Debra Jackson, Kim Usher, Michelle Cleary
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
February 27, 2024: International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Tone Stikholmen, Dagfinn Nåden, Herdis Alvsvåg
BACKGROUND: Dignity is a core value in nursing. One of the objectives in nursing education is to promote dignity and contribute to the students' discovery of this value. Research shows that dignity in nursing education is threatened, due to lack of attention and an increasing problem with incivility. PURPOSE: The study aims to explore how nursing educators experience their contribution in promoting dignity in nursing education. METHOD: Five focus group conversations were conducted with nursing educators, and Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics was chosen as the study's scientific theoretical approach...
2024: Journal of Professional Nursing: Official Journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Manuela Priesemuth, Marshall Schminke
Research and the media demonstrate the profound impact hostile work environments have on organizations and their members. Often, the term "toxic work climate" is used to describe patterns of aggressive behaviors that harm individuals and manifest in the broader workplace. However, despite these common references, scholars still know relatively little about what a toxic work climate actually entails, the processes by which they emerge, and their influence on organizational outcomes. The research domain is complex...
February 15, 2024: Journal of Applied Psychology
Pengfei Cheng, Zhuangzi Liu
The phenomenon of customer incivility poses significant challenges for frontline employees whose expression of emotion determines the service experience. Few studies have explored the mediating mechanisms linking customer incivility to frontline employees' emotional labor. Drawing on the dualistic model of job passion theory, we proposed job passion as a feasible mediator of the links from customer incivility to frontline employees' emotional labor. Using data from 1040 frontline employees across the retailing, banking, and hospitality sectors, the results indicate that job passion acts as the psychological mechanism underlying the relationships between customer incivility and frontline employees' emotional labor...
February 9, 2024: Acta Psychologica
Sandrine Touzet, Karine Buchet-Poyau, Angélique Denis, Pauline Occelli, Laurent Jacquin, Véronique Potinet, Alain Sigal, Marine Delaroche-Gaudin, Florence Fayard-Gonon, Karim Tazarourte, Marion Douplat
BACKGROUND AND IMPORTANCE: Several studies reported that violent behaviours were committed by patients against healthcare professionals in emergency departments (EDs). The presence of mediators could prevent or resolve situations of tension. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the presence of mediators in EDs would have an impact on violent behaviours committed by patients or their relatives against healthcare professionals. Design, settings and participants. A 6-period cluster randomised crossover trial was performed in 4 EDs during 12 months...
February 7, 2024: European Journal of Emergency Medicine: Official Journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine
William Mooketsi Baratedi, Rakgadi Grace Malapela, Onalenna Tsima
BACKGROUND: Xenophobia has been in existence for centuries, though subtle and not too pronounced as of recent years. It has now pervaded all spheres including businesses, academia and industries. Previous studies have found it to be disruptive both to organizations and employees. PURPOSE: To explore acts of xenophobia among nurse educators, underpinned by the frustration and aggression theory. METHOD: A qualitative study involving twenty-five nurse educators in Botswana was carried out between July 2019 and August 2020...
February 15, 2024: Heliyon
Shahid Mehmood, Maham Rasool, Masood Ahmed, Hossam Haddad, Nidal Mahmoud Al-Ramahi
Workplace events play a significant role in shaping the performance of employees and organizations. Negative events, in particular, require careful attention due to their severe impact on employee wellbeing and performance. Workplace bullying and incivility are two negative events that can cause significant harm to employees and contribute to poor performance. This study examines the effects of workplace bullying and incivility on employee performance in the presence of perceived psychological wellbeing (PWB), with the moderating role of perceived organizational support (POS) considered for both independent variables and employee performance (EP)...
2024: PloS One
Corina Elena Luca, Alessia Sartorio, Loris Bonetti, Monica Bianchi
Bullying in the workplace is a serious problem in nursing and has an impact on the well-being of teams, patients, and organisations. This study's aim is to map possible interventions designed to prevent or resolve bullying in nursing. A scoping review of primary research published in English and Italian between 2011 and 2021 was undertaken from four databases (Cochrane Collaboration, PubMed, CINAHL Complete, and PsycInfo). The data were analysed using Arksey and O'Malley's framework, and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) Checklist was followed to report the study...
January 22, 2024: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
Angela Richard-Eaglin, Michelle Webb
With the introduction of more complex health conditions and the changing landscape of the healthcare infrastructure, burnout is increasingly becoming a crisis for the nursing profession and for the public. Recruitment in nursing must consider the concept of a nurturing environment as a key driver of sustainability within the profession. Human beings cannot flourish in hostile and unwelcoming environments. Failure to thrive in nursing is a real phenomenon that is driven by multiple factors, including incivility, workplace bullying, and lack of support...
March 2024: Nursing Clinics of North America
Michele Lucille Lopez
Compassion is an essential value held by the nursing profession, but many nurses demonstrate incivility that may originate from their experiences in nursing academia. The Incivility in Nursing Education-Revised tool was used at a community college nursing program to gain student perspectives on incivility. Watson's theory of human caring influenced this study. Participants were surveyed about types and frequencies of perceived faculty incivility. At least 77.8 percent of participants observed some degree of incivility in the program...
January 16, 2024: Nursing Education Perspectives
Ann-Renée Blais, Glen T Howell, István Tóth-Király, Simon A Houle
BACKGROUND: The Canadian Federal Public Service Workplace Mental Health Strategy (the Strategy) seeks to measure, report, and improve employee psychological health, recognizing the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) as a starting point. The present research introduced a new survey battery for the assessment of employee psychological health as profiles of burnout and work engagement. It also considered a wide range of predictors aligned with the Standard and several outcomes in accordance with the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model to support the Strategy...
December 20, 2023: Health Reports
Binod Rajak, K Vidyullatha Reddy, Punam Singh, Vimal Kumar
BACKGROUND: Stress is a pivotal aspect of organizational psychology. Although an individual's attitude and behaviour at work have received greater investigation, scant attention has been given to family-related dynamics and their impact on work. OBJECTIVE: This study contributes to understanding work-family dynamics by investigating the connection between family incivility and job dissatisfaction during the pandemic. Based on the conservation of resources theory, the research explores the potential moderating role of perceived organizational support...
December 29, 2023: Work: a Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation
Isaac Ks Ng, Sarah Ml Tan, Lawrence Sc Law, Li Feng Tan, Desmond B Teo
'Collegiality' comes from the Latin term 'Collegium', which essentially refers to a community of individuals bounded by their collective pursuit of a common goal. The concept has historical roots in both organised religion and academia, with its use subsequently extended to various industrial and corporate settings including healthcare. Nowadays, 'collegiality' has become a common buzzword adopted by the medical fraternity - often deemed as having a polite and respectful demeanour, maintaining cordial work relationships and being a team player who demonstrates willingness to help others and avoid speaking ill of fellow colleagues...
December 30, 2023: Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Alexander Villafranca, Ian Fast, Michelle Turick, Eric Jacobsohn
PURPOSE: Disruptive intraoperative behaviour can have detrimental consequences for clinicians, institutions, and patients. The way victims and witnesses respond to disruptive behaviour can ameliorate or exacerbate consequences. Nevertheless, previous research has neither described the responses of a multinational sample of clinicians nor developed tools to recognize and evaluate responses. METHODS: After obtaining ethics committee approval, 23 perioperative organizations distributed a survey evaluating clinician responses to disruptive behaviour...
December 21, 2023: Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia
Ronit Montal-Rosenberg, Peter A Bamberger, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Mo Wang, Mary Larimer, Samuel B Bacharach
Findings regarding the mechanism underlying the impact of supervisor incivility on subordinate alcohol misuse remain equivocal. Specifically, some studies indicate that stress mediates the impact of supervisor incivility on subordinate alcohol misuse, while others, find no evidence for such an effect, suggesting the need to investigate other mechanisms. Extending Conservation of Resource (COR) theory and employing a longitudinal study design, this study examines two alternative mechanisms grounded on social isolation...
January 2023: Journal of Drug Issues
Xiu Jin, Shanyue Jin, Chenglin Qing
This study sheds light on the literature on knowledge-hiding behavior in organizations and highlights a better and deeper understanding of the reasons for giving rise to knowledge hiding. In recent decades, knowledge hiding has been subjected to numerous studies in systematic literature reviews and organizational management regarding its impact on outcomes such as individual and organizational performance; however, the mechanism by which knowledge hiding is influenced by antecedents and the process of leading knowledge hiding has not been actively verified...
2023: Frontiers in Psychology
Samuel Ken-En Gan, Yusong Zeng, Zihan Wang
The average working person spends between 35 and 60 h a week in the workplace, making it an influential place for mental well-being and a place for socioeconomic contribution. Workplace incivility can diminish positive mental health outcomes and negatively impact work engagement through increased social anxiety. To investigate this, 118 working adults in Singapore aged between 19 to 67 years old were recruited for a survey consisting of demographic questions, the Workplace Incivility Scale, the Brief DSM-5 Social Anxiety Disorder Severity Scale, and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-9 between November 2022 to April 2023...
2023: Frontiers in Psychology
Regina W Urban, Marlene T Porter, Daisha J Cipher
Using an observational design, new graduate nurses' perceptions of job satisfaction and resignation ideation during COVID-19 were explored. Higher job satisfaction was associated with higher self-confidence, lower stress, and working in first choice of unit. A higher likelihood of resignation ideation was associated with coworker incivility, higher stress, and not working in first choice unit. New graduate nurses need support from nursing professional development practitioners for challenges faced throughout the transition-to-practice year...
December 8, 2023: Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
Gabriele Baniulyte, Neda Jajeh, Sunmeet Kandhari, Yen Ming Lin, Stephen Magill, Lucy Malcolm, Bronagh McGuckin, Elizabeth Morphet, Christine A Goodall
Incivility and inappropriate behaviour in the workplace are topics of growing interest due to their impact on patient care and safety. Several surveys and campaigns have emerged highlighting the existence of a problem. However, the true scale is difficult to ascertain. The aim of this study is to determine the existence of inappropriate behaviours within the UK dental training environment.An anonymous pilot questionnaire was distributed across multiple platforms reaching out to dental professionals within training environments, inviting responses between July 2022 and October 2022...
December 2023: British Dental Journal
Kristen M Stephens, JoAnn R Gurenlian, Michelle Hurlbutt
Purpose While incivility has been part of higher education for many years, there has been a documented increase as both students and educators have begun to recognize this behavior and its effects on student learning, faculty satisfaction and stress. The purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate the perceptions of incivility among dental hygiene students and faculty/administrators. Methods This study utilized a convenience sample of five dental hygiene programs in California. The Incivility in Higher Education-Revised survey (IHE-R) was adapted to obtain data regarding perceptions of incivility among dental hygiene students and faculty/administrators...
December 2023: Journal of Dental Hygiene: JDH
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