Eszter Kótyuk, Róbert Urbán, Borbála Hende, Mara Richman, Anna Magi, Orsolya Király, Csaba Barta, Mark D Griffiths, Marc N Potenza, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, Kenneth Blum, Zsolt Demetrovics
BACKGROUND: The reward deficiency syndrome (RDS) integrates psychological, neurological, and genetic factors of addictive, impulsive, and compulsive behaviors. However, to date, no instrument has been validated to assess the RDS construct. AIMS: The present study developed and tested a tool to assess RDS. METHODS: Data were collected on two college and university samples. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were performed on Sample 1 ( N  = 1726), and confirmatory analysis was conducted on an independent sample ( N  = 253)...
March 2022: Journal of Psychopharmacology
Ashim Gupta, Abdalla Bowirrat, Luis Llanos Gomez, David Baron, Igor Elman, John Giordano, Rehan Jalali, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, Edward J Modestino, Mark S Gold, Eric R Braverman, Anish Bajaj, Kenneth Blum
In the United States, amid the opioid overdose epidemic, nonaddicting/nonpharmacological proven strategies are available to treat pain and manage chronic pain effectively without opioids. Evidence supporting the long-term use of opioids for pain is lacking, as is the will to alter the drug-embracing culture in American chronic pain management. Some pain clinicians seem to prefer classical analgesic agents that promote unwanted tolerance to analgesics and subsequent biological induction of the "addictive brain"...
January 4, 2022: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Kenneth Blum, Bruce Steinberg, Marjorie C Gondre-Lewis, David Baron, Edward J Modestino, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, B William Downs, Debasis Bagchi, Raymond Brewer, Thomas McLaughlin, Abdalla Bowirrat, Mark Gold
This is a review of research on "Precision Behavioral Management" of substance use disorder (SUD). America is experiencing a high prevalence of substance use disorder, primarily involving legal and illegal opioid use. A 3000% increase in treatment for substance abuse has occurred between 2000 and 2016. Unfortunately, present day treatment of opioid abuse involves providing replacement therapy with powerful opioids to, at best, induce harm reduction, not prophylaxis. These interventions do not enhance gene expression and restore the balance of the brain reward system's neurotransmitters...
2021: Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Kenneth Blum, Abdalla Bowirrat, Eric R Braverman, David Baron, Jean Lud Cadet, Shan Kazmi, Igor Elman, Panyotis K Thanos, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, William B Downs, Debasis Bagchi, Luis Llanos-Gomez, Mark S Gold
Alcohol and other substance use disorders share comorbidity with other RDS disorders, i.e., a reduction in dopamine signaling within the reward pathway. RDS is a term that connects addictive, obsessive, compulsive, and impulsive behavioral disorders. An estimated 2 million individuals in the United States have opioid use disorder related to prescription opioids. It is estimated that the overall cost of the illegal and legally prescribed opioid crisis exceeds one trillion dollars. Opioid Replacement Therapy is the most common treatment for addictions and other RDS disorders...
November 2, 2021: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Kenneth Blum, Abdalla Bowirrat, Marjorie C Gondre Lewis, Thomas A Simpatico, Mauro Ceccanti, Bruce Steinberg, Edward J Modestino, Panayotis K Thanos, David Baron, Thomas McLaughlin, Raymond Brewer, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, Jessica Valdez Ponce, Lisa Lott, Mark S Gold
Background: The risk for all addictive drug and non-drug behaviors, especially, in the unmyelinated Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) of adolescents, is important and complex. Many animal and human studies show the epigenetic impact on the developing brain in adolescents, compared to adults. Some reveal an underlying hyperdopaminergia that seems to set our youth up for risky behaviors by inducing high quanta pre-synaptic dopamine release at reward site neurons. In addition, altered reward gene expression in adolescents caused epigenetically by social defeat, like bullying, can continue into adulthood...
February 15, 2021: Current Psychopharmacology
Kenneth Blum, Thomas McLaughlin, Edward J Modestino, David Baron, Abdalla Bowirrat, Raymond Brewer, Bruce Steinberg, A Kenison Roy, Marcello Febo, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, Marks S Gold
During Lucid Dreams, the dreamer is aware, experiences the dream as if fully awake, and may control the dream content. The dreamer can start, stop, and restart dreaming, depending on the nature and pleasantness of the dream. For patients with Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) behaviors, like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Tourette's- Syndrome, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the dream content may be pleasant, unpleasant, or terrifying. A sample of psychiatric center patients identified as having RDS reported the effectiveness of a neuronutrient, dopamine agonist, KB200Z, in combating terrifying, lucid dreaming...
February 15, 2021: Current Psychopharmacology
Kenneth Blum, David Baron, Rehan Jalali, Edward J Modestino, Bruce Steinberg, Igor Elman, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, Mark S Gold
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
November 12, 2020: Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
Kenneth Blum, Mark S Gold, Luis Llanos-Gomez, Rehan Jalali, Panayotis K Thanos, Abdalla Bowirrat, William B Downs, Debasis Bagchi, Eric R Braverman, David Baron, Alphonso Kenison Roy, Rajendra D Badgaiyan
Background: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates a total obesity rate of 30% for 12 states and a 20% obesity rate nationwide. The obesity epidemic continues to increase in spite of preventative measures undertaken worldwide. Pharmacological treatments promise to reduce total fat mass. However, medications may have significant side effects and can be potentially fatal. Data Retrieval : This brief review, based on a PUBMED search of the key terms "Obesity" and" Sarcopenia," will present evidence to corroborate the existence of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) in obesity and the involvement of catecholaminergic pathways in substance seeking behavior, particularly as it relates to carbohydrates cravings...
September 16, 2021: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Kenneth Blum, Shan Kazmi, Edward J Modestino, Bill William Downs, Debasis Bagchi, David Baron, Thomas McLaughlin, Richard Green, Rehan Jalali, Panayotis K Thanos, Igor Elman, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, Abdalla Bowirrat, Mark S Gold
This article describes a unique therapeutic precision intervention, a formulation of enkephalinase inhibitors, enkephalin, and dopamine-releasing neuronutrients, to induce dopamine homeostasis for detoxification and treatment of individuals genetically predisposed to developing reward deficiency syndrome (RDS). The formulations are based on the results of the addiction risk severity (GARS) test. Based on both neurogenetic and epigenetic evidence, the test evaluates the presence of reward genes and risk alleles...
March 16, 2021: Journal of Personalized Medicine
Mark Moran, Kenneth Blum, Jessica Valdez Ponce, Lisa Lott, Marjorie C Gondré-Lewis, Sampada Badgaiyan, Raymond Brewer, B William Downs, Philip Fynman, Alexander Weingarten, Jean Lud Cadet, David E Smith, David Baron, Panayotis K Thanos, Edward J Modestino, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, Igor Elman, Mark S Gold
Millions of Americans experience pain daily. In 2017, opioid overdose claimed 64,000 lives increasing to 84,000 lives in 2020, resulting in a decrease in national life expectancy. Chronic opioid use results in dependency, drug tolerance, neuroadaptation, hyperalgesia, potential addictive behaviors, or Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) caused by a hypodopaminergia. Evaluation of pain clinic patients with the Genetic Addiction Risk Score (GARS) test and the Addiction Severity Index (ASI- Media Version V) revealed that GARS scores equal to or greater than 4 and 7 alleles significantly predicted drug and alcohol severity, respectively...
July 2021: Molecular Neurobiology
Kenneth Blum, Ali Raza, Tiffany Schultz, Rehan Jalali, Richard Green, Raymond Brewer, Panyotis K Thanos, Thomas McLaughlin, David Baron, Abdalla Bowirrat, Igor Elman, B William Downs, Debasis Bagchi, Rajendra D Badgaiyan
In 2019, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention provided vital statistics related to drug overdoses in the United State1. They concluded that in the USA the number of deaths at almost 72,000 was due to 66.6% of opioid overdoses. In fact, the rate is alarming and increasing yearly. To make 2021 even more scary is the daunting effect on increased drug usage due to COVID 19 as a pandemic, albeit the new vaccines. Specifically, in 2020, the death rate from opioid overdoses rose to 13% nationally and in some sates 30%...
February 2, 2021: Acta scientific neurology
K Blum, A Bowirrat, D Baron, L Lott, J V Ponce, R Brewer, D Siwicki, B Boyett, M C Gondre-Lewis, D E Smith, Thanos Panayotis K, S Badgaiyan, M Hauser, L Fried, Roy A, B W Downs, R D Badgaiyan
Research into the neurogenetic basis of addiction identified and characterized by Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) includes all drug and non-drug addictive, obsessive and compulsive behaviors. We are proposing herein that a new model for the prevention and treatment of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) a subset of RDS behaviors, based on objective biologic evidence, should be given serious consideration in the face of a drug epidemic. The development of the Genetic Addiction Risk Score (GARS) followed seminal research in 1990, whereby, Blum's group identified the first genetic association with severe alcoholism published in JAMA...
August 2020: Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
Kenneth Blum, Jean Lud Cadet, David Baron, Rajendra D Badgaiyan, Raymond Brewer, Edward J Modestino, Mark S Gold
The overwhelming fatalities of the global COVID-19 Pandemic will have daunting epigenetic sequala that can translate into an array of mental health issues, including panic, phobia, health anxiety, sleep disturbances to dissociative like symptoms including suicide. Method: We searched PUBMED for articles listed using the search terms "COVID 19 Pandemic", COVID19 and genes," "stress and COVID 19", Stress and Social distancing: Results: Long-term social distancing may be neurologically harmful, the consequence of epigenetic insults to the gene encoding the primary receptor for SARS-CoV2, and COVID 19...
September 22, 2020: Substance Use & Misuse
B W Downs, K Blum, D Bagchi, S Kushner, M Bagchi, J M Galvin, McG Lewis, D Siwicki, R Brewer, B Boyett, D Baron, J Giordano, R D Badgaiyan
In the face of the global pandemic of COVID 19, approaching 1.75 Million infected worldwide (4/12/2020) and associated mortality (over 108, 000 as of 4/12/2020) as well-as other catastrophic events including the opioid crisis, a focus on brain health seems prudent [1] ( This manuscript reports on the systemic benefits of restoring and achieving dopamine homeostasis to reverse and normalize thoughts and behaviors of Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) dysfunctional conditions and their effects on behavioral physiology; function of reward genes; and focuses on digestive, immune, eye health, and the constellation of symptomatic behaviors...
April 30, 2020: Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
Kenneth Blum, David Baron, Lisa Lott, Jessica V Ponce, David Siwicki, Brent Boyett, Bruce Steinberg, Edward J Modestino, Lyle Fried, Mary Hauser, Thomas Simpatico, Bill W Downs, Thomas McLaughlin, Raju Hajela, Rajendra D Badgaiyan
BACKGROUND: The search for an accurate, gene-based test to identify heritable risk factors for Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) was conducted based on hundreds of published studies about the role of dopamine in addictive behaviors, including risk for drug dependence and compulsive/impulsive behavior disorders. The term RDS was first coined by Blum's group in 1995 to identify a group of behaviors with a common neurobiological mechanism associated with a polymorphic allelic propensity for hypodopaminergia...
2020: Current Psychopharmacology
Marjorie C Gondré-Lewis, Rosemary Bassey, Kenneth Blum
Individuals with addictive, compulsive, impulsive and some personality disorders can share in common a dysfunction in how the brain perceives reward, where processing of natural endorphins or response to exogenous dopamine stimulants is impaired. Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) is a polygenic trait with implications that suggest cross-talk between different neurological systems that include the known reward pathway, neuroendocrine systems, and motivational systems. In this review we evaluate well-characterized animal models for their construct validity and as potential models for RDS...
April 28, 2020: Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
B William Downs, Kenneth Blum, David Baron, Abdalla Bowirrat, Lisa Lott, Raymond Brewer, Brent Boyett, David Siwicki, A Kenison Roy, Arwen Podesta, Sampada Badgaiyan, Raju Hajela, Lyle Fried, Rajendra D Badgaiyan
In the face of the current Opioid crisis in America killing close to 800,000 people since 2004, we are proposing a novel approach to assist in at least attenuating these unwanted premature deaths. While we applaud the wonderful efforts of our governmental institutes and professional societies (NIDA, NIAAA, ASAM, ABAM ) in their extraordinary efforts in combating this continued dilemma, the current approach is failing, and other alternative approaches should at least be tested. These truths present a serious ethical dilemma to scientists, clinicians and counselors in the Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) treatment community...
June 2019: Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
Tomilowo Abijo, Kenneth Blum, Marjorie C Gondré-Lewis
BACKGROUND: Over 100 people die daily from opioid overdose and $78.5B per year is spent toward treatment efforts, however the real societal cost is multifold greater. Alternative strategies to eradicate/manage drug misuse and addiction need consideration. The perception of opioid addiction as a social/criminal problem has evolved to evidence-based considerations of them as clinical disorders with a genetic basis. We present evaluations of the genetics of addiction with ancestry-specific risk profiles for consideration...
November 18, 2019: Current Neuropharmacology
Angelo G I Maremmani, Matteo Pacini, Icro Maremmani
Mental Disorders and Heroin Use Disorder (HUD) often co-occur and constitute correlated risk factors that the authors believe are best considered from a unitary perspective. In this article we review and discuss data collected by the V.P. Dole Research Group in Dual Disorder (V.P. Dole DD-RG) patients according to the following six discussion points: (1) Treatment of personality disorders during Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT); (2) Treatment of Mood Disorders during MMT; (3) Treatment of Anxiety Disorders during MMT; (4) Treatment of Psychotic Disorders during MMT; (5) Treatment of violence during MMT; (6) Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) during MMT...
February 3, 2019: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Maria Carla Gerra, Matteo Manfredini, Elena Cortese, Maria Caterina Antonioni, Claudio Leonardi, Fernanda Magnelli, Lorenzo Somaini, Subramaniam Jayanthi, Jean Lud Cadet, Claudia Donnini
BACKGROUND: Vulnerability to cannabis use (CU) initiation and problematic use have been shown to be affected by both genetic and environmental factors, with still inconclusive and uncertain evidence. OBJECTIVE: Aim of the present study was to investigate the possible interplay between gene polymorphisms and psychosocial conditions in CU susceptibility. METHODS: Ninety-two cannabis users and ninety-three controls have been included in the study...
January 20, 2019: Substance Use & Misuse
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