christian Czerny, Wolf-Dieter Baumgartner, Markku Heliovaara, Soraya Robinson
PURPOSE: To evaluate the prevalence of localized hypoattenuating areas in the cochlear otic capsule at temporal-bone thin-section computed tomography (CT) in pediatric patients and correlate the findings with clinical information. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Temporal-bone thin-section CT images obtained in 73 patients aged 0-9 years (20 Austrian, 53 Finnish; 36 female and 37 male patients) were evaluated for the presence of localized hypoattenuating foci in the region of the fissula ante fenestram of the otic capsule...
January 2004: Radiology
D Bradley Welling, James A Merrell, Meredith Merz, Edward E Dodson
OBJECTIVE/HYPOTHESIS: The objective of the study was to investigate predictive factors in the postoperative hearing outcomes in pediatric stapedectomy. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case series. The study was performed in a tertiary academic otological practice. METHODS: The outcome of 66 stapedectomies in children 17 years of age and younger were analyzed according to the 1995 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium guidelines...
September 2003: Laryngoscope
G Namysłowski, W Scierski, K Mrówka-Kata, E Bilińska-Pietraszek
In the years 1994-2000 in the Laryngology Department Silesian Medical Academy in Zabrze 167 stapedectomy were performed in 143 patients with otosclerosis. In this group of patients 11 stapedectomies in 8 children aged from 9 to 17 years were performed. 5.6% of all the patients with otosclerosis treated in our Department were children. The purpose of this study was to analyze the audiologic results of stapedectomies in children. The postoperative evaluations were performed in the period from 6 months to 6 years after the surgical treatment...
2001: Otolaryngologia Polska
T P Murphy, D L Wallis
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the results of stapedectomy in pediatric patients with otosclerosis and tympanosclerosis. A retrospective review of 14 patients (15 ears) who underwent stapedectomy from 1993 to 1995 was conducted. In 5 ears stapedectomy for tympanosclerosis was performed; 9 patients had otosclerosis and 1 had Treacher Collins syndrome. Patients were evaluated for preoperative and postoperative air-bone gaps, preoperative and postoperative speech reception thresholds, postoperative air conduction hearing improvement, and preoperative and postoperative speech discrimination...
November 1996: Laryngoscope
S E Stool, M L Belafsky
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 1971: Current Problems in Pediatrics
H Y Yune, R T Miyamoto, M E Yune
A retrospective study of preoperative radiographic surveys obtained in 85 cochlear implant patients was performed. A total of 90 cochlear implant patients were seen at our institution during the last 10 years. In three, the implant was placed at another institution. In two otosclerosis patients, no preimplant radiographic examination was obtained. Meningitis was the cause of deafness in 45 of 90 patients (50 percent); 28 of 40 pediatric age group patients (70 percent), and in 17 of 50 adult patients (34 percent)...
1991: American Journal of Otology
M H Fritsch
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 1992: Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal
J W Sanders
Although impedance measurement is a relatively new procedure, at least in this country, it is rapidly being recognized as one of the most significant contributions since the development of the pure tone audiometer. With the basic applications of the procedure it is possible to determine not only the presence but also to a great extent the specific nature of middle ear impairment, even in patients for whom audiometric results are limited and uncertain. Further applications of impedance measurement include the determination of nonorganic hearing loss and site-of-lesion testing to distinguish between cochlear and retrocochlear lesions...
February 1975: Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America
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