Valentina Nola, Emilio Vicente, Yolanda Quijano, Riccardo Caruso
Cholecystectomy-related iatrogenic biliary injuries cause intricate postoperative complications that can significantly affect a patient's life, often leading to chronic liver disease and biliary stenosis. These patients require a multidisciplinary approach with intervention from radiologists, endoscopists and surgeons experienced in hepatobiliary reconstruction. Symptoms vary from none to jaundice, pruritus and ascending cholangitis. The best strategy for the management of biliary stricture is based on optimal preoperative planning...
May 27, 2024: BMJ Case Reports
Adrian Cavalcanti Kußmaul, Nele Baur, Jan Wulf, Axel Greiner, Rouven Neudeck, Manuel Kistler, Carl Neuerburg, Wolfgang Böcker, Christopher A Becker
INTRODUCTION: Open book injuries are challenging injuries that oftentimes require surgical treatment. Currently, treatment is performed with symphyseal plating requiring extensive surgery and entirely limiting physiological movement of the symphyseal joint, frequently resulting in implant failure. Therefore, we investigated the biomechanical properties of a minimally invasive tape suture construct (modified SpeedBridge™) as an alternative stabilization technique for the treatment of open book injuries in human cadaver pelvic rings...
May 27, 2024: Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
Sagar Patel, Brent Pfeiffer, Rosa Haddock De Jesus, Jennifer Garcia, Jayanthi Chandar, Amanda Alladin
OBJECTIVES: To describe and compare the results of delirium screening in the immediate post-transplant PICU admission for pediatric intestinal, liver, and renal transplant recipients. We also examined associations with known and suspected risk factors for pediatric delirium (PD). DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of a single-center cohort, 2016-2022. SETTING: Twenty-four-bed PICU in a high-volume transplant center. PATIENTS: All intestinal, liver, and renal transplant recipients under 23 years old admitted between July 2016 and August 2022...
May 27, 2024: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Michelle Sue, Peter Lombardi, Annie Shi Ru Li, Harun Bola, Danielle C Bentley
The sternum, or "breastbone," is a principal bony component of the anterior thoracic wall and comprises the manubrium of the sternum, the body of the sternum, and the xiphoid process. The xiphoid process is the most inferior of these elements and commonly presents as a small, solid bone shaped like an inverted triangle. However, clinical literature has reported numerous variations in its size, shape, and presentation, likely the result of its lengthy embryological development from cartilage into fully ossified bone...
May 2024: Curēus
Norman B Olmedo, José Sebastião Dos Santos, Jorge Elías Junior
Complications arising from hepatobiliary surgery can have adverse effects on both the quality of life and the survival of patients. Magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) techniques are highly effective at revealing anatomical variants of the bile ducts and thus play a vital role in minimizing the occurrence of complications. The aims of this review are threefold: to ascertain the classifications utilized for categorizing anatomical variants of the bile ducts, to present the reported results on the prevalence of these anatomical variants, and to explore the diagnostic modalities employed to visualize these anatomical variants and associated complications during surgical procedures...
April 2024: Curēus
Itsuki Hayashi, Makoto Toida
As of the most recent WHO classification of immunodeficiency diseases, lymphoproliferative disorders that occur during treatment with immunosuppressive drugs are classified as "other iatrogenic immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders (OIIA-LPDs)" other than post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders. Most patients with OIIA-LPD have rheumatoid arthritis as the underlying disease. Research indicates that approximately half of people diagnosed with OIIA-LPD see a remission of their lesion after stopping treatment with methotrexate (MTX), a drug used in rheumatoid arthritis treatment...
April 2024: Curēus
Man D Phan, Nam Q Vo, Tuong T Mai, Quoc H Truong, Khang T Truong, Phi D Nguyen
BACKGROUND:  Supracondylar humeral fractures are the most prevalent elbow fractures in pediatric patients. Current treatment modalities typically involve closed reduction and fixation using percutaneous Kirschner wires. The lateral cross-wiring technique has demonstrated favorable functional and cosmetic outcomes, thereby reducing the incidence of ulnar nerve injury. OBJECTIVES:  This study aimed to assess the efficacy of the lateral cross-wiring technique in achieving optimal functional and cosmetic recovery while mitigating the risk of ulnar nerve injury in pediatric patients with displaced supracondylar humeral fractures...
April 2024: Curēus
Evelyn B Voura, John R Stulb, Jorge L Eller, David J Padalino, Raghu Ramaswamy
An abnormal connection between the carotid artery and cavernous sinus is referred to as a carotid cavernous fistula (CCF). A direct CCF results when the connection occurs between the intracranial internal carotid artery (ICA) and the cavernous sinus. These events are typically the result of a head injury, but can also be iatrogenic, resulting from various intracranial procedures. Direct CCF occurrences rarely heal spontaneously due to the high flow rate across the fistula. In this report, we present an uncommon case involving a delayed iatrogenic direct CCF, which developed following the placement of a pipeline flow-diverting stent that was used to treat a cerebral aneurysm...
April 2024: Curēus
Janet Coleman-Belin, Uchechukwu O Amakiri, Fang-Ming Deng, Deepthi Hoskoppal, Joshua D Safer, Tamar Reisman
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: The frequency of hematospermia in transgender women is unknown. This report aimed to describe the development of hematospermia in a transgender woman. CASE REPORT: A 35-year-old transgender woman treated with estradiol valerate and leuprolide presented with painless rust-tinged ejaculate, urethral bleeding after ejaculation, and intermittent hematuria. Her medical history included gastroesophageal reflux disease, internal hemorrhoids, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with negative tobacco smoking and urologic history...
2024: AACE Clinical Case Reports
Yueyin Han, Mingjie An, Prince L M Zilundu, Zhuokai Zhuang, Junyu Chen, Zhen Jiang, Liqiang Gu, Jiantao Yang, Dong Wang, Dazheng Xu, Li-Hua Zhou
BACKGROUND: Brachial plexus injury is recognized as one of the most severe clinical challenges due to the complex anatomical configuration of the brachial plexus and its propensity for variation, which complicates safe clinical interventions. This study aimed to ascertain the prevalence and characterize the types of brachial plexus variations, and to elucidate their clinical implications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted meticulous dissections of 60 formalin-fixed cadavers' upper arm, axilla and lower neck to reveal and assess the roots, trunks, divisions, cords, and branches of the brachial plexus...
July 2024: Microsurgery
Defeng Zeng, Changsheng Pu, Chunbao Guo, Xiangpan Kong
Inguinal hernia is a prevalent surgical condition in pediatric patients. Despite the efficacy of current treatment modalities, a certain recurrence rate still persists. Hence, our objective in this study is to introduce an innovative surgical technique designed to minimize surgical complications. We conducted a retrospective analysis on 809 pediatric cases that underwent laparoscopic repair with our innovative technique for inguinal hernia from June 2020 to June 2022. Demographic information, perioperative details, and postoperative follow-up outcomes were thoroughly assessed...
May 26, 2024: Scientific Reports
J Mu, C Wu, L Ouyang, Y Yang, Y Wu, B Jin
BACKGROUND: A quantification of the residual bone mass of the mandible (B/A) was utilized in this study to examine the correlation between mandibular fracture and residual bone mass. To improve the clinical utilization rate and reduce the incidence of iatrogenic mandibular fractures, the B/A ratio calculation should be simplified. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were collected from the Yanbian University Hospital on 175 cases of mandibular fracture with third molar (M3), 67 normal cases without fractures and 20 cases of impacted teeth extraction...
May 25, 2024: Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal
Riccardo Nodari, Milena Arghittu, Paolo Bailo, Cristina Cattaneo, Roberta Creti, Francesco D'Aleo, Veroniek Saegeman, Lorenzo Franceschetti, Stefano Novati, Amparo Fernández-Rodríguez, Andrea Verzeletti, Claudio Farina, Claudio Bandi
Forensic microbiology is a relatively new discipline, born in part thanks to the development of advanced methodologies for the detection, identification and characterization of microorganisms, and also in relation to the growing impact of infectious diseases of iatrogenic origin. Indeed, the increased application of medical practices, such as transplants, which require immunosuppressive treatments, and the growing demand for prosthetic installations, associated with an increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance, have led to a rise in the number of infections of iatrogenic origin, which entails important medico-legal issues...
May 14, 2024: Microorganisms
Mara Carsote, Mihai-Lucian Ciobica, Oana-Claudia Sima, Adrian Ciuche, Ovidiu Popa-Velea, Mihaela Stanciu, Florina Ligia Popa, Claudiu Nistor
We aimed to analyze the management of the ectopic mediastinal thyroid (EMT) with respect to EMT-related cancer and non-malignant findings related to the pathological report, clinical presentation, imaging traits, endocrine profile, connective tissue to the cervical (eutopic) thyroid gland, biopsy or fine needle aspiration (FNA) results, surgical techniques and post-operatory outcome. This was a comprehensive review based on revising any type of freely PubMed-accessible English, full-length original papers including the keywords "ectopic thyroid" and "mediastinum" from inception until March 2024...
May 14, 2024: Cancers
Moritz Wagner, Richard A Lindtner, Luca Schaller, Florian Schmaranzer, Ehrenfried Schmaranzer, Peter Vavron, Franz Endstrasser, Alexander Brunner
BACKGROUND: Hip arthroscopy with initial access to the peripheral compartment could reduce the risk of iatrogenic injury to the labrum and cartilage; furthermore, it avoids the need for large capsulotomies with separate portals for peripheral and central (intra-articular) arthroscopy. Clinical results of the peripheral-compartment-first technique remain sparse, in contrast to those of conventional hip arthroscopy starting in the intra-articular central compartment. The purpose of this study was to assess outcome of hip arthroscopy with the peripheral-compartment-first technique, including complication rates, revision rates and patient-reported outcome scores...
May 24, 2024: Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Ahmed K Aly, Ernesto Santos, Jasmine Fung, Majid Maybody, Eslam W Youssef, Elena N Petre, Adrian J Gonzalez-Aguirre, Amgad M Moussa
PURPOSE: To investigate the safety and effectiveness of intranodal lymphangiography (INL) and lymphatic embolization (LE) in management of chylous ascites after oncologic surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective review of records of patients who underwent INL with or without LE from January 2017 to June 2022 was performed. Adult patients with chylous ascites after oncologic surgery referred to interventional radiology after failure of conservative treatment were included...
June 2024: Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology: JVIR
Danielle Arlanda Harris, Michael Sheath, Ryan Shields
Crime prevention is typically presented in a tripartite model that includes primary, secondary, and tertiary domains. Almost every criminal justice intervention constitutes tertiary prevention and occurs reactively, in the aftermath of an offence. Child sexual abuse is no exception, and prevention science has long recommended we focus our intervention efforts further upstream. Such an approach would include earlier detection and disclosure (secondary prevention), or-even better-reducing the risks of early exposure to the environmental forces which facilitate sexual abuse in the first place (primary prevention)...
May 23, 2024: Child Abuse & Neglect
Kyle A Davis, Jeffrey J Oury, Benjamin L Reed, Daniel John Grabo, Alison Wilson, Conley Coleman
Needle decompression is a mainstay intervention for tension pneumothorax in trauma medicine. It is used in combat and prehospital medicine when definitive measures are often not available or ideal. It can temporarily relieve increased intrathoracic pressure and treat a collapsed lung or great vessel obstruction. However, when done incorrectly, it can result in underlying visceral organ and vessel trauma. This is a case of an adult male who presented to the emergency department after sustaining multiple stab wounds during an altercation...
May 29, 2024: Journal of Special Operations Medicine: a Peer Reviewed Journal for SOF Medical Professionals
Paolo Perri, Giuseppe Sena, Paolo Piro, Tommaso De Bartolo, Stefania Galassi, Davide Costa, Raffaele Serra
This review focuses on the use of conventional gel or coil and "new" generation hydrogel used as an embolic agent in endovascular applications. In general, embolic agents have deep or multidistrict vascular penetration properties as they ensure complete occlusion of vessels by exploiting the patient's coagulation system, which recognises them as substances foreign to the body, thus triggering the coagulation cascade. This is why they are widely used in the treatment of endovascular corrections (EV repair), arteriovenous malformations (AVM), endoleaks (E), visceral aneurysms or pseudo-aneurysms, and embolisation of pre-surgical or post-surgical (iatrogenic) lesions...
May 2, 2024: Gels
Nathan Cai, David S Constantinescu, Justin Trapana, Brian Black
INTRODUCTION: Neonatal compartment syndrome is a rare phenomenon with a limited number of cases reported in the literature with varying etiologies. Current literature categorizes etiologies as either intrinsic or extrinsic. To the best of our knowledge, difficult delivery and delivery through vacuum are the only two iatrogenic etiologies that have been reported in the literature. Thus, this may be the first reported case of neonatal compartment syndrome secondary to a failed peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) insertion...
May 2024: Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports
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