Michael J Imperiale, Ira J Blader
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 18, 2019: MSphere
Lu Wei, Amir Al Oustah, Patrick Blader, Myriam Roussigné
Coordinated migration of cell collectives is important during embryonic development and relies on cells integrating multiple mechanical and chemical cues. Recently, we described that focal activation of the FGF pathway promotes the migration of the parapineal in the zebrafish epithalamus. How FGF activity is restricted to leading cells in this system is, however, unclear. Here, we address the role of Notch signaling in modulating FGF activity within the parapineal. While Notch loss-of-function results in an increased number of parapineal cells activating the FGF pathway, global activation of Notch signaling decreases it; both contexts result in defects in parapineal migration and specification...
September 9, 2019: ELife
Ingrid Lekk, Véronique Duboc, Ana Faro, Stephanos Nicolaou, Patrick Blader, Stephen W Wilson
Left-right asymmetries in the zebrafish habenular nuclei are dependent upon the formation of the parapineal, a unilateral group of neurons that arise from the medially positioned pineal complex. In this study, we show that both the left and right habenula are competent to adopt left-type molecular character and efferent connectivity upon the presence of only a few parapineal cells. This ability to impart left-sided character is lost in parapineal cells lacking Sox1a function, despite the normal specification of the parapineal itself...
August 2, 2019: ELife
Carlos Gustavo Baptista, Agnieszka Lis, Bowen Deng, Elisabet Gas-Pascual, Ashley Dittmar, Wade Sigurdson, Christopher M West, Ira J Blader
By binding to the adaptor protein SKP1 and serving as substrate receptors for the Skp1, Cullin, F-box E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, F-box proteins regulate critical cellular processes including cell cycle progression and membrane trafficking. While F-box proteins are conserved throughout eukaryotes and are well studied in yeast, plants, and animals, studies in parasitic protozoa are lagging. We have identified eighteen putative F-box proteins in the Toxoplasma genome of which four have predicted homologs in Plasmodium...
July 26, 2019: PLoS Pathogens
Aaron Mitchell, Ira Blader, Patricia Bradford, Sarah D'Orazio, W Paul Duprex, Craig D Ellermeier, Ana Fernandez-Sesma, Michael J Imperiale, Katherine McMahon, Marcela F Pasetti, Susannah Tringe
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
June 19, 2019: MSphere
Siyu Yu, Steven L Blader
The link between social class and subjective well-being (SWB) has been an important topic of inquiry, with broad implications for understanding the psychology of social class and the determinants of SWB. Prior research on this topic has focused primarily on the extent to which social class affects SWB and the factors that moderate that impact. We extend prior work by examining the concerns that account for why social class shapes SWB. In particular, we examine the role of status and power in mediating the impact of one's social class on one's SWB...
June 14, 2019: Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin
Amy Garrett, Judith A Cohen, Sanno Zack, Victor Carrion, Booil Jo, Joseph Blader, Alexis Rodriguez, Thomas J Vanasse, Allan L Reiss, W Stewart Agras
BACKGROUND: Previous studies indicate that youth with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have abnormal activation in brain regions important for emotion processing. It is unknown whether symptom improvement is accompanied by normative changes in these regions. This study identified neural changes associated with symptom improvement with the long-term goal of identifying malleable targets for interventions. METHODS: A total of 80 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans were collected, including 20 adolescents with PTSD (ages 9-17) and 20 age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects, each scanned before and after a 5-month period...
July 2019: Journal of Psychiatric Research
Celia Florimond, Charlotte Cordonnier, Rahil Taujale, Hanke van der Wel, Natarajan Kannan, Christopher M West, Ira J Blader
As the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii disseminates through its host, it responds to environmental changes by altering its gene expression, metabolism, and other processes. Oxygen is one variable environmental factor, and properly adapting to changes in oxygen levels is critical to prevent the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and other cytotoxic factors. Thus, oxygen-sensing proteins are important, and among these, 2-oxoglutarate-dependent prolyl hydroxylases are highly conserved throughout evolution...
March 26, 2019: MBio
Agnieszka Lis, Mandi Wiley, Joan Vaughan, Peter C Gray, Ira J Blader
To grow and cause disease, intracellular pathogens modulate host cell processes. Identifying these processes as well as the mechanisms used by the pathogens to manipulate them is important for the development of more effective therapeutics. As an example, the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii induces a wide variety of changes to its host cell, including altered membrane trafficking, cytoskeletal reorganization, and differential gene expression. Although several parasite molecules and their host targets have been identified that mediate- these changes, few are known to be required for parasite replication...
2019: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
Elise Cau, Brice Ronsin, Laurianne Bessière, Patrick Blader
Neural progenitors produce neurons whose identities can vary as a function of the time that specification occurs. Here, we describe the heterochronic specification of two photoreceptor (PhR) subtypes in the zebrafish pineal gland. We find that accelerating PhR specification by impairing Notch signaling favors the early fate at the expense of the later fate. Using in vivo lineage tracing, we show that most pineal PhRs are born from a fate-restricted progenitor. Furthermore, sister cells derived from the division of PhR-restricted progenitors activate the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway at different times after division, and this heterochrony requires Notch activity...
January 31, 2019: PLoS Biology
Michael J Imperiale, Ira Blader, Patricia Bradford, Sarah D'Orazio, W Paul Duprex, Craig D Ellermeier, Ana Fernandez-Sesma, Katherine McMahon, Aaron Mitchell, Marcela F Pasetti, Susannah Tringe
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
December 19, 2018: MSphere
Myriam Roussigné, Lu Wei, Erika Tsingos, Franz Kuchling, Mansour Alkobtawi, Matina Tsalavouta, Joachim Wittbrodt, Matthias Carl, Patrick Blader, Stephen W Wilson
The ability of cells to collectively interpret surrounding environmental signals underpins their capacity to coordinate their migration in various contexts, including embryonic development and cancer metastasis. One tractable model for studying collective migration is the parapineal, a left-sided group of neurons that arises from bilaterally positioned precursors that undergo a collective migration to the left side of the brain. In zebrafish, the migration of these cells requires Fgf8 and, in this study, we resolve how FGF signaling correlates with-and impacts the migratory dynamics of-the parapineal cell collective...
October 16, 2018: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Michelle M Collins, Hans-Martin Maischein, Pascale Dufourcq, Marine Charpentier, Patrick Blader, Didier Yr Stainier
Pitx2c, a homeodomain transcription factor, is classically known for its left-right patterning role. However, an early wave of pitx2 expression occurs at the onset of gastrulation in several species, indicating a possible earlier role that remains relatively unexplored. Here we show that in zebrafish, maternal-zygotic (MZ) pitx2c mutants exhibit a shortened body axis indicative of convergence and extension (CE) defects. Live imaging reveals that MZ pitx2c mutants display less persistent mesendodermal migration during late stages of gastrulation...
June 28, 2018: ELife
Stephen V Faraone, Anthony L Rostain, Joseph Blader, Betsy Busch, Ann C Childress, Daniel F Connor, Jeffrey H Newcorn
BACKGROUND: Because emotional symptoms are common in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients and associate with much morbidity, some consider it to be a core feature rather than an associated trait. Others argue that emotional symptoms are too nonspecific for use as diagnostic criteria. This debate has been difficult to resolve due, in part, to the many terms used to describe emotional symptoms in ADHD and to concerns about overlap with mood disorders. METHODS: We sought to clarify the nature of emotional symptoms in ADHD by reviewing conceptual and measurement issues and by examining the evidence base regarding specificity of such symptoms for ADHD...
February 2019: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines
Joseph C Blader
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
January 2018: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Mohammed Alae Touzani, Othmane Yddoussalah
The incidence of cavernous metastases after radical treatment for bladder tumor is exceptional and is approximately 1%. The mean time between surgery and the occurrence of metastases is 8 months. In some cases they occur after 10 years. Diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy, which shows their urothelial origin. Here we report the case of 56-year old patient, with a history of smoking, having undergone total cystoprostatectomy in January 2017, who presented 2 months later with induratio penis plastica with no other sign associated...
2017: Pan African Medical Journal
Sudeshna Saha, Bradley I Coleman, Rashmi Dubey, Ira J Blader, Marc-Jan Gubbels
Paralogs of the widely prevalent phosphoglucomutase (PGM) protein called parafusin function in calcium (Ca2+ )-mediated exocytosis across eukaryotes. In Toxoplasma gondii , the parafusin-related protein 1 (PRP1) has been associated with Ca2+ -dependent microneme organelle secretion required for essential processes like host cell invasion and egress. Using reverse genetics, we observed PRP1 to be dispensable for completion of the lytic cycle, including host cell invasion and egress by the parasite. However, the absence of the gene affected increased microneme release triggered by A23187, a Ca2+ ionophore used to raise the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration mimicking the physiological role of Ca2+ during invasion and egress...
2017: MSphere
Esteban Hoijman, L Fargas, Patrick Blader, Berta Alsina
Neural patterning involves regionalised cell specification. Recent studies indicate that cell dynamics play instrumental roles in neural pattern refinement and progression, but the impact of cell behaviour and morphogenesis on neural specification is not understood. Here we combine 4D analysis of cell behaviours with dynamic quantification of proneural expression to uncover the construction of the zebrafish otic neurogenic domain. We identify pioneer cells expressing neurog1 outside the otic epithelium that migrate and ingress into the epithelialising placode to become the first otic neuronal progenitors...
May 24, 2017: ELife
Elizabeth A Wohlfert, Ira J Blader, Emma H Wilson
Toxoplasma gondii is a widespread parasitic pathogen that infects over a third of the world's population. Following an acute infection, the parasite can persist within its mammalian host as intraneuronal or intramuscular cysts. Cysts will occasionally reactivate, and - depending on the host's immune status and site of reactivation - encephalitis or myositis can develop. Because these diseases have high levels of morbidity and can be lethal, it is important to understand how Toxoplasma traffics to these tissues, how the immune response controls parasite burden and contributes to tissue damage, and what mechanisms underlie neurological and muscular pathologies that toxoplasmosis patients present with...
July 2017: Trends in Parasitology
Mariana Delfino-Machín, Romain Madelaine, Giorgia Busolin, Masataka Nikaido, Sarah Colanesi, Karen Camargo-Sosa, Edward W P Law, Stefano Toppo, Patrick Blader, Natascia Tiso, Robert N Kelsh
The development of functional peripheral ganglia requires a balance of specification of both neuronal and glial components. In the developing dorsal root ganglia (DRGs), these components form from partially-restricted bipotent neuroglial precursors derived from the neural crest. Work in mouse and chick has identified several factors, including Delta/Notch signaling, required for specification of a balance of these components. We have previously shown in zebrafish that the Sry-related HMG domain transcription factor, Sox10, plays an unexpected, but crucial, role in sensory neuron fate specification in vivo...
2017: PloS One
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