Ana Dácil Marrero, Casimiro Cárdenas, Laura Castilla, Juan Ortega-Vidal, Ana R Quesada, Beatriz Martínez-Poveda, Miguel Ángel Medina
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), a staple of the Mediterranean diet, is rich in phenolic compounds recognized for their potent bioactive effects, including anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. However, its effects on vascular health remain relatively unexplored. In this study, we examined the impact of a "picual" EVOO extract from Jaén, Spain, on endothelial cells. Proteomic analysis revealed the modulation of angiogenesis-related processes. In subsequent in vitro experiments, the EVOO extract inhibited endothelial cell migration, adhesion, invasion, ECM degradation, and tube formation while inducing apoptosis...
May 29, 2024: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Ramzy T Burns, Peter J Arnold, Leo Song, Kevin L Moss, Charles R Powell
OBJECTIVES: Diabetes is highly prevalent worldwide, with an estimated 536 million living with diabetes in 2021, and that number projected to increase to 783 million by 2045. Diabetic bladder dysfunction is thought to affect up to 60%-90% of individuals with diabetes and can significantly impact quality of life. Despite the prevalence of diabetic bladder dysfunction, the exact pathophysiological mechanism, and resulting clinical presentation, remains debated. Our objective was to compare urodynamic parameters between diabetic and nondiabetic women, assessing the impact of various markers of diabetes severity on bladder function...
May 29, 2024: Neurourology and Urodynamics
Lian Jun Shi, HuiMin Ge, Fan Ye, Xiumiao Li, Qin Jiang
Pericytes are located in the stromal membrane of the capillary outer wall and contain endothelial cells (ECs). They are pivotal in regulating blood flow, enhancing vascular stability, and maintaining the integrity of the blood-retina barrier (BRB)/blood-brain barrier (BBB). The pluripotency of pericytes allows them to differentiate into various cell types, highlighting their significance in vascular disease pathogenesis, as demonstrated by previous studies. This potential enables pericytes to be a potential biomarker for the diagnosis and a target for treatment of vascular disorders...
April 25, 2024: Journal of Biomedical Research
Konjit Eshetu, Lemma Demissie Regassa, Merga Dehresa, Desta Genete
INTRODUCTION: Type 1 diabetes mellitus is the most common pediatric endocrine disorder. Poor glycemic control in diabetes mellitus can result in microvascular complications (retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy). There is no study done in our setting either about prevalence of pediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus or chronic microvascular complication among these patients, which gap this study is expected to fill. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the risk and predictors of chronic microvascular complication of type 1 diabetes mellitus among children with diabetes at Haramaya University Hiwot Fana Compressive Specialized Hospital from September 10, 2021 to January 30, 2023...
2024: Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics
Tao Chen, Yanmiao Bai, Haiting Mao, Shouyue Liu, Keyi Xu, Zhouwei Xiong, Shaodong Ma, Fang Yang, Yitian Zhao
BACKGROUND: Ultra-wide-field (UWF) fundus photography represents an emerging retinal imaging technique offering a broader field of view, thus enhancing its utility in screening and diagnosing various eye diseases, notably diabetic retinopathy (DR). However, the application of computer-aided diagnosis for DR using UWF images confronts two major challenges. The first challenge arises from the limited availability of labeled UWF data, making it daunting to train diagnostic models due to the high cost associated with manual annotation of medical images...
2024: Frontiers in Medicine
Kai He, Selena Wei-Zhang, Ziqi Li, Parhat Kaysar, Tianjing Yang, Zhiyong Sun, Wei Zhou, Hua Yan
OBJECTIVES: To explore the correlation between the vessel density (VD) of the retina and choroid vascular plexuses and the thicknesses of their respective retinal layers and choroid membranes in participants with severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the data of 42 eyes of 42 participants with diabetes mellitus (DM) and severe NPDR. In addition, 41 eyes of 41 healthy controls were evaluated. Measurements were taken for both groups using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), including the area and perimeter of the foveal vascular zone (FAZ) and the vascular density (VD) in the superficial capillary plexus (SCP), deep capillary plexus (DCP), and choroid capillary (CC)...
2024: Frontiers in Endocrinology
Weiwen Hu, Jian Tan, Yeting Lin, Yulin Tao, Qiong Zhou
BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of diabetes and its microvascular complications are intimately associated with renin angiotensin system dysregulation. Evidence suggests the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)/angiotensin 1-7 (Ang 1-7)/Mas receptor (MasR) axis regulates metabolic imbalances, inflammatory responses, reduces oxidative stress, and sustains microvascular integrity, thereby strengthening defences against diabetic conditions. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the ACE2/Ang 1-7/MasR axis in diabetes and its microvascular complications over the past two decades, focusing on key contributors, research hotspots, and thematic trends...
May 30, 2024: Heliyon
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 2024: European Journal of Ophthalmology
Wei-Chuan Chang, Tsung-Cheng Hsieh, Wen-Lin Hsu, Fang-Ling Chang, Hou-Ren Tsai, Ming-Shan He
BACKGROUND: Individuals with diabetes have a significantly higher risk of developing various forms of cancer, and the potential biological links between these two diseases are not completely understood. METHODS: This was a longitudinal retrospective nationwide cohort study, a study design that allows us to examine the natural course of cancer development over an extended period of time with a large sample size. Initially, 3,111,975 and 22,208,395 eligible patients aged ≥ 20 years with and without diabetes, respectively, were matched by age, sex, and the Charlson comorbidity index...
May 29, 2024: BMC Medicine
Yisai Wang, Ling Zhu, Hongtao Wang, Zhen Li, Ruomeng Bai, Qinghua Wei, Lin Huang, Ying Xu, Songguo Li, Hui Chen
BACKGROUND: We describe a case in which bilateral optic nerve infiltration and leukemic retinopathy were the initial signs of disease relapse in a patient with Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ -ALL) with central nervous system (CNS) involvement. CASE PRESENTATION: A 65-year-old Asian female with Ph+ -ALL in complete remission presented at our institution with symptoms of visual disturbance, central scotoma and pain with eye movement in both eyes for a 1-month duration...
May 28, 2024: BMC Ophthalmology
Walter Zidek
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 2024: MMW Fortschritte der Medizin
Quan Dong Nguyen, Justis P Ehlers, David S Boyer, Xidong Jin, Andrea Giani, Michael S Ehrlich
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of BI 1467335 in patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). METHODS: ROBIN is a Phase IIa, double-masked, randomised, placebo-controlled study (NCT03238963). Patients with NPDR and without centre-involved diabetic macular oedema were included; all had a best corrected visual acuity letter score of ≥70 Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study letters in the study eye at screening. Patients received oral BI 1467335 10 mg or placebo once daily for 12 weeks...
May 28, 2024: Eye
Viral N Shah, Lauren G Kanapka, Kagan Ege Karakus, Craig Kollman, Roy W Beck
BACKGROUND: We investigated the risk of incident diabetic retinopathy (DR) among high glycator compared to low glycator patients based on the hemoglobin glycation index (HGI). Visit-to-visit variations in HGI also were assessed. METHODS: Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c ) and continuous glucose monitoring data were collected up to 7 years prior to the date of eye examination defining incident DR or no retinopathy (control). Hemoglobin glycation index was calculated as difference in measured HbA1c and an estimated A1c from sensor glucose (eA1c ) to define high (HbA1c - eA1c >0%) or low (HbA1c - eA1c <0%) glycator...
May 28, 2024: Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
Abhishek Sheemar, Keerthi Bellala, Sumant Vinayak Sharma, Sarmeela Sharma, Inderjeet Kaur, Padmaja Rani, Sobha Sivaprasad, Km Venkat Narayan, Taraprasad Das, Brijesh Takkar
The response of retinal pathology to interventions in diabetic retinopathy (DR) is often independent of the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) values at the point of care. This is despite glucose control being one of the strongest risk factors for the development and progression of DR. Previous preclinical and clinical research has indicated metabolic memory, whereby past cumulative glucose exposure may continue to impact DR for a prolonged period. Preclinical studies have evaluated punitive metabolic memory through poor initial control of DM, whereas clinical studies have evaluated protective metabolic memory through good initial control of DM...
June 1, 2024: Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
Xingran Li, Guoqing Wang, Na Li, Xiaotang Wang, Wei Fan, Zhi Zhang, Wanqian Li, Jiangyi Liu, Jiaxing Huang, Xianyang Liu, Qian Zhou, Shengping Hou
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a retinal disease-causing retinal neovascularization that can lead to blindness. Oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) is a widely used ROP animal model. Icariin (ICA) has anti-oxidative and anti-inflammation properties; however, whether ICA has a regulatory effect on OIR remains unclear. In this study, ICA alleviated pathological neovascularization, microglial activation and blood-retina barrier (BRB) damage in vivo. Further results indicated that endothelial cell tube formation, migration and proliferation were restored by ICA treatment in vitro...
May 28, 2024: Immunology
Hayley E Sewell, Lourdes G Planas, Michael R Brown, Natasha Orcutt, Carole E Johnson, Jonea Lim, Joanne C Skaggs, Katherine S O'Neal
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices among providers and patients regarding hearing impairment and screening referrals in people with diabetes. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey design among health care providers and patients at an academic medical center in Oklahoma was used to gather knowledge, attitudes, and practices data. RESULTS: Only 25.6% of providers selected hearing impairment as a complication of diabetes, whereas 96...
May 28, 2024: The science of diabetes self-management and care
Huijuan Xu, Junhua Pan, Qiu Chen
1,5-Anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) is sensitive to short-term glucose fluctuations and postprandial hyperglycemia, which has great potential in the clinical application of diabetes as a nontraditional blood glucose monitoring indicator. A large number of studies have found that 1,5-AG can be used to screen for diabetes, manage diabetes, and predict the perils of diabetes complications (diabetic nephropathy, diabetic cardiovascular disease, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic pregnancy complications, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, etc...
2024: Frontiers in Endocrinology
Chiara Olivieri, Federico Ricardi, Andrea Coletto, Valentina Marica, Sonia Serafino, Paola Marolo, Michele Reibaldi, Enrico Borrelli
PURPOSE: To report clinical and imaging features of optic nerve and retinal involvement in a patient with mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) type II B. METHODS: A 27-year-old man, diagnosed with MPS type II B and undergoing enzymatic substitution therapy for the past 19 years, was referred to the retina service. An ophthalmological evaluation, which included multimodal imaging, was conducted to investigate potential retinal and optic disc involvement. RESULTS: The eye examination revealed a pigmentary retinopathy with a predominant loss of the outer retinal loss, primarily in the parafoveal and perifoveal regions...
May 27, 2024: European Journal of Ophthalmology
Xiao-Yan Dong, Jia-Zhi Li, Ke-Ren Luo, Jun Tang, De-Zhi Mu
The UK screening and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) updated 2022 guidelines were developed by a multidisciplinary guideline development group from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, following the standards of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. They were published on the websites of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in March 2022, and formally published in Early Human Development in March 2023...
May 15, 2024: Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke za Zhi, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics
Zhiying Miao, Qiuyi Zhang, Jijing Yin, Lihua Li, Yan Feng
BACKGROUND: Several studies have focused on the impact of frailty on the health outcomes of individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM). This meta-analysis aims to systematically synthesize the existing evidence on frailty and its association with mortality, hospitalizations, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetic complications in DM. METHODS: A comprehensive search in PubMed, Embase, and SCOPUS was carried out to identify relevant studies assessing the impact of frailty on mortality, hospitalizations, complications, and cardiovascular events in individuals with DM...
May 28, 2024: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome
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