Madini O Alassafi, Wajid Aziz, Rayed AlGhamdi, Abdulrahman A Alshdadi, Malik Sajjad Ahmed Nadeem, Ishtiaq Rasool Khan, Adel Bahaddad, Ali Altalbe, Nabeel Albishry
BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that leads to severe acute respiratory syndrome and various cardiorespiratory complications, contributing to morbidity and mortality. Entropy analysis has demonstrated its ability to monitor physiological states and system dynamics during health and disease. The main objective of the study is to extract information about cardiorespiratory control by conducting a complexity analysis of OSV signals using scale-based entropy measures following a two-month timeframe after recovery...
February 9, 2024: Journal of Infection and Public Health
Ru Zhang, Stuart B Murray, Christina J Duval, Danny J J Wang, Kay Jann
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been characterized by impairments among distributed functional brain networks, e.g., the frontoparietal network (FPN), default mode network (DMN), reward and motivation-related circuits (RMN), and salience network (SAL). In the current study, we evaluated the complexity and functional connectivity (FC) of resting state fMRI (rsfMRI) in pre-adolescents with the behavioral symptoms of ADHD, for pathology-relevant networks. We leveraged data from the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study...
February 13, 2024: Psychiatry Research
Yanping Liu, Yang Jiao, Xinwei Li, Guoqiang Li, Wei Wang, Zhichao Liu, Dui Qin, Lisha Zhong, Liyu Liu, Jianwei Shuai, Zhangyong Li
Cell migration, which is primarily characterized by directional persistence, is essential for the development of normal tissues and organs, as well as for numerous pathological processes. However, there is a lack of simple and efficient tools to analyze the systematic properties of persistence based on cellular trajectory data. Here, we present a novel approach, the Entropy of Angular Distribution (EAD), which combines cellular turning dynamics and Shannon entropy to explore the statistical and time-varying properties of persistence that strongly correlate with cellular migration modes...
February 16, 2024: Biophysical Journal
Chung Chi Chio, Ying-Lung Steve Tse
We have developed a general scheme for refining classical polarizable molecular dynamics (MD) force fields that can accurately describe the molecular interactions in systems with liquid-liquid interfaces. While ab initio MD (AIMD) simulations can naturally describe molecular interactions, they are often so computationally expensive that simulating large system sizes and/or long time scales is usually infeasible. To resolve this, we parameterized efficient and accurate classical polarizable force fields that use AIMD reference data by minimizing both the relative entropy and the root mean squared deviation in atomic forces...
February 14, 2024: Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Madini O Alassafi, Wajid Aziz, Rayed AlGhamdi, Abdulrahman A Alshdadi, Malik Sajjad Ahmed Nadeem, Ishtiaq Rasool Khan, Nabeel Albishry, Adel Bahaddad, Ali Altalbe
COVID-19, known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 primarily targets the respiratory system and can impact the cardiovascular system, leading to a range of cardiorespiratory complications. The current forefront in analyzing the dynamical characteristics of physiological systems and aiding clinical decision-making involves the integration of entropy-based complexity techniques with artificial intelligence. Entropy-based measures offer promising prospects for identifying disturbances in cardiorespiratory control system (CRCS) among COVID-19 patients by assessing the oxygen saturation variability (OSV) signals...
February 1, 2024: Computers in Biology and Medicine
Teng Zhang, Xinzheng Dong, Dandan Wang, Chen Huang, Xiaohua Douglas Zhang
MOTIVATION: The analysis of data obtained from continuous monitoring of respiratory signals (CMRS) holds significant importance in improving patient care, optimizing sports performance, and advancing scientific understanding in the field of respiratory health. RESULTS: The R package RespirAnalyzer provides an analytic tool specifically for feature extraction, fractal and complexity analysis for CMRS data. The package covers a wide and comprehensive range of data analysis methods including obtaining inter-breath intervals (IBI) series, plotting time series, obtaining summary statistics of IBI series, conducting power spectral density, multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MFDFA) and multiscale sample entropy analysis, fitting the MFDFA results with the extended binomial multifractal model, displaying results using various plots, etc...
2024: Bioinform Adv
Yuan Hu, Chang Liu, Huayun Shen, Gang Xiao, Jinghong Li
In this paper, a unified gas kinetic particle (UGKP) method is developed for radiative transfer in both absorbing and anisotropic scattering media. This numerical method is constructed based on our theoretical work on the model reduction for an anisotropic scattering system. The macroscopic solver of this method directly solves the macroscopic anisotropic diffusion equations, eliminating the need to solve higher-order moment equations. The reconstruction of macroscopic scattering source in the microscopic solver, based on the multiscale equivalent phase function we proposed in this work, has also been simplified as one single scattering process, significantly reducing the computational costs...
January 6, 2024: Entropy
Yihan Fu, Zheng Zhao, Peng Lin
The detection of instability inception is favorable to avoid compressor instability. In this paper, a multiscale entropy-based feature extraction is developed for the detection of the instability inception in axial compressors. Nonlinear and statistical features of the short-time instability inception are extracted by generally combining multiscale entropy and statistical features. First, nonlinear features are extracted by refined composite multiscale entropy to avoid the inaccurate estimation or undefined entropy of multiscale entropy for short time series...
January 2, 2024: Entropy
Leonardo H da Costa Longo, Guilherme F Roberto, Thaína A A Tosta, Paulo R de Faria, Adriano M Loyola, Sérgio V Cardoso, Adriano B Silva, Marcelo Z do Nascimento, Leandro A Neves
In this work, a computational scheme is proposed to identify the main combinations of handcrafted descriptors and deep-learned features capable of classifying histological images stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The handcrafted descriptors were those representatives of multiscale and multidimensional fractal techniques (fractal dimension, lacunarity and percolation) applied to quantify the histological images with the corresponding representations via explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) approaches...
December 28, 2023: Entropy
Yuebin Song, Chunling Fan, Xiaoqian Mao
To decrease the interference in the process of epileptic feature extraction caused by insufficient detection capability in partial channels of focal epilepsy, this paper proposes a novel epilepsy detection method based on dynamic electroencephalogram (EEG) channel screening. This method not only extracts more effective epilepsy features but also finds common features among different epilepsy subjects, providing an effective approach and theoretical support for across-subject epilepsy detection in clinical scenarios...
January 9, 2024: Neural Networks: the Official Journal of the International Neural Network Society
Rui Chang, Chengqian Yuan, Peng Zhou, Ruirui Xing, Xuehai Yan
ConspectusBiomolecular self-assembly is a ubiquitous occurrence in nature that gives rise to sophisticated superstructures that enable the implementation of complex biological functions. It encompasses both ordered structures, such as the DNA double helix, and disordered structures, such as the nucleolus and other nonmembranous organelles. In contrast to these highly organized ordered structures, which exhibit specific patterns or symmetry, disordered structures are characterized by their flexible and randomized molecular organization, which provides versatility, dynamicity, and adaptability to biological systems and contributes to the complexity and functionality of living organisms...
January 17, 2024: Accounts of Chemical Research
Monika Lewandowska, Krzysztof Tołpa, Marcin Hajnowski, Tomasz Piotrowski, Joanna Dreszer
Speech understanding, watching a movie, listening to music etc., requires perception of the temporal order of at least two incoming events. A history of performing these tasks may be reflected in spontaneous brain activity. Here, we examined the relationship between the complexity (temporal dynamics) of resting‑state EEG (rsEEG) signal, assessed using the multivariate MultiScale Entropy (mMSE) algorithm, and the perception of event ordering, indexed by a visual temporal order threshold (TOT), i.e., the minimum duration necessary to correctly identify the before‑after relation between two stimuli...
November 30, 2023: Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis
Yanyang Li, Jindong Wang, Haiyang Zhao, Chang Wang, Qi Shao
Underdetermined blind source separation (UBSS) has garnered significant attention in recent years due to its ability to separate source signals without prior knowledge, even when sensors are limited. To accurately estimate the mixed matrix, various clustering algorithms are typically employed to enhance the sparsity of the mixed matrix. Traditional clustering methods require prior knowledge of the number of direct signal sources, while modern artificial intelligence optimization algorithms are sensitive to outliers, which can affect accuracy...
December 27, 2023: Sensors
Anique Akhtar, Zhu Li, Geert Van Der Auwera
Efficient point cloud compression is essential for applications like virtual and mixed reality, autonomous driving, and cultural heritage. This paper proposes a deep learning-based inter-frame encoding scheme for dynamic point cloud geometry compression. We propose a lossy geometry compression scheme that predicts the latent representation of the current frame using the previous frame by employing a novel feature space inter-prediction network. The proposed network utilizes sparse convolutions with hierarchical multiscale 3D feature learning to encode the current frame using the previous frame...
January 3, 2024: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing: a Publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Shuang Luo, Rahul Prasanna Misra, Daniel Blankschtein
Understanding the behavior of water contacting two-dimensional materials, such as hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), is important in practical applications, including seawater desalination and energy harvesting. Water, being a polar solvent, can strongly polarize the hBN surface via the electric fields that it generates. However, there is a lack of molecular-level understanding about the role of polarization effects at the hBN/water interface, including its effect on the wetting properties of water. In this study, we develop a theoretical framework that introduces an all-atomistic polarizable force field to accurately model the interactions of water molecules with hBN surfaces...
January 3, 2024: ACS Nano
Zihao Wen, Zhongyu Tang, Yiwen Liu, Lei Zhuang, Hulei Yu, Yanhui Chu
High mechanical load-carrying capability and thermal insulating performance are crucial to thermal-insulation materials under extreme conditions. However, these features are often difficult to achieve simultaneously in conventional porous ceramics. Here, for the first time, it is reported a multiscale structure design and fast fabrication of 9-cation porous high-entropy diboride ceramics via an ultrafast high-temperature synthesis technique that can lead to exceptional mechanical load-bearing capability and high thermal insulation performance...
January 2, 2024: Advanced Materials
W M Lozano, J E Ortiz-Guzmán, O Arias-Mutis, A Bizy, P Genovés, L Such-Miquel, A Alberola, F J Chorro, M Zarzoso, C J Calvo
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) has been linked to a higher prevalence of cardiac arrhythmias, the most frequent being atrial fibrillation, but the mechanisms are not well understood. One possible underlying mechanism may be an abnormal modulation of autonomic nervous system activity, which can be quantified by analysing heart rate variability (HRV). Our aim was to investigate the modifications of long-term HRV in an experimental model of diet-induced MetS to identify the early changes in HRV and the link between autonomic dysregulation and MetS components...
December 6, 2023: Interface Focus
Sara A Nasrat, Korosh Mahmoodi, Ahsan H Khandoker, Paolo Grigolini, Herbert F Jelinek
The significance of crucial events in explaining the dynamics of a physiological system has only been recently emerging. Crucial events are yet to be fully understood and implemented in clinical applications of physiological signal processing. This paper proposes the application of modified diffusion entropy (MDEA) and novel multiscale diffusion entropy analyses (MSDEA) on measuring the temporal complexity of the ECG time series to improve crucial events detection performance. Thirty samples of each of three groups of ECG datasets from PhysioNet with recordings of cardiac arrhythmia (ARR), congestive heart failure (CHF) and normal sinus rhythm (NSR) were analyzed using MDEA with stripes followed by MSDEA...
July 2023: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Kuntal Ghosh, Timothy D Loose, Gregory A Voth
Coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics can be a powerful method for probing complex processes. However, most CG force fields use pairwise nonbonded interaction potentials sets, which can limit their ability to capture complex multi-body phenomena such as the hydrophobic effect. As the hydrophobic effect primarily manifests itself due to the nonpolar solute affecting the nearby hydrogen bonding network in water, capturing such effects using a simple one CG site or "bead" water model is a challenge. In this work, we systematically test the ability of CG one site water models for capturing critical features of the solvent environment around a hydrophobe as well as the potential of mean force (PMF) of neopentane association...
December 14, 2023: Journal of Chemical Physics
Maedeh Azadi Moghadam, Ali Maleki
BACKGROUND: Fatigue is a serious challenge when applying a steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) in the real world. Many researchers have used quantitative indices to study the effect of visual stimuli on fatigue. According to a wide range of studies in fatigue analysis, there are contradictions and inconsistencies in the behavior of fatigue indicators. NEW METHOD: In this study, for the first time, a systematic review and meta-analysis were performed on fatigue indices and fatigue caused by stimulation paradigm...
2023: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
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