Seda Yildiz, Arda Arpak, Can A Yucesoy
Elastic therapeutic taping is utilized for prevention and treatment of various neuromusculoskeletal disorders and sports injuries. Kinesio taping (KT) is a popular version of this practice. Despite being widely used to improve muscular function, an understanding of KT effects on muscular mechanics are lacking. Considering the continuity of the fascial system and its mechanical interaction with muscle fascicles intramuscularly, the aim was to test the following hypothesis: mechanical loading induced on the skin by KT leads to along-muscle fascicle local length changes and shear strains in the targeted muscle...
September 27, 2023: Journal of Biomechanics
Li-Ming Sun, Dong-Yue Hao, Xiao Fan, Jiao Cao, Zheng-Qiang Cang, Yun-Xia He, Bao-Qiang Song, Pai Peng, Chao-Hua Liu
BACKGROUND: Poor Bell's phenomenon is often considered a relative contraindication for ptosis surgery, as it increases the risk of corneal exposure and dry eye symptoms after surgery. However, the Bell's phenomenon may vary in different individuals and sleep stages, making it inaccurate to predict the position of the eye during sleep based on awake examination. This study aimed to investigate the role of Bell's phenomenon in ptosis surgery and the management of nocturnal lagophthalmos...
September 11, 2023: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Manali A Boob, Pratik Phansopkar, Kamya J Somaiya
The foot and the lower leg comprise the ankle joint complex. The foot is crucial for the maintenance of posture. Frequently, overuse or repeated microtrauma to the fascia causes plantar fasciitis. This review aims to suggest the efficacy of various plantar fasciitis (PF) interventions based on modifications in clinical results. This review included studies from 2019 to March 2023 identified through a systematic literature search. The measures used to predict improvement in pain, discomfort, and foot function symptoms included the Visual Analog scale, Numerical Pain Rating Scale, Pressure Point Threshold by algometer, Weight-Bearing Lunge Test by inch tape, and range of motion...
July 2023: Curēus
Bianca Martins Lourenço, Mariana Gabrich Moraes Campos, Laísa Maia, Brenda Castro, Renato Guilherme Trede, Vinícius Cunha Oliveira
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies on pain intensity and disability for plantar fasciitis. DESIGN: Systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). DATA SOURCES: AMED, MEDLINE, PEDro, Cochrane, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, EMBASE and PsycINFO without language or date restrictions up to 3 February 2023. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: RCTs that evaluated the efficacy of any pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies compared with control (placebo, sham, waiting list or no intervention) on pain intensity and disability in people with plantar fasciitis...
December 2023: British Journal of Sports Medicine
İsmail Gökbel, Mehmet Ferdi Kinci, Deniz Akin Gökbel, Ahmet Akın Sivaslioğlu
BACKGROUND: An evaluation of preoperative and postoperative 12th month Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) changes in patients operated for the diagnosis of isolated anterior compartment defect (ACD) or Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). METHOD: Patients who were diagnosed with isolated ACD or SUI were retrospectively analyzed at urogynecology unit of our tertiary referral center. All pelvic examinations were performed by the same experienced urogynecologist...
August 23, 2023: BMC Women's Health
Josep C Benítez-Martínez, Beatriz García-Haba, Samuel Fernández-Carnero, Daniel Pecos-Martin, Eleuterio A Sanchez Romero, Francisco Selva-Sarzo, Juan Nicolás Cuenca-Zaldívar
INTRODUCTION: Non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP) is a major cause of functional impairment, resulting in consequences like job absenteeism and reduced quality of life. Risk factors such as muscle weakness and tightness have been implicated. Electromagnetic fields have therapeutic effects on human tissue, including pain relief and muscle relaxation. This study aimed to examine the impact of a tape with magnetic particles (MPT) applied to the lumbar area on abductor muscle strength and surface electromyography (sEMG) of the Gluteus Medius and Tensor of the Fascia Lata muscles in individuals with NSCLBP...
2023: Journal of Pain Research
Jing Zhao, Yunfei Jiang
BACKGROUND: Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) combined with Kinesio Tape (KT) for plantar fasciitis (PF) is lacking in the literature. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the effect of ESWT combined with KT on foot pain and function in patients with PF based on ultrashort wave therapy and stretching. METHODS: A total of 91 patients with PF were randomly divided into the ESWT group (ETG, n= 23), KT group (KTG, n= 23), combined treatment group (CTG, n= 22) and control group (CG, n= 23)...
July 6, 2023: Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
M A Spirina, T I Vlasova, A V Sitdikova, E A Shamrova
Currently the concept of kinesiotaping has become widespread. Kinesiotaping, which was originally implemented in sports medicine, is increasingly used in rehabilitation and various spheres of medicine, such as orthopedics, traumatology, pediatrics, etc. In recent years, the new publications about the kinesiotaping use in neurology and rheumatology have been released, where previously unknown effects, such as improved sensory feedback, have been demonstrated. Great attention is paid to comparative studies of the effects of kinesiotaping and other methods of taping, which have been used for many years...
2023: Voprosy Kurortologii, Fizioterapii, i Lechebnoĭ Fizicheskoĭ Kultury
Mohamed Refaat, Ramy Emad Younan, Ahmed Samir Elkalyoby, Ahmed Fouad Seifeldin, Alaa El Din Mohy El Din, Begad Hesham Abdel Razek
Separation of the acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) is a common orthopaedic injury among athletes involved in contact sports and victims of motor vehicle accidents. ACJ disruptions are common in athletes. Treatment is guided by the level of injury; grade 1 and 2 injuries are managed nonoperatively. Grades 4-6 are managed operatively, whereas grade 3 is an area of controversy. Several operative techniques have been described to restore anatomy and function. We present a technique that's safe, economic, and reliable in the management of acute ACJ dislocation...
May 2023: Arthroscopy Techniques
Mehmet-Fevzi Cakmak, Basak Cigdem-Karacay
BACKGROUND: There are current studies on kinesio taping (KT) application after total knee arthroplasty (TKA), but there is no definite consensus on its effectiveness and application method yet. This study aims to evaluates the effectiveness of KT applied added to the conservative postoperative physiotherapy program (CPPP) after TKA on postoperative edema, pain, range of motion, and functions on the early period. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind study was conducted in with 187 patients undergoing TKA...
June 10, 2023: Journal of Orthopaedic Science: Official Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association
Yoko Kunimasa, Kanae Sano, Caroline Nicol, Joëlle Barthèlemy, Masaki Ishikawa
BACKGROUND: In endurance running, elite Kenyan runners are characterized by longer thigh, shank, and Achilles tendon (AT) lengths combined with shorter fascicles and larger medial gastrocnemius (MG) pennation angles than elite Japanese runners. These muscle-tendon characteristics may contribute to the running performance of Kenyans. Furthermore, these specific lower-leg musculoskeletal architectures have been confirmed not only in elite Kenyan runners but also in non-athletic Kenyans since early childhood...
June 1, 2023: Journal of Physiological Anthropology
Matthias Krause, Karl-Heinz Frosch, Philip Linke
OPERATION GOAL: The aims of the surgical treatment are the anatomical reduction of the articular surface and stabilization of a multifragmentary patella fracture with a distal pole fragment using plate osteosynthesis and additive suture tape cerclage to secure the distal fragment. INDICATION: Demonstration of the surgical procedure for a multifragmentary patella fracture in the knee joint of a male cadaver. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Start with a median prepatellar skin incision and splitting of the bursa and surrounding fascia...
July 2023: Unfallchirurgie (Heidelb)
Xing Dai, Danni Xue, Xiaohan Liu, Chenjie Gu, Tao Jiang
Two essential factors in powerful surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy analysis of trace pesticide residues are viz. , high sensitivity and efficient sampling. Herein, owing to elastic properties, a stretched Ag nanowire (Ag NW)-tape under the strain of 15% formed a wrinkled structure with periodic microridges and microgrooves, where abundant nanogaps were generated by the aggregated Ag NWs. Compared with the unstretched Ag NW-tape substrate, an appreciable signal enhancement of the modified 4-mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA) molecules with a ratio of 2...
February 27, 2023: Analytical Methods: Advancing Methods and Applications
Nazish Abbas, Tonicka Virdee, Maya Basu, David Iles, Surya Kanitkar, Rohna Kearney, Hamayun Khan, Karen Ward, Fiona Reid
INTRODUCTION: Midurethral tapes (MUTs) were the most common surgical treatment for stress urinary incontinence (SUI) between 2008 and 2017. Transobturator tapes were introduced as a novel way to insert MUTs. Some women have experienced life-changing complications, and opt to undergo a total excision of transobturator tape (TETOT). There is a paucity in evidence about the outcomes of TETOT, which is a complex operation. This study aims to report clinical outcomes of all women who underwent TETOT in a specialist mesh center...
April 2023: Neurourology and Urodynamics
Minh Hoang-Thuc Vo, Chien-Ju Lin, Hsiao-Feng Chieh, Li-Chieh Kuo, Kai-Nan An, Yu-Lin Wang, Fong-Chin Su
Kinesio taping (KT) is widely used in sports for performance improvement and injury prevention. However, little is known of the behavior of the muscle region beneath the KT with movement, particularly when the muscle is fatigued. Accordingly, this study investigated the changes in the medial gastrocnemius muscle architecture and fascia thickness when using KT during maximum isometric plantar flexion (MVIC) and badminton lunges following heel rise exercises performed to exhaustion. Eleven healthy collegiate badminton players (4 males and 7 females) were recruited...
January 31, 2023: Scientific Reports
Ralf Tunn, Kaven Baessler, Stephanie Knüpfer, Christian Hampel
BACKGROUND: Pelvic floor disorders are common, especially in pregnancy and after delivery, in the postmenopausal period, and old age, and they can significantly impact on the patient's quality of life. METHODS: This narrative review is based on publications retrieved by a selective search of the literature, with special consideration to original articles and AWMF guidelines. RESULTS: Pelvic floor physiotherapy (evidence level [EL] 1), the use of pessaries (EL2), and local estrogen therapy can help alleviate stress/urge urinary incontinence and other symptoms of urogenital prolapse...
February 3, 2023: Deutsches Ärzteblatt International
Janice de S Guimarães, Fabio L Arcanjo, Gustavo Leporace, Leonardo F Metsavaht, Cristiano Sena Conceição, Marcus V M G Moreno, Tulio E Marçal Vieira, Carolina Cunha Moraes, Mansueto Gomes Neto
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of different therapeutic interventions that have ever been evaluated in randomized controlled trials on pain due to plantar fasciitis. METHODS: We searched different electronic databases until September 2022. Mean differences (MDs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation was used to evaluate the overall certainty evidence. RESULTS: A total of 236 studies met the study criteria, including 15,401 patients...
June 2023: Clinical Rehabilitation
Aurora Castro-Méndez, Inmaculada C Palomo-Toucedo, Manuel Pabón-Carrasco, Mercedes Ortiz-Romero, Lourdes Mª Fernández-Seguín
BACKGROUND: Plantar fasciitis is a painful disorder that affects the plantar fascia of the foot, with a multifactorial aetiology. Dorsal flexion deficiency in the ankle is a risk factor for it. The provisional use of taping is described as part of conservative treatment. Dynamic Tape® is a type of tape that, adhered to muscles, allows for potential elastic energy to accumulate and dissipate later, optimizing its function. Therefore, it can offer immediate benefits while the patient awaits definitive treatment depending on the cause...
December 9, 2022: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Bin Feng, Tianming Sun, Wengan Wang, Yu Xiao, Jinpeng Huo, Zhongyang Deng, Gongbo Bian, Yuxi Wu, Guisheng Zou, Wenxian Wang, Tianling Ren, Lei Liu
Future electronic skin systems require stretchable conductors and low-temperature integration of external components, which remains challenging for traditional metal films. Herein, a bioinspired design concept is reported to endow metal films with 200% stretchability as well as room-temperature integration capability with diverse components. It is revealed that by controllable implantation of defects, distinctive venation-mimicking cracking modes can be induced in strained metal films, leading to profound stretchability regulation...
December 9, 2022: Advanced Materials
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