Lijuan Zhang, Lifei Zhang, Ming Tang, Xiao Wang, Renbiao Tao, Cheng Xu, Thomas Bader
Methane (CH4 ) is a critical but overlooked component in the study of the deep carbon cycle. Abiotic CH4 produced by serpentinization of ultramafic rocks has received extensive attention, but its formation and flux in mafic rocks during subduction remain poorly understood. Here, we report massive CH4 -rich fluid inclusions in well-zoned garnet from eclogites in Western Tianshan, China. Petrological characteristics and carbon-hydrogen isotopic compositions confirm the abiotic origin of this CH4 . Reconstructed P-T- f O2 -fluid trajectories and Deep Earth Water modeling imply that massive abiotic CH4 was generated during cold subduction at depths of 50-120 km, whereas CO2 was produced during exhumation...
January 2023: National Science Review
Haihai Hou, Xiangqin Huang, Longyi Shao, Guodong Liang
The parameters of coal petrology and methane adsorption are significant to exploit coal and coalbed methane (CBM). Based on borehole core sampling, a new method using the P-wave velocity to predict coal maceral, coal face index, and Langmuir parameter of high-volatile bituminous coals was proposed. The results showed that the P-wave velocity correlated positively with coal skeletal density, apparent density, and ash yield with fitting coefficients ( R 2 ) of 0.55, 0.57, and 0.57, respectively, but it negatively correlated with coal porosity and moisture content with R 2 of 0...
December 20, 2022: ACS Omega
Yun Jiang, Ye Li, Shiyong Liao, Zongjun Yin, Weibiao Hsu
In December 2020, Chang'E-5 (CE-5), China's first lunar sample return mission, successfully collected samples totaling 1731 g from the northern Oceanus Procellarum. The landing site was located in a young mare plain, a great distance from those of Apollo and Luna missions. These young mare basalts bear critical scientific significance as they could shed light on the nature of the lunar interior (composition and structure) as well as the recent volcanism on the Moon. In this article, we investigated a CE-5 basalt sample (CE5C0000YJYX065) using a combination of state-of-art techniques, including high resolution X-ray tomographic microscopy (HR-XTM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)-based scanning electron microscope (SEM), and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) to reveal its 3D petrology and minerology...
April 15, 2022: Science Bulletin
Chiara Maria Petrone, Silvio Mollo, Ralf Gertisser, Yannick Buret, Piergiorgio Scarlato, Elisabetta Del Bello, Daniele Andronico, Ben Ellis, Alessio Pontesilli, Gianfilippo De Astis, Pier Paolo Giacomoni, Massimo Coltorti, Mark Reagan
Open-conduit basaltic volcanoes can be characterised by sudden large explosive events (paroxysms) that interrupt normal effusive and mild explosive activity. In June-August 2019, one major explosion and two paroxysms occurred at Stromboli volcano (Italy) within only 64 days. Here, via a multifaceted approach using clinopyroxene, we show arrival of mafic recharges up to a few days before the onset of these events and their effects on the eruption pattern at Stromboli, as a prime example of a persistently active, open-conduit basaltic volcano...
December 13, 2022: Nature Communications
Bin Sun, Yanwen Shao, Zhenghui Gao, Jian'an Li, Beilei Sun, Minfang Yang, Jiamin Zhou, Haipeng Yao, Fenjin Sun, Longyi Shao
The Zhuozishan coalfield at the western margin of the Ordos Basin is one of the main coal-mining areas in China, and recent explorations have revealed the great potential for coalbed methane (CBM) resources in its Carboniferous and Permian strata. In this paper, the controlling factors of CBM enrichment of the major coals are studied in this coalfield and the CBM resources are estimated based on the analysis of the coal petrology and compilation of literature data on the gas content. The result of the coal petrology analysis of 10 samples shows that the vitrinite content of No...
December 6, 2022: ACS Omega
Junxing Chen, Hehe Jiang, Ming Tang, Jihua Hao, Meng Tian, Xu Chu
Terrestrial planet Venus has a similar size, mass, and bulk composition to Earth. Previous studies proposed that local plume-induced subduction existed on both early Earth and Venus, and this prototype subduction might initiate plate tectonics on Earth but not on Venus. In this study, we simulate the buoyancy of submerged slabs in a hypothesized 2-D thermo-metamorphic model. We analyze the thermal state of the slab, which is then used for calculating density in response to thermal and phase changes. The buoyancy of slab mantle lithosphere is primarily controlled by the temperatures and the buoyancy of slab crust is dominated by metamorphic phase changes...
December 10, 2022: Nature Communications
Yash Srivastava, Amit Basu Sarbadhikari, James M D Day, Akira Yamaguchi, Atsushi Takenouchi
Sample return missions have provided the basis for understanding the thermochemical evolution of the Moon. Mare basalt sources are likely to have originated from partial melting of lunar magma ocean cumulates after solidification from an initially molten state. Some of the Apollo mare basalts show evidence for the presence in their source of a late-stage radiogenic heat-producing incompatible element-rich layer, known for its enrichment in potassium, rare-earth elements, and phosphorus (KREEP). Here we show the most depleted lunar meteorite, Asuka-881757, and associated mare basalts, represent ancient (~3...
December 9, 2022: Nature Communications
Alok Kumar, Mohammed Hail Hakimi, Alok K Singh, Wan Hasiah Abdullah, Nor Syazwani Zainal Abidin, Afikah Rahim, Khairul Azlan Mustapha, Nura Abdulmumini Yelwa
Carbonaceous shales of the Early Eocene Dharvi/Dunger Formation in the onshore Barmer Basin, northwest India were studied for the first time by integrating geochemical and organic petrological analyses. The carbonaceous shales of the Early Eocene Dharvi/Dunger Formation are characterized by a higher organic carbon content (TOC) of >10 wt % and consist mainly of a mixture of organic matter of types II and III kerogen, with exhibited hydrogen index values ranging between 202 and 292 mg HC/g TOC. The dominance of such kerogen is confirmed by the high amounts of huminite and fluorescent liptinite macerals...
November 29, 2022: ACS Omega
Ross Maguire, Brandon Schmandt, Jiaqi Li, Chengxin Jiang, Guoliang Li, Justin Wilgus, Min Chen
Seismic tomography has provided key insight into Yellowstone's crustal magmatic system that includes attempts to understand the melt distribution in the subsurface and the current stage of the volcano's life cycle. We present new tomographic images of the shear wave speed of the Yellowstone magmatic system based on full waveform inversion of ambient noise correlations, which illuminates shear wave speed reductions of greater than 30% associated with Yellowstone's silicic magma reservoir. The slowest seismic wave speeds (shear wave speed less than 2...
December 2, 2022: Science
Paul-Desire Ndjigui, Estelle Huguette O Ngono
Petrological and geochemical data of scoriae from the southern part of the continental Cameroon Volcanic Line were obtained through field and laboratory investigations. Field observations were done at nine localities (Limbe, Djoungo, Loum-Tombel, Manjo-Monengolle, Melong, Doupe, Yamba, Foumbot, Njinkouo, and Galim) under forest and savanna cover during the dry season in order to facilitate the collect of samples. This was based on some criteria such as the size (centimeter to metric) and the color (gray, brown, red, or black) of samples...
December 2022: Data in Brief
Monika Przeor, Luca D'Auria, Susi Pepe, Pietro Tizzani, Iván Cabrera-Pérez
The contrasting dynamics between Mauna Loa and Kīlauea have been studied over the last 100 years from multiple viewpoints. The fact that dynamic changes of one volcano trigger a dynamic response of the other volcano indicates a connection may exist. Petrological works show a direct relationship between the magmatic systems of these two volcanoes is not possible. We analysed DInSAR data and GPS measurements of ground deformation patterns associated with the activity of Mauna Loa and Kīlauea volcanoes. The DInSAR SBAS dataset spans the interval between 2003 and 2010, and was acquired along ascending and descending orbits of the ENVISAT (ESA) satellite under different look angles...
November 18, 2022: Scientific Reports
Ahmet Sasmaz, Ayse Didem Kilic, Bunyamin Akgul, Bilge Sasmaz
Garnets that common constituent of skarn type iron deposits are wide ranges of chemical compositions, and they are also important as a semi-gemstone mineral. This study has been investigated garnets and inclusions of its formed in contacts of Pertek granitoid and Keban marble by using a combination of multiple techniques including Raman spectrum, electron microprobe, petrography and LA-ICP-MS. The main mineral assemblage observed in the skarn formation is diopside, garnet, quartz, magnetite, calcite and pyrite...
October 25, 2022: Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Guangyu Huang, Ross N Mitchell, Richard M Palin, Christopher J Spencer, Jinghui Guo
Earth's earliest continental crust is dominated by tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) suites, making these rocks key to unlocking the global geodynamic regime operating during the Archaean (4.0-2.5 billion years ago [Ga]). The tectonic setting of TTG magmatism is controversial, with hypotheses arguing both for and against subduction. Here we conduct petrological modeling over a range of pressure-temperature conditions relevant to the Archaean geothermal gradient. Using an average enriched Archaean basaltic source composition, we predict Ba concentrations in TTG suites, which is difficult to increase after magma generated in the source...
November 2, 2022: Nature Communications
Nitasha Vig, Suman Mor, Khaiwal Ravindra
Coal-powered thermal plants are the primary source of energy production around the globe. More than half (56.89%) of the Indian power plants use coal for power production. Coal burning in power plants results in coal combustion residuals, which contain coal fly ash (CFA) that is recognized as principle by-product. CFA is difficult to characterize due to its broad compositional variation. Hence, the present article summarizes the various physical, chemical, mineralogical, and petrological characterizations of CFA to its use in different applications...
October 26, 2022: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Fausto Cattaneo, David W Hughes
The most widely accepted scenario for the formation of the Earth-Moon system involves a dramatic impact between the proto-Earth and some other cosmic body. Many features of the present-day Earth-Moon system provide constraints on the nature of this impact. Any model of the history of the Earth must account for the physical, geochemical, petrological, and dynamical evidence. These constraints notwithstanding, there are several radically different impact models that could in principle account for all the evidence...
November 2022: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Dawei Liu, Xing Wang, Jianjun Liu, Bin Liu, Xin Ren, Yuan Chen, Zhaopeng Chen, Hongbo Zhang, Guangliang Zhang, Qin Zhou, Zhoubin Zhang, Qiang Fu, Chunlai Li
The western maria of lunar near-side are widely covered with late-stage mare basalts. Due to the lack of returned samples, the mineralogy of the late-stage basalts was previously speculated as having high abundance of olivine based on remote sensing observation. However, here we show that Chang'E-5 (CE-5) lunar soil samples, the ground truth from past unsampled lunar late-stage mare region, give a different interpretation. Our laboratory spectroscopic and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of the CE-5 soil samples demonstrate that their special spectral signatures are representative of iron-rich high-Ca pyroxene rather than olivine...
October 10, 2022: Nature Communications
Aleksandra Gawęda, Krzysztof Szopa, Jan Golonka, David Chew, Leonid Stepanyuk, Volodymir Belskyy, Anna Waśkowska, Laurynas Siliauskas, Foteini Drakou
The pre-Alpine Marmarosh Massif is a tectonically complex unit of the crystalline basement within the Eastern Outer Carpathians. In the eastern (Ukrainian) segment of this massif, two units have been identified-the Bilyi Potok Nappe and the Dilove Nappe. Petrological investigations coupled with zircon U-Pb dating were performed on metavolcanic rocks (porphyroids) and their phyllite host rocks, sampled from three locations within the Dilove Nappe. The geochemical characteristics of the meta-rhyodacite porphyroids revealed a volcanic arc affinity of the protolith, with U-Pb zircon ages of 452...
2022: International Journal of Earth Sciences: Geologische Rundschau
Sæmundur A Halldórsson, Edward W Marshall, Alberto Caracciolo, Simon Matthews, Enikő Bali, Maja B Rasmussen, Eemu Ranta, Jóhann Gunnarsson Robin, Guðmundur H Guðfinnsson, Olgeir Sigmarsson, John Maclennan, Matthew G Jackson, Martin J Whitehouse, Heejin Jeon, Quinten H A van der Meer, Geoffrey K Mibei, Maarit H Kalliokoski, Maria M Repczynska, Rebekka Hlín Rúnarsdóttir, Gylfi Sigurðsson, Melissa Anne Pfeffer, Samuel W Scott, Ríkey Kjartansdóttir, Barbara I Kleine, Clive Oppenheimer, Alessandro Aiuppa, Evgenia Ilyinskaya, Marcello Bitetto, Gaetano Giudice, Andri Stefánsson
Recent Icelandic rifting events have illuminated the roles of centralized crustal magma reservoirs and lateral magma transport1-4 , important characteristics of mid-ocean ridge magmatism1,5 . A consequence of such shallow crustal processing of magmas4,5 is the overprinting of signatures that trace the origin, evolution and transport of melts in the uppermost mantle and lowermost crust6,7 . Here we present unique insights into processes occurring in this zone from integrated petrologic and geochemical studies of the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland...
September 2022: Nature
Cristiano Nicosia, Federico Polisca, Christopher Miller, Bertrand Ligouis, Susan Mentzer, Claudia Mangani, Federica Gonzato
High-resolution sediment analysis allowed us to identify two Middle Bronze Age (MBA 1, 1650-1550 cal a BCE) byre-houses at the waterlogged site of Oppeano "4D", south of Verona (Veneto region, NE Italy). The site lies in a low-lying valley incised by the Adige River in its LGM alluvial fan. In this fluvio-palustrine environment burial and taphonomic conditions were such that the archaeological record was extremely well preserved. The wooden elements making up basal parts of nine 'huts' were in fact exposed at Oppeano, and so were their internal accretion deposits...
2022: PloS One
Y Liu, M M Tice, M E Schmidt, A H Treiman, T V Kizovski, J A Hurowitz, A C Allwood, J Henneke, D A K Pedersen, S J VanBommel, M W M Jones, A L Knight, B J Orenstein, B C Clark, W T Elam, C M Heirwegh, T Barber, L W Beegle, K Benzerara, S Bernard, O Beyssac, T Bosak, A J Brown, E L Cardarelli, D C Catling, J R Christian, E A Cloutis, B A Cohen, S Davidoff, A G Fairén, K A Farley, D T Flannery, A Galvin, J P Grotzinger, S Gupta, J Hall, C D K Herd, K Hickman-Lewis, R P Hodyss, B H N Horgan, J R Johnson, J L Jørgensen, L C Kah, J N Maki, L Mandon, N Mangold, F M McCubbin, S M McLennan, K Moore, M Nachon, P Nemere, L D Nothdurft, J I Núñez, L O'Neil, C M Quantin-Nataf, V Sautter, D L Shuster, K L Siebach, J I Simon, K P Sinclair, K M Stack, A Steele, J D Tarnas, N J Tosca, K Uckert, A Udry, L A Wade, B P Weiss, R C Wiens, K H Williford, M-P Zorzano
The geological units on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars, are part of a wider regional stratigraphy of olivine-rich rocks, which extends well beyond the crater. We investigate the petrology of olivine and carbonate-bearing rocks of the Séítah formation in the floor of Jezero. Using multispectral images and x-ray fluorescence data, acquired by the Perseverance rover, we performed a petrographic analysis of the Bastide and Brac outcrops within this unit. We find that these outcrops are composed of igneous rock, moderately altered by aqueous fluid...
August 25, 2022: Science
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