Atzmon Tsur, Gershon Volpin, Zvi Segal
BACKGROUND: Falls occur among old people and sometimes cause fractures in the hip. There are many reasons for falls. OBJECTIVES: To examine which ocular diseases are frequent among old people who fell and had hip fractures; to verify whether the use of glasses can prevent fall events. METHODS: A survey was conducted on a sample of 100 patients, 63 women and 37 men, who fell and broke their hip between the years 2008 - 2012, were operated on and hospitalized for rehabilitation...
September 2024: Harefuah
Sheer Shabat, Anat Marmor, Jeanne Tsenter, Shimon Shiri, Isabella Schwartz, Zeev Meiner
AIMS: The COVID-19 pandemic has long-lasting deleterious effects on many aspects of the survivors' life. However, the correlations between the severity of COVID-19 infection and rehabilitation outcomes are still unknown. METHODS: Sixty-one post-acute COVID-19 patients underwent a customized rehabilitation program in a rehabilitation daycare facility. The severity of the COVID-19 infection was measured according to the WHO clinical progression scale (CPS). Motor, cognitive, psychological and functional variables were measured using standard and specified scales; 19 out of 61 patients underwent nerve conduction studies...
September 2024: Harefuah
Jana Landa, Tamar Silberg, Maya Gerner, Etzyona Eisenstein, Sharon Barak
INTRODUCTION: Functional neurological disorder (FND) and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) are disorders that affect quality of life. CRPS diagnosis is based on Budapest criteria that include various signs/symptoms. Despite the similarity in the etiology/pathophysiology of FND and CRPS, the joint prevalence of these two conditions in youth has not yet been reported. Given that both phenomena are less familiar among pediatric patients, it is crucial to thoroughly characterize them and establish a clear differential diagnosis...
September 2024: Harefuah
Yaron Watts, Lilach Front, Dianne Michaeli, Elena Aidinoff, Amiram Catz, Vadim Bluvshtein
INTRODUCTION: Spinal cord lesions (SCL) are usually followed by neurological and functional improvement. The neurological improvement is natural and improves the functional potential of the patients, while rehabilitation improves the realization of that potential. The functional change depends on the neurological change, and usually does not represent the contribution of rehabilitation alone to the functional improvement. AIMS: To evaluate the net contribution of inpatient rehabilitation in Israel to functioning after SCL, and the ability to predict this contribution, which reflects the success of rehabilitation...
September 2024: Harefuah
Yaron Sacher, Sharon Shaklai, Avi Karni, Keren Cismariu-Potash
INTRODUCTION: Converging evidence from studies of patients suffering focal brain lesions and results from animal models led to the notion of two functionally and structurally distinct memory systems, declarative-explicit-episodic and procedural-implicit-skill. AIMS: Assessment of skill acquisition and procedural memory in patients after blunt traumatic brain injury (TBI) who suffer from deficit of explicit (episodic) memory in comparison to patients without such a deficit...
September 2024: Harefuah
Shay Ofir-Geva, Isaac Meilijson, Silvi Frenkel-Toledo, Nachum Soroker
AIMS: The identification of brain structures that are critical for upper limb residual motor function following stroke is an essential step towards the development of advanced treatment modalities for improving rehabilitation outcomes among brain-injured patients, such as non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, which aim to induce neuroplasticity in motor-critical brain regions. In the current study we attempted to identify the critical brain regions for upper limb motor function among stroke patients, using three different methods of lesion-symptom mapping (LSM)...
September 2024: Harefuah
Iuly Treger
Modern rehabilitation medicine focuses on evaluating and treating patients whose quality of life has been compromised by medical conditions. This field endeavors to enhance well-being and independence levels by adopting a comprehensive approach that addresses physical, mental, psychological, and social aspects, while incorporating advancements in medical research. Grounded in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) model by the World Health Organization, rehabilitation targets diverse levels of functional impairment...
September 2024: Harefuah
Magdalena Koper, Mateusz Rozmiarek, Joanna Poczta, Ewa Malchrowicz-Mośko, Tomasz Tasiemski
BACKGROUND: While the motivations of individuals without impairments for participating in mass running events are well-documented, there is a lack of current research exploring why people with physical disabilities engage in these events. This study aims to identify the motives for participation among people with physical disabilities, taking into account factors such as sex, age (emerging adults vs. middle-aged adults), time since injury or illness, and mode of movement during the run (wheelchair vs...
September 16, 2024: BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
Hongjie Yi, Wenfeng Tang, Ying Shen, Li Tan, Fanshu Zeng, Siqi Yang
BACKGROUND: Early postoperative mobilization is important for enhanced recovery but can be hindered by orthostatic intolerance. However, study on postoperative orthostatic intolerance in thoracoscopic lung resection is limited. Thus, this investigation aims to examine the prevalence and variables contributing to orthostatic intolerance on the first day following thoracoscopic lung cancer resection. METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted from February 01 to May 05, 2023, at the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University...
September 16, 2024: BMC Surgery
Hirohisa Kano, Takeshi Ebara, Taro Matsuki, Hazuki Tamada, Yasuyuki Yamada, Sayaka Kato, Kayo Kaneko, Kazuki Matsuzaki, Hirotaka Sato, Kyoko Minato, Mayumi Sugiura-Ogasawara, Shinji Saitoh, Michihiro Kamijima
BACKGROUND: Although involvement of toddlers in swimming activities has increased recently, information regarding the impact of swimming during toddlerhood on subsequent child motor competence development is scarce. This study aimed to determine how swimming experience, particularly the timing of initiation and the continuity of swimming activities up to the age of 3 years, affects motor competence development. METHODS: This prospective cohort study included data on children aged 1...
September 17, 2024: BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
Matjaž Zadravec, Zlatko Matjačić
BACKGROUND: Gait event detection is crucial for assessment, evaluation and provision of biofeedback during rehabilitation of walking. Existing online gait event detection algorithms mostly rely on add-on sensors, limiting their practicality. Instrumented treadmills offer a promising alternative by utilizing the Center of Pressure (CoP) signal for real-time gait event detection. However, current methods have limitations, particularly in detecting cross-step events during perturbed walking conditions...
September 16, 2024: Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation
Jing Zhao, Charles Green, Christine Markham, Kayo Fujimoto, Alan G Nyitray, Lu-Yu Hwang
BACKGROUND: Prior research predominantly examined the association between HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) or those using injection drugs and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. However, limited attention has been given to understanding the association among HIV-negative MSM who do not inject drugs. This gap leaves apportion of the population unexamined, potentially overlooking important factor that may contribute to the transmission and prevalence of HCV. This study aims to investigate the relationship between non-injection drug use and HCV infection in this population...
September 17, 2024: BMC Infectious Diseases
Maeve Pascoe, Madeleine M Grigg-Damberger, Harneet Walia, Noah Andrews, Lu Wang, James Bena, Irene Katzan, Ken Uchino, Nancy Foldvary-Schaefer
PURPOSE: Untreated obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. However, diagnosing and treating OSA in AIS is challenging. We aimed to determine the feasibility of portable monitoring (PM) for diagnosis and positive airway pressure therapy for treatment of OSA in an inpatient stroke population. METHODS: We recruited inpatients with AIS from Cleveland Clinic. Those who consented underwent PM; participants with a respiratory event index (REI) ≥ 10 were offered auto-titrating positive airway pressure therapy (APAP)...
September 16, 2024: Sleep & Breathing
H Shafeeq Ahmed
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) poses unique challenges for women during pregnancy, necessitating comprehensive care and tailored management strategies. The present narrative review aims to examine the unique challenges and management strategies required for women with LGMD during pregnancy. With over 30 genetic subtypes identified and the potential for additional discoveries through advanced diagnostic techniques, preconception counseling plays a crucial role in informing prospective parents about reproductive risks and available options...
September 16, 2024: Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Manfred E Heim
Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) during and after tumor therapy influences all aspects of life and lowers performance and quality of life. Regular CRF screening and diagnostic evaluation are important factors in the care of patients. This article presents strategies for recognizing and treating CRF. Multiprofessional and personalized therapies can improve CRF. Outpatient and inpatient rehabilitative strategies should be implemented after completion of tumor therapy.
September 16, 2024: Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz
Yasmin Youssef, Rene Toussaint, Jörg Ansorg, Götz Dimanski, Dominik Adl Amini
BACKGROUND: After the fusion of the fields of orthopedics and trauma surgery in 2006 the educational content significantly increased. The acquisition of non-surgical diagnostic and treatment skills seems to fall behind in the classical operatively focused residency programs. This study presents a status quo of the non-surgical education and knowledge in the field of orthopedics and traumatology in Germany. METHODS: An online-based voluntary and anonymous questionnaire was conducted between June and August 2023...
September 16, 2024: Orthopadie (Heidelb)
Seyran Naghdi, David R Ellard, Rebecca Kearney
BACKGROUND: Acute Rehabilitation following Traumatic anterior shoulder dISlocAtioN (ARTISAN) was a large trial comparing the clinical and cost-effectiveness of two rehabilitation interventions in adults with a first-time traumatic shoulder dislocation. Participants were allocated to receive either a single session of advice (ARTISAN) or a single session of advice and a programme of physiotherapy (ARTISAN plus). Trial results illustrated that additional physiotherapy after an initial session was not superior in improving functional outcomes for participants...
September 16, 2024: BMJ Open
Suman Sheraz, Arshad Nawaz Malik, Francesco Vincenzo Ferraro, Furqan Ahmed Siddiqi
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of multifactorial inspiratory muscle training (IMT) combined with Otago Exercise Programme (OEP) on balance and quality of life (QoL) in patients with diabetes. METHODS: Pretest-post-test randomised controlled trial. SETTING: Rehabilitation Department of Pakistan Railway General Hospital. PARTICIPANTS: 70 patients with diabetes were randomly assigned to experimental or placebo groups, out of which 59 patients completed the intervention...
September 16, 2024: BMJ Open
Haowei Zhang, Jianhang Lv, Xinsheng Xu, Jiong Mei, Ying Liu
To explore the biomechanical effects of different internal fixation methods on femoral neck fractures under various postoperative conditions, mechanical analyses were conducted, including static and dynamic assessments. Ultimately, a mechanical stability evaluation system was established to determine the weights of each mechanical index and the evaluation scores for each sample. In static analysis, it was found that the mechanical stability of each model met the fixation requirements post-fracture. During the healing process, the maximum stress on the hollow nail slightly increased, and stress distribution shifted from multi-point to a more uniform single-point distribution, which contributes to fracture healing and reduces the risk of stress concentration...
September 2024: Medical Engineering & Physics
Takaaki Fujita, Ryuichi Kasahara, Megumi Kurita, Ryohei Jinbo, Yuichi Yamamoto, Yoko Ohira, Koji Otsuki, Kazuaki Iokawa
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of motivation on independence in activities of daily living, such as eating, getting up, and rehabilitation, in subacute stroke patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively assessed the data of 191 first-stroke patients in a rehabilitation hospital ward. Motivation was examined using the following five elements of the Vitality Index: waking pattern, communication, feeding, on and off toilet, and rehabilitation and other activities...
September 16, 2024: Neurological Research
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