Ellen O'Donnell, Allison Schuette, Michael Waltz, Gregory Aaen, Leslie Benson, Mark Gorman, Timothy Lotze, Soe Mar, Jayne Ness, Moses Rodriguez, Jan-Mendelt Tillema, Teri Schreiner, Yolanda Wheeler, T Charles Casper, Tanuja Chitnis
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This survey study aimed to (1) identify patient/family research priorities in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis (POMS), and (2) delineate optimized methods for research study/clinical trials design, engagement, and implementation. METHODS: Participants were as follows: (1) parents of a child (<18 years) with POMS enrolled in a national registry, (2) adolescents (13-17 years) with POMS in the registry, and (3) adults (18-40 years) with POMS receiving care at a registry affiliated clinic...
September 17, 2024: Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical and Laboratory Research
Yu Wu, Fei Fang, Xingliang Fan, Hongming Nie
Introduction: Following the introduction of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) as a replacement term for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, the relationship between MASLD and cannabis use has yet to be established. With the global rise in cannabis consumption, understanding its impact on MASLD is critical for clinical guidance. Our study investigated the association between cannabis use, MASLD, and clinically significant fibrosis (CSF) among U.S. adults. Methods: Data were collected from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for the period 2017 to 2018 to conduct a cross-sectional analysis...
September 17, 2024: Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research
Chandra Mohan Muthu Lakshmi Bavithra, Marimuthu Murugan, Venkatasamy Balasubramani, Sankarasubramanian Harish, Kolanchi Prakash
Tomato is a widely cultivated crop significant for its economic and nutritional benefits. The South American tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta , originated in Peru South America and has invaded many nations, causing up to 100% yield loss in tomatoes. The pest was classified as a quarantine pest by the European Plant Protection Organization, before invading the Spain region. Later, this quarantine pest also invaded other regions of Europe, Africa and Asian countries. Invasive insect pests cause global economic losses of 70 billion dollars annually...
2024: Frontiers in Plant Science
Haoyang Liu, Hongde Lu, Yuxuan Wang, Chenyun Yu, Zhiyuan He, Hong Dong
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), a subset of organic fatty acids with carbon chains ranging from one to six atoms in length, encompass acetate, propionate, and butyrate. These compounds are the endproducts of dietary fiber fermentation, primarily catalyzed by the glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathways within the gut microbiota. SCFAs act as pivotal energy substrates and signaling molecules in the realm of animal nutrition, exerting a profound influence on the intestinal, immune system, and intestinal barrier functions...
2024: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
El Hassania Loukili, Mohammed Merzouki, Mohamed Taibi, Amine Elbouzidi, Belkheir Hammouti, Krishna Kumar Yadav, Mohammad Khalid, Mohamed Addi, Mohammed Ramdani, Pankaj Kumar, Jeong Ryeol Choi
Opuntia (Cactaceae) species are native to arid and semi-arid regions of Mexico and the southern United States and grow in various climatic zones. Opuntia dillenii is a cactus fruit with many beneficial properties, and it is used as a medicinal plant in various countries. This review paper provides updated information on the phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of O. dillenii . The fruit contains valuable compounds such as flavonoids, phenolics, ascorbic acid, betanin, and essential elements, which have been isolated and identified...
October 2024: Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal: SPJ: the Official Publication of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society
Krishna Verma, Ramya Ramadoss, Sandhya Sundar, Suganya Panneer Selvam, Hemashree K
Background Taste perception is crucial for dietary choices, nutrition, and overall health. The human tongue, particularly the fungiform papillae, plays a significant role in taste sensation, especially for sweet and umami flavors. Anemia, a common condition characterized by low hemoglobin levels, can affect sensory perception, including taste. Recent research has begun to explore the relationship between fungiform papillae density and taste perception in individuals with anemia. Objective This study aimed to investigate the comparative quantification of fungiform papillae density and its correlation with taste perception in anemic and healthy individuals, with the goal of understanding the underlying mechanisms linking anemia to taste disturbances...
August 2024: Curēus
Jenny L Cepeda-Marte, Arelis Moore, Carlos B Ruiz-Matuk, Daniela D Salado-Díaz, Pablo Socias-Pappaterra, Vivian W Y Ho-Sang, Isabella Mella-Bonilla
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether use of a culturally adapted mobile application (app) for adolescents with type 1 diabetes is associated with improved metabolic control. METHODS: The Dominican Republic's National Institute of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Nutrition and the Learning to Live clinic recruited 23 pediatric participants for the study. Blood tests were performed before and after use of the app for a period of 3 months. Based on the user profile, participants were encouraged to use the app's bolus insulin calculator after each meal...
2024: Pan American Journal of Public Health
Jimmy Guan, Gustavo A Ramírez, Curtis Eng, Brian Oakley
The gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome of chelonians (testudines) plays an important role in their metabolism, nutrition, and overall health but the GI microbiome of three-toed box turtles ( Terrapene carolina triunguis ) has yet to be characterized. How the GI microbiome responds to rapidly rising environmental temperatures has also not been studied extensively in ectotherms, specifically chelonians. In this study, twenty (20) T.c.triunguis were split into control and experimental groups. The experimental group experienced 4...
2024: Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Sofia Svensén, Ingeborg Bolstad, Liv Skomakerstuen Ødbehr, Gerry Larsson
BACKGROUND: Comorbid anxiety and depression are common and can make the problems more complex and sometimes resistant to pharmacological treatment. In existing research, the diagnoses are often studied separately, and physical activity, healthy nutrition, psychoeducation, and social support have shown good effects. The aim of the present study was to explore the longitudinal effects of a comprehensive treatment on patients with comorbid anxiety and depression in a clinical context. METHOD: Eighty inpatients (15 men and 65 women) in age range 23-65 years receiving psychiatric treatment in Norwegian clinic participated in the longitudinal study...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Jiamei Li, Haiqing Zheng, Xuanhui Chen, Shuo Ma, Qing Li, Jiaqi Sun, Ziying Chen, Li Yunyi, Li Dantong, Lin Miao, Huiying Liang, Huixian Li
BACKGROUND: Traditional association studies of cardiovascular disease (CVD) categorizations and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) yielded conflicting findings. We propose a novel classification system based on fundamental characteristics of cardiovascular patients, such as age, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, to more accurately assess the impact of PUFAs (plasma measures) such as omega (ω)-3 (n-3) and ω-6 on mortality in cardiovascular patients. METHODS: Principal component analysis and k -means clustering were used to determine the CVD subtype...
September 2024: Current Developments in Nutrition
Xiaohan Jiang, Jiamin Chen, Xiuhong Yuan, Yonghe Chen, Qian Sun, Hui Zhao, Peirong Xu, Ting Luo, Junsheng Peng
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to develop and validate a health action process approach (HAPA) inventory for measuring cognitive belief factors influencing home nutritional behavior among postoperative gastric cancer patients. METHODS: Item pool of the inventory was constructed based on the HAPA, literature review, and qualitative interview. Expert consultations were used for item improvement. Then postoperative gastric cancer patients ( n  = 404) were surveyed to conduct item analysis, reliability and validity test of the inventory...
October 2024: Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing
Lixuan Wang, Jing Hu, Kun Li, Yuliang Zhao, Motao Zhu
Probiotics typically refer to microorganisms that have been identified for their health benefits, and they are added to foods or supplements to promote the health of the host. A growing number of probiotic strains have been identified lately and developed into valuable regulatory pharmaceuticals for nutritional and medical applications. Gene editing technologies play a crucial role in addressing the need for safe and therapeutic probiotics in disease treatment. These technologies offer valuable assistance in comprehending the underlying mechanisms of probiotic bioactivity and in the development of advanced probiotics...
September 20, 2024: IScience
Idongesit KokoAbasi Isong, Kingsley John Emmanuel, Glory Okoi Abam, Iya Eze Bassey, Mercy Etim Jackson, Unwana Paul Obadare, Ifure Uwem KokoAbasi
Malnutrition is a multifactorial problem affecting older adults especially in developing countries like Nigeria. Eighty-five subjects which comprise 55 older adults and 30 controls were recruited. Total protein, Albumin, Calcium, Vitamin-C and Vitamin D were estimated using Biuret's method, Bromo-Cresol Green method, O-Cresolphthalein-Complexone, High performance liquid chromatography, and ELISA methods respectively. Cognitive and nutritional status information were obtained using Mini-Cog test and MNA-short form...
2024: Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine
Kenny Mendoza, Stephanie A Smith-Warner, Sinara Laurini Rossato, Neha Khandpur, JoAnn E Manson, Lu Qi, Eric B Rimm, Kenneth J Mukamal, Walter C Willett, Molin Wang, Frank B Hu, Josiemer Mattei, Qi Sun
BACKGROUND: Prospective associations between total and groups of ultra-processed foods (UPF) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) remained to be characterised. Our aim was to assess the association of total and group-specific UPF intakes with CVD, coronary heart disease (CHD), and stroke in three large prospective cohorts of US adults. Additionally, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analyses on the existing evidence on the associations of total UPF intake with these outcomes. METHODS: UPF intake was assessed through food frequency questionnaires in the Nurses' Health Study (NHS; n  = 75,735), Nurses' Health Study II (NHSII; n  = 90,813), and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS; n  = 40,409)...
September 2024: Lancet Reg Health Am
Qingsong Mao, Xiaoyi Zhu, Yuzhe Kong
PURPOSE: This study investigates the association between heavy metal exposure and the prevalence of depression, with the mediating role of sleep duration. METHOD: Our study investigated the association between heavy metal concentration and depression risk in the NHANES from 2005 to 2020. We used logistic regression analysis, WQS regression model and BKMR model to assess the association. Mediation analysis was performed to explore the role of sleep duration in heavy metal exposure-induced depression...
2024: Frontiers in Psychiatry
Roberto Sartori, Rodrigo Lemos Olivieri Rodrigues Alves, Ana Luíza Müller Lopes
This review elucidates the physiological and endocrinological processes intrinsic to puberty and ovulation induction protocols in Bos indicus and Bos taurus beef heifers. Puberty is a complex physiological event involving gonadotropic and metabolic changes that lead to sexual maturity, first ovulation, and regular reproductive cycles, enabling females to reproduce. Exposure to progesterone-based hormonal protocols, with or without additional hormones, can reduce the age at first ovulation and improve sexual maturity through stimuli in the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and uterine development...
2024: Animal Reproduction
Fabio Pasin, Mireia Uranga, Raghavan Charudattan, Choon-Tak Kwon
Our knowledge of crop domestication, genomics, and of the plant virosphere unevenly represents the taxonomic distribution of the global biodiversity, and, as we show here, is significantly enriched for the Solanaceae. Within the family, potato, tomato, eggplant, pepper, and over 100 lesser-known edible species play important nutrition and cultural roles in global and local food systems. Technologies using engineered viruses are transitioning from proof-of-concept applications in model plants to the precise trait breeding of Solanaceae crops...
September 2024: Horticulture Research
Di Chen, Yurun Xie, Quanhai Luo, Wenji Fan, Gang Liu
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2024.1266761.].
2024: Frontiers in Endocrinology
Yong-Jun Wu, Tian-Yu Lin, Xiao-Fan Pu, Chao-Lei Zhang
BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence supports the association between impaired oral health and elevated mortality. However, there is currently a lack of research on the impact of tooth loss and periodontal disease on survival outcomes in cancer survivors. This study aims to clarify the effect of tooth loss and periodontitis on all-cause mortality on cancer survivors. METHODS: The clinical data of cancer survivors were collected from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2018...
September 15, 2024: Heliyon
Wenyi Lyu, Leng Yu, Haihong Lv
Objective : Child malnutrition is a widespread concern in Sub-Saharan Africa. Previous studies mainly focus on the association between women's employment status and child malnutrition, however, the aim of this study is to examine the causal effect of household gender wage gap on child malnutrition in Ethiopia. Methods : This study relies on a data set consisting of 2066 children under 5 years of age using 2018/19 Living Standards Measurement Study data for Ethiopia. A probit instrumental variable (IV) method is applied to determine the causal effect...
September 15, 2024: Heliyon
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