Keywords Chronic noncommunicable diseas...

Chronic noncommunicable diseases EXERCISE
Hayley Billingsley, Paula Rodriguez-Miguelez, Marco Giuseppe Del Buono, Antonio Abbate, Carl J Lavie, Salvatore Carbone
Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is an independent predictor for all-cause and disease-specific morbidity and mortality. CRF is a modifiable risk factor, and exercise training and increased physical activity, as well as targeted medical therapies, can improve CRF. Although nutrition is a modifiable risk factor for chronic noncommunicable diseases, little is known about the effect of dietary patterns and specific nutrients on modifying CRF. This review focuses specifically on trials that implemented dietary supplementation, modified dietary pattern, or enacted caloric restriction, with and without exercise training interventions, and subsequently measured the effect on peak oxygen consumption (VO2 ) or surrogate measures of CRF and functional capacity...
November 21, 2019: Nutrients
B Sandya Rani, M M Suchitra, P V L N Srinivasa Rao, V Siva Kumar
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most important noncommunicable diseases. Abnormal concentration of some tumor markers were found in a spectrum of nonmalignant diseases such as benign ovarian tumors, breast diseases, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, diseases of the bile duct, and in CKD. Hence, the present study was undertaken to evaluate carbohydrate antigen (CA) 15-3, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA 19-9, and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) concentrations in advanced stages of CKD (Stage 4 and 5) patients who are not on dialysis and with no known malignancy...
July 2019: Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation
Carl J Lavie, Cemal Ozemek, Salvatore Carbone, Peter T Katzmarzyk, Steven N Blair
Sedentary behavior and physical inactivity are among the leading modifiable risk factors worldwide for cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. The promotion of physical activity and exercise training (ET) leading to improved levels of cardiorespiratory fitness is needed in all age groups, race, and ethnicities and both sexes to prevent many chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular disease. In this state-of-the-art review, we discuss the negative impact of sedentary behavior and physical inactivity, as well as the beneficial effects of physical activity /ET and cardiorespiratory fitness for the prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases, including cardiovascular disease...
March 2019: Circulation Research
Sara Miranda, Alda Marques
OBJECTIVES: Chronic cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes are the four major groups of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and the main cause of mortality worldwide. Pilates has been described as an effective intervention to promote healthy behaviors and physical activity in people with chronic diseases. However, the evidence of its effects in NCDs have not been systematized. We investigated the effects of Pilates in the four major groups of NCDs. DESIGN: A systematic review was performed...
August 2018: Complementary Therapies in Medicine
Thandi Kapwata, Samuel Manda
BACKGROUND: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) including cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease are increasingly emerging as major contributors to morbidity and mortality in developing countries. For example, in South Africa, 195 people died per day between 1997 and 2004 from CVDs related causes. Access to efficient and effective health facility and care is an important contributing factor to overall population health and addressing prognosis, care and management CVD disease burden...
March 22, 2018: BMC Health Services Research
Ross Arena, Amy McNeil, Steven Street, Samantha Bond, Deepika R Laddu, Carl J Lavie, Andrew P Hills
Noncommunicable and chronic disease are interchangeable terms. According to the World Health Organization, "they are of long duration and generally slow progression. The 4 main types of chronic diseases are cardiovascular diseases (ie, heart attacks and stroke), cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma), and diabetes." We have known about the benefits of physical activity (PA) for thousands of years. Perhaps our approach, from public health messaging to the individual clinical encounter, as to how PA and exercise are discussed and prescribed can be improved upon, with the ultimate goal of increasing the likelihood that an individual moves more; ultimately moving more should be the goal...
April 2018: Current Problems in Cardiology
Luc Tappy
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: There is increasing concern that dietary fructose may contribute to the development of noncommunicable diseases. This review identifies major new findings related to fructose's physiological or adverse effects. RECENT FINDINGS: Fructose is mainly processed in splanchnic organs (gut, liver, kidneys) to glucose, lactate, and fatty acids, which can then be oxidized in extrasplanchnic organs and tissues. There is growing evidence that splanchnic lactate production, linked to extrasplanchnic lactate metabolism, represents a major fructose disposal pathway during and after exercise...
May 2018: Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care
Dartel Ferrari de Lima, Lohran Anguera Lima, Olinda do Carmo Luiz
OBJECTIVE: To describe the profile of the practice of physical activity in the daily life of Brazilian adults with arterial hypertension and to analyze whether the practice performed complies with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. METHODS: Cross-sectional data were obtained from the Surveillance System of Risk Factors and Protection for Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases of 2014, involving 40,853 adults aged 18 years and over in all Brazilian capitals, interviewed by telephone survey...
June 30, 2017: Colombia Médica: CM
Chutima Jalayondeja, Wattana Jalayondeja, Keerin Mekhora, Petcharatana Bhuanantanondh, Asadang Dusadi-Isariyavong, Rujiret Upiriyasakul
Although prolonged sitting appears as a novel risk factor related to health outcomes for all ages, its association needs to be replicated in occupational conditions. This study explored the associations between sedentary behavior and four noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) as well as two cardiometabolic risk factors (CMRFs) among workers in a petroleum company, Thailand. All workers were invited to complete the online self-report questionnaire. Sedentary behavior was measured as the amount of time sitting at work, during recreation, and while commuting...
May 9, 2017: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Cheryl S Rosenfeld
Numbers of overweight and obese individuals are increasing in the United States and globally, and, correspondingly, the associated health care costs are rising dramatically. More than one-third of children are currently considered obese with a predisposition to type 2 diabetes, and it is likely that their metabolic conditions will worsen with age. Physical inactivity has also risen to be the leading cause of many chronic, noncommunicable diseases (NCD). Children are more physically inactive now than they were in past decades, which may be due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors...
January 2, 2017: Journal of Neuroscience Research
Minsoo Jung
The health care system introduced a reimbursement system based on the existing care when the prevalence rate of acute diseases was still. However, the types of diseases in developed countries are mostly noncommunicable diseases such as cancer or vascular disease, and thus, it impossible to fully recover from these chronic diseases. The increase in noncommunicable diseases is related to unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking, heavy drinking, and lack of exercise. Thus, the health care system is changing by improving the prevention of diseases and promoting healthy lifestyles...
April 2016: Health Care Manager
Rainer Rauramaa, Katriina Kukkonen-Harjula, Jari Arokoski, Hannele Hohtari, Eeva Ketola, Jyrki Kettunen, Pirjo Komulainen, Urho Kujala, Jari Laukkanen, Liisa Pylkkänen, Salla Savela, Kai Savonen, Heikki Tikkanen
The purpose of the guideline is to promote physical activity in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases. Physical activity plays a key role in the management of several chronic noncommunicable diseases. In this guideline, the following diseases are discussed: endocrinological, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and respiratory diseases, as well as depression and cancer. In addition, physical activity during pregnancy and in senior citizens is reviewed. Exercise counseling should be included as part of disease management and lifestyle guidance...
2016: Duodecim; Lääketieteellinen Aikakauskirja
Jaqueline de Oliveira Santana, Juciany Rodrigues de Oliveira Ramalho, Josélia Oliveira Araújo Firmo, Maria Fernanda Lima-Costa, Sérgio Viana Peixoto
This study explored the association between energy expenditure during physical activity and the Framingham risk score in the elderly. This was a cross-sectional study with a sample of 1,473 older adults. The dependent variable was level of physical activity, estimated by the metabolic equivalents in tertiles. The exploratory variables were the components of the Framingham risk score and the Framingham risk score itself. The force of associations was estimated by odds ratios and confidence intervals using ordinal logistic regression...
October 2015: Cadernos de Saúde Pública
David C W Lau, Hwee Teoh
Type 2 diabetes is a serious chronic disease that is associated with increased morbidity and premature mortality. It has become the tsunami of noncommunicable diseases, with more than 400 million people worldwide currently living with diabetes. The global diabetes epidemic is driven by rising obesity rates. Excess body fat increases the risk for insulin resistance and prediabetes; obese men and women, respectively, have a 7-fold and 12-fold higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Obesity also predisposes to the development of a myriad of medical complications leading to increased morbidity and mortality...
December 2015: Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Rani Polak, Rachele M Pojednic, Edward M Phillips
The actual causes of premature adult deaths, the preponderance of noncommunicable chronic diseases, and their associated costs are related to unhealthy behaviors, such as poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and tobacco use. Although recommended as the first line of prevention and management, providers often do not provide behavioral change counseling in their care. Medical education in lifestyle medicine is, therefore, proposed as a necessary intervention to allow all health providers to learn how to effectively and efficiently counsel their patients toward adopting and sustaining healthier behaviors...
September 2015: American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
Oyun Chimeddamba, Anna Peeters, Helen L Walls, Catherine Joyce
BACKGROUND: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the major global cause of morbidity and mortality. In Mongolia, a number of health policies have been developed targeting the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases. This paper aimed to evaluate the extent to which NCD-related policies introduced in Mongolia align with the World Health Organization (WHO) 2008-2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of NCDs. METHODS: We conducted a review of policy documents introduced by the Government of Mongolia from 2000 to 2013...
2015: BMC Public Health
Se-Sergio M Baldew, Ingrid S K Krishnadath, Christel C F Smits, Jerry R Toelsie, Luc Vanhees, Veronique Cornelissen
BACKGROUND: Physical activity (PA) plays an important role in the combat against noncommunicable diseases including cardiovascular diseases. In order to develop appropriate PA intervention programs, there is a need to evaluate PA behavior. So far, there are no published data on PA available for Suriname. Therefore, we aim to describe PA behavior among the multi-ethnic population living in urban and rural areas of Suriname. METHODS: The World Health Organization (WHO) STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance (STEPS) was conducted in a national representative sample (N = 5751; 48...
2015: BMC Public Health
M K Laine, J G Eriksson, U M Kujala, J Kaprio, B-M Loo, J Sundvall, H M Bäckmand, M Peltonen, A Jula, S Sarna
Elite-class athletes have longer life expectancy and lower risk for chronic noncommunicable diseases possibly because of physically active and healthier lifestyle. In this study, we assessed former male Finnish elite-class athletes' (n = 392) and their matched controls' (n = 207) body composition, and risk for the metabolic syndrome (MS) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in later life. Compared with the controls, the former athletes had lower body fat percentage (24.8% vs 26.0%, P = 0...
March 2016: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Francisco Diez-Canseco, Yulissa Boeren, Renato Quispe, Mey Lin Chiang, J Jaime Miranda
BACKGROUND: Several risk factors for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including obesity, are associated with behaviors established in infancy that persist throughout adolescence and adulthood. As such, adolescents should be engaged in the design and implementation of NCD prevention strategies. COMMUNITY CONTEXT: In Lima, Peru's capital, the proportion of adolescents aged 15 to 19 is 9.3% of the city's population, and school enrollment rates are high. The prevalence of excess weight in Peruvian adolescents is 14...
2015: Preventing Chronic Disease
Tomasz P Kowal, Caroline Chessex, Douglas S Lee, Sherry L Grace
INTRODUCTION: The burden of noncommunicable disease is increasing. Preliminary evidence suggests that benefits of cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) participation are also observed in patients with stroke and diabetes (vascular diseases [VDs]). This study compared (1) CR utilization by clinical indication; (2) sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of VD patients who participate in CR versus those who do not; and (3) change in risk factors, functional capacity, psychosocial well-being, and health behaviors from pre- to postprogram in cardiac versus VD patients who participated in CR...
March 2015: Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention
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