Elke Warmerdam, Dominik Horn, Ramona Filip, Kolja Freier, Bergita Ganse, Carolina Classen
BACKGROUND: The ability to walk safely after head and neck reconstruction with fibular free flaps in tumor surgery is a high priority for patients. In addition, surgeons and patients require objective knowledge of the functional donor-site morbidity. However, the effects of fibular free flap surgery on gait asymmetries have only been studied for step length and stance duration. This study analyses whether patients who have undergone fibular free flap reconstruction have enduring gait asymmetries compared to age-matched controls...
May 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
G E Giddins, S Sassi
BACKGROUND: The aim was to assess the direction of distal radius fractures and their relationship to the ulnar head. METHODS: We reviewed the 160 wrist radiographs. The fracture line was measured on the postero-anterior and lateral radiographs relative to the long axis of the forearm and the relationship to the ulnar head. FINDINGS: PA radiographs: the fracture line ran distal ulnar to proximal radial (ulnar to radial) in 11%, transverse in 74% and distal radial to proximal ulnar (radial to ulnar) in 16%...
May 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Shuai Wang, Junzhe Gao, Liangpeng Lai, Xiaojing Zhang, Xiaofeng Gong, Heng Li, Yong Wu
BACKGROUND: The majority of the ankle osteoarthritis cases are posttraumatic and affect younger patients with a longer projected life span. Hence, joint-preserving surgery, such as supramalleolar osteotomy becomes popular among young patients, especially those with asymmetric arthritis due to alignment deformities. However, there is a lack of biomechanical studies on postoperative evaluation of stress at ankle joints. We aimed to construct a verifiable finite element model of the human hindfoot, and to explore the effect of different osteotomy parameters on the treatment of varus ankle arthritis...
May 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Chloe Laizeau, Sebastien Jochmans, Sylvie Aufaure
CONTEXT: A third of the population aged 65 and over experiences a fall during a given year, often with severe traumatic consequences, dependence, and consequently, a decline in quality of life. The fear of falling itself leads to avoidance behavior from daily activities leading to a downward spiral of dependence, loss of confidence, and therefore an increased risk of falling. Joint stiffness is often observed during clinical examination of elderly people. However, the association between lumbopelvic stiffness and fear of falling has not been studied...
May 8, 2024: Journal of osteopathic medicine
Eric S Martinez, David Redding
CONTEXT: The osteopathic tenets may serve as a useful guideline for an interprofessional program. There is an alignment between the osteopathic tenets and the concept of interprofessional education (IPE). IPE occurs when students from two or more professions work with each other to collaborate or improve healthcare outcomes. Holistic treatment is fundamental in both instances, and the interrelatedness of structure and function requires acknowledgment of all healthcare professionals' roles in treating a patient...
May 7, 2024: Journal of osteopathic medicine
Sébastien Leteneur, Mathias Blandeau, Franck Barbier, Nader Farahpour, Paul Allard
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
May 4, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Helen Kang Morgan, Erika Banks, Gregory M Gressel, Abigail Ford Winkel, Maya M Hammoud, Bukky Akingbola, Karen George
OBJECTIVE: Although approximately one-fifth of obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) residents matriculate from osteopathic or international medical schools, most literature regarding the transition to residency focuses on allopathic medical school graduates. To create comprehensive interventions for this educational transition, we must understand the needs of all incoming residents. Our objective was to examine OBGYN residents' perceptions of their transition to residency, and to understand how residents' background and medical school environment influence their perceived sense of readiness...
May 4, 2024: Journal of Surgical Education
Özlem Karasimav, Pınar Borman, Meltem Dalyan, Elif Yalçin, Zahide Betül Eliuz, İpek Poyraz, Seren Türk
BACKGROUND: The impact of lower-limb-lymphedema on quality of life of patients regarding balance is unclear due to the scarcity of literature. The aim of this study was to determine the static and dynamic balance of patients with lower-limb-lymphedema in comparison with healthy subjects. METHODS: This case-control designed study included 30 lymphedema patients and 30 healthy individuals, of whom were 52 female and 8 male with a mean age of 50.63 ± 9...
April 20, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Sharné Naidoo, Nicole Karensa Hoenselaar, Christopher Yelverton
BACKGROUND: Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is a model utilised by the majority of healthcare professionals and is a clinical framework that assists with decision-making related to patient care, to improve outcomes and patient satisfaction. The study aimed to analyse the attitudes, skills, and utilization of evidence-based practice (EBP) among South African chiropractors, focusing on perceived skill levels, training, use and identifying facilitators and barriers to EBP application. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional quantitative secondary analysis was conducted by inviting registered chiropractors in South Africa (n = 920) to participate in an anonymous online questionnaire using the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude and Utilisation Survey (EBASE)...
April 30, 2024: Chiropractic & Manual Therapies
Caitlin A Hildebrand, Meghana B Patel, Alyssa B Tenney, Julia A Logan, Khanh H Luong, Miranda J Crouch, Amanda E Osta, Courtney DeRoo, Kurt O Gilliland, Timothy S Harlan, Alice S Ammerman
PHENOMENON: Despite the importance of diet in the prevention and management of many common chronic diseases, nutrition training in medicine is largely inadequate in medical school and residency. The emerging field of culinary medicine offers an experiential nutrition learning approach with the potential to address the need for improved nutrition training of physicians. Exploring this innovative nutrition training strategy, this scoping review describes the nature of culinary medicine experiences for medical students and resident physicians, their impact on the medical trainees, and barriers and facilitators to their implementation...
April 30, 2024: Teaching and Learning in Medicine
Kelli Glaser, Matthew McEchron, Clyde Jensen, David Park
Physicians are expected to be educators and leaders, but few medical schools offer dedicated coursework or training to prepare medical students to meet those expectations. Since 2018, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine has offered a longitudinal Academic Medicine and Leadership (AML) Track in which medical students acquire knowledge and develop skills for academic medicine and leadership that will enhance their ability to become effective educators and leaders in their clinics, hospitals, professional associations, communities, and affiliated medical schools...
April 2024: Medical Science Educator
Fulvio Dal Farra, Andrea Bergna, Christian Lunghi, Irene Bruini, Matteo Galli, Luca Vismara, Marco Tramontano
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) is a therapeutic whole-body approach mainly focused on correcting somatic dysfunctions. The aim of this scoping review is to systematically map the literature regarding the documented biological effects observed following OMT. METHODS: The 2020 JBIRM version and the PRISMA-ScR were followed for the conceptualization and reporting of this review. The protocol was registered on the "Open Science Framework Registry" (https://doi...
April 27, 2024: Complementary Therapies in Medicine
Anna N Kirby, Joy DeBellis, Katie Wolter, Gary Mount, Chih-Hsuan Wang, Jonathan Bishop, Jessica Barkhouse, Kathryn Wirth, Nancy Nguyen, Christopher Cacciatore, Kristyn Kraus
CONTEXT: Culinary medicine (CM) is a growing field of education that aims to bridge the gap between the clinical need for nutritional counseling and the lack of education on the topic. Healthcare professionals can aid in nutrition-related noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevention by improving a patient's dietary behavior. However, the presence of nutrition education in healthcare curricula is lacking. Early evidence indicates that CM could address this gap. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study are to determine if the provision of an interdisciplinary CM elective will improve student knowledge and confidence with counseling on nutrition and culinary principles, and to improve personal dietary habits of students...
April 29, 2024: Journal of osteopathic medicine
Jerry Draper-Rodi, Hilary Abbey, John Hammond, Oliver T Thomson, Kevin Brownhill, Andrew MacMillan, Yinka Fabusuyi, Steven Vogel
BACKGROUND: Individuals from minority groups have historically faced social injustices. Those from underrepresented groups have been less likely to access both healthcare services and higher education. Little is known about the experiences of underrepresented students during their undergraduate studies in osteopathy in the UK. The aim of this project was to explore awareness of cultural diversity and beliefs about patients from underrepresented groups in current osteopathic educational environments and evaluate students' preparedness to manage patients from diverse groups...
April 26, 2024: BMC Medical Education
Jonas L Markström, Yevgenia Grinberg, Gisela Sole, Charlotte K Häger
BACKGROUND: Individuals with a recent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction may demonstrate an altered movement strategy for protecting the knee and maintaining stability. Altered knee movement might lead to abnormal intra-articular load, potentially contributing to early knee osteoarthritis onset. A protective strategy may be particularly evident during active tasks that induce a pivot-shift manoeuvre, such as a step-down and cross-over task. In this study, we investigated whether knee joint mechanics and muscle activity differed between participants early (∼3 months) following reconstruction (n = 35) to uninjured controls (n = 35) during a step-down and cross-over task with a 45° change-of-direction...
April 23, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Brian Horsak, Sebastian Durstberger, Philipp Krondorfer, Alexandra Thajer, Susanne Greber-Platzer, Andreas Kranzl
BACKGROUND: This study investigated the most accurate method for estimating the hip joint center position in clinical 3D gait analysis for young individuals with high amounts of soft tissue. We compared position estimates of five regression-based and two functional methods to the hip joint center position obtained through 3D free-hand ultrasound. METHODS: For this purpose, the data of 14 overweight or obese individuals with a mean age of 13.6 (SD 2.1 yrs) and a BMI of 36...
April 18, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Elanna K Arhos, Jonathan M Wood, Karin Grävare Silbernagel, Susanne M Morton
BACKGROUND: Rupturing the anterior cruciate ligament is an orthopedic injury that results in neuromuscular impairments affecting sensory input to the central nervous system. Traditional physical therapy after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction aims to rehabilitate orthopedic impairments but fails to address asymmetric gait mechanics that are present post-operatively and are linked to the development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis. A first step towards developing gait interventions is understanding if individuals after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction have the capacity to learn new walking mechanics...
April 23, 2024: Clinical Biomechanics
Jennifer A Belsky, Amber M Brown
CONTEXT: Children and adolescents young adults (AYAs) undergoing treatment for oncologic diagnoses are frequently hospitalized and experience unwanted therapy-induced side effects that diminish quality of life. Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) is a medical intervention that utilizes manual techniques to diagnose and treat body structures. Few studies have investigated the implementation of OMT in the pediatric oncology outpatient setting. To date, no studies have investigated the safety and feasibility of OMT in the pediatric oncology inpatient setting...
April 29, 2024: Journal of osteopathic medicine
Allison Kowalski, Robert Dazé
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
April 29, 2024: Journal of osteopathic medicine
Jakub Stępnik, Dariusz Czaprowski, Agnieszka Kędra
BACKGROUND: Osteopathic manual techniques are now widely used in medicine worldwide. At present, there are no clear conclusions regarding the possibility of affecting the function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), respiratory system and head-cervical-shoulder complex by manual osteopathic techniques. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to review the current literature regarding the possible impact of osteopathic manual techniques on the state of the autonomic nervous system, spirometric parameters of the respiratory system and the state of the head-collar-shoulder complex...
2024: Frontiers in Medicine
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