Zhihua Liu, Bin Yang, Yan Shen, Xuejun Ni, Sotirios A Tsaftaris, Huiyu Zhou
Ultrasound is a promising medical imaging modality benefiting from low-cost and real-time acquisition. Accurate tracking of an anatomical landmark has been of high interest for various clinical workflows such as minimally invasive surgery and ultrasound-guided radiation therapy. However, tracking an anatomical landmark accurately in ultrasound video is very challenging, due to landmark deformation, visual ambiguity and partial observation. In this paper, we propose a long-short diffeomorphism memory network (LSDM), which is a multi-task framework with an auxiliary learnable deformation prior to supporting accurate landmark tracking...
March 11, 2024: Medical Image Analysis
María Isabel Cornejo-Plaza, Roberto Cippitani, Vincenzo Pasquino
This paper discusses a landmark ruling by the Chilean Supreme Court of August 9, 2023 dealing with the right to mental privacy, originated with an action for constitutional protection filed on behalf of Guido Girardi Lavin against Emotiv Inc., a North American company based in San Francisco, California that is commercializing the device "Insight." This wireless device functions as a headset with sensors that collect information about the brain's electrical activity (i.e., neurodata). The discussion revolves around whether neurodata can be considered personal data and whether they could be classified into a special category...
2024: Frontiers in Psychology
Hans Jörg Staehle, Caroline Sekundo
PURPOSE: This paper describes previously unknown details about the discovery of resin adhesion to acid-etched human enamel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review was performed through manual assessments. Primary sources revealing the discovery of resin curing on etched enamel were analyzed considering the research objectives and methodological procedure during that era, including the type of teeth used, preparatory measures, acid-etching process, type of resin and its application, and follow-up observations...
January 15, 2024: Journal of Adhesive Dentistry
Paul H Doan, David M Handojo, Shivani Parihar, Alison Pitts, Reza Naraghi, Sarah L Carter
BACKGROUND: A rounded lateral first metatarsal head shape is associated with higher rates of hallux abducto valgus recurrence following corrective surgery; however, the effect of the lateral first metatarsal head shape on the hallux abduction angle (HAA) has not yet been explored in a nonpathologic, pre-pointe ballet dancer population. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the lateral first metatarsal head shape on the HAA when pre-pointe female dancers force their turnout...
2024: Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
Zimeng Tan, Jianjiang Feng, Wangsheng Lu, Yin Yin, Guangming Yang, Jie Zhou
Vascular landmark detection plays an important role in medical analysis and clinical treatment. However, due to the complex topology and similar local appearance around landmarks, the popular heatmap regression based methods always suffer from the landmark confusion problem. Vascular landmarks are connected by vascular segments and have special spatial correlations, which can be utilized for performance improvement. In this paper, we propose a multi-task global optimization-based framework for accurate and automatic vascular landmark detection...
March 1, 2024: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics: the Official Journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society
Zixun Huang, Rui Zhao, Frank H F Leung, Sunetra Banerjee, Kin-Man Lam, Yong-Ping Zheng, Sai Ho Ling
In medical image analysis, anatomical landmarks usually contain strong prior knowledge of their structural information. In this paper, we propose to promote medical landmark localization by modeling the underlying landmark distribution via normalizing flows. Specifically, we introduce the flow-based landmark distribution prior as a learnable objective function into a regression-based landmark localization framework. Moreover, we employ an integral operation to make the mapping from heatmaps to coordinates differentiable to further enhance heatmap-based localization with the learned distribution prior...
February 29, 2024: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Haiyang Hu, Huangqin Song, Bin Han, Haoliang Zhao, Jiefeng He
The incidence and mortality from malignant tumors continue to rise each year. Consequently, early diagnosis and intervention are vital for improving patient' prognosis and survival. The traditional pathological tissue biopsy is currently considered the gold standard for cancer diagnosis. However, it suffers from several limitations including invasiveness, sometimes not repeatable or unsuitable, and the inability to capture the dynamic nature of tumors in terms of space and time. Consequently, these limit the application of tissue biopsies for the diagnosis of early-stage tumors and have redirected the research focus towards liquid biopsies...
February 22, 2024: Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition)
Rongyi Hu, Zhizhou Shi, Jie Yang, Yanxin Ren, Xiaojiang Li
At present, many problems remain to be solved in studying the pathogenesis of thyroid cancer. Ferroptosis is a programmed cell death mode discovered in recent years, and many studies have found that ferroptosis plays a significant role in the prognosis and progression of thyroid cancer. The researchers showed that ferroptosis-related genes are essential in diagnosing thyroid cancer. Therefore, this paper summarizes some pathological and clinical characteristics of thyroid cancer and makes a series of combs on the relationship between ferroptosis and the basis and function of thyroid cancer, thus providing specific ideas for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer...
February 21, 2024: Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition)
Ya-Ruo Lei, Xian-Lu He, Jun Li, Chun-Fen Mo
Primary liver cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors with high mortality and increasing incidence worldwide. Currently, chemotherapy is an important comprehensive treatment for moderate or advanced liver cancer. Despite the effective therapeutic effects initially achieved by chemotherapy, the high phenotypic and molecular heterogeneity of liver cancer cells facilitates resistance to conventional chemotherapy or targeted therapy and even leads to multidrug resistance (MDR), which is one of the major obstacles for clinical chemotherapy...
February 4, 2024: Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition)
Honge Li, Wenhui Pei, Yunchao Wang, Yuhuan Zhang, Zhen Yang, Xinhua Wang
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex respiratory disorder influenced by various factors and involving multiple genes. Respiratory dysfunction in COPD patients leads to hypoxia, resulting in limited oxygen uptake. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha ( PPARA ) is a plateau-adapted gene that regulates respiratory function in populations adapted to high-altitude areas through multiple pathways. Interestingly, PPARA expression is higher in long-term inhabiting Tibetan populations that have adapted to the plateau environment...
February 20, 2024: Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition)
Simone Garzia, Katia Capellini, Emanuele Gasparotti, Domenico Pizzuto, Giuseppe Spinelli, Sergio Berti, Vincenzo Positano, Simona Celi
The multimodal and multidomain registration of medical images have gained increasing recognition in clinical practice as a powerful tool for fusing and leveraging useful information from different imaging techniques and in different medical fields such as cardiology and orthopedics. Image registration could be a challenging process, and it strongly depends on the correct tuning of registration parameters. In this paper, the robustness and accuracy of a landmarks-based approach have been presented for five cardiac multimodal image datasets...
February 7, 2024: Sensors
Kuanxin Shen, Yingshun Li, Zhannan Guo, Jintao Gao, Yingjian Wu
Among the numerous gaze-estimation methods currently available, appearance-based methods predominantly use RGB images as input and employ convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to detect facial images to regressively obtain gaze angles or gaze points. Model-based methods require high-resolution images to obtain a clear eyeball geometric model. These methods face significant challenges in outdoor environments and practical application scenarios. This paper proposes a model-based gaze-estimation algorithm using a low-resolution 3D TOF camera...
February 6, 2024: Sensors
Jason C Wong, Aselle Barak
Dry eye disease (DED) is a common condition that affects mainly older individuals and women. It is characterized by reduced tear production and increased tear evaporation. Symptoms include burning, irritation, tearing, and blurry vision. This paper reviews key trials of various new DED treatments, including their mechanism of action, study outcomes, safety, and efficacy. The paper also includes a critical assessment of the trial's validity and potential pharmacy applications of these new treatments. The literature search was conducted through PubMed, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Google Scholar...
January 23, 2024: Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland)
Zaid Allal, Hassan N Noura, Ola Salman, Khaled Chahine
The Paris Agreement, a landmark international treaty signed in 2016 to limit global warming to 2°C, has urged researchers to explore various strategies for achieving its ambitious goals. While Renewable Energy (RE) innovation holds promise, it alone may not be sufficient as critical deadlines approach. This field of research presents numerous challenges, foremost among them being the costliness of materials involved. However, emerging advancements in Machine Learning (ML) technologies provide a glimmer of hope; these sophisticated algorithms can accurately predict the output of energy systems without relying on physical resources and instead leverage available data from diverse energy platforms that have emerged over recent decades...
February 21, 2024: Journal of Environmental Management
Ana Virginia Ruescas-Nicolau, Enrique José Medina-Ripoll, Eduardo Parrilla Bernabé, Helios de Rosario Martínez
In this paper, we present a dataset that takes 2D and 3D human pose keypoints estimated from images and relates them to the location of 3D anatomical landmarks. The dataset contains 51,051 poses obtained from 71 persons in A-Pose while performing 7 movements (walking, running, squatting, and four types of jumping). These poses were scanned to build a collection of 3D moving textured meshes with anatomical correspondence. Each mesh in that collection was used to obtain the 3D locations of 53 anatomical landmarks, and 48 images were created using virtual cameras with different perspectives...
April 2024: Data in Brief
Hamid Alavi, Mehdi Seifi, Mahboubeh Rouhollahei, Mehravar Rafati, Masoud Arabfard
Proximal femur geometry is an important risk factor for diagnosing and predicting hip and femur injuries. Hence, the development of an automated approach for measuring these parameters could help physicians with the early identification of hip and femur ailments. This paper presents a technique that combines the active shape model (ASM) and deep learning methodologies. First, the femur boundary is extracted by a deep learning neural network. Then, the femur's anatomical landmarks are fitted to the extracted border using the ASM method...
January 12, 2024: J Imaging Inform Med
Mohammad Aldibaja, Ryo Yanase, Naoki Suganuma
Lane graphs are very important for describing road semantics and enabling safe autonomous maneuvers using the localization and path-planning modules. These graphs are considered long-life details because of the rare changes occurring in road structures. On the other hand, the global position of the corresponding topological maps might be changed due to the necessity of updating or extending the maps using different positioning systems such as GNSS/INS-RTK (GIR), Dead-Reckoning (DR), or SLAM technologies. Therefore, the lane graphs should be transferred between maps accurately to describe the same semantics of lanes and landmarks...
January 29, 2024: Sensors
Walaa Othman, Alexey Kashevnik, Ammar Ali, Nikolay Shilov, Dmitry Ryumin
Heart rate is an essential vital sign to evaluate human health. Remote heart monitoring using cheaply available devices has become a necessity in the twenty-first century to prevent any unfortunate situation caused by the hectic pace of life. In this paper, we propose a new method based on the transformer architecture with a multi-skip connection biLSTM decoder to estimate heart rate remotely from videos. Our method is based on the skin color variation caused by the change in blood volume in its surface. The presented heart rate estimation framework consists of three main steps: (1) the segmentation of the facial region of interest (ROI) based on the landmarks obtained by 3DDFA; (2) the extraction of the spatial and global features; and (3) the estimation of the heart rate value from the obtained features based on the proposed method...
January 25, 2024: Sensors
Lorenzo Famiglini, Andrea Campagner, Marilia Barandas, Giovanni Andrea La Maida, Enrico Gallazzi, Federico Cabitza
This paper proposes a user study aimed at evaluating the impact of Class Activation Maps (CAMs) as an eXplainable AI (XAI) method in a radiological diagnostic task, the detection of thoracolumbar (TL) fractures from vertebral X-rays. In particular, we focus on two oft-neglected features of CAMs, that is granularity and coloring, in terms of what features, lower-level vs higher-level, should the maps highlight and adopting which coloring scheme, to bring better impact to the decision-making process, both in terms of diagnostic accuracy (that is effectiveness) and of user-centered dimensions, such as perceived confidence and utility (that is satisfaction), depending on case complexity, AI accuracy, and user expertise...
February 1, 2024: Computers in Biology and Medicine
Albert Mudry, Stefan K Plontke
BACKGROUND: In 1873, Hermann Schwartze and Adolf Eysell described a new surgical technique for treating mastoid disease using a mallet, chisels, and gouges of various sizes instead of trephines or drill instruments also called "modern mastoidectomy." On the 150th jubilee of this landmark article, we pay tribute by studying the reception and implementation of mastoidectomy in the 2 years following its publication. METHODS: The commentaries published in the otological and medical literature between the second part of 1873 to the end of 1875 were studied with an emphasis on the three specialized otological journals and the otological textbooks that existed during this period...
January 30, 2024: HNO
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