Gautier Chene, Pia Akl, Ana Gjorgjievska-Delov, Emanuele Cerruto, Stephanie Moret, Erdogan Nohuz
STUDY DESIGN: In this retrospective study, we reviewed all cases referred to our specialised centre for nonpalpable contraceptive implants from January 2018 to August 2022. RESULTS: Out of the cohort studied, 47 female subjects exhibited nonpalpable implants. The implant was nonpalpable for thirty-six patients (76,6%) immediately after the insertion whereas it was not palpable several months after the insertion for eleven patients (23.4%). Twelve patients (25.5%) had one or more failed removal attempts before referral...
May 30, 2024: European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care
Justin Tiendrebeogo, Bethany Arnold, Yacouba Ouedraogo, Rachel Haws, Lea Pepin Garane, Virginie Ouedraogo, Maria Gouem, Alimata Coulibaly, Mathieu Bougma
BACKGROUND: Successful efforts to encourage uptake of subdermal contraceptive implants, with a lifespan of three to five years, necessitate planning to ensure that quality removal services are available when desired. In Burkina Faso, implant use has tripled over the past 8 years and now comprises almost half of the contraceptive method mix. Population Monitoring for Action (PMA) surveys identified barriers to obtaining quality removal when desired, particularly when the implant is not palpable, or providers lack needed skills or supplies...
May 20, 2024: BMC Women's Health
Christine Tagliaferri Rael, Rebecca Giguere, Ewa Bryndza Tfaily, Sara Sutton, Elizabeth Horn, Robert J Schieffer, Craig W Hendrix, Richard T D'Aquila, Thomas J Hope
To improve current and future use of existing (oral, injectable) and potential future (implants, douches) PrEP products, we must understand product preferences relative to one another, among gay and bisexual men (GBM), and physicians who prescribe PrEP. We completed an online discrete choice experiment (DCE) with separate groups of GBM and/or physicians from the U.S., South Africa, Spain, and Thailand. Participants were presented information on PrEP products, including daily pills, event-driven pills (2-1-1 regimen), injections, subdermal implants (dissolvable, removable), and rectal douches...
May 16, 2024: AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses
Flávia R Torelli, Raquel M Rodrigues-Peres, Ilza Monteiro, Iscia Lopes-Cendes, Luis Bahamondes, Cássia R T Juliato
To evaluate gene expression associated with unfavorable vaginal bleeding in users of the Etonogestrel (ENG) contraceptive implant. Prospective study involving 100 women who intended to use the ENG implant. Exclusion criteria included abnormal uterine bleeding, inability to attend a 1-year follow-up, and implant removal for reasons unrelated to vaginal bleeding or loss of follow-up. We obtained endometrial biopsies before implant placement and assessed the expression of 20 selected genes. Users maintained a uterine bleeding diary for 12 months post-implant placement...
May 14, 2024: Scientific Reports
Megan A Kuikman, Alannah K A McKay, Clare Minahan, Rachel Harris, Kirsty J Elliott-Sale, Trent Stellingwerff, Ella S Smith, Rachel McCormick, Nicolin Tee, Jessica Skinner, Kathryn E Ackerman, Louise M Burke
The cyclical changes in sex hormones across the menstrual cycle (MC) are associated with various biological changes that may alter resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition estimates. Hormonal contraceptive (HC) use must also be considered given their impact on endogenous sex hormone concentrations and synchronous exogenous profiles. The purpose of this study was to determine if RMR and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry body composition estimates change across the MC and differ compared with HC users...
April 23, 2024: International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
Yixiao Ding, Lin Du, Han Hao, Thomas C E Mier, Jan Van der Spiegel, Timothy H Lucas, Firooz Aflatouni, Andrew G Richardson, Mark G Allen
This paper reports a microfabricated triaxial capacitive force sensor. The sensor is fully encapsulated with inert and biocompatible glass (fused silica) material. The sensor comprises two glass plates, on which four capacitors are located. The sensor is intended for subdermal implantation in fingertips and palms and providing tactile sensing capabilities for patients with paralyzed hands. Additional electronic components, such as passives and IC chips, can also be integrated with the sensor in a hermetic glass package to achieve an implantable tactile sensing system...
January 2024: Proceedings—IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
Philipp Gutruf
ConspectusEvolution of implantable neural interfaces is critical in addressing the challenges in understanding the fundamental working principles and therapeutic applications for central and peripheral nervous systems. Traditional approaches utilizing hermetically sealed, rigid electronics and detached electrodes face challenges in power supply, encapsulation, channel count, dispersed application location, and modality. Employing thin-film, wirelessly powered devices is promising to expand capabilities. Devices that forego bulky power supplies, favoring a configuration where electronics are integrated directly onto thin films, reduce displacement volumes for seamless, fully implantable interfaces with high energy availability and soft mechanics to conform to the neuronal target...
April 12, 2024: Accounts of Chemical Research
Joseph G Rosen, S Wilson Beckham, Jennifer L Glick, Rebecca Hamilton White, Ju Nyeong Park, Katherine H A Footer, Susan G Sherman
We assessed acceptability of nonoral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) formulations among transgender women (TW) engaged in street-based sex work in Baltimore, Maryland. In a K -means cluster analysis, TW ( N =36) were partitioned into groups characterized by high interest in long-acting injectable PrEP only ( Injectable Enthusiasts , 36%), high interest in injectables and subdermal implants ( Long-Acting Acceptors , 36%), and low interest across PrEP formulations ( Non-Acceptors , 28%). TW's interest in novel PrEP agents varied widely across formulations (range: 22-66%) and clustered around numerous relational, occupational, and structural factors, highlighting the importance of availing multiple PrEP formulations for this impacted population...
April 2024: Transgender Health
Cara Clure, Jeanelle Sheeder, Aaron Lazorwitz
OBJECTIVES: To assess the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the etonogestrel (ENG) contraceptive implant when inserted at an alternative scapular site. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a pilot study of healthy, reproductive-age females who underwent subdermal insertion of an ENG implant over the inferior edge of the non-dominant scapula (scapular insertion). We measured serum ENG levels over one year at nine time points. Participants completed questionnaires on insertion site and bleeding side effects...
March 27, 2024: Contraception
Agnaldo Lopes da Silva Filho, Ricardo Luis Pereira Bueno, Yohanna Ramires, Lara Marina Cruz Lino
High rates of unplanned pregnancies persist despite pharmacological developments and advancements in contraceptive methods. Here, we demonstrate that the etonogestrel-releasing subdermal contraceptive implant (IMP-ETN) may be an appropriate and cost-effective alternative to levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine systems (LNG-IUSs) for women in Brazil. For our pharmacoeconomic analysis, we reviewed the literature on IMP-ETN regarding its acceptance, eligibility criteria, choice, relations with age, adverse events and, finally, the unmet need in the fee-for-service private healthcare sector...
2024: PloS One
Neil Gupta, Susan Swindells, Kimberly K Scarsi, Renae Furl, David L Thomas, Ethel D Weld, Joelle Dountio Ofimboudem, Hailemichael Desalegn, Saeed Hamid, Alethse de la Torre Rosas, Angelica E Miranda, Andrew Owen, Steve Rannard, Lindsey Hiebert, Katherine Sun, John W Ward
Long-acting technologies (LATs) for hepatitis C virus (HCV) are under development as a strategy to improve linkage to care, treatment adherence and outcomes. We conducted a survey of HCV treatment prescribers and HCV policymakers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) regarding acceptability and feasibility of HCV LATs. We included one-time intramuscular injection, subdermal implant and transdermal patch as potential LAT options. We surveyed participants regarding optimal health system and patient characteristics, concerns, potential barriers, overall feasibility and preferences for HCV LAT as compared to daily oral medication...
March 28, 2024: Journal of Viral Hepatitis
Steven M Falowski, Ameya C Nanivadekar
INTRODUCTION: DeRidder burst spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has shown superior relief from overall pain to traditional tonic neurostimulation therapies and a reduction in back and leg pain. However, nearly 80% of patients have two or more noncontiguous pain areas. This affects the ability to effectively program stimulation and deliver long-term efficacy of the therapy. Multiple DeRidder burst region programming is an option to treat multisite pain by interleaving stimulation at multiple areas along the spinal cord...
March 22, 2024: Neuromodulation: Journal of the International Neuromodulation Society
Samantha Glass, Megan L Wilson, Emily M Godfrey, Ying Zhang
Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) include progestin and copper intrauterine devices (IUDs) and progestin subdermal implants. LARCs may be the preferred for individuals who want a method that is highly effective and can last for several years, or for whom estrogen is contraindicated. LARCs should be offered using a shared decision-making approach, keeping in mind that historically these methods have been used coercively to control the reproductive choices of marginalized or disabled people. To ensure safe prescribing and reduce barriers to receiving LARCs, family physicians should be familiar with two evidence-based national contraceptive guidelines: the U...
March 2024: FP Essentials
Sahar M Alotaibi, Mohammed L Al-Otaibi
Subdermal contraceptive implants are one of the effective and reversible methods of contraception available today. Implanon is a Saudi FDA-approved contraceptive that is commonly used by the Saudi population. Along with their hormonal side effects such as mood changes and acne, subdermal contraceptive implants can also lead to more life-threatening, albeit rare, mishaps, such as the deeper migration of them into the axillary and thoracic structures. Only a few cases exist in the literature regarding these rare complications...
January 2024: Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Francesc Baró-Mariné, Antonia Pijuan-Domènech, Maria Del Mar Goya, Elena Suárez-Edo, Berta Miranda-Barrio, Laura Dos-Subirà, Maria Luisa Pancorbo, Ignacio Ferreira-Gonzalez, Elena Carreras-Moratonas
BACKGROUND: There is little information of progestogen-only contraceptives in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) on the long-term. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of contraception in patients with CHD. We studied both short-acting reversible contraceptives (SARCs), oral progestin-only pills (POPs) and long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs): intrauterine devices (IUD-IPs) and subdermal implants both impregnated with progestogens (SI-IPs). STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study of all women attending the preconception clinic...
December 2024: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: the Journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Taghreed M Shams, Hashem H Alhashemi, Albaraa A Fallatah, Asma M Alkhalid, Fai M Alhazmi, Mohammed K Bin Yunus, Rani N Radey, Asalah F Hamad, Hatoon T Beyari, Shahad S Alharazi
OBJECTIVES: To examine the prevalence of menstrual irregularities, side effects, and discontinuation rates of etonogestrel subdermal implants (ESI) in women attending King Abdulaziz Medical City, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. METHODS: This cross-sectional was carried out based on electronic medical records and a phone-based questionnaire administered to women who underwent ESI insertion in a single tertiary care hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, between 2019 and 2022. The primary objective was the prevalence of menstrual abnormalities...
March 2024: Saudi Medical Journal
G Chene, H Baffet, E Cerruto, E Nohuz, A Agostini
PURPOSE: The long-acting reversible contraception progestin subdermal implant (ENG implant) may be effective to improve endometriosis-related symptoms. Since adenomyosis is a histopathological form of endometriosis, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ENG implant in adenomyosis management. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Electronic search in Medline, Scopus, Embase databases and Google Scholar using combinations of the following keywords: Progestin; subdermal implant; Implanon; Nexplanon; Adenomyosis; Endometriosis...
March 1, 2024: European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care
Georgeta Vulpe, Guoyi Liu, Sam Oakley, Guanghao Yang, Arjun Ajith Mohan, Mark Waldron, Sanjiv Sharma
The advent of digital technologies has spurred the development of wearable sensing devices marking a significant shift in obtaining real-time physiological information. The principal objective is to transition from blood-centric monitoring to minimally invasive modalities, which will enable movement from specialised settings to more accessible environments such as the practices of general practitioners or even home settings. While subcutaneously implanted continuous monitoring devices have demonstrated this transition, detection of analytes from sample matrices like skin interstitial fluid (ISF), is a frontier that offers attractive minimally invasive routes for detection of biomarkers...
February 27, 2024: Lab on a Chip
Danielle Tsevat, Rebecca Mercier, Camryn Bernheimer, Stephanie Lin, Beth Schwartz
OBJECTIVE: Clinical factors related to development of amenorrhea in adolescents with the etonogestrel contraceptive implant are not well-understood. The purpose of this study is to describe what baseline clinical characteristics are associated with amenorrhea in adolescents with a contraceptive implant 12 months after placement. STUDY DESIGN: This retrospective cohort study included 252 post-menarchal individuals aged 12-22 years with a contraceptive implant placed between 2016-2020...
May 2024: Contraception
Christopher A Muir, Mihal Guttman-Jones, Elspeth J Man
PURPOSE: Gender affirming hormone treatment (GAHT) results in measurable changes to anthropomorphic, biochemical and hormonal variables that are important to patients and their health care professionals to guide treatment. This study sought to quantify changes which occur in response to initiation of GAHT. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study of outcomes in transgender and gender diverse (TGD) patients starting GAHT. The primary outcome was proportion of patients and time required to achieve optimal hormone levels after commencement of GAHT...
February 22, 2024: Endocrine
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