L Dubois, S A Zijderveld
Subcutaneous emphysema is a relatively harmless finding which is pathognomonic for a mid-facial fracture in most cases. Increasing pressure will cause air to expand beyond the tissues. It is often caused by blowing one's nose, but can also result from intubation in cases of more severe trauma. Crepitus can be heard or felt subcutaneously upon palpitation. Two cases of patients presenting at an oral and maxillofacial unit with extensive emphysema in the head and neck region illustrate both a common and an unusual cause...
September 2024: Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Tandheelkunde
Muhamed M Farhan-Alanie, Alastair Stephens, Hamza Umar, Ali Ridha, Mateen Arastu, Michael Blankstein
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to compare 30-day post-operative mortality, and revision for aseptic femoral component loosening and all-causes following hip hemiarthroplasty performed with or without pressurisation of the bone cement in neck of femur fracture patients. METHODS: Design: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Level I trauma center. PATIENT SELECTION CRITERIA: Patients ≥60 years with OTA/AO 31B who underwent a cemented hip hemiarthroplasty from 10th December 2007 (database inception) to 15th November 2023 (search date) were reviewed...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
Cassandra Ricketts, Mir Ibrahim Sajid, Meghan McCaskey, Reed Andrews, Hassan R Mir
OBJECTIVES: To describe and report outcomes of a minimally invasive open intramedullary (IM) fibular nailing technique for fixation of ankle fractures. METHODS: Design: Case Series. SETTING: Urban Level 1 trauma center. PATIENT SELECTION CRITERIA: Adult patients with ankle fractures (OTA 44A-C) treated with locked fibular IM nailing via a minimally invasive open technique for fracture and syndesmotic reduction between 2021 and 2024...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
Andrew B Rees, Alexander R Dombrowsky, Samuel L Posey, Meghan K Wally, Laurence B Kempton, Joseph R Hsu, Kevin D Phelps
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 5, 2024: Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
Christian Michelitsch, Benedikt Jochum, Andrin Baer, Samuel Haupt, Philipp F Stillhard, Jonathan Copp, Christoph Sommer
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the surgical outcomes of femoral neck fractures (FNF) in young adults treated with a closed reduction technique as it pertains to reduction quality, rates of union and risk factors for complication. METHODS: Design: Retrospective cohort study with radiograph and electronic medical record review. SETTING: Level 1 Swiss Trauma center. PATIENT SELECTION CRITERIA: Between 2012 and 2021, young adults with isolated FNF (AO/OTA 31-B1) treated with percutaneous screw fixation were selected...
September 5, 2024: Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
Xixi Li, Nan Xie, Tong Zhou, Bo Yang
BACKGROUND: The widespread use of agricultural machinery in China has increased the incidence of agricultural machinery-related injuries, posing challenges to on-site medical rescue. This study explores resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) as a life-saving intervention for a patient with severe trauma from agricultural machinery. CASEPRESENTATION: This study reviews the emergency medical response for a 70-year-old male who suffered machinery entanglement injuries in an agricultural field in western China...
September 2024: Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Official Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
Elizabeth Jay Renaud, Julie R Bromberg, Christina McRoberts, Geraldine Almonte, Timmy R Lin, Emily Hensler, Michael J Mello
BACKGROUND: Children experiencing trauma are at risk of developing acute and chronic stress disorders. In 2022, the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma required verified pediatric trauma centers to screen at-risk patients and provide mental health provider referrals as needed. OBJECTIVE: The study objective is to assess the current readiness of pediatric trauma centers to meet the new American College of Surgeons requirements. METHODS: This study used an exploratory, electronic, cross-sectional survey design...
September 2024: Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Official Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2024: Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Official Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
Lanny C Orr, Alexa L Peterson, Tessa C Savell, Elizabeth L McCotter, Craig E Palm, Sadie L Arnold, Gordon M Riha, Simon J Thompson
BACKGROUND: The balanced transfusion of blood components plays a leading role in traumatic hemostatic resuscitation. Yet, previous whole blood studies have only focused on urban trauma center settings. OBJECTIVE: To compare component vs whole blood therapy on wastage rates and mortality in the rural setting. METHODS: This study was a nonrandomized, retrospective, observational, single-center study on a cold-stored whole blood program implementation for adult massive transfusions from 2020 to 2022 at a Level II trauma center...
September 2024: Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Official Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
Erin Klarr, Heather Xenia Rhodes-Lyons, Rachel Symons
BACKGROUND: There is a need for activation criteria that reflect the different factors affecting rural trauma patients. OBJECTIVE: To develop effective activation criteria for a rural trauma center among adults, incorporating variables specific to the geography, mechanisms of injury, and population served. METHODS: This is a single-center, retrospective cohort study conducted from (23 years) January 1, 2000, to July 31, 2023. The data collected patient demographics, injury details, morbidity, and preexisting comorbidity...
September 2024: Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Official Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
(no author information available yet)
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2024: Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Official Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
Gabriel E Vazquez, John R Calhoun, Elizabeth A Fuchsen, Jeannette M Capella, Cory C Vaudt, Richard A Sidwell, Hayden L Smith, Carlos A Pelaez
BACKGROUND: Needle thoracostomy is a potentially life-saving intervention for tension pneumothorax but may be overused, potentially leading to unnecessary morbidity. OBJECTIVE: To review prehospital needle thoracostomy indications, effectiveness, and adverse outcomes. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted based on registry data for a United States Midwestern Level I trauma center for a 7.5-year period (January 2015 to May 2022)...
September 2024: Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Official Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
Marsha Salzwedel, Heather Xenia Rhodes-Lyons, Elizabeth Kracht
BACKGROUND: The lifestyle differences of Anabaptists and their views on health care may yield different injury patterns than standard populations and require a customized approach to injury prevention and health care delivery. OBJECTIVE: To identify differences in injury patterns and delays in care-seeking behaviors among the Anabaptists in Wisconsin. METHODS: This single-center retrospective cohort study was conducted from (23 years) January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2023...
September 2024: Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Official Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
LeAnne Young
No abstract text is available yet for this article.
September 2024: Journal of Trauma Nursing: the Official Journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses
Caterina Obenauf, Gina P Owens, Sam DeHart
Experiencing multiple types of traumatic events can increase the risk of developing somatic and posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS). Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS), or somatic symptoms that lack a distinct medical explanation, often coexist with PTSS in emerging adults and may be due to common underlying mechanisms. Coping strategies have been associated with PTSS, but have not been studied in trauma-exposed individuals with MUS. The current study examined the relationship between the number of types of potentially traumatic events experienced and MUS among emerging adults, considering the influence of PTSS and engagement and disengagement coping...
2024: PloS One
Donna M Pink
Events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have increased people's awareness of mental health issues. Psychological trauma impacts patients in the acute care setting through physical and mental health presentations. Trauma is a public health issue crossing all socioeconomic groups and is related to social determinants of health. Trauma-informed care (TIC) is an evidence-based approach to providing care. TIC is within the scope of nursing practice and improves outcomes for patients. However, there is a lack of standard terms or practices within healthcare...
September 5, 2024: British Journal of Nursing: BJN
Claire Cassells, Sarah Hillery
Urinary incontinence is common and has many causes. A main one is urinary retention, and clean intermittent self-catheterisation is the gold standard for managing it. There are, however, complications associated with performing this, which affect patient experience, quality of life and compliance with the procedure. The most common complication is urinary tract infection (UTI), which can be debilitating and have serious consequences. On average, patients experience 2.7 UTIs a year. Infection often arises from residual urine left behind, this can be caused by mucosal suction into catheter eyelets giving the impression that the bladder has finished emptying and leading to early withdrawal of the catheter...
September 5, 2024: British Journal of Nursing: BJN
K Matthew Lattal
Experimental findings showing that retrieved memories are labile and vulnerable to disruption have led to important theoretical ideas at a basic science level that have been applied to the clinic at a translational level. At a theoretical level, these findings suggest that retrieved memories can be modulated by behavioral or pharmacological treatments as they are reconsolidated and returned to storage. At a clinical level, these findings suggest that treatments that target reconsolidation may help dampen or even erase especially problematic memories, such as those associated with trauma...
August 2024: Behavioral Neuroscience
Alex E Colson, Em Matsuno, Sebastian M Barr, Ashley K Randall
Transgender and nonbinary (TNB) people experience elevated rates of posttraumatic stress (PTS) due to transphobic violence, discrimination, microaggressions, and minority stress. Nonbinary people in particular experience unique chronic minority stressors (e.g., misgendering, interpersonal invalidation) because of the assumption that gender is inherently binary. Such examples of oppression against TNB people could contribute to complex PTS (c-PTS) symptoms, which arise due to exposure to chronic, cumulative, and interpersonal trauma...
September 9, 2024: Journal of Counseling Psychology
Cliodhna O'Connor, Giulia Brown, Julienne Debono, Lauren Suty, Helene Joffe
OBJECTIVE: The ways that mental health concepts are represented on social media could have significant implications for lay understandings and behavior. The current article reports an analysis of how trauma is represented on TikTok, one of the world's most popular social media platforms. METHOD: Following a search for content using the hashtag #trauma, 143 videos were subjected to qualitative content analysis to characterize the profiles of their producers, intended function, and trauma-related content...
September 9, 2024: Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy
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